tv [untitled] March 17, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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parks which we've there -- their way throughout neighborhood and the pedestrian path walk which gives everyone access to those terrific views to the south. the network of pocket parks is oriented with a series of singers that phase out. this illustration from the landscape master plan for the shipyard for the hillside neighborhood really helpsen encapsulate that great change from the top to the bottom of 175 and two streets of oakdale and navy of 40 feet and this idea of parks that cascade down the hill that open up to the wonderful view to the south. so that network of public open space is complementd by a network of private and common open space and
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provided both at grade and in depth. as -- described, the development will take place in six phases which i will go into detail about a little bit later with a variety of architects to have a variety of hands in the architectural variety that is the best neighborhood in san francisco. off street parking is organized in order to minimize curve cuts this gives you a scale up to two 1/2 to 4 stories. less dense than the hill top
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neighborhood. this overall table which mr. casessky touched on the overall data from block 48, the phase 1a is really the only phase that has been designed in detail so a lot of the figures for the other phases will need to be resolved as the designs are worked out. to talk about phase 1a includes 47 units in four buildings and three building types. at the part of the site that's closest to mariners village at the very eastern end of the site. so, the next three slides are tables of data about phase 1a. so i'm just going to highlight a few important points but we are happy to answer questions about these.
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in phase 1a you will notice on this table, the lot covers from 45-61 percent. we are not maxing out the lot coverage. you can see in the parking some areas have one to one parking and some areas have 2 to 1 and just over 11 00 square feet. this slide i think helps to describe the range of unit types and sizes in phase 1a. so we have one bedroom loft that range in size from 740 to 847 square feet. some range in size over 1,000 to 11 square -- 1100
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to 1500 square feet. the idea here with along with variety of building types would appeal to variety of household sizes so the whole neighborhood would be able to reflect that kind of diversity. this chart, the chart at the top here with the bmr information shows the data for the 5 bmr units and there is 1bmr unit in each of the 4 blocks. three of these bmr units are corner units to really orientate those units towards the view and 4 of the 5 units 80 percent are two bedroom and above. the height here you can see that allowable height with the density bonus is 45 feet. on the actual proposed height varies from 30-45 feet. the lot coverage as i
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mentioned before is 45-51 percent, less than the 70 percent allowed. we tried to approach the off street parking in a way that would group parking entrances, group garage entrances to minimize curb cuts in order to make the streets as much as possible to create a walkable and pedestrian friendly neighborhood. so along with the building type variety, the unit type variety, units have, there is a variety of ways of providing open space. some units have open space in decks above grade and some have open space immediately adjacent to the unit. this slide which is absolutely impossible to see on the
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screen. i'm sorry it's faded out. i hope you can see it in your packet is a cartoon of the four building types and again helps i hope will give you a sense of the variety and height and variety in building height from 2-4 stories. since there is such a diversity of unit plans, i'm just going to walk you through some of our typical unit plans for hillside. on the top of the page here we have a two bedroom over a shared garage. it's a 2 story bedroom unit of the garbage -- garage on that unit. the unit plan on the bottom of the page is a 3 story three bedroom town home located at grade that would appeal to a larger family and has the upgrades. on the left is what we are calling our skip stop units. these are units in a
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town home configuration that we design to respond to a very specific site constraint on hillside which are some of the sites that are backed up against the retaining wall that you might be able to see in this model. so we realize that if we had a double corridor building with essential corridor and units on one side, some units especially on the lower floors would have a view into that retaining wall. we design the stack home type that inter locks like this that allows each town home to have, it does have a portion that faces back but each town home also has the opportunity to view south towards the bay. then on the right hand side of the page you can see some of the one bedroom loft types, so they are small one bedroom units but with a sense of expansiveness provided by the double
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height space with the loft configuration. the final sheet of unit plans shows one of the typical units for parcel p which has some of the units with two cars per unit. these are 2 and 3 bedroom town homes with the same foot print for two cars. the project really benefited from our discussions for the cac and we really appreciate the -- thoughtful comments and others on the cac. this is building 0 and it's a very similar to building n too. this was in the design of the building that we brought to the cac. you can see it's that typology with the 2 story town home over a
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shared garage. there is one curb cut that serves four spaces and the town home in the back. after the cic comment on this design asked to take a look at how we could add more detail to the design to make a building more lively, more transparent and we came up with these ideas and the sketch shows added some details, lighting, new windows and cac suptsd -- supported this direction. so the final design adds with additional railing detail, additional windows to the garage, lighting on the street and what people will experience, that additional
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liveliness and more production with the cac. this particular design in these particular units you can see the driveway, the bridge over the driveway is the open space for the two adjacent units. so that bridge is a deck. it has a divider in the middle so the open spaces are private to each unit and has a way of maintaining the streetscape along the street but at the same time allowing for the driveway and those terrific views south of the bay. here is a plan of that building type with the 2-car garages on the street. the pedestrian and spaces shared by pedestrian and autos to access the rear units which are the 3 story town homes at grade with common open space at grade and along the street are stoops for the town homes that over
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the garages. you can see this building type is with a step with the street providing that stepping roof line which is characteristic of san francisco and two 1/2 stories that are closest to mariner village. this is the second building of that type with the same type that town homes over garages and you can see that we are proposing that the town homes in the back, this bright yellow color which will bring that kind of pop of color from the rear out to the streetscape. and the landscape design for
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this block again i think to note is the land escaped area at the very right of the image which is jace enter to mariners village is a very conscious view to make that as great as possible and some on the left side and some of the 3 story town homes are open to small scale open space for families. building n 1 is the skip stop type i refer to and happy to say the cac really supported us. they really like this building design which we are very happy about. on the left are two stacked town homes over loft with an entrance at grade. you can see the stoops that lead up to the town home entries that are on the parking podium. there is a lobby entry along the street. land
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escaped areas that will help warm up the streetscape and then the town homes in the middle of the building have again these decks on the uppermost and the podium level that take advantage of that wonderful view. here is the plan of that type. maybe i will just go a little bit more quickly and let me know if there is any image that you would like me to go into more detail about. this is the type and instead of doing the double corridor, this allows every unit to have the view of the bay. the elevation of that type. and again, this building type has units with open spaces with decks and grade. this is the one bedroom units that have the open space at
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grade. this is the final building type which is building p and this building type is at the confluence of oakdale and navy. again this building will be very visible as you enter the site from mariners village. to the left of the view you see one curb cut. there is one curb cut for the lots that allows us to create the livelily streetscape. there is a rear entry for the garage doors. this is on the south side of block p so the open space for this side of this block is in the form of roof decks to enjoy that view. and the other some of the other units have their open space on the
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second floor or first floor, so even within this building type there is a variety of opportunities for open space. at the elevations whenever this building comes to a point we really thought about the design of that corner piece. so we are showing a bay that wraps that corner. again thinking about the visibility of this building as you enter the whole neighborhood from adjacent neighborhoods. and here is the landscape plan and you can see the rear loaded garages that allows us to have front doors with no lines on the street and that creates the wonderful streetscape. that concludes my presentation and happy to answer any questions you might have. >> thank you. thoszsky for
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the record. i won't read all of the approvals. they are in your memorandum. but i want to point out some of the approvals for the project for the shipyard. this is a conceptual design and schematic design for the 4 units. the phases will come to you and will go through the process with the staff and planning department and this commission in its final form. the other thing to note is that we've capped the development for the four density units for the density calculation. we don't expect it to be a change. it's fixed and the height limit is 45 feet and minimum of no less than 80 square feet per unit per the open space and the facility on the
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site is not in this phase but is planned for future phase. you will have more detail on that later and to all the dwolts -- developments and residents on that side. it's part of the overall development and will be accessible to all the residents there. so as i mentioned the other ones are very typical. the other ones you can see in the memorandum. we talked about work forces and small enterprises. there is no construction on these sizes. the structure on bayview hunters point policy will apply and that will be 50 percent goal for construction and permanent hiring and temporary hiring with 50 percent with priority for bayview residents. lanar has been at 51 percent for
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all projects that have been through this commission. and 27 percent of them are with minority owned businesses and 25 percent are with women owned businesses. breaking it down to block 48. you can see that it's 63 percent enterprise participation to date with 7 percent to minority and women owned businesses. phase 1a which is the small specific plan, they have 31 percent small business enterprise participation and to minority businesses and.5 to women owned businesses. then it's just some notes about the next step. very typical to go to the next development stage. you will see additional schematic designs going forward on the future phases and moving through the design process and hopefully a permit for construct. we'll also have to begin the
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appraisal process for the lots to be closed as part of the da process and the construction schedule to begin for phase 1 is august of this year hopefully. it's a little optimistic but we are trying to shoot for that to get these buildings going. we hope to continue this in phase 3b. that concludes this presentation. if you have questions, we are here. thank you. >> thank you for the presentation. madam secretary do we have any speaker cards? >> i do not. >> someone forget to fill out a speaker card? does someone have a speaker card to turn in so we can call you. >> mr. joseph? you can come
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up. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is jerald joseph, i am vice-president of hsn properties. we represent about 400 units in the bayview, one of which is mariners village with the home association we manage. the board wanted me to come out to say they are in full support of this development for this project. lanar has been a great neighbor and kept us informed and the neighborhood association looks forward for the development of the vacant and abandoned lot across the street which has helped the association residents to support coming up with funds and doing major repairs on this itself. i have been asked to come and let you know that the association
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along with the other 5 associations i represent in the bayview are 100 percent in support of the development. thank you. >> thank you. >> linda richardson? >> good afternoon president, rosales, commissioners, director and attorney brian. every time we come out here we know to have to push milestone. we also know that you all the key to providing housing in san francisco after you approve this item on your calendar there is a lot of need in san francisco. as a matter of fact, today's women's history month and at city hall today i brought young women, graduates, some of them are
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living in the basement of their parents. wouldn't it be nice if we can provide more avenues for some of the young people in san francisco right now we seem to have an explosion of them. they want to work in the tech industry, the law firms, they are very creative. we support you and would like you to move this project forward. i think we should be having this every month two or three meetings like this where we come become -- before you and we have these types of projects. we really appreciate your time and you need to be told that we really do appreciate your time. we are working in the community again to make sure that before items come before you that the community has a chance. dr. hanukkah should be talking to you and give you the scope of what is
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going on in the community. i would like to take this opportunity to congratulations mr. wilson of the community builder the key part of this community development and in compliance of all the obligation that the community has setforth. on that note, thank you again for your time and approving this project. we'll be back. thank you. >> dr. veronica honey cat? >> good afternoon. president rosales and all of you wonderful commissioners and our executive director tiffany bohee and as always our attorney robert brian. it is good to see all of you. i want to thank you for this opportunity to speak with you. you need to know that we at the cac for the shipyard have heard the
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details of block 48 in our subcommittees and in our general cac meeting. we understand the phase and approach to this development. we at the cac have been active partners particularly with the aesthetics of the buildings that are the intent of the area. our intent was not to have the building look too boxy and have an aesthetic look which is a wonderful go to destination in the bayview hunters point area. the staff was wonderful and they went along with us and they understand what we are to do with the project. we are very excited about other benefits that will rument -- result from the block 48 project. we concur and we approve with this approach on the project and urge
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you to move forward with this development. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> no more speaker cards? okay. so, public comment is closed. do we have comments and questions or questions from commissioners >> i do. i have a few so bear with me. so it looks like there is going to be an additional 40 units being built because of the density bonus that you want us to approve? besides the mandatory affordable housing units what are we getting as a result of these additional 40 units? >> the community benefits agreements for phase 1 includes a variety of things that are not clearly associated with each vertical development. they are sort of in addition to.
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the key development described for the project in terms of vertical are the open space. so the open space that's created adjacent to the lot. their community benefits programs that are existing and on going today so the construction assistance program, the cap program. >> will those be, because the 40 units are obviously going to bring more money to lanar. so what is, besides the obvious of the open space that obviously everyone is going to enjoy but what else is there? >> there is a community benefit agreement that lays out the groundwork that the developer has to pay for and divide. one is a small business program, that is three folks that assist small contractors with getting, not getting contracts but understanding the bids and helping them produce bids. that's a community benefit. the site office that is there, that is community
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information center, that is a point of communication for the community, that's paid for by lanar part of what's required for them to provide. the first time home buyer services. the lanar i think has a contract for outreach with san francisco housing development corporation to assist first time home buyers and provide them education for first time home buyer opportunities. phase 2 community benefit are active and they don't recognize that it's a phase 1, phase 2 project on going benefits. >> there is not a little extra being put into this stuff as a result of the new units? >> no. it's all required as it is today. there is no additional community benefits that are a result of this aside from additional affordable housing that is required otherwise they wouldn't have to
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provide it. >> okay. and then on phase 2a, the catch up units, so you said that they are going to be put in in another section, right? >> yes. >> are we trying to get autumn the bmr units are they going to be lumped together, i thought we wanted to spread them out so everybody can enjoy stuff. >> absolutely. there are two parts of the dda that have to be closely coordinated. one is the right of the developer to include a minimum of 5 percent and maximum of 20 percent bmr within each project. that has to be trued up every hundred units. what happens is depends on how many of those were deferred, let's say, you can then have them moved over to another site but that's part of the ability of the developer to say this project is no the that
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feasible. i would like to reduce that bmr there and move it to the site. that is something that is a feature as part of the phase 1 dda as it stands. that happens that the 600-unit is phase 2a. then any units that were deferred up in will that point if you had 6, you had 5. block 52 we had one. in this case you had 6 so it's in a larger pool which is part of the reason why lanar moved it up from phase 1b. that's 50 units versus 164. as they have explained to me part of their rational. they are supposed to be distributed throughout but there is a feature that is a slight bit of clumpiness but part of the process. >> the commission monitors it. every 300 units will have to true
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it up and god willing we'll see the true up. yes. >> my last question, which goes to my mantra and i'm glad the folks from lanar are here. one of the things that is important to me as a city san franciscan and as a commissioner is the amount of business that is going to local people. i have said this before and i will say it again. i think a lot of people in the community have had to put up with a lot whether it was neglect by the city for many years or a lot of the construction and in some cases there is a lot of displacement like we find in the mission. it's important that
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