tv [untitled] March 21, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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good afternoon, this is the meeting of the commission of the community investment and infrastructure for march 18, 2015. >> call the first tell. >> the first tell is roll call. commission members please respond when i call your name. commissioner mondejar, >> here. >> commissioner singh and madam chair rosales. >> here. >> the next order of business is announcements. the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held tuesday at april 7, 2015, at 1:00 p.m.. in city hall room 416. >> announcements of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during meeting. please be
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adviced that the ringing of and use of cell phones and pagers similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be adviced that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for ringing of our use of a cellphone pager or other similar sound producing electric ig devices. it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. the next order of business is item 3, report on action taken at a previously closed session meeting if any. there are no reportable actions. the next order of
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business item 4, matters of unfinished business, there are none. the next order of business item 5. matters of new business for skend -- consent and regular agenda. approval of minutes of february 17, 2015, and contract with management group a corporation of the property manager of the open bay mission systems to include parcels p 6, p 26 and 7, p 11a and p 19 and to increases the contract's management fee by $22045, 00 not to exceed
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$688,000. north bay south redevelopment project area. action resolution no. 10, 2015. madam chair? >> thank you. do we have any speaker cards for either item on the consent calendar? >> i do. mr. washington. >> mr. washington? >> good evening, commissioners and listening audience. my name is ace washington. i'm here today in a different capacity with a smile on my face. it would contend my heart
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that you have accomplished something. it looks the commissioners have been responded to the needs of our needs of the mission. i'm happy and delighted and pleased to see that the commissioners are prepared to come to the western edition. i'm relieved. i have somewhat good news for everybody. i told your secretary earlier that i'm in the transition of retiring. what, ace, you are retiring? yes. i have been in this for 35 years. i have the commission from the housing authority. i think i have done a wonderful job in this span because when i first started out that was one of the biggest things i did. i brought redevelopment to the board of supervisors. so i have some things that i have achieved in
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my life. but i will be working demand hand with the city with other issues i'm not at a little bit to speak on but i'm here expressing my changing of attitude, my changing of doing business. no longer will i be up here as an advocate. i have been doing it for years. the record shows i have done a wonderful job. so therefore, after this month will be coming to just explain to the city and county and those that are length i am a changed man right now. not saying that things might not change later, but i do feel that, i have done my work and talked to my family, talked to my loved ones and talked to some officials here who i can't reveal their names. but i have been reinsured if i do the right thing my efforts will be compensated for and that is
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information. anyway i will speak later on it. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other speaker cards? >> no. >> okay. let's take each item separately. do the commissioners have questions, comments, edits, motions regarding the approval of the minutes for march 23, 2015? >> i move the minutes. >> commissioner singh moved and commissioner mondejar. >> commissioners please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner mondejar? >> yes. >> commissioner singh? >> commissioner bustos is absent. madam chair rosales. i have three ayes and one absent. >> same question regarding 5 b, the 2nd amendment to the mjm management group contract. i would like to remove it
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from consent. i want to properly explain this. >> okay. we can remove it from the consent calendar which is deemed part of the regular agenda. can we have staff make a presentation? >> sure. good afternoon, commissioners and good afternoon to the members of the public. thank you for joining us. commissioners, in mission bay we lease property from the city and the port of san francisco using tax increments. we through our master developer fossil mb lease out those parts for commercial and private property owners and as the cfg administrator for cfd no. 5, the agency issues contracts for the management of those parks in accordance with the commissions purchasing policy. there is an existing agreement in place with mjm management group and i
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see the president and director in the audience, as well as another colleague she has brought. i will give a bit more background. looks like they are loading the presentation. as parks are complete and accepted by the city, we add parks to the mjm contract for park management. this next proposed contract amendment before you is to add to the management our management through our contract existing contractor mjm, these additional parks. so with that, i would like to ask leila hussein project manager to walk you through the project scope. >> okay, we are in business. i'm here today to talk about the 2nd amendment to the mjm contract. thank you, director bohee for giving a good introduction to what we are here before
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you today. first i would like to give an overview of just the amendment we are here for today. and so, the 2nd amendment here is to add in for new parks that i'm going over later in this presentation as part of their contract. so right now we have mjm managing almost 11 segment parts in mission bay and in order to add new parks under construction we have to amend their contract. we have estimated dates of when those parks will come online so the dollar amount is estimates on when they are come online and if they don't come online during that period, then the amount will change. so, in general, the scope of work will not change either with this contract amendment, the over view of what is composed of in their contract is a management of general operations, landscape,
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maintenance, general, security and as many of you commissioners have been out there you have seen the parks that are currently in mission bay and the condition they are in rye -- right now that we have heard the excellent work that mjm is doing. quickly on the contract, the former redevelopment commission approved the contract back in december 1, 2009. january 20, 2012, to amend the contract to add a park p 10 which is the round about circle in mission bay and we amended the contract then. that was the 1st amendment and now we are here for the 2nd amendment. i went over the parks. those are the technical names of the parks. i will have the map up for you in a second. we have p 1, p 2 and p 5 and the
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parks that are directly under the contract. the original contract was for 3 years and there was the bill to extend the contract for another 3 years. we are in that second contract term. the contract will expire at the end of this year. so later this year, oci will have to go out to bid for these services. so here is an overview of which director bohee covered. oci manages the park on behalf of cie and by the community facilities district no. 5. the park underlying ownership of puc. we have over 13 acres of these parks completed and the fourth park under construction that we are here before you today.
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so, you have a handout as attachment one. i'm going over the parks, the four parks that we are here today and we are going to start with p 6 which is the children's park and i was also before you for the commission to approve this schematic design for the children's park which is for this completion. just a refresher her e of the site layout. the commission of mission bay is extremely excited about this park and we hope to open it up july or august. we will get back to the commission on the exact date and invite everyone for that opening. here is another rendering. it has a play area. it's going to have a lot of users so we anticipate a lot of maintenance will be required for this particular park compared to some of our other more pace passive
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recreational parks. and we look forward to its opening date. the next park that will be coming online is p 26-27 which is adjacent to the hospital. this is another exciting park that will have many users from ucsf as well as the new communities in potrero and dog patch that we have a dog park to play and plaza and will be heavily used. the smaller sliver is not expected to be used as much but the whole system. the larger park is p 26 and the smaller is p 27. the other is p 11. this is really more of a,
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it's not a usable park. it's a park that will have storm water elements in it to treat run off and it's very important that mission bay meets it's storm water requirements. if you have look at the diagram, it will have a very interesting architectural design and located near a lot of vehicular traffic. it's more of a visual point. again there will be maintenance required in order to make sure that the storm water functions can operate properly and that the aesthetics meet the original intent. and then the last park that we are here before you is p 19. this is another smaller park that has storm water features that is more passive, it's long building. it will be adjacent to affordable housing and near
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mission rock street. that's a broad overview of the four parks that are under are part of the amendment. here is just a chart of overview of the management piece that we are talking about and the amount of months of operation that will be covered. ocie has been working very closely with mjm in order to reduce management fees since we know that we plan to bring on additional parks in the future and we have to contain cost but at the same time keep the level of security as well as maintenance that people have come accustomed to and we think we can achieve that by spreading out some of those cost. the reason why it doesn't have the same management fees because it has different intensity level and we
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have achieved savings and we can talk about that in greater detail if there are questions. this is the estimated months they will be in operation during this year. it's an estimate again. if the park opens slightly later then we won't pay for those management fees structured as such. and then i just want to go overwork force compliance. mjm is a -- owned business. they have moved out of that category, three of the subcontractors are sb and they have 58 percent of the contract, the three sb's that are listed here. i think that concludes my presentation. i have mary cruz and -- who are extremely familiar
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with the parks as well as the parks coming online and with oci staff. i'm here for any questions. >> thank you. >> we have previously asked about speaker cards but there are no speaker cards for this item, or are there? >> mr. washington. >> okay, mr. washington? >> i just wanted to, i didn't know she was going to be here today. i want to speak on behalf of mjm. she came years ago and did a wonderful job in creating jobs and i wanted to lend a word of support. she did a wonderful job in the west edition. that's first part of my retirement that i came to support mj. i know mary. we were just going over some
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of the things. we talked about 15-20 years ago. i'm in support of that. if you ever need anything mary, give me a call. i have my cameras and videotape. i can do it all for you. >> we are on item 5b which is a matter moved from the consent. any other? okay. >> i just want to know was how many bids for this job? was there another bid for this job? >> back in 2009, commissioners -- >> i'm familiar with that. >> there were other applicants. no. perhaps catherine, you can respond to that question. >> catherine riley project manager from mission bay, when we went for
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the original rfp in 2009, mjm was the only bid for this one. it needed to be the full complex of subconsultants. >> i would like to have more than one bid. >> what we want to do since this contract expires at the end of the year we are going out for a new bid process and this amendment is structured so we are not amending the term and it's really the way the contract was structured to bring as new parks we are ready to come back and set that management fee, but we are not extending the contract and going out for a very extensive process for the next term. >> why is it $22,000 more? >> as the new parks come in. when we did the original contract back in 2009, the way the contract is
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structured you have three phases. parks that were already constructed and being maintained. you also had a set of parks that we call phasen parks which is the parks we did our best guess which parks were coming online as the terms on this contract and there were parks in mission bay that we knew were going to get done. two or three 3 years with the economy increases and the grant funds that we had not anticipated, they were not in that original contract as a phase in so we did not set that management fee but we always anticipated as any park that came on we would roll onto this contract and we needed to come back to you for this commission to get approval for management of these parks because we hadn't anticipated they would come on during this period.
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>> okay, thank you. >> so there will be additional hiring for this additional amount because we are adding parks. are they hiring more people? >> i don't know if mary wants to go, but what we looked at the frequency of maintenance would increase and whether or not that could mean staff working longer hours or also adding additional services, additional personnel in terms of the park. >> so with the maintenance, how
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many hours usually are put into maintaining a park or for example this particular park or any of the parks that mjm manages. is it like 8 or 6 hours a day? >> some of them are even longer than 8 hours as well as the capital maintenance exceeds 8 hours a day. the goal is to spread it throughout the parks so we are not hiring individuals to serve the park so they are equipped to cover the new park as they come on. in some cases the maintenance happens after hours depending on what the need is or on the weekends. it depends. recently we that had trees replaced along the promenade. that was additional.
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>> okay. thanks. >> do we have a motion for this item? >> commissioner mondejar moving and commissioner singh second. >> commissioners, please answer when i call your name. commissioner mondejar, yes, commissioner singh, bustos is absent. madam chair rosales. i have 3 ayes and one absent. >> next item. >> the next order of business is item c authorizing pursuant to the transbay implementation agreement, amendment no. 2 to the memorandum of agreement with the san francisco county transportation authority to expand the is scope of the project management and construction services and to increase the
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budget by an additional amount not to exceed 1200, 000 for total aggregate amount of $4679541 for construction of the realignment of the folsom street off ram transbay redevelopment project. >> as you recall just last month we were before you for the 1st amendment covering cost for design and services for this folsom street off ramp work. if you tried to take it recently it's closed. this work is critical because it builds a more valuable parcel for the construction terminal under way. back in february we said we would come back to you. we needed to do some hard work with cal trans and our
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partner the ta who is serving as our owners rep on this and we are back before you with a contract amendment for $1.2 million that deals with contaminated soils here. with that, kevin matsuda, our civil engineer will give you the background and the scope and the next steps. >> thank you, executive director bohee, i'm the civil engineer with staff. this office is for amendment no. 2 with the san francisco county transportation authority for the folsom street off ramp consideration in order to provide funding for exposed contaminated materials for the project site. background, the folsom street
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off ramp curves diagonally. in order to assemble and create the parcel to maximize the development and guidelines ocii is reconfiguring the guidelines. we are estimating these contracts with fca to provide the project delivery. in april 2013, the commission authorized the design services for this project. in november 2013, the commission authorized construction services for the project. last month in february 2015, the commission approved amendment no. 1 that provided funding for cost
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over runs and disposal of one area of stock piles for materials that needed to be deposed of at facilities that can handle motor oil material. the disposal of that stock pile is not subject to this amendment, however there are two other areas that are. at that time of that 1st amendment approval, ocii staff and transbay were in on going discussion over the position of other soils and seeking to find potential solutions in order to minimize project cost. this slide shows the folsom off ramp curve development block 8. the ramp does not allow pedestrians to walk on fairmount and clementina
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street. this slide shows block 8 after the off ramp is reconfigured. the parcel is rectangular shape with new connection. discovery of contaminated materials. in november 2014, the sfta general contractor excavated soil for the project and contaminants required by the landfill. anti-an will -- an alytic test soils of led in the area. from underneath the off ramp. it amounts to 1,000 cubic yards or 1083
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tons. it's in place soils that have not been excavated yet. it's in an island between the folsom off ramp and the fremont street off ramp. the quantity of these soils is 2,000 cubic yards or 3,000 tons. the stock pile is in the way of construction and preventing some of the work from being completed. ocii staff and sfta considered other method to dispose of the soil since they can not remain on-site. together we reviewed other treatments. these scenarios were not compatible with the type of soils and did not save project cost. after extensive di
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