tv [untitled] March 17, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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tragic as it was, it was great to not only see our two officers but the community and the officers coming together. it really takes a community to do this work. thank you and i'm really happy and honored to be a part of recognizing such an important group of people. [speaking spanish]. >> just a translation. she says thank you to everyoneho supported this community and its initiatives. we'll continue to work as a team. thank you again. [applause] >> just squeeze in. (laughter) >> okay. it looks like the paparazzi is done taking photos. congratulations to everyone and thank you all so much for your hard work. madam
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president, can we please return to roll call? >> yes. supervisors campos, you're first to return to business. >> thank you madam clerk. let me start by doing a memoriam by one of the most recent deaths in honor of district resident, a 38-year old father of three children who sadly passed away in the
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hospital due to injuries to smoke inhalation. mr. shafty and their children were in their home at 33 on 4th avenue when a fire broke out at 3:30 in the morning of last week. his wife and sons, age 6, 7 and 13 are currently at san francisco memorial hospital at the burn unit where they are recovering. his 13-year old daughter remains at san francisco general hospital in critical condition. our prayers remain with her. he was known as a kind citizen, a doting father and our thoughts and prayers are with them today. i ask that we close the meeting today in his memory. the second point related to
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this fire and the other fires that have taken place in the last few weeks refers to a hearing that i will be holding this thursday, a hearing to address the problem with fires and to discuss the fires that have been taking place in the mission. there are many unanswered questions regarding the two recent fires in the mission. the one that took place on january 28th and we recognized people who helped with that effort today in the fire that took place on wednesday on 24th and tree. while the attorney is in the process of drafting legislation that will look at various fire prevention strategies and i also want to thank supervisors kim and her office who are working with us. i think it's important even as that legislation is being drafted that we stuff what's happening in this neighborhood at the hearing before the neighborhood
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services and safety committee. i've asked the fire department and department of building inspections to come and report on /trepb easy and data regarding the costs causes of /tpaoeursz in the mission. i specifically want to get information about what is happening in the last few weeks compared to prior trends. i want to understand whether we are in fact experiencing more fires in this neighborhood. we want to know to what extent that we have that information available at this point, what exactly is the cause of those fires. during the same committee meeting, i will also be holding a hearing with the san francisco public utilities commission on the persistent flooding problems that we're dealing with in the neighborhood of 17th and follow
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some. the last point i want to make is some concerns that has essentially gone viral in social media. yesterday, we blame aware of an outrageous loophole in our tenant protection laws. one of our tenants made notice in terms of tendency that she received from her landlord and ten /afpblt she received a notice that she will have to pay a 400 percent increase in rent. the notice also provided that this tenant provide a security amount of 4, $500, the amount
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they expect to be paid by may 5th. deb has been living in this 2-unit building for more than 2 years and this is a building, an apartment that, until now, has been covered by rent control. her building previously had another unit and tenant living in it. about a year ago, the tenant left that unit and subsequent to that, the landlord removed the kitchen and bathroom and called that unit a storage space and claimed that the rent controlled laws that had been protecting these units no longer apply because this unit is now a single family home. had the second unit been legal, the landlord would have had to seek permission to merge the 2 units prior to withdrawing the second /tpraoupbt the market. and since the second unit was
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illegal, she was able to use this loophole to remove this unit from the loophole and to now say that this unit where this individual has been living for more than 10 years is no longer protected by rent control. by raising the rent 400 percent and demanding a five figure securing deposit, the landlord is effectively evicting this tenant. there's no way this individual can pay that amount. this is essentially an eviction. as we look at this tragic situation, i have asked the city attorney to draft a possible legislation to address this loophole including, not only a legislative fix here at city hall but also to look at whether or not the city can
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legally intervene including the action to prevent this individual from leaving this unit that is rent controlled. take the meaningful action to address the wide scale displacement that is taking place. if this landlord can do that with this unit, then rent control in san francisco is truly in danger. the status is simply unacceptable and we as a city need to do everything we can to protect our residents. if rent control can be circumvented in this way in which this landlord is doing, this thousands of our residents are truly in danger of being displaced. the rest, i submit >> thank you supervisor
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campos, supervisors cowen. >> good afternoon, everyone. last year in response to several concerns across the district, particularly hearing from neighbors in patrol hill and dog patch, i asked the city to provide a better legislature for a better parking permit. my supervisor constituent supervisor farrell was working on something similar. while we need new housing and construction here in our city, we also have residents and building owners that are living among all of this chaos. this legislation requires contractors to begin to think strategically about what parking they will really need, how long they will need this parking and whether or not
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there are other available options that might mitigate the impact to the surrounding community. we need to share our city's limited parking resources and this strikes the right balance between allowing important work to take place in a way that minimizes the impact to our neighborhoods and to our residents as well as provide the public with some transparent information to hold contractors accountable. i would like to thank supervisor farrell for his partnership on this item that comes before us. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, i have two items to speak to you about specifically. first of all, and to back up supervisor cohen's comments, it's not a surprise that the shared amount of construction work is having
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an impact on the liveliness and impact on to our residents in our neighborhoods. just ask anybody trying to walk, cross or bike by this point. the volume within our neighborhoods, the parking is scarce in particular with the parking permits. permits can sit empty for days at a time. with over 250 permits obtained per week, i do believe the city can be more proactive about letting our residents know about the impact that is going to be happening to them in their neighborhoods. so today, i'm introducing with supervisor cohen as well as supervisor wiener and breed as cosponsors,
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they can request no more than one permit for a maximum of 3 months. the parking will go back to use after 4:00 p.m. to the public for use. it makes the parking plan a prerequisite for the parking permits. the number of spaces requested in rationale, the average number of employees anticipated each day of the site, the timeline of the project and a requirement from the contractor to notify the city of any changes, whether it is feasible to use carpooling or other off site parking like nearby garage parking. the parking will go to the public by 4:00 p.m. if
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that space is being unused. understanding the impact of the project on the neighborhood and neighborhood parking supply. i do believe that this is a simple strict 4-piece of legislation that will have a very positive impact in our neighborhoods of san francisco. i want to thank both supervisor cohen's office for their hard work on this topic. i'm happy that we're able to merge our efforts together. i want to thank d b -- d p w for then extrusion consultation for this project. we want to get a better impact on the parking and hopefully include the quality of life in our neighborhoods. i look forward to the discussion community and ultimately, of course, hope to have your support. second of all, today, i'm introducing along with
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supervisor mar and supervisor campos as cosponsors, two amendments to our recently retail workers bill of rights. i support the concept of the bill of rights because i do believe it's good policies. i do want to thank everyone of my /khraoeugs that was behind that legislation. i want to say i'm a strong supporter of worker's rights and i believe the retail employees should have the right to work more hours and earn more income if they wish. the retail employees should be able to give extra hours even without this ordinance. our amendments today focus on helping small businesses here in san francisco and to assure that the former agreements in retail it establishes are respected. it would cheng the thresholds that will have to comply with this to 20 police
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to 40 or more employees. covering employees and retail it establishes to respect this ordinance. it's important to get it right because it's indeed that future policies we're seeing are springing up in other parts of the country and the state. make sure the small to mid-size businesses here in san francisco, i believe we all continue to want to protect and seek to protect aren't equated on the same scale. many medium size businesses here don't have the same resources as other it establishes. they have the right to collective bargaining and again, it's something we constantly seek to up hold and
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respect. since collective bargaining agreements are discussed as length, i want to assure the legislation respects those agreements. colleagues, i hope today that the introduction of these amendments are simple and straight forward. i believe they strengthen our current policy by further clarifying details. i also want to say i know there was discussion here at the board city hall around additional amendments and those discussions may continue. i look forward to the discussion we will ensue about this. i want to thank my colleagues and all the advocates and employers that are continuing to work on this legislation so we get it right. i look forward to having this before the committee. the rest i submit >> thank you supervisors farrell. supervisor kim. >> thank you. i want to thank you for the passage last
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week by supervisor cheng and myself. it's how sexual assaults on colleges and universities are handled. as we continue to celebrate in march, i want to talk to you about the violence and sexual assault going on in colleges and universities. more over, the most recent data we have on or off the campus, it doesn't truly matter when it comes to vulnerability. ages 18 to 24 are higher a higher risk of
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being sexually assaulted. half of sexual assaults are by 14 years old almost at 44 percent. a comprehensive explanation of firmive consent and a road map of how to deal with a culture that still engages overwhelmingly in victim blaming. therefore today, i'm requesting a hearing that is being taught around our schools and i'm looking forward to collaborating with the board of education to look at how we are providing the tools of education at an early age that our young people need to end assault and rape. young women across the country and in canada are spear heading a campaign to ensure that a good curriculum is being included in schools. we want to make sure
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we're following along to support the young women's efforts and make sure we're bringing it here in san francisco. second, i want to announce the completion of the 11th and 12th vision injury safety projects. the tender loin residents, our office and s f n ta worked closely on. most of our residents in the ten /tker loin whether they are seniors, kids -- i can say that again. there are families with multiple children that live in san francisco without cars. they walk and take public transit. they also live in a neighborhood with the highest rate of pedestrians with cars in the city. it's considered the highest injury corridors
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where over 60 percent of fatality is to occur. our residents take that safety very seriously. they've been working closely to brainstorm ways to increase safety for pedestrians in the tender loin. what was agreed upon is a cost effectsive treatment known as daylighting. this pedestrians safety measure has been used with success in new york city, portland and involved with moving 10 feet away from a cross walk or cross section and that includes parking spaces. by clearing spaces near cross walks, people who are about to cross the street are easier to spot. i know this from experience, it is also easier
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to see if cars are coming if there's nothing in the way. we do have one of the fastest growing senior population and of course, the highest density with families with children. anything we can do to make our pedestrians more visible but also to make it easier for pedestrians to cross and see what is coming along their way will dramatically increase the safety of our neighborhood. given the fact many of the residents don't have cars, they want to make sure they're prioritized over vehicles. i want to congratulate s f n ta, many of our tender loin residents, levers of latina, our district 6 safety group and of course, walk s f is working together collaborative over the last year and i want to
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congratulate everyone for the completion of this very important project. the rest i submit >> thank you. supervisor breed. >> colleagues, i just want to say to you this saturday, my office along with united players and san francisco police department, northern station will be hosting a gun buy back. our goal is to get guns off the street. no questions asked. the police department will be there and others. we will be paying for weapons because one of the challenges we have in our city is making sure that we get these guns off the street by any means necessary. part of that is through a gun buy back effort. if anyone knows anyone out there who wants to turn in their gun, again, no questions asked, this saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at ally hill
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hung community center. the address is 1050 mccallister street. i want to thank united players, the police department at northern police station because they've been doing a lot of outreach within the communities. our goal is to try to make sure that even if someone is not comfortable with turning in a weapon, that someone in their family can work with them and retrieve that weapon from them in order to get it out of their hands and off the street. and so please spread the word. and thank you all so much. madam clerk, the rest i submit. >> thank you madam president. supervisor campos. >> thank you. i apologize i forgot to note and make this point during introductions. i do want to thank supervisor march mar and others who are
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cosponsoring this hearing on policing here in san francisco. a lot has been said about the very hateful and horrific technicians that were published technicians among police officers. i just want to make a couple of points that i think are important. one, we had a discussion about where what's happening and what role in terms of policing and violence, where san francisco fits into that larger issue. the reason that i supported supervisors avalos' resolution on this issue is because as i said, i think that we have a very strong police department that doesn't have the level of issues that other departments have. with that said, there
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are still issues we have in our department. the disclosure of these texts, i think illustrates that point. in fact, i'm just reading the ross reports today that the investigation is actually expanding and other officers are involved and possibly, someone at the level of a captain. so i think that my understanding is that this resolution was sent back to committee and maybe this presents an opportunity for us to follow-up on the points that supervisor avalos raised. the second point that i want to make is that i'm very proud of the work that san francisco has done over the years in providing single oversight of our police department. and a very important player in that oversight is the office of citizen's complaint. we are unique in the country in the
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sense that we have an agency that is independent of the police department that is supposed to provide that oversight. and the point that i want to make is that as we see what's happening with these texts, i think that we need to make sure that we are providing the occ all the resources it needs to do its job. i think it's in the interest of both the police officers, the community and all of us to make sure that the occ has the resources it needs to actually ensure the accountability of the police department. i think it's important to begin the budget process that we collectively think about how we can increase resources for the occ. my understanding is that as of today, the occ has three investigateers to investigate all of the claims
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