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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT

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it's possible for newer trucks to have some sort of censors so the drivers will be able to tell if there's you know somebody in the area like either a camera or motion. i know there's some new cars that have cameras and they can tell if there's people behind them like when they are backing up and stuff like that so i'd like to see not only large trucks but also newer muni vehicles or light rails to have some sort of censor to let them know that they are there so
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they can slow down or stop if it's possible so i really like to see that in the future. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no further public comment on this item public comment on this item is now closed. >> any further comments from colleagues? okay seeing none thank you everyone for everyone's participation and actually i'm i'm sorry we have two more items. will you
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please call the next 2 items. introduction of new items 7 and 8. >> thank you seeing none we will open up for general public comment on general items. >> i had done so much work with so many groups and i switched over to keep my attention on things but i noticed when i have to drive i know it's easier
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with the improvements down certain corridors but i've noticed all of the constructions which is good for business but they are tearing up all of the streets and when you do a -- if you are going down a corridor like geary it makes it cleaner to keep your attention to the street corn ers where pedestrians are coming in. the car services, the buses, people unloaded goods and services to to restaurants makes for hard to maneuver and hard to drive environments especially friday and saturday
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nights so i commend you very much and i hope the things that i suggested that you will be able to maybe legislate and bring some of things into fruition and i think you will see a dramatic drop i think you will see a dramatic lowering of fatalities and injuries so thank you very much again and congratulations on the good work you have done so far. >> thank you. >> i'm howard bloom berg i think a general thing that should be looked at is the effective crossing time of pedestrians. it turns out that in fact the pedestrian transit times are being compressed and one of the major reasons for that is large vehicles tend to drive slowly through
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intersections and they can enter the intersection at the end of the yellow and in fact by the time they cross all of the crosswalks there's about 2 or so seconds often taken off the time that a pedestrian can cross and i've noticed that perhaps one of the reasons that or one of the evidences really that pedestrians are having a difficult time is in 2014 looking at the traffic fatalities over half of them were considered the fault of the pedestrian themselves and all of the bicycle fatalities were considered the fault of the bicyclists and all of the motorcycle fatalities were considered the fault of the motorcycle so i think i'm not trying to blame things this is going against the usual concept that two-thirds of the accidents are due to drivers but we seemed to have a a
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shift last year and i don't know the reason but i think it should should be investigated and look at the effective times for pedestrians to cross intersections and i think it's been reduced and also by cars with the yellow concept cars can enter the intersection right at the beginning of a red light thank you. >> thank you for being here today. >> first request is that there be some justification given for why the -- this being a data driven plan we know also that there is a lot of data that talks about economic vitality let alone safety and health
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issues and there's reams and reams of information about that and that's what we're working on so the reason for part of that initial plan being changed in the 11th hour isn't clear and we'd like to see the data on that. failing adequate data we'd really like to see that block rein-stated in the plan for a raised cycle way thank you. >> thank you and congratulations . >> okay seeing no further general public comment general public comment is now closed. >> just finishing what i said -- i think that there's a lot that has happened over the last year and i think i'm really proud of what we've accomplished so far and i know that we have much more work to do but we have a dedicated group of folks to make this happen and we'll make sure to schedule our next meeting in a
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relevant fashion and we need the resources to make it reality and seeing no further announcements our meeting is adjourned. @p
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is now called to order roll call please. ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton marry ms. wynns dr. murase smooth and mr. chinning. >> thank you please join me in the pledges and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all