tv [untitled] March 15, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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juicy and i'm very tired i want to thank -- i mean gascone chief he said he's going to be doing a lot more work with sro hotels and black woman's sons who have been shot in the city and i thank god he knows something that's going on in our hotels and i'm also here to say i'm really looking forward for our police officers in san francisco to get the cameras i hope we're going to be a city that will have cameras very soon and i'd like to see the police walking up market street and it says one of these weekends it's saint patrick's weekend and new year's and i'm tired and i just really want you all to have cameras and i want more attention given to
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indoors as well as the outdoors and streets in san francisco we we must be safe inside as well as outdoors and i'm saying that foreseen i that for, seniors and we do need working cameras all over the city inside and out so that our people people will be deterred from doing the things that they should not do and thank you. have a nice weekend i hope to see you at the parade. thank you. >> thank you juicy. >> is there any further public comment? okay hearing none public comment is now closed please call the next line item. >> chief's report and discussion review recent activities and the department's proposed 2015-2016 budget. >> good evening chief.
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>> good evening i'll keep my comments short i want to defer most of it to my budget presentation. >> there was a vehicle that was spotted by another agency that we're working that lead. there's not much you can say about the tragedy and we all relive it every week with miss brown and i hope some day someone calls that phone number and we get the break we need to get for aubrey's killer too. >> as juicy stole my thunder a little bit we'll be doing it in the day time with a green
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flavor at sa at 11 and all commissioners and everybody else is invited to participate it's a lot of fun and today i i had occasion to spend the entire day with law enforcement professionals at the presidio where we discussed procedural justice and people there from washington the attorney general's office very good exchange and we have the report on 21 st century policing from the president's task force as well as the ferguson report that we'll go over to make sure that we're at least in line if not ahead of the rest of the country in what we're doing to make sure that we maintain public trust in our communities. and i'll now have the commissioner go go to the next line item.
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>> oh, i think that's me. inspect tore please go go to the next line item. >> the 2015-2016 budget. >> good evening. good evening president loftus commissioners members of the of the must be. so tonight carolyn welsh and i your budget directors are going to present the 15-16 budget very similar to the two prior years and feel free to interrupt me at any time with any questions and normally we would be presenting this budget in february prior to the city mandated deadline of february 21st but due to the community
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meetings for redistricting, we submitted the packet to to the commissioners for the for the february 11th meeting and we're here to present in public today and just to remind you of the budget process we submit the budget to the mayor's office on february on february 21st and the controller and the mayor's office review it and load the it budget and capital projects and other enhancements hopefully to the budget the mayor reviews this submits it to the board of supervisors june 1st and that's what the chief presents to the board of supervisors and we have not gotten a hearing scheduled for that yet and tonight we're going to talk very briefly of the budget overview and hiring plan going very well and capital improvement projects technology projects vehicles and new public safety building. >> so similar to prior years,
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our department budget is primarily based on general fund we have 533 $533 million in revenue and 413 million of that is general fund and state revenues are about 49.6 $49.6 million and 48 million of that is from the state public safety tax and the remainder of that is some state allocations and federal revenues or grants we've been able to secure for dna backlog and dui and narcotics enforcement and pedestrian safety grants and police services for other departments are work order departments services that we provide for other departments and we'll look at that in a few minutes and fines for services and permits and those are the permits we collect on behalf of other city departments and the traffic
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signs by the state legislature and id bureau fines are also collected in that so our revenue, again, we're a general fund department 88.6 percent of our budget is salary and fringes and represented by the blue and red area and our next area of large expenditures are professional services which is are non city owned buildings for rent utilities and maintenance and also in this category are the litigation and that's about 1.1 million $1.1 million and annual it renewals for software and licensing and others 1.1 million and copying and printing of about a million and training expenses are about another million dollars in this category and also included in
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this category is the dna testing and sexual assault kits that's 676 thousand that's $676,000 and in this area also our language line and direct translation services are about 40 $40,000. and also in this area there's 3 there's $3 million in designated funds for the id bureau and grants. another large item are materials and supplies and in this is our office supplies are officer's uniforms and safety equipment which is about 2 million $2 million and computer $2 million and computer replacements and crime lab supplies about a half a million dollars and the ma the marine fuel is 80 thousand vet bills for our an animals and
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capital projects and lease payments on finance cars is about 392 thousand $392,000 and new replacement cars this year we're scheduled to get fifty unmarked cars that's 1.6 million that's $1.6 million and we're not scheduled to get any marked cars this year and special revenue is about 300 $300,000 for id processing. and a large area of expenditures are departmental charges other departments charge us for services they provide us 39.6 $39.6.01 large expense our workers comp 14.6 million $14.6 million and city it is another ten.6 $10.6 million that includes the charges for our smartphones the ongoing expense and central shops about 5.6 $5.6 million to maintain our fleet and rent
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for city owned buildings and utilities is about 6 million $6 million and and smaller work orders with other departments da city attorney and medical examiner and this slide indicates the variety of departments we provide services to with our largest client being the airport police about 53 million $53 million and and we and we have 319 staff out at at the airport and 179 foreign officers and 171 civilians and mta and the port very similar to last year no new clients from last year. >> so this slide indicates our position and it's important to note that this is fte not head count. so the difference between 15-16 from 15-16 to
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2014-15 is primarily due to the airport requesting 43 new positions civilian positions and psas and supervisors to help with traffic flow and additional security at lost and found and improve air field security and reduce overtime at the terminals. >> can i stop you just there? sometimes the difference between what an fte and a body is it's not fully understood so if you could just explain that. >> sure so a head count is just the physical person like you know so we will be hiring for example 150 people throughout the year but the cost to the department is not 150 salaries all year long it is at what point we pick them up on the budget for example we hire people in august we hire people
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in september we hire people in january and that translates those 150 translate to about 55 fte's and the amount of funding required to carry those people in our budget. >> got it very helpful thank you. >> so that's the increase in the civilian staff and as you noticed our sworn staff isn't going up by 150 or 160 because again we're picking them up in the budget at various points in the year so the airport is getting some new civilians which they requesteded and fully funded those positions and 15 foreign officers this year and i'd note the department, we're not requesting any new civilian positions in our base budget. and if you notice 16-17 the
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budget goes up by about 15 million $15 million and that's profiler and that's primarily because we're adding the fte's into that budget as well as as the airport additional civilian positions and this slide you have seen for a few years it's our sworn hiring plan and it presents -- the the purple line that's what would have happened had we not hired we would have continued to drop and the black line is where we are now and the red line is where we need to be, the mandated level of 1971 and as you can see we're making good progress thanks to a lot of work from the commission advocating for staffing as well as the mayor's office has helped us out so with this growth we're anticipating hitting our mandated level at
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december 2017 and that's hiring 3 academy classes of about fifty a piece so about 150 or 160 officers every year and that's what has been submitted in the budget. this slide sort of details our progress thus far in 2013 we hired 183 officers and 13-14, 157 and so far this year we've graduated 122 officers and we'll have another class of fifty starting in april so that 122 will hopefully go up to 172 officers at the end of the fiscal year and that's very good progress. >> the capital projects capital improvements that's a budging process that goes through the mayor's office and dpw and this
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year i'm completing the firing range renovation haz-mat clean ups and in the golden gate stables there's been a lot of work done at the stables and a retention wall and better safety for the horses and so that's going well and 15-16 we've been funded for security fencing around the mission station that's been a request for sometime so we're looking forward to that. roof replacement at 2nd district stations and lighting carpeting and maintenance work at two additional district station station and in 16-17 we're scheduled for major improvements through the u.s. er 2 bonds so thank you to the commission for helping with the passage of the bond issuance and
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the capital projects team has been working with our facility staff prioritizing what needs to happen first and we're looking at seismic activity and that will be a good improvement over the next 7 years. so our it projects as you recall we request this funding separately through the could the coit committee and we go through a very detailed bidding project so we requested 4 projects this year continued expansion of the crime data warehouse for 750 thousand for $750,000 and that will go to increase functionality with other applications as well as increase the ucr reporting so they are looking at speed and being able to do other applications in crime data warehouse and the second project is network connectivity
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for the vehicle modems we received 400 $400,000 in the current year and requesting another 400 thousand for the upcoming year to upgrade the computers in the cars for officers and help them connect to the crime data warehouse much faster and a lot of speed on-site for the officers and our new cite is e citations through the officer's smartphones and they will be able to write tickets directly from their phones and this is a very ambitious project but we've requested 600 thousand dollars$600,000 and the committee liked that project very much last year and approved in concept but didn't give us any funding so we're going back and asking for 600 for $600,000 for that project so we can totally utilize the smartphones to write tickets
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and that would be very good and then again of course we're requesting continuing funding for our smartphones to distribute phones for the additional remaining command staff as well as our new recruits are getting smartphones when they are in the academy and that's part of their training. another area that we focussed on is vehicle replacements as we have talked about in the past most law enforcement agencies and best practices and central shops recommend replacing 100 vehicles annually and unfortunately we're not replacing 138 cars every year this year we're funded for fifty unmarked cars -- no, i'm sorry in in the current year
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we received sixty marked cars and motorcycles and in the upcoming year we're scheduled to get fifty unmarked cars only and we're requesting an enhancement for eighty marked vehicles to try to bring the fleet up to speed and that's something the chief will be working directly with the mayor on on to try to get some additional funding and the main cost of our fleet is huge. last year was 5.3 million $5.3 million and that's fuel as well as maintenance so our older cars require a lot of maintenance and as we get new cars we're able to save money if we were able to replace 138 cars every year from now to 2017, we'd save about 1.4 $1.4 million in terms of maintenance costs and with that savings we
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could purchase about 28 marked cars so there's a huge incentive for us to get new cars just from an efficiency standpoint but more importantly safety for our officers. >> so very exciting our public safety building is scheduled to open very very soon and the station is scheduled to move march march 27th and it is there and things are working and files are going over and cubicles are setup and there's some public tours that have been setup so we're very excited to move into a very nice facility. so with that i'll take any questions that you might have. colleagues? >> commissioner dejes u.s. so the it goes to the coits but
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how do you determine what's the most needed and how do you choose what's necessary and what you are going to go for? >> what happens is director merit shares that with the the chief and we sit down together and discuss what are his priorities for the department and continuing the projects that we have but really the foundation of our it is the crime data warehouse. >> i have a recollection we did an audit a long time ago on the it and i'm wondering if anyone has looked at that audit to see if there's anything outstanding that needs to to be done? >> i'm not aware but i'll certainly go back. >> maybe we should go back and see. i know there's issues with it and that was a long
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time ago. >> i know i know we're far down the road and director merit has a charge that's very ambitious and we try to get what we have a a chance to get. >> uh-huh. it's very very competitive to get funding for it projects we were fortunate to get any funding last year. i think there's a huge focus in the city on the radio replacement project which will benefit us but that's taking a lot of money as well as the controller's office is replacing the financial system that's a 60 that's a $60 million project and there's only about about ten $10 million for all the other departments to share next year. >> and switching gears to cars -- i'm wondering how do you go about picking the cars? always the same model? are we looking
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at fuel efficiency? are they sufficient? >> there is a collision rated car that's pretty much required . we did look at getting the hybrids but they aren't collision rated but that's still a conversation in progress. as director spoke to you the reason you saw it come down a little bit is because fuel costs have come down so much but there's been years we've gotten no cars and we're back getting cars again. the reason that's higher if it was on a 5-year replacement schedule then you would never leave warrant as the motorcycles require little work other than maintenance scheduling until they hit about 5 years and then they really start to get expensive so the
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presentation on the forklifts and what we're doing right now with the radios now past end of life we tend to hoard things that don't work so that we can part them out to keep things a float. >> what's the percentage of the older fleet what's the percent of cars over 5 years. >> i do believe our 1985 wagon -- we still have. and it isn't in a museum but we have it and it's still out there so there's an exemption in the california vehicle code that gets the emergency vehicles an exemption from some some of the environmental requirements and we've presented to you so we're in san francisco we'd like to be better than that we went to a smaller car for a
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little while a newer taurus but some of our larger officers can't really fit in it with all of the new equipment so now we've gone to a larger vehicle that everybody can fit in and it's all a work in progress. >> just clarification. i'm looking at the revenue and expenses which, you know is the same figure but when i look at the revenue we get 78 percent of our revenue from the general fund. >> that's directly to the department but i know where you are going with that -- so the services from other departments is general fund as well generally speaking and the airport is mostly all general funding. >> what you are talking about expenditures being eighty and
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90 percent from the general fund -- is is that -- >> it's the prop 172 the 49 $49 million is also included and that's that's the subsidy for us and there's a combination so we just call out specifically the city general fund so it's the 413 plus the 49 plus the 53. >> oh i see that makes sense otherwise it wouldn't balance. >> okay. commissioner dejes u.s. >> do we have anymore classes scheduled. >> we will have two academy classes before july 1st and then we will have a minimum of 4 minimum of -- well the scheduling -- we believe a minimum of 4 but the mayor's office is even discussing a more ambitious hiring plan than that but we believe the the 3 and 3 for this fiscal
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year and next fiscal year will be at least 4 and 4. >> vice president turman? >> thank you director gannon something i want to follow up with the the commissioner. >> i don't know specifically but i consider that general fund. about 53 million so they reimburse the department totally for everything. >> and all of that comes from the general fund. >> i can't i can't speak what every single dollar is but that's primarily their revenue that they generate at the airport. >> i think i heard you say that -- one second -- under
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professional services that about a million dollars is our training budget. is there a specific more specific breakdown of that training of the training budget budget? >> well that's what we -- i can get back with you as to more specific questions on the breakdown of the million. >> great that would be wonderful i'll check in with you on that and on the on the coit projects it projects isn't there an opportunity for us around the data storage issue we've been discussing? >> unfortunately it's for new projects not for replacement equipment so what our approach has been the past few years is trying to get money for new projects thus freeing up our
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general fund for the equipment. >> well actually i'm suggesting the issue that seems to come to us all the time is about cameras and i know data storage is one issue. >> the coit moneys are one time things for projects and the 1.7 million for data storage would be an ongoing data expense and you would have to go back every year and ask them to keep giving you the the 1.7 and if for some reason you got less than that you would have to cut 1.7 $1.7 million from something else. >> i was thinking we were launching a trial program one time event that we could certainly use coit money are you saying that's not a possibility. ? >> the purchase of the cameras and the 2 years of data
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storage. >> thank you. >> commissioner hwang. >> i'm struck by the last couple of community meetings that we've had and you said that we're not increasing the number of civilian fte's and i'm wondering have we maximized our ability to free up the sworn officers. >> in the past few years we've substituted 52 civilians for sworn officers and we have requested additionals substitutions last year and we unfortunately those positions were not approved so we we constantly look at other opportunities for civilians. >> and another 66 officers went back to patrol from the stations when we changed the work schedule. >> it looks like all the increase in civilian fte's are
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