tv [untitled] March 20, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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good evening it's monday march 9, 2015, this is the san francisco rules committee item one is roll call and order schmitz commissioner white is accused a little bit arrest commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner l. riley and commissioner tour-sarkissian arrest mr. president, we have quorum thank you well, welcome to tonight meeting so the first order of business on the agenda is general public comment this allows mustaches to comment
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generally on matters within the commissions purview and suggest new items are there any new items for consideration >> scott president of the small business commission california. >> hi scott. >> how you doing small business commission along with the federation of the and the handsomely has the ab 1280 what it does basically give a one-day tax holiday on small business right after thanksgiving for your information the tax state tax is 7 and a half cents and san francisco is 8 so san francisco tax on another quarter percent what the hope is that if this passes the state that we
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can get local jurisdiction the legislation does not require a local jurisdiction to wave the tax that would be a problem if they didn't do it so the idea is to promote small business they're doing something similar in florida it is pending working its way through the system we think this is a good statement to assist small businesses we are aware we don't know what the cost is just yet we have down the road of the the department of finance with workout the finance and get back to us. >> scott scott this is to propose it right to jaundice and yeah. yeah. >> so i'm saying the details are unnecessary in this quorum if the data is on the agenda
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we'll video a full presentation with the general public comment accommodations. >> commissioners for your point of information under item 5 though it's not part of the director's report i put it in there the details ab 1280 that scott had sent over. >> right decide to jaundice this in the future i don't have a problem. >> maybe that could be discussed. >> thank you, scott. >> okay the next order of business item 3 discussion and possible recommendation to the board of supervisors on file number 441298 varies codes and noise for the residential used for the place of entertainment commission. >> so today, we have a presentation by connor johnson
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aid to supervisor london breed the legislative sponsor in your package we have one communication recommending support of the legislation and so that communication is in your binder about say o also a copy of the press release that was jointly sent out by supervisor breed and supervisor wiener >> that may have been us. >> supervisor breed. >> supervisor wiener is the co-sponsor good evening connor legislative aid to london breed as director states she's the author of the legislation thank you for the co-sponsor supervisor wiener as well on think district 5 the independent music venue local operators there's a project next door the old raider shop building will obey turned into
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residential condos the venue concern it could pose trishgs for the new neighborhood for the light industrial use will complain and and potentially put the independent in a position to spend thousands of dollars this is thinking about the larger issue citywide which is as the city is pushing for more and more residential development often in nakdz with are not used for residential purposes those residents are running into conflicts that accident small businesses like businesses of entertainment we want to accommodate those in the same neighborhoods and i think that is important if you look at the recent history of the pressures on the small businesses on night life venues we see in a few
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example club come back month the sound factory the bottom of the hill and other businesses the fact is we have a limited number of cultural venues and one pressure is the residential development so what can we do to protect those businesses that bring in $800 million of revenue every year we sat down with the entertainment commission and the police department and the planning department dbi as well as residential developers and the police and thought about how to improve the new residential development with the night life venues and so illicit walk through go quickly what the legislation does that set out a process for new residential project that are going within 3 hundred foot within an existing night life
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venue so when this residential developer summits an application the entertainment commission receives a notice the venue receives notice the entertainment commission length angle hearing not whether or not to issue approval for the project or a building permit what we competently sell at it excelling the entertainment commission the opportunity to hold a hamburger to bring the developer and the venue in and the venue patrons to talk about if this goes thr be flagged and how can we that makes sure the venue is protected and the residents are happy they have the opportunity and in addition there's a provision if a venue is operating within the terms of the permits the city has set out not deemed a nuisance so in terms if the city has the terms
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we shouldn't come back in spit of the permit we're going to changer our hours or shut down we should live up to the terms lastly i think probably the motion impactful the legislation says in development near a venue and something is seeking to leased or purchase one of the residential units the seller or the lease our has to 0 disclose a venue nearby that's a simple here's a heads-up within 3 hundred feet may impact you on friday and saturday night we see examples of people coming to visit comedies they spend the first fire hydrant and it's a different world and calling the police and conflicts between the venues so that's ultimately
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wasn't the legislation seeks to do prying to reproximity them getting the processes in place so the residents are happy and the venues can continue to serve the public so we're building the houses in so doing we have to protect the rebates they wanted to buildings here in the first place so lastly i want to thank the diverse coalition of supporters from the legislation and the california music's cultural protections that represents the pressure varies and customers it was all the legislation was amazing comboertsdz by the advisory committee and supervisor wiener is a co-sponsor we've been grateful to work with the entertainment commission it is a staff and have their sport you're the first legislation and i hope this is a friendly
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audience we're going to try to protect the small businesses i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> sxhamd. >> i love this this is the left and this is long, long overdue and it reminds me of what happened at films in south of market you have all those new housing going up and especially in the south of market area if you look at the condos the special treatment district and clubs are still being shut down this is long overdue an awesome piece of legislation it will help cafe north that brings a lot of for the purpose into the neighborhood an thursday and friday and saturday night they go to the other businesses around there this is very good i
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can't thank supervisor breed and supervisor wiener enough because this is something i impersonal feel is long offer dewey have my support. >> thank you commissioner dooley. >> yeah. i want to echo what he said which was this is a great piece of legislation it seems fair for both sides of the issue i really applaud you for coming up with such a full solution i like you guys (laughter). >> and i like the fact it your outreach to everybody was very good. >> commissioner l. riley. >> yes. i think it make sense for the developer to work with the entertainment places before they built so that way they can do something about it instead of having the building built and later on having noise.
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>> commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> i want to follow-up on the sentiments from the mission district. >> thank you for not ero seeing this and something is paying attention i like to be pro-active. >> i'm curious how will the disputes be monitored i premium there are standards of operation maximum and some noise standards; is that correct. >> sure a lot of those are existing procedures. >> no i think it is great i live in the dog patch and people don't know what they're getting themselves into not standard residential area where this is something if you know about around the corner or down the street awesome thank you, very much do we have an action.
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>> oh. >> finally oh i'm preying you (laughter). >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> i congratulate you for the effort i have some technical questions that are quick legislation talks about the decimals that impact inside and outside can you explain what that is. >> sure so that's not our baby what happened then was there sort of a long story but those are establishment state building codes and we do you want those in the local code the state and actually the federal and international level the stating state says its healthiest to live in an environment where the sound is not above 45 decimals so that's the goal of the entertainment commission not a goal we set some that was
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adopted into the legislation. >> 60 is it 60 decimals. >> talks about 3, 4, 5 and 60. >> i think you're seeing 60 in the sound map shows on and on an average above 60 the developers are required to do acoustic california analysis to get it down to 35 i know this it correct me if i am wrong. >> that's where the l d n exceeds 60 decimals that's where the analysis is showing that's the developer and not the licensed folks. >> so it says if you're a developer seeking to build a project on van ness the sound will show van ness above 5060 decimals you'll have to do an analysis to show how to get it
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down to 45 within the residence this is not our baby but the same portion we've adapted. >> it puts the burden on the contractor. >> correct not on the venue correct so. >> on the developer not the venue. >> not on the venue yeah, this existing this is trying to make sure that the developer is looking at did place see. >> it is 60 they'll build such it will be below 45. >> yeah. again, this was not a 12rur we built if up look at the places of entertainment in san francisco they're in the higher traffic busier easier they afternoon 60 decimals anyway. >> thank you. >> any other comments
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commissioners? >> so. >> thank you very much. >> public comment? >> good evening, commissioners i'm cammy in the entertainment commission i want to let you know your applauding supervisor breed and connor that is the first in the country this legislation nationwide people are feeling the pressure and you'll see things another areas i believe do you want this legislation i wanted to say that this legislation is so important so crucial for our live music to peruser the resources in the city this is going to be a total collaborative effort with the developers some people were nervous but we'll be working with and not detailing development to protect the venues co-sponsor o connor
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mention feeling the pressures i want to mention the ballroom sunnydale getting tons of complaints because the builder built a substandard from the ballroom dancing music and the hemlock is facing poeshlg be issues and chapel all the venues need to be protected we're prevalent to supervisor breed effort. >> thank you for coming out. >> any other members of the public want to comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. >> do we have my further discussion or motion to support this. >> i want to place a motion to support this piece of legislation as it is. >> second. >> okay. >> all right. roll call. >> stamdz
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commissioner dooley commissioner dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena commissioner tour-sarkissian commissioner l. riley and that motion passes 6, zero in favor to recommend are recommend to the board of supervisors to impact in piece of legislation. >> good job. >> thanks connor. >> okay. next item review the project for the recommendations to the mayor for outreach and economic salutation framework for infrastructure projects this is a discussion and possible action. >> excuse me. commissioners, i need to just take the timer off. >> all right. so that's this wrong thing and i i'm to the
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public i didn't make copies so commissioners we've had discussion among the commission to request for the scheduling of departments to come before you so talk about the outreach which ultimately is an economic issue for when departments are doing infrastructure projects that is ultimately an economic issue for businesses and at the mayors kwaefrl meeting commissioner dwight and another commissioner in attendance a discussion of the impact report and conducting it so the mayor there was a general discussion with the mayor the mayor does did agree that are a time you know and need for it and by wants direction when this
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is to be infected i think from what the discussion came from the small business be consultant to codify when the economic environmental impact report is done like the eirs not the same standard but to crate sub standards for which we as the city look at the economic analysis and economic reports and studies we've heard even in discussions here with the commission and the held the joint commission with the board we've talked about looking at the economic impact studies each of those things are a very different thing in and of itself and so and even amongst the discussion with the business
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county the intent is the economic analysis so their needs to be clear guidelines and objectives when things are triggered for what in terms of is that a study or analysis or comes ahead of time or is there a followup report after an infrastructure project so that's said the commission is embarking on the outreach and it is we're being looked to to provide direction and recommendation we'll not be able to embark on this until the secretary it in place hopefully no more than 4 weeks but once they're in place we can officially start on that what i have just a project goal and some background and then
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just a very generalized what is did approach once i have your comments general support then we'll start really getting into the night gritting of the project goals in terms of the guideline when the departments come from the commission and i've had a conversation with a couple of the heads their tdr in working with the commission so definitely working with the commission and the stakeholders with the business community and then i see this if we're able to start by the end of april at the latest this is something we'll have a form sets of recommendations certifying to present to the mayor at the end of the year so would you like
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for me to take a moment to read this or would you like me to read into the record. >> read into the record. >> so the project goal is the small business commission will develop recommendations for the mayor on one what constitute an economic impact opposed? report and study and two what type of projects trigger the environmental impact report analysis and or study the recommendations include recommendation on outreach and communication with the business community the recommendation are to be completed and submitted to the mayor by december 31st then in terms of background one of the rules and function of the city and county of san francisco is to maintain and improve the infrastructure of the city those projects can range from projects as small as a muni bus stherltd to a transbay terminal
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the vast projects are need for the improvement of the transportation to help the city's economic to help the city collectively excuse me. grow infrastructure projects have an environmental review on the project area with the economic impacts from a project - while the economic impacts can't be mitigated san francisco has not developed a consistent set of criteria in understanding had a environmental impact report there is no set to trigger or statement the change in economic activity in a specified area of specified projects there's currently a private investment boom this is take place in san francisco and there are part of the city
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where the public and private projects are curling excuse me. i left off a line those two promotions happening at the same time are also causing an overlay of economic impact to the business community so we'll conduct a series of hearing with the public works commission and the san francisco county transportation authority and the municipal transportation agency and the planning department the department of office of economic workforce development the department of real estate and the controller's office and the chief consist to obtain the information needed both in terms of reach and to develop the recommendations to conduct one-on-one meetings with the stakeholder departments research other cities best practices and to meet with the stakeholders of the small business community on
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an ongoing basis to develop apologizes - the recommendations to submit to the mayor. >> okay. >> do you have any questions. >> i think another thing we'll obviously come out of that needs to be contemplated what are the desires of possible outcomes would you recommend you know obviously an environmental impact report can cancel a project it is highly unlikely an environmental impact report will cancel it those are important infrastructure promotions i think the issue becomes is there are there timing issues that can be addressed or detailing to void a how wide season or overlapping or private or public projects and perhaps some kind of meeting of the minds of the city where the city will help fund pr efforts under
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construction or even there's an victim of crime assistance fund those are things we'll discover in looking at the best practices but those are you think going into anything with the mayor's office we're going to describe our survived outcomes are so that's part of study it should be. >> okay. so commissioner president adams. >> i agree with you one hundred and 10 percent we need that and looking at some of the projects that we've finished and going forward what's happening is we had the joint meeting with mta and the issues we brought up seemed like it was happening how we brought it up i think going to the mayor's office - well, what's the word
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official licenses we're not here to change i mean, we need the infrastructure projects what will the effect business owner be on local businesses in the castro the street lighting project i give my hats off to mohammed he said all at whops or 1 or two or three months or a yearlong project they came out and did it and i don't want to say it was perfect but a lot quicker than what was initially going to report which would have taken a year this impacted the businesses for 6 months so i really like this idea. >> commissioner dooley. >> i think this is extremely important for small businesses those infrastructure projects if they impact small businesses many of them cannot simply
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economically weather a long siege of people not being able to get to them so if there's no way to do on environmental impact report basics says this will cause this corridor to lose 20 businesses there's got to be a way to soften the blow it certainly with all the residential building right now i know moving around the city it you know kind of a double blow for many businesses it is never ending for them you know they just simply not being able to withhold the businesses it is two years say of building you know that's unrealistic we need to consider the health of our small businesses as an important part of doing any
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infrastructure promotions i don't feel comfortable sacrificing a number of what many long term businesses to do it there's got to be a way to work to you know not have that happy i'm disturbed about even on about polk street the economic impact not for a year you know having the small business for many years that maybe a little bit too late for some of the businesses they may go under they mating might not but we need to think about up front some of the impacts before we start a project. >> commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> thank you i agree with our president i think in the project goals we have to have 3
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