tv [untitled] March 15, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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project will help us evaluate what the program feasibilities are and if there are recommendations whether we can do this and at this program, and as part of the house promotion programs that we provide currently and the biggest advantage of course, is being able to draw funding from medicare. and part of the services we will get with this pilot program is to offer a workshop, and this diabetes self-management program that meets all of the programming requirements for reimbursement. and trained for additional leaders facilitaters that can lead these workshops and graduate at least, 10, participants from this workshop. the, you have to budget with the details, indicated in the packet, and i am happy to answer any questions that you
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may have. >> commissioner, loo? >> i have seen, and operating expenses, and all of these contracts, where they were in the san francisco and the san francisco senior service, what kind of service are we buying from them? >> i think that the column to really look at is the column that we separated out for diabetes self-management and this budget includes other health promotion programs which is not being modified at all and the only piece that is modified is the column that you know, the diabetes self-management, and so, what is your question, again? >> my question is, what kind of service are we buying by giving the senior center, 59,000 for three years? >> i am looking at the operating expenses, detailed. are they talking about the same thing? >> what page are you looking
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at? >> i am looking at, and it does not have a page number but i am just looking at the operating page. >> yeah. >> the last page. >> yeah. the last page. >> okay. >> and all right. san francisco, senior center, the university of san francisco. >> right. >> that is actually, the health promotion program, and those are not being modified and they are not under today's request for the 40000. >> okay. >> okay. >> i have a question. how is this different than the regular health? and are they going to be directly about the diabetes? i am just, and because it looks like it is just extra --. >> no. >> and so, what is different about this -- >> what is different in this, than in the staff has and, this one. >> correct. >> so, this particular diabetes self-management
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program that we are trying to pilot, has actually more strict requirements, and one of the specific and it is targeting for the people with diabetes, and part of the requirement is that there is a dietician who will be offering the counseling to the participants in helping them to better manage their diabetes and also, the participants will be required to provide authorizations and with their doctor, and providing lab results in terms of the monitoring and so, i know that the director of 30th street center is here and she has been very much involved in the planning stage, and she might be able to actually give a little bit more details of how this is different from the regular chronic disease, self-management class. >> yes, please. >> good morning, commissioners, this is really
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a clinical program. and the regular diabetes self-management program is not. and so, what we are doing with this funding, is exploding the opportunity to use the medicare benefit that sits and as i am under utilized throughout the united states, and when the administration on aging mcneill, during the, moneys that were made available, and many parts of the united states, are trying to see whether community programs like a center like 30th street would be able to set up a system in order to be able to actually at some point, draw down that medicare benefit. and so, the feasibility of what you are investing in right now, which has already begun in october is really good to term whether a good old fashioned senior center can put a system together that meets all of the hipa and the clinical and has the
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agreements with and is accredited diabetes program. and so this is also, going to be paying for us being reviewed by the american society of diabetes educators and so it is very different, the only similarity is that it is a classroom setting and it is the workshop and so it is the six weeks two and a half hours workshops, but the degree of the depth that we go with each of the participants is much, much, deeper. and we do need to have the critical information from the physician, that is also different than this standard healthier living and diabetes program. and so, we hope, that at the end, that we will have data, as well as being able to say, what would it cost, on an ongoing basis, to be able to do this kind of program in a community setting? >> right now, we don't know. and, i think that what we are doing as a community, is also trying to see, just like the
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transitional care program that you are aware of and it is now drawing down the medicare money in the past we used to call it coming home and homecoming which was totally funded by dos and so, the effort on a national basis is to see, whether now is the affordable care act, changing and the hospitals and the health plans all being more having to take more responsibility for the patients this might be an opportunity for the community programs to draw down another funding source. >> i have one more. and i am wondering how would you manage the clients if some are on the, and if i have diabetic who is not on a diet but on a special diet and those that are not coming into the program, how do you plan to manage. >> this is a real commitment on the part of people, because you have to go through a screening, to make sure that you are eligible,
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and then, it is a commitment, and it does not matter in terms of where the people are at in their diabetes management at this moment when they get into this program, the hope is from the beginning until the end there will be an improvement in how they are managing their glucose and etc. etc. and so the idea is that you, you basically have to have a diagnosis, of diabetes and not prediabetes and that is how specific this and we hope that we are doing it first on a small basis, sthaoe so that we can control the different factors including all of this clinical stuff that the physicians and the hospitals get nervous about how we are going to be sharing that and so we are developing all of the components and all of that review process. and so, if a person is on a special diet and they have diabetes and they are welcome to participate in this. but it is a commitment of 6 weeks, and we hope that the people who do it, not only see it as a benefit for them
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but possibly for a benefit for the community to begin to offer this kind of service. >> commissioner? >> well, i know that 30th street has a pace site there on the same campus, is there any inner face given the hipa complaints? >> there is no interaction, because pace has a strict compliance and licensing and what we will do though is that we will use the expertise of the on log government affairs person who actually sets up and has the, and has the compliance on medicare down like a science and so we will definitely draw from the organizations background and expertise. >> great. >> but it won't be directly connected to pace. >> commissioner loo? >> you said the program started in october. how many clients do you have now in the program? >> so the first part of the program was research and development. and we did not know exactly
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what was going to take so we have not served any specific clients yet. i really want and i hope that the people will look at this as a feasibility study and setting up the structure and getting the right players and the right positions, and developing the policy and procedures. and i mean that we have a whole, administrative piece of this that was starting way back in october and the pilot, where we are actually going to have the participants in a served is in april. >> and so, we are now in the process of recruiting, and we hope to get, maybe if we can, a 15 committed people and again, we are not doing the large numbers, because we really want to be able to manage it, and every single participant has a clinical session, with the rd, and both, at the beginning and sometimes, during, and even at the end. and so, it is going to and it is more intensive and it is more indepth and once we work out the bugs and we figure out how much that is cost and
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then dos and the community can decide whether this is something that is worth all of our while to go forward but it is really more of a development grant, not a lot of people who are going to be served in it at least initially. >> and all for your program. >> well, because i wanted to be a small, we are basically we have an out reach person that is going out to all of our active sites and all of our healthy coalition folks know about it as well as we have a valley voice in march and the article, or the flier is there and how to get involved. and we are conducting it in english the first time. again, because of issues of getting all of the people together at the right place, and again, we hope that afterwards, we will be able to offer it to the folks of a lot of a different language, you know that 30th street has a lot of spanish speaking diabetics but we are not prepared to serve all of
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them, we are promoting it and it is slow, and making the commitment in 6 weeks and even the standard healthier living is quite a challenge. >> thank you. >> commissioner ow. >> enlighten me, i am confused, i thought that you were using these standard wellness program. you know? it has been tested. and it works. now, you are telling me that you are doing a pilot program? >> okay, so commissioner, let me and hopefully i can be clear and i am happy to talk to you off line. >> there is a standard stanford model but they cannot draw down medicare money because they don't have the system set in place for the clinical piece and so the difference iss between the workshops and the curriculum, they are very similar. and the diabetes program that stand ford has created is
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similar. the difference is that the way that we conduct it, with the participants involvement in physicians and the healthcare involvement is much more clinical and the standard stanford model is not clinical, and it is very, peer driven and it is, and they follow a curriculum and this difference is that we litarilely get the record and the medical information from the physician to use as a pretest, to the efficacy of the program at the end. and then, have all of the systems in place, that we get accredited as an enty, and then, we are establishing a medicare number, which right now, most community programs don't have to be able to build, and so it is, and it is a lot of layers, and i am actually quite amazed at how much, energy is going into this. but the hope is that we will learn something that could be useful in the long run. >> i don't know if that
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clarifies, but the curriculum is the same and the delivery is different and the reimbursement in the long run will be different if we get those pieces together and get approved. >> the standard model do not have reimbursement. >> no, right now dos is the defender for the healthier living and thanks for linda and dos leadership we have health promotion programs that we never had before but they are it and if we could do something else and get it established by the reimbursement and other entities we will all benefit from that. all right, good luck and i hope that you have a successful. >> just a minute. i hope that you have a successful program. when you have the reimbursement and the dos recipient of the reimbursement. >> yeah, hopefully what that means is more for everybody at the end.
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>> yeah. >> and dos, the recipient. >> no at this point it will come through onwalk if we actually ever got medicare money it would come through our organization at this time. and we would just be able to expand more of what dos has already given us in terms of the seed money for health promotion programs. >> at least somebody is getting the money. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> hearing none, i will call for the vote, all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? >> ayes have it and so the motion is carried. >> announcements? >> >> announcements? >> hearing none. and okay. >> commissioners i want to i am very pleased to announce and we have to share this with our providers as well, there is a tichi and the fall prevention, and it is a certificated trainer workshop two days, and on march 28, 29, and this is one
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of the programs that we will be helping to sponsor with the snap funding and i have some fliers that i brought on the table. and you are welcome to share it with any interested in getting trained and our goal is to have these trainers being able to offer the simplified tichi program that is also evidence-based and it is another one that we wanted to be able to increase the type of activities that we can offer the seniors at the various senior centers. >> thank you. >> and could i ask a question. >> hello again, and i asked it, and, and we you set aside the money and the trainer to san francisco and is this the treatment. >> you have some good memories, and we will be actually bringing this information back at the april first, and commission meeting
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for contract modification, and the trainer is actually from the bay area, and you know, those will be shared, and but a discussion is still being going on and we don't have anything final yet but in order to expand and expend the grant, we need to get the workshop and advertise it in advance and this master trainer has actual agreed and she knows that she is not going to be paid until we have the grants approved and all of that. but, this is going and it is part of that money, yes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> now, any other announcements. okay. public comment? >> public comment? >> >> president, james, and commissioners, and steven, the executive director to the senior center, and i wanted to respond commissioner loo because i do have that
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information that 5,000 dollar, off side contract is to our marketing. committee communication and contract and services for us to produce, our brochures or our information or our out reach and part that have is that the manuals are bilingual now and not just in english and we have to do for the clients, korean, and japanese and chinese and the other part of that is being competitive in this very competitive market and we have to have a website and the onlier founder, was morery and this year is the 45th year of coming in with a heart and a dream to do something for our senior and now we are the community service centers with our colleagues and this audience and it is a very, competitive difficult process, and the seniors are there, in san francisco, and the senior center just does not serve the japanese community, and we have korean and we have chinese and we have anybody
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that has a mobility to take a bus and come to our program and then come by the drills. and so i just wanted to be able to say that that 37 percent increase, and for us to try to do the services, and to do it right can only occur through the support of staff, and also the staff that is out here and our analyst monte and to you commissioner to approve that as well the telephone calls are part of the higher calls now for telecommunication and cell phones which are trying to be competitive and trying to change old school kinds of concepts without losing the heart of service and trying to meet the needs of our senior and so thank you so much commissioners and staff and monte for your support >> thank you for response. >> thank you. >> any other public comment? >> hearing none, i will entertain a motion to adjourn. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay, it has been moved
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tuesday march third of the traefksz just a few housekeeping items keep our cell phones on vibrant or turn them off if you have a comment you're welcome to come when i invite public comment and fill out a speaker card to complete our name and also what item you're speaking about hand to the staff and feinstein to sfgovtv immediate services for presenting this live to the public every time we meet we're going to go ahead and start with the roll call. >> okay there you go good evening commissioner commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner tan. >> commissioner moshoyannis we have quorum. >> quorum all right. welcome to
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commissioner cal enough our new representative we'll hearing more from her in a second do we have to wait for the labels to come on. >> the technical issue for the audience is that the board meeting still happening in chambers so thankful limited the camera ability i'm not sure yeah. when they're done down there that will change-up but either way it is recorded for the purpose of the minutes so. >> perfect just wanted to double check that we have to have a relatively speedy meeting first ours public comment any item on matters related to the entertainment commission that is currently not agendize any public comment that you want to speak to all right. i don't see
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any public comment it is close as a point of order i'm trying to leave workforce well we would like to make that a speedy meeting because we don't have a having to take over the meeting i have to leave her others 6:30 can i insert that is a point of order for our staff can i insert a motion or ask for a motion right now for a chair. >> i'm going to say yes, we'll make a motion. >> i'd like to entertain a motion for a nomination for a chair after i depart. >> i'll nominate commissioner lee and i'm going making a motion for commissioner lee. >> is there a second. >> second. >> all right. can we take a quick vote.
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>> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner chief administrative officer enough and commissioner tan and commissioner moshoyannis. >> good luck steven our next item is approve the minutes we would like to continue we don't have all of the minutes in front of us can i entertain that motion. >> can i continue that. >> i'll make a motion to continue to the next meeting. >> second. >> all right. there is a motion and a second. >> same house, same call? thank you. >> great moving on to item 3 the report from the executive director of the staff. >> excuse me. commissioners i'm a little bit tired we proud the 90s last time i'm sorry none of you were there it went oh, well
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some people were there and audrey is unifying not here because she also had a lot of work to do i'm sure you'll hear about it i'm going to make that speedy so i don't screw up i wanted to remind the commissioners if you didn't read about it in the paper we have a hearing on the 23rd of february at the board of supervisors regarding our last night early morning transit work there was a lot of media attention on the report it's and it exists on line if you're interested in reading this is land use and supervisor wiener indicated to me and to the rest of the committee that he intended to
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fund future research around the initial so this report we wrote relative to what we could do in the future it a road map to improve last night transit that he will support in a policy way we are going to requeen the working group and if other commissioners are interested in being part of that let me know. >> and again, we do intend to bring this report review to you as a commission as well and i'm - what i'm waiting on the supervisors office to roll out a road shows as 2 were i expect in the month so you can see you know the sum of the events and some of the ideas that have come out of the report in the
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meantime point to me and i'll point you on line we continue to pursue supervisor kim's office related to riseing the llp to include areas south of market that currently don't allow live performance permit so when that is introduced we'll let you know keep you informed it is simple the drafting of the piece of legislation didn't mean it is going to move through the plaza spaces but be that as it may i was in los angeles two weeks ago from the 16 is to the 20 to represent this commission and the city at a conference 0 on the hospitality there were a few members of the police department that were through representing the city in
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terms of last night policing 0 the focus of the conference i found it interesting i'd like to hear from any think lieutenant falling zone who that might be in the back i can't see him it was there to let you know he thought it was as good as i thought i want to make sure that we look good to other cities from the cities all over north america canada we're a pioneer in terms of night life and entertainment regulations across north america we have a ways to go in terms of policing i mean policing what we do in many areas a unit of police that know night life and how to police night life and are cholgz based
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on the criteria that makes them suitable it is not everyone's for at a as a police to work with maybe drunk people and folks that need anymore direction so i hope to pursue that with our chief with the help of lieutenant so we'll see how that goes and as you mentioned president tan we have a new commissioner chief administrative officer one half i think i'll let you speaks for itself you want to introduce uterus. >> thank you hi, i'm dorsey and this is a very new role i got sworn in 15 minutes ago (laughter). >> i'm very excited to be here
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and work you and i have big shoes to fill i'm taking ann k07bd asset. >> high heals. >> i'm going to keep to short glad to meet everyone i'm a good listener. >> i put her on the spot i apologize so, yeah don't expect her to understand a lot of what you're doing she'll figure this out as quickly as possible and i'll help her along so then lastly under the heading of staff and office update is an update for the commission relative to the superbowl i mean, we'll be hosting the superbowl in the san francisco bay area in less than a year at this point so for us it's been 30 or wherever the events come to san francisco and in this case to
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