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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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well, everyone this is a great time today to raise our rich flag in celebration i want to say thank you to the consul general granite for not only being here but part of the great celebration between san francisco and ireland i obviously am thrilled to have our core sister city and remember the floeshz time i had being or being think grand mary in the city that's where i met the people wonderful people and again, thank you to mark
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good afternoon everybody and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisor' meeting and happy st. patrick's day. please call the roll. >> supervisor avalos. >> avalos present. >> president breed. >> breed present. >> campos present. >> supervisor christensen. >> present. >> supervisor cohen. >> present. >> supervisor farrell. >> present. >> supervisor kim? >> top of the morning. [laughter ] >> kim present. supervisor mar. >> mar present. >> supervisor tang. >> tang present. >> supervisor wiener not present. supervisor yee? >> present. >> yee present >> madame president, you have aquorum. >> okay. would everyone please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation
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under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> okay at this time are there any changes for the february 10th board meeting minutes? seeing no members on the roster, is there a motion to approve those minutes pending public comment? moved by supervisor christensen, seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. madame clerk, are there any communications? >> yes, madame president i have received a communication from supervisor scott wiener informing us of his trip to washington, d.c. with the metropolitan transportation commission for regional transit funding lobbying trip and requests to be excused from today's meeting. >> okay. is there a motion to excuse --
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motion by supervisor farrell, seconded by supervisor mar. supervisor wiener is excused from today's meeting. [ gavel ] >> okay. madame clerk, can you please read the consent agenda. >> items 1-13 are considered routine unless a member objects. an item may be removed and considered separately. >> seeing no members on the roster, madame clerk, can you please call the roll. >> on items 1-13, supervisor mar? >> aye. >> marway. >> supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. >> supervisor wiener is excused. supervisor yee? >> aye. >> yee aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> avalos aye. >> supervisor breed? >> aye. >> breed aye. >> supervisor campos? >> campos aye. >> supervisor christensen? >> aye. >> aye. >> supervisor chone. >> chone aye. >> supervisor farrell? >> aye.
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>> farrell aye. >> supervisor kim? >> aye. >> kim aye. >> ten as. >> these items are passed and adopted unanimously. madame clerk can you please call the net iteming. >> item 14 is an ordinance to amend the code to repeal article 3 which contains a license requirement and tax on transient merchants, which are currently suspended. >> same house same call without objection this ordinance is passed on the firsted read >> ing madame clerk next item, please. >> item 15 an universe to retroactively authorize the office of the tax collector treasurer to extend after100,000 grant from earned resource network for implementing the ordinance for fiscal year 15 through 2016 to provide for one grant funded position in the office of financial empowerment. >> same house, same call without objection this ordinance spased on the first reading unanimously. [ gavel ] >> madame clerk, can you call
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item no. 16. >> an ordinance to retroactively authorize the department of technology and contract administrate tossing enter into the second amendment of an agreement between the city and at&t for the city's telecommunications services by extending the term of the agreement through december 31, 2015 and increasing the not-to-exceed amount to approximately $98 million. >> same house, same call without objection this ordinance is passed on the third reading unanimously. [ gavel ] >> madame clerk, can you please call the next item. >> item 17 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to provide procedures foyer issuance of power revenue bonds by the public utilities commission of the city and county of san francisco. >> same house, same call. without objection, this item is passed on the first reading. [ gavel ] . >> unanimously. madame clerk, can you please call the next item. >> item 18 is an ordinance to approve the issuance and sale of revenue bonds by the public utilities commission in an
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aggregate principal management amount to finance various capital projects consisting of reconstruction or replacement of existing water power facilities and acquisition, et cetera for re[tphao-upbl/] energy and energy conservation. and approving the department's ceqa determination. >> same house, same call. without objection, all right no. 18 passes on the first reading. unanimously. [ gavel ] . >> madame clerk, can you please call item no. 19. >> item 19 is an ordinance to authorize the settlement of the lawsuit filed by the people of the state of california by and through the bay area air quality management district against san francisco for approximately $31,000. the lawsuit was filed march
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27th, 2012 >> is there a motion to execute excuse supervisors avalos and mar. without objection they are excused. can a you call the roll. >> item 19 supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. >> supervisor yee? >> aye. >> yee aye. >> supervisor breed? >> aye. >> breed aye. >> supervisor campos? >> aye. >> campos aye. >> supervisor christensen. >> aye. >> christensen aye. >> supervisor cohen. >> aye. >> cohen aye. >> supervisor farrell. >> aye. >> farrell aye. >> supervisor kim? kim aye. there are eight ayes. >> this ordinance is passed unanimously on the first reading. [ gavel ] . >> madame clerk, can you please call item no. 20. >> item 20 is a resolution to determine that the transfer of a type 48 on sale general public premises license from 1501 folsom street, 308 puget sound 11th street to the same address will serve the public convenience and recommending that the california department
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of alcoholic beverage control with issuance over this license. >> supervisor mar. madame clerk, can you please call the roll. >> on item 20, supervisor mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. >> supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. >> supervisor yee? >> aye. >> yee aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> avalos aye. >> supervisor breed? >> breed aye. >> supervisor campos? >> aye. >> campos aye. >> supervisor christensen? >> aye. >> christensen aye. >> supervisor chone >> aye. >> cohen aye. >> supervisor farrell? >> aye. >> farrell aye. >> supervisor kim? >> aye. >> kim aye. >> ten ayes. >> in resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, can you please call item 21. >> item 21 resolution to determine that the transfer of type 21 general license from 5801 to geary boulevard -- will serve the public convenience in recommending that the california department
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of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuan of this license. >> same house, same call. without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. [ gavel ] . >> madame clerk, item 22, please. >> item 22, resolution to determine that the transferred of a type 48 on-sale general public premises license from 6358m street to 115 street for the treasury will serve the public convenience in recommending that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions op the issuance of this license. >> same house, same call without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously [ gavel ] >> item 23, please. >> resolution to determine that the issuance of a time 64 general theater license to 1127 market street for the american conservatory theater will serve the public convenience and recommend that the department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. >> same house, same call without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. item 24 flees. a resolution to recognize the
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inauguration of the children's outdoor bill of right as detailed in the resolution on october 18th, 2014. >> same house, same call, without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. [ gavel ] madame clerk, can you please go to the committee reports. >> item 25 was considered with my the rules committee on friday, may [#1*-e7b8g/] and was forwarded as a committee report. a resolution amending the administrative code to extend the periodic review of the city's local hiring policy and to determine a mandatory participation level for the policy. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you, president breed. colleagues, i urge your support of this resolution. this resolution essentially keeps utah the 30% threshold for the local hiring policy at this time it enables us to continue to do the review to see how the overall program is working.
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i'm okay with keeping it at level, with the extension of hiring principles and so we're seeing that there is ample opportunity that still exists as we make these changes. there has also been some good yearlong temporary work at the federal level that enables federal dollars to be used to hire local residents as well. it's part of president underwood's am -- i mean president obama's programs. so that is also something that will be benefiting our pipeline of workers into local efforts. so colleagues i hope to have your support. thank you. >> thank you very much. and at this time, i will call our clerk. >> thank you madame president. i indicated that this was considered at the rules committee on friday, may 11th. it was actually this past thursday, march 12th. >> can we have a motion to amend? moved by supervisor -- okay.
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never mind. can we take this resolution same house, same call? without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. [ gavel ] >> madame clerk, can you please call item no. 26. >> item 26 was considered at a meeting on monday, march 16th and was recommended as a committee report from the land use and transportation committee. it's an ordinance amending the san francisco general plan by repealing the 2009 housing element and adopting the 2014 housing element and making findings from the planning department. >> okay. colleagues can we take this same house, same call? >> roll call vote. >> okay. roll call. >> on item 26, supervisor mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. >> supervisor tang? >> aye. >> tang aye. >> supervisor wiener is
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excused. supervisor yee? >> aye. >> yee aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> avalos aye. >> supervisor breed? >> breed aye. >> supervisor campos? >> aye. >> campos aye. >> supervisor christensen? >> aye. >> christensen aye. >> supervisor chone. cohen aye. >> supervisor farrell >> no. >> nine ayes one no. >> this ordinance is passed on first reading. [ gavel ] >> let's go to roll call for introductions. >> supervisor mar, you are first up to introduce new business. >> thank you, colleagues i have several items. the first is as chair of the public safety and neighbor services committee, i am calling for a hearing today with president breed, supervisors cohen, avalos and campos. a hearing in the recent case of the racist and homophobic text messages exchanged by members of our san francisco police department.
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these messages sent and they demonstrate that racism and homophobia and other forms of bigotry are still a problem. despite the good work of a vast majority of our police officers it's clear that bias and bigotry still exists and must address the fact that they are imbedded sometimes in our departments, but we cannot let it poison our justice system to uphold civil rights and perpetrate justice in our community. it's important that the system be free of bias. however, what is more worrisome is that we do not have a clear picture how these prejudices and biases play out on our streets. we want to take this opportunity with this hearing from a number of us calling for it to discuss with our police department and the community strategies to address these biases that question the legitimacy of our legal system. i want to acknowledge that the public defenders racial justice
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committee has a 10-point point program. aclu of northern california has issued some suggestions. i believe president breed and supervisor avalos and others have good suggestions for solutions that we want to look at. in addition, to the police department, and other relevant city agencies like, the district attorney's office, public defender and office of citizen complaint will reach out to the community to address these concerns. also i am proud to be co-sponsoring with supervisor avalos an effort to expand democracy to hopefully grant the right to vote in local elections to 16 and 17 years old and that the commissions are standing up to fight for a right to say in our city's decision making.
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also i'm proud to support with supervisor farrell his efforts to amend our unit retail workers bill of rights. last year i was very proud with president david chiu now in the assembly to work with all of the rest of you to unanimously pass our retail workers bill of rights. not only passing that, but also passing at the ballot the raising of the minimum wage. i think both measures act together to help to lift many thousands of workers in san francisco out of poverty and to create better working conditions. i also think that for women and people of color, who are workers, retail workers and part-time workers it has a significant impact on lifting them out of poverty. after years' of work with 40 coalitions and meeting with employers and the coalition, i feel that the amendments proposed by supervisor farrell are helpful in clarifying
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issues, but also minor definitions of employers are changed. i wanted to also acknowledge that former supervisor chiu at the state level and many organizations are looking to san san francisco retail workers bill of rights across the country and introducing a hearing on helping seniors to afford in-home care providers to keep seniors aging in place in their communities as along as possible. san francisco is seeing a dramatic elder boom, an increase with our aging population. especially with the increase of baby-boomers, who are becoming senior-boomers now. and many of them will soon retire next few years. with san francisco's much-needed increase in the minimum wage, many seniors will likely experience an added financial strain because of the additional cost of paying for home care. i'm interested in exploring the
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possibility of creating a local substance subsidy for seniors and people with disabilitis in the moderate-income bracket who must pay for in-home care out of their own pockets and this subsidy for seniors and persons with disabilitis in the moderate income bracket will help them. many can't qualify for california's in-home supportive services program or medi-cal programs. with the assistance of the budget and legislative analyst's office i hope for all of us to gain a better understanding of the scope of many people who are left in this limbo status of not having access to ihss support and then barely being able to afford home care workers. and lastly, i would like to request that we close our board
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of supervisor' meeting in honor of mr. yee, a richmond resident who was tragically killed. i thank mayor lee and ed reiskin for joining me. despite our efforts at vision zero, which aims to stop all pedestrian deaths by 2020, mr. alfred yee was an 87-year-old richmond district resident. as he provided through the crosswalk on geary boulevard he was struck by a driver of a van making a left turn from 26th avenue. mr. yee's son, ben, said that due to unfortunate -- the unfortunate car collision and the speeding -- the speed of
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the car, his father sustained injuries to his head and legs, as well as internal bleeding. paramedics took him to san francisco general hospital where he was pronounced dead seven hours later. his wife, miss evelyn yee, who is 87-year-old said her husband was always careful in crosswalks. according to the family mr. yee was a healthy gentleman and performed regular exercise including tai chi every morning. he served in the united states air force and then began a career as an architect. for example, one of the buildings that he designed with his construction company in the 1980s was the icon in san bruno, the artichoke jo's
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casino. he had always been the family's big chef and had a passion for cooking. mr. yee leaves behind his 83-year-old wife evelyn and son ben. my deepest condolences to mr. yee family and friends. mr. yee is the first pedestrian as i said to die in the city this year of pedestrian collision. an average of three people are struck per day -- three people per day in the city, according to walk sf, a non-profit group. mr. yee's death is another reminder of the urgency moving forward quickly with street safety projects like installing the new traffic lights. we will see traffic lights at the site he perished at 21 and geary in front of the jackie chan center, as well as many other streets in the city.
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including traffic calming projects, including elder zones and other safety measures where seniors live, gather or walk. i think the voters showed in november that they want san francisco city hall to act quickly on vision zero safe streets policy and i'm hoping that we can respond. thank you, the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor yee. >> i just have one item to submit and it's in regards to planning code and zoning map on specific areas on ocean avenue to rezone it, so it makes a little more sense than it does now. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> supervisor avalos. >> our colleagues with the co-sponsor of supervisors kim and mar, i'm introducing a charter amendment on behalf of the youth commission and the youth that i have been working with around san francisco to
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extend the right to vote to 16 and 17 years old for municipal elections. this is a very exciting moment, especially that this whole effort has been driven by many, many young people and in particular district 11 youth commissioner joshua cardenez who has been doing a lot of research on his own and finding that actually according to his findings lowering the voting age and getting young people to vote at an earlier age has the implications for life-long voting patterns, favorable to consistent voting. that is very, very good news, especially because in san francisco, we have a great tradition of young people being involved in their communities and their schools and their neighborhoods. and that is something that energy, that effort towards community development efforts and public policy change
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efforts can really play well as young people have the right to vote extended to them. i have also for many years have worked with young people in different ways. electorally in the '90s i worked at youth leadership institute and advocates for children and youth, as well as youth life and other organizations on the youth vote in san francisco and in marin county as well. we found that given some information that young people can obtain about what is on the ballot and they have a lot of interest and a lot of eagerness to learn about the issues and debate the issues prior to voting. and that is the kind of work that really makes sense as we are building good habit as around how we get involved in electoral politics and they have their first experience
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with great access to education efforts in gener. youth or young people because they are in school and living at age 16, 17 and 18 in a stable place in their home often with their guardains and parents have a very good place to get that skill developed for them, that will carry them through their later years. so i'm very excited to be introducing this charter amendment. it will go through the typical pathway for city charter amendments to get to the ballot. we really want to make sure that we have a very good, long public dis[sto-urgs/] discourse to move this forward in a way that enlightens people about the contributions that young people make in your public policy efforts and our electoral efforts. so colleagues i hope to have your support when this comes through.
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once again, i want to thank my colleagues, supervisors campos, kim and mar, cosponsors and also thank joshua cardenez the district 11 member of the youth commission and dale carpenter, our current youth commissioner who has been doing a lot of leg work and rounding up leaders in the youth community in san francisco to put the matter forward. the rest i will submit. >> thank you. supervisor. >> today i have a housekeeping item that i am introducing. as board president i consider it one of my most important responsibilitis to run an effective and efficient board meeting. we have a lot of taxpayer resources invested in this meeting basically a lot of people on the clock, so to speak. so usually there is all 11 members of the board who --
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board of supervisors who are here and our staff at city hall to support us at these meetings. we're joined by the clerk's office, the sheriff's deputies, sfgovtv, the budget and legislative analyst's office, mayor's staff and our own deputy city attorney. many of us have constituent meetings in our own districts to get to and the members of the public who come here to testify deserve to know the time that their time is being respected. this is why i try to be strict in the friendliest way of course, with time limits with our hearings. it's why i do my best to enforce board rule no. 4.13 which limits commendation to 5 minutes and the board rule that says no supervisor should speak more than 10 minutes on any one item. last week i introduced a motion which we'll actually vote on today to have the legislative
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body to the successor agency aka, the board of supervisors follow the board of supervisors' rules order. this will allow us to treat successor agencies like board business so we don't have to schedule time-consuming committee of the whole board meeting every single time a successor agency item comes up for a vote. today i'm introducing an ordinance to streamline a couple of the group commendations. we currently have restaurant commendations and small business commendations. local restaurants are small businesss and i propose that we consolidate these into one. group commendations are great opportunities for the board of supervisors to acknowledge leaders in our community, but they take about an hour and a half of the time during the board meetings. that is not always fair to those who have other business before the board. and the restaurant and small business owners themselves are very busy people and often have to close up shop when they come here for those commendations.
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so as a compliment or alternative to that, my legislation officially recognizes that january is restaurant month in california, and establishes the last ten days of january as restaurant week in the city and county of san francisco. i wanted to thank gwyneth from the golden gate restaurant association for their support and colleagues, thank you for helping me ensure we are doing the people's business efficiently, effectively and in a way that respects the public's time. and with that, it is now 2:31, and madame clerk, we will return to roll call at a later time, because we have a 2:30 special commendation by our own district 2 supervisor, mark farrell. >> thank you, madame president. so colleagues i
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have a great honor of bringing someone forward today before the board of supervisors. we're going to be voting on an imperative item to declare it father brenan mcbryde day in san francisco. we have san francisco's home to thousands of irish immigrants here in our great city. many great irish establishments that are all, i'm sure very busy right now on st. patrick's day with green beer and everything else. but today i get to honor somebody and we get to honor somebody who is one of the legends in our irish community here in san francisco. and so i want to welcome up to the podium father brennan mcbride. [ applause ] to give you a bit of background and it's such a great occasion to do this. i looked back at