tv [untitled] March 17, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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[ gavel ] good afternoon. it is 1:03 this is the regular meeting of the commission on community investment and infrastructure. the success or agency commission to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday march 3, 2015. welcome to members of the public. madam secretary, please call the first item. >> thank you, madam chair. the first order of business is item 1, roll call. commission members, please respond when i call your name. commissioner mondejar >> here. >> commissioner singh? >> here. >> commissioner bustos, here. commissioner rosales. all members are
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present. the next regular scheduled meeting of march 15 2015, at city hall. b announcements of prohibition of sound producing electric ig devices during meeting. please be adviced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be adviced that the chair may order the removal from meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of or use of a cellphone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. item 3. report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting. four. matters of unfinished business.
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item 5. matters of new business. consent agenda. the next order of business is item 3. report of action taken. there are no reportal actions. item 4, matters of unfinished business. there are none. the next order of business is item 5, matter of new business consistenting of consent and regular agenda. first the consent agenda. 5a. approval of minutes for the regular meeting of february 3, 2015. madam chair? >> yes, thank you. 5b will be continued. so we'll only consider 5a at this time. madam secretary do we have any speaker cards? >> i do not have any speaker
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cards. >> okay. we have the minutes. >> i move. >> second. >> i just have one edit. anybody else? okay. on page 9 of the minutes referring to my comments, the last sentence i would like it to read ms. rosales mentioned she recommended the indoor murals at the airport. >> so with that edit, we can call the roll, please. city clerk: okay. when i call your name, please -- commissioner mondejar, yes, commissioner singh, yes,
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commissioner bustos, yes, madam chair rosales? yes. okay. the motion carries. we have 4 ayes. >> thank you. 5 a passes and 5b will be continued. please call the next item. the next order of business is 5c adopting environmental review findings pursuant to the california environmental quality act, conditionally approving a major phase application with hps development company lp which includes a 1, basic concept design for all residential projects on block 48 granting a density bonus and requiring eight additional below market rate housing units on-site for a total of 404 housing units, and 2 #shgs schematic design and ancillaryey documents for phase 1 aaron matas: of block 48 generally bounding by navy road on the
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north boundary, earl on the eastboundary, oakdale avenue on the west boundary and pockets parks 4 and 5 on the southboundary for a total of 47 housing units. hunters point shipyard project area. madam director? >> thank you, madam secretary. good afternoon to commissioners and members of the public. this you for joining us. commissioners we have seen a number of designs related to hill top hunters point shipyard phase one dda and this is the first overall concept design you will see for block 48 which is a bit of a misnomer. it's actually up to 404 units if you approve the density units which is in multiple blocks and multiple phases. you have the schematic design for the four phases. i would like the
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manager to walk you through these items. >> thank you madam director and greetings and commissioners, rosales project manager for office of community investment and infrastructure. i hope this slide is showing up. yeah. here we go. i just want to give you a quick overview of what this presentation will be about. first describe what your action is being considered here before you. to what the hunters point shipyard and giving you an overview of the a major phase application for block 48 and phase 1a. >> so the action at the commission is considering a conditional approval for block 48 which includes a conceptual design for all of block 48 as well as a density bonus which will
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provide for a modification for the development controls and you will be approving a schematic design and you will see that referred to in your slides. as well as other customary documents related to horizontal infrastructure and the vertical portion and development of vertical dda's. also as you are approving this item you will be making environmental findings for california environmental quality act known as ceqa. so here is a map familiar to all members of the public of the shipyard, it's context. it's almost 800 acres altogether with candlestick point. it's in the southeast corner of san francisco. and developing the project in two phases, approved in
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2003 and 2003 over all housing availability part of the housing development there. this 3 million square feet of office space in redevelopment space. in total, altogether this project will generate over 12,000 jobs every year and over $90 million of community benefits. so let's move into major phase design. you can see here this high level size map of top phase one. we have here to the commission's left but to my right the overall land project both phase 1 and 2 dda's. you can't see it, it's small but it's the biggest component, the last portion of over 400
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units. we call this block 48. it was created that way. a single block, basically town homes and a much denser more smart we think urban design for the project to increase density on this block. at it's full scale 404 units. just over 10 1/2 percent of them will be affordable at 80 percent of area medium income and the developer will have a minimum to one parking across the project and ample on-site parking as well. so this is hard to see on the screen, hopefully your printouts will show a better detail. this is subphase 1 a approximately 47 units. before i begin with the specifics of the major phase here, i want to introduce the team that brought these designs to the
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project here. first i want to introduce brian zu and randy from lan ar. eagle environmental construction. we have mr. ronald and millet on watson is here representing the team. i want to thank him for coming. i didn't see any of thec. cac members. mr. joseph president of the house. i want to recognize them. last but not least certainly one of the more important parts. we have mr. an turney and mr. kelly. please stand.
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darrek henle from lanar. let me tell you what's happening on phase one in terms of construction. we have over 400 units with development with just over 100 of them being affordable at 80 percent of medium income and block 49 is understand construction and that's rental project. approximately 350 units are under construction today. we hope to have move in next month and perhaps some moving in next month and ground breaking which is another 136 units that you approved recently breaking ground in probably another 4 months. it's very active on the shipyard. here is just a high level summary for the development. the house dath table that is part of why you are conceptual design and your schematic designs. you can see block 48 is mostly
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comprised of certain building types mostly flats and town homes and a few lots of part of this project within the 404 units. so just more so for the listening public what is the major phase in phase one is simply a process for organizing improvement and developing approvals for development at the shipyard. under the major phase application is one or more development blocks submitted with architectural design of the building, the height, bulk and massing and reports on the horizontal construction and how far along they are with the project on this side in particular, there is not as much as has been completed on the hill top. they probably have about 30 percent of the horizontal infrastructure completed and you will see that in the infrastructure report. it also includes information on the housing and it provides what is the
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overall development program including where the units proposed and where they are on those units and it includes the vertical ddi. the form used on this project is substantially same as the previous development. the previous development did not include the original development, that is the only addition to the ddi. for this project, staff has determined the project is complete and consistent with the phase one ddi and the schedule performance and hunters point shipyard redevelopment plan and phase one for development. all elements with the major phase apg -- application with the revising committee and we bring this forward to you. so in order to buildup the 404 units the developer requires development control modifications under the phase one design development. the
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shipyard redevelopment plan and basically what they would like to do is exceed the allowed density to 65 units per acre. they would like to increase their heights up to 45 feet which is essentially one extra floor across the site and reduce the amount of common and private but basically all private within the buildings open space from 125 square feet per unit to 80 square feet per unit which is consistent with flat and apartment style open space requirements that are on the hill top. it making the urban design more consistent with what's on the hill top. the dood adds to this density bonus beyond what is required and as you know 10 1/2 percent of the units are already rides what it needs to be and it's more than that. the
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development needs approval for providing eight additional on-site affordable units. you will see them on your memorandum as well. we call these units density bonus units. this is the redevelopment plan and the developer is proposing that six of the density units be affordable at 120 percent of medium income. you have seen 20 percent of medium income and this will be at 120 percent because that's what the d for d and redevelopment plan allow for. the remaining two 2 units will be at 80 percent bmi. let me get into what affordable unit is and allowing for density to increase for that if they increase the
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number of bmr units for projects. those additional bmr units do not account for so they have to be in addition to what was already required. so under the government code, the state density law, it captivates at 35 percent and provides a very specific formulae required number for additional units required. our shipyard redevelopment plan and d for d allow for density bonuses as well but lowers to 25 percent. you can't go under 35 percent for our framework. but the state density bonus law does allow for specificity for number of variations that are applied. that is at least 10 percent. they would have to provide 50 percent ami
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units and that would allow for a single concession and projects have to carry at least 15 percent of 50 percent median income. ten 10 percent for the first, 20 percent for the second and 30 percent for the third and that would be in addition to what is required. today the commission is only approving the 12 percent densities bonus. that is well below the 5 percent of the ceiling in phase one. the 10 percent of the project units will be counted as density bonus units. we negotiated this with the developer, this overall percentage be applied at 20 percent. this was because we negotiated that this would be the maximum amount of the additional bmr units located here on this project while retaining the feasibility for this project as well. they have the catch up units placed on this
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side as well. so with the application of the density bonus, block 48 the development program would accommodate up to 404 units and it will be developed in six phases. the conceptual design with each distinctive to color and detail. an will tell you about more of those designs in a minute. the development is proposed for construction of phase 2a now occurring prior to phase 1b. the naming nomenclature doesn't sync up. i apologize, i know these charts are somewhat hard to see. hopefully commissioners can see them on their
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printouts. with regard to the catch up, basically on phase one, the developer is objected to provide 10 1/2 percent as units as inclusionary units. they need to be 10 1/2 percent. 300 and 600 and so on. their in compliance with the units because of the block 52 approval. if you recall we amended that. major phase approval to add one extra unit to do the catch up, the 300 units at that time. on block 50, 56 and 57, it was their right to not provide the full 10 1/2 percent at that time. 5-20 percent is allowed. they chose the ranges. that is now needing to get caught up at the block will occur. this will occur in the second phase 2a. not phase 1 ashs which is the schematic design which you see. it's phase 2a part
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of the overall conceptual design. we don't have those designs just yet. that will be required for those six catch up units to be placed on phase 2a. >> the developer has submitted detailed plans and information on proposed unit and bedroom sizes has not been confirmed yet. the gross building number don't include the full numbers yet. the title of the heading of the column is total building area square footage. that doesn't include a 30-50 percent increase in square footage. this doesn't include that. lanar has stated to us that for phase 2a there would be a minimum
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of square feet per unit and a lot bigger. brian can speak to that. this is something to change as their design team gets to progressing the designs and understanding more about the particular design into much more detail. you will see that in further schematic designs in the future. so as i mentioned the dda allows for the number of bmr unit in each project to 25 percent to 20 percent of the total number of units in that project except for every 300 units which they have to be at 10 1/2 percent. the developer account at phase 2a prior to phase 1 b. the make-up and type of six catch up units from block 55, 56, 57 can be seen on this table,
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approximations from that design at that time. it's based on the conceptual design and other information from the developer. phase 2a is generally smaller than the six catch up units from block 55, 56, 57, 700 square feet per unit. so a lot of units, a lot of unit types but i wanted to throw them all on one side so you can see them in context. there is six categories of inclusionary units. the middle 10 1/2 bmr to 22 percent of median income and
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catch up unit that are 80 percent income. you can see how they fall out on the project. the catch up units first appear in phase 2a and one of the density bonus units in median income appears as well. i won't go line byline but you can see how they are laid out from the 10 1/2 percent units to the right which are the density bonus units. >> phase 1a will meet the compliance of dda to 22 percent. i want the turn it over to mr. zubra to say a few words about the project. >> thank you. good afternoon, chair rows -- it's a unique site
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with 75 -foot from the bottom. we have tried to take advantage of the incredible views and where there are some imposing retaining walls where it would face those walls. we developed a skip type where every single unit will have a view out to the bay as to the corridor to the outside of the retaining walls. some of the highlights, multiple opportunities for small businesses. we are working with 5 sb architects including a joint venture and ark logic and
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architects. in total we are bringing 404 homes to the market. 56 of which will be below market rate and 93 percent of which are at 80 percent am i. in total 404 market homes. we have seven parks and open space and eight public parks and one regional parks. we have diversity and we have one bedroom flats for first time buyer all the way to town homes for families who want to live in the community. we are spending approximately $1.1 million on consulting than the thresholds. some of our outreach is for community meetings. we've also met with
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mariners village. today everyone has been very supportive of the project. with that i will introduce an turney from solomon architects and before that we'll bring up wilson watson which is our eastern most site here. >> good afternoon, i want to say that as far as the community builders program, we are excited to be in that program and working with lanar and brian and work on changes based on the community. we are excited about this and working on this project since 2005. we really want to get started. the community is behind us and ready to get going. thank you.
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so the master plan for hillside builds on the concept design described in the shipyard master plan for the hillside neighborhood. which is a residential neighborhood on a very steep south facing slope, but organized around a series of parks and paths. that will be for the folks living in this neighborhood and folks living as neighbors in adjacent neighborhoods. this slide which is addresses the transit access ibility. you see the muni line close to the site. it touches the lower corner, the southern most corner at crisp to hillside. the 22 muni line allows residents
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to reach bart and the t line. again, just to talk about the structure of the neighborhood, building on the network of green open spaces, two parallel streets that follow the slope oakdale and navy. and that we built on this basic infrastructure with the intend to provide a real variety of both building types and union types. and you can see in this slide and hopefully better in the hard copies in your packet that the variety of building types planned for hillside encompasses both slates which are the darker pink building town homes over parking which are the orange buildings and town homes at grade which are the yellow building. there is over 7 acres of open space and hillside and the open space in the form of both the pocket parks which we've
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there -- their way throughout neighborhood and the pedestrian path walk which gives everyone access to those terrific views to the south. the network of pocket parks is oriented with a series of singers that phase out. this illustration from the landscape master plan for the shipyard for the hillside neighborhood really helpsen encapsulate that great change from the top to the bottom of 175 and two streets of oakdale and navy of 40 feet and this idea of parks that cascade down the hill that open up to the wonderful view to the south. so that network of public open space is complementd by a network of private and common open
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