tv [untitled] March 19, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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impact report and conducting it so the mayor there was a general discussion with the mayor the mayor does did agree that are a time you know and need for it and by wants direction when this is to be infected i think from what the discussion came from the small business be consultant to codify when the economic environmental impact report is done like the eirs not the same standard but to crate sub standards for which we as the city look at the economic analysis and economic reports and studies we've heard even in discussions here with the commission and the held the joint commission with the board
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we've talked about looking at the economic impact studies each of those things are a very different thing in and of itself and so and even amongst the discussion with the business county the intent is the economic analysis so their needs to be clear guidelines and objectives when things are triggered for what in terms of is that a study or analysis or comes ahead of time or is there a followup report after an infrastructure project so that's said the commission is embarking on the outreach and it is we're being looked to to provide direction and recommendation we'll not be able to embark on this until the
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secretary it in place hopefully no more than 4 weeks but once they're in place we can officially start on that what i have just a project goal and some background and then just a very generalized what is did approach once i have your comments general support then we'll start really getting into the night gritting of the project goals in terms of the guideline when the departments come from the commission and i've had a conversation with a couple of the heads their tdr in working with the commission so definitely working with the commission and the stakeholders with the business community and
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then i see this if we're able to start by the end of april at the latest this is something we'll have a form sets of recommendations certifying to present to the mayor at the end of the year so would you like for me to take a moment to read this or would you like me to read into the record. >> read into the record. >> so the project goal is the small business commission will develop recommendations for the mayor on one what constitute an economic impact opposed? report and study and two what type of projects trigger the environmental impact report analysis and or study the recommendations include recommendation on outreach and communication with the business community the recommendation are to be completed and submitted to the mayor by december 31st
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then in terms of background one of the rules and function of the city and county of san francisco is to maintain and improve the infrastructure of the city those projects can range from projects as small as a muni bus stherltd to a transbay terminal the vast projects are need for the improvement of the transportation to help the city's economic to help the city collectively excuse me. grow infrastructure projects have an environmental review on the project area with the economic impacts from a project - while the economic impacts can't be mitigated san francisco has not developed a consistent set of criteria in understanding had a
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environmental impact report there is no set to trigger or statement the change in economic activity in a specified area of specified projects there's currently a private investment boom this is take place in san francisco and there are part of the city where the public and private projects are curling excuse me. i left off a line those two promotions happening at the same time are also causing an overlay of impact to the business community so we'll conduct a series of hearing with the public works commission and the san francisco county transportation authority and the municipal transportation agency and the planning department the department of office of economic workforce development the department of real estate and the controller's office and the chief consist to obtain the
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information needed both in terms of reach and to develop the recommendations to conduct one-on-one meetings with the stakeholder departments research other cities best practices and to meet with the stakeholders of the small business community on an ongoing basis to develop apologizes - the recommendations to submit to the mayor. >> okay. >> do you have any questions. >> i think another thing we'll obviously come out of that needs to be contemplated what are the desires of possible outcomes would you recommend you know obviously an environmental impact report can cancel a project it is highly unlikely an environmental impact report will cancel it those are important infrastructure promotions i think the issue becomes is there are there timing issues that can be addressed or detailing to
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void a how wide season or overlapping or private or public projects and perhaps some kind of meeting of the minds of the city where the city will help fund pr efforts under construction or even there's an victim of crime assistance fund those are things we'll discover in looking at the best practices but those are you think going into anything with the mayor's office we're going to describe our survived outcomes are so that's part of study it should be. >> okay. so commissioner president adams. >> i agree with you one hundred and 10 percent we need that and looking at some of the projects that we've finished and going forward what's happening is we
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had the joint meeting with mta and the issues we brought up seemed like it was happening how we brought it up i think going to the mayor's office - well, what's the word official licenses we're not here to change i mean, we need the infrastructure projects what will the effect business owner be on local businesses in the castro the street lighting project i give my hats off to mohammed he said all at whops or 1 or two or three months or a yearlong project they came out and did it and i don't want to say it was perfect but a lot quicker than what was initially going to report which would have taken a year this impacted the
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businesses for 6 months so i really like this idea. >> commissioner dooley. >> i think this is extremely important for small businesses those infrastructure projects if they impact small businesses many of them cannot simply economically weather a long siege of people not being able to get to them so if there's no way to do on environmental impact report basics says this will cause this corridor to lose 20 businesses there's got to be a way to soften the blow it certainly with all the residential building right now i know moving around the city it you know kind of a double blow for many businesses it is never ending for them you know they just simply not
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being able to withhold the businesses it is two years say of building you know that's unrealistic we need to consider the health of our small businesses as an important part of doing any infrastructure promotions i don't feel comfortable sacrificing a number of what many long term businesses to do it there's got to be a way to work to you know not have that happy i'm disturbed about even on about polk street the economic impact not for a year you know having the small business for many years that maybe a little bit too late for some of the businesses they may go under they mating might not but we need to think about up front some of the impacts before
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we start a project. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> thank you i agree with our president i think in the project goals we have to have 3 proengz how do we define what constitutes an economic analysis and we have to get the elements that should be included also it is going to be a challenge for this commission to come up what the recommendations what triggers that reports and finally and equally important what we're going to do to if, in fact an economic impact what will be the recommendations and the levels of remedies so this is going to take quite a bit work to analyze and report
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and brief the mayor's office by december 31st. >> note the commission is not comfortable i mean or their needs to be more time obviously more time to be taken to do the job well so but i think once we start gathering the data putting it before you the data and information you have the time to review it hear it and access it and provide the direction to the staff to work on. >> i think if i may finish on the issue in getting the opinion of those different departments is important to us i believe at least to me in the sense i gage what they don't internally and the procrastinations they take
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how they communicate with other depth and finally in place today and what we should do to improve it but the career we need to think about in defining economic impact analyze analysis and when it's triggered who triggers it and to the extent the departments are going to be involved we should hear them and see what the position has been and is today. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> i think to piggyback on that i may have a question how realistic do we develop the criteria and all the approaches is it possible when their transpired for us this commission actually to see it in front of us or have a say not
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approve we're obviously not a body for this but i mean those projects go up all the time and truly included i know there is outreach we're better off when i started this commission i mean there's no true he recalls or he was the and commissioner white. >> we're codifying in a more efficient way in the past with the departments as commissioner dwight said we've spoken in the past with the mta process what i our recommendation did not seem to be taken seriously and so i'm hoping that this passed will load to a more compelling state of you know things that must be
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considered and can't be dismissed because they're not convenient for one group or another okay commissioner l. riley. >> yeah. i would like to hear public comment to see whether or not to shed light. >> okay. so there are no other commissioner comments do we have members of the public that would like to comment on this item? >> hi question. i'm available to answer any questions sacramento that from the golden state restaurant association first of all i want to start off we're in support of the street light infrastructure projects they're necessary but at the same time our support of consolidation of public and
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private projects to minimize time and as far as the economic report or analysis whatever seems to be we really support smoking gun coming before, during and after it is hard to conceptual lists because the projects have helped after their completed making more assessable but as was mentioned small businesses cannot absorb the costs and the beautification for the necessary projects we have to take into account the necessary construction i know we have businesses in in which that has power outages so we're definitely in support of this economic analysis in whole so - >> thank you for coming out. >> thank you. >> mr. cornell, sir.
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>> dwight. >> president dwight. >> commissioner you're here in that forum. >> steven cornell a lot of traffic out there i think this is very, very, very important i just want to remind you when they start it build bart a million years ago before some of you were born it changed market street completely that was the street in san francisco public rates went up and down and suddenly after the first year all the businesses went crazy lost christmas busy business and everything that's how we got the law no street construction in neighborhoods in the mc 2
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districts between thanksgiving and christmas a lot of businesses went down the total no preplanning third street, west portal i've seen anothers that was mentioned a few minutes and ocean avenue and polk street no one have any idea of what happened to the businesses beforehand the effort you guys are looking at and hopefully pass this is very important i wanted to before i just lost it read to you some lines if the preamble from the what is this the general plan of san francisco under the planning department one of the things that commutes muni service overburden our streets is neighborhood parking it is part
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of the general plan at existing housing the neighborhood to be conserved and protected where it is preserved in the neighborhood and number one existing neighborhood retail uses be preserved and enhanced and future opportunities for employment's and other things for the businesses that's in our general plan it is never considered in any kind of small or medium or large sort of prongs this would be a great thing thank you. >> thank you. >> scott i'm speaking as cal insurance this time i applaud the commission for taking this very significant step forward in assisting small businesses to with stand the construction
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projects in their area i don't think that small businesses really want to stop the projects but want to be brought into the discussion as was talked about before, during and after this is a great step in the right direction it sound pro tem from regina that she's getting a favorable response if i understand from various departments and is encouraging that needs to be developed further down the road. >> thank you. well i think all important issues that is important that the stakeholder feel they're being heard and this can be that forum it is important we bring the departments together to discuss the possible things to be done so that's our intention okay. any other public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. . >> so commissioners you don't have to take an action i
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agendized this in this case but unless you want to formalize it you may want to backtrack and it is good to take a recommendation and then we'll set out i'll work with the president and vice president on first timeline to take the comments you've provided tonight and breakdown a plan of which you you know what will the departments present i think there will be information that will have to be delivered to you in stages and then go back and continue to work on it it will be an ongoing work on the departments and the business leaders stakeholders to provide the direction and for you as well so. >> do we have a motion to
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approve with the staff commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> i was truly going to suggest mr. vice president that we have a motion and we incorporate your comment at least i'm taking the defining the project the goal of the project and a.d. do adding an item to the consequences remedies will be and that will be the - so i take the first paragraph that was read into the record. >> good to have a lawyer on the commission. >> laura. >> and adding to it you know your suggestion mr. president has to what is the recommendations for actions as a result of those reports. >> okay. >> and i would move that that be the motion. >> and - >> and may i suggest we're not
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going to predetermine the remedies at this point but in this area in terms of where the remedies to be determined in the areas. >> just to include that as part of the project. >> i'll second that. >> just to clarify the motion to approve efforts by o s b staff to move this project forward as by commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> all right. with that, just one moment please. commissioner president adams commissioner dooley schmitz commissioner dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena
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commissioner tour-sarkissian and commissioner l. riley. >> and with that we have a motion approving to move forward with the economic impact as so amended. >> perfect all right. on to the next agenda item item 5 director's report. >> i have a verbal report for you tonight i want to let you know that last week there were 2 events one with the s b.a. administrator i put the information in your packet at the last meeting in terms of the procurement workshop with the national gay and lesbian chamber of commerce and the golden state association our la concina mexican restaurant commerce on the supplier diversity with the
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employment and at the federal level this was well attended and our office was asked to speak a bit about the services that we provide and then i was also able to share that for our lbe certification a depreciation for businesses to be able to identify themselves as lgbtq businesses we don't give preferences at the federal level they'll base it upon the veterans and at the local and state we're in theable but the businesses can distinguish themselves and it can be on the database the next day square hosted an event ladies at lunch it was part of the march being the
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international women's month so they're about 3 hundred women that were there and there was - so they had 3 break out workshops around marketing and regulations and so again, the office was invited to talk about our services highlight the business portal so was that productive it was reaching there 0 their clients and so there was a significant number of new businesses that were just starting so they were happy to hear about the services in city hall and the business portal then i want to let you know that working with the department of environment again the recycling
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issue is coming up again with the closer of the recycling center at safeway another market street one hundred and 17 small businesses are in that convenient zone will now be impacted we are in terms of having to now do the buy back for recycling so i think what we're looking at is there creative solutions that can come up i think we as a city our policy sdishgsz are the transit first were moving away from you know we've continuously reducing the off-street parking eventually places i imagine that viewing like the example of market street safeway that those sites will eventually be developed and so we will be you
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know even if the recycling center was there and retained over a period of time those places are going to turnover and be developed and removal for off-street parking for the recycle centers or buy back so i think there are things that are happening within san francisco not only for the small businesses in terms of the policies but in terms of our policies that the city and how we're moving forward to making it important complicated and difficult to comply as the policies are written in short of having to do working with our student representatives our issues are relatively unique because we're san francisco where you know most of the state
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places have parking lots big parking lots so dealing where small recycling centers or having machines in a small location is easier to do to be able to comply with the regulations with that said, time to make modifications to the state law i'm working with the department of environment and their leadership trying to bring in supermarkets and ecology and those that do business around recycling to make creative solutions to look at it from a land use policy is going to be challenging for us as a city to continue to be able to comply with the regulations so wanted to bring that taushgs e to your attention and okay. >> 10 the portal i've asked jane because she is doing some
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work on the streamlining project i'm going to be scheduling her on a quarterly session to keep you up to speed on items that are being developed in the portal the portal is launched we need to continue to sort of modifications and upgrades to the portal but shields streamline the first project it is talking to what is it takes to open a restaurant and the map to help from at least a one basic sector what is the point and what's the efficiency we can start taking a look at i have a question it would be nice to get like last time the tables how many people use the portals and
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