tv [untitled] March 21, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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are very engaged with outreach firms and providing technical assistance to those firms whether or not they are certified and helped them with the process to become certified. we are definitely prioritizing the firms that we are working subcontractors on projects but reaching out to many others. we do that on a regular basis. mr. butler can a test that when i refer firms to the team, if they don't get to the firm i'm on them to be sure they are being served by the technical assistants in the neighborhood. that's one. two, what's also not shown in the statistics. the report is good and i feel very proud of the report that you are seeing today but what's not reflected on the report is the effort and commitment we have made behind the scene not just to put them to
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work but keep them working. we have that b role that is very important to provide support for the small contractors working on the project to keep them working if they are running bumps along the road and working with oew and the team to keep the folks who are placed, we are talking about the workforce, the folks that are working keep them working. there is a lot of management happen with city partners and city builders to keep them working there. there is one thing about the numbers who we continue to train and train up but we want to keep them on the jobs to complete the contracts that they are awarded. >> can i just do a follow up since you went into city build and the workforce challenges, what other groups aside from city build or oau are you
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working with? >> other non-profit groups, training groups. >> i will let them to respond for this. but city build is our own placement but they have their own cmu relationships that they work with, but city build is our access point. >> thank you. >> it's the citywide access point and the director of city build. >> thank you, commissioners and director bohee. city build works with cultural services, anders and chinese for affirmative actionation neighborhood a and d. asian neighborhood design. i think that's about >> asian inc.? >> yes. ypc, brand institute. i
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think those are the main community partners we work with in terms of outreach, recruitment and job readiness. that's just through our office. we also have mous in place with the san francisco district attorney's office, 5 keys and adult probation and san francisco unified school district. we also work with other city departments work independently with other local non-profit service providers as well. we'll interface others in that matter. >> thank you. >> okay. so now, do you have some questions. >> actually most of my questions have been answered. i also thought that 1 percent latino in the content. what is
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the reason? >> is it not properly advertised? >> i don't think i'm prepared to answer the specific reason for that. the bids do come in. we look at the bids and their representation but i don't have an answer for you. >> what kind of method was used to certify the new people? >> in terms of small business certification, we no longer certify but we look at certification by other governmental entities. if a firm represents itself to be a small business certified through cmd, we certainly have cmd data base to confirm that. we look at the state
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registry to see if they are certified and ask for revenue figures to ensure they meet that threshold. i'm not certain if that answers your question. >> i just want to know what the conditions are to get the certification. >> what are the requirement? >> yes. >> it depends on the certification programs, but in most instances it's a review of a paper application package along with supporting documents. in some instances site visits are conducted by certifying entities. it really depends on the certifying program. in terms of eligibility, it does differ. there may be network requirements in one program where it does not exist in another program. it does vary in that respect. >> okay, thank you. >> i have some questions. kind
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of an observation. the report is great. it has many details and in fact all the components that we asked about and i like the quarterly approach and the to date approach because it gives us an idea if we had a good quarter or continuing on a good trend. so some of the questions that have been asked with the ones that i had but i guess the big picture question i have and i don't know if you can answer it directly is it seemed like while the numbers overall essentially are healthy if you will, when you kind of break them down or look at them kind of more specifically and this is before i got your very nice handout. i just looked at the report itself. it seemed to me it's many of the names are
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reoccurring which is great. which i look at the general contractors i see cahill a lot, i see some of these other generals, so i know that's not obviously we don't have any control over the generals but i look at the subcontractor level and i see some names that are reoccurring and i see hardly any names for instance in the latino category. but in the african american category i wouldn't call super great numbers but good numbers especially if you compare it to the population base, people who are residue, you are not supposed to compare population to business representation, if you just use that as a measure, it's sort of on par, especially with the asian categories which is sort of on par, when you look at the latino category, that's clearly an area that we need to look very closely at because the population of
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latinos in san francisco is on a conservative bases is at least 15 percent, some people would say it's past 20. it could be the latinos are very busy on other projects and if they are not available. that's a concern. >> well, i share your same sentiments in that respect. regarding these size harmonization, i know i have had a discussion with a successful latino contractor that was not awarded the contract because he exceeded the size standard, as an example. it would be good to look at increasing our size standards and harmonizing with the city because he certainly fell within the city's definition, i believe of a large you know small business but it exceeded our size standards. >> right, that's why i think it's good that we would want to harmonize
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our standards with the city's standards. if the latino contractors are busy elsewhere and have exceeded the size. one thing i would like you to think about and report back to the commission because i don't have this clearly in my head of the local business ordinance. i know cmd keeps records. this is to commissioner mondejar's questions, keeps records of the groups broken down by ethnicity. so you have a sense of the lb e that are certified. what representation of asians, versus african american, versus women, versus non-minority. they have that data. we have our data broken down that way to see comparatively since it's the pool that our program is looking at. >> i think what you are looking at is
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businesses availability versus the utilization. >> exactly. >> okay. so that's one. the other that i would be interested in is on the zip code because i do know that in bayview hunters point there is a lot of contractors based in the bayview, not only african american contractors but many contractors. it's kind of a rich zip code for availability. it would be interesting to know what zip code. the monitoring division when it was it's responsibility did a zip code, now very dated but the zip codes the majority were 94-1-10, and the mission and visitation valley, hunters point and there is another zip code in
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there. >> we'll be happy to gather that because there is some efficient way to gather that information and cross-referencing it to provide that. >> i think that would be great. let's see. getting to the issue that commissioner mondejar mentioned about essentially she said spreading the goodwill, i would call spreading the wealth. there is a lot of wealth here, 53000000 awarded this quarter. it would be, it just seems like none ethnic or racial small businesses are doing well beyond parody in the market. that would be interesting to see. >> with the utilization we can gauge. >> why, i'm asking the question why is there an under representation
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if there is an ability why is there over representation in the small businesses category. i think that would be important for future programmatic changes. the only other thing i think i would like to sake -- say before i move to business -- workforce, when we come back with changes with the city with the policy, i would like us to think about and we talked about this, commissioners singn and i were part of the subcommittee with this practice of giving partnering or partnership for joint ventures with the small business as you mentioned credit at the award stage and we are only counting of course the actual participation of the small business when we are
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looking at compliance that we introduce the concept of partnership credit, 100 percent both credit at the award and compliant stage when the partnership is between a small sbe and an sbalbe so we have essentially that mid-size, larger mid-size but nonetheless sbe companies graduated from a smaller category with a type partnership and then the carat if you will would be 100 percent credit on the front end and the compliance end and hopefully that gets transbay. i'm actually very disappointed to see the numbers in transbay. and mission bay is not actually doing that well at
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commissioner bustos wasn't here when you gave the presentation here. he would love to see it. you also identified the residents, the percentage of san francisco residents by ethnic group. do you remember that report? i will send it to you. >> i'm sure i have it. i think it was at the very first presentation. >> yes. >> i certainly can provide that. >> yes, i believe it also has it by zip code and it was very interesting to see where the local workers were coming from, the zip code areas of the city and basically the jobs, who was hiring them essentially. >> correct. >> so i have that on my notes and will
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provide that going forward. >> i'm glad to hear the electricians union are doing more work in their apprenticeship entry requirement. that's great. yeah. those are basically my overall, i think it's a great report, thank you. the only other thing, i have it in my notes. i don't have any complaints that people aren't getting paid. i'm assuming people are getting paid. >> every now and then. >> even though we don't hear. >> every now and then i hear. >> every now and then are they getting paid? [ laughter ] >> every now and then i do hear. in terms of payments we are working on. i believe i mentioned when i first joined the agency what i feel was realistic was getting payment data what a contract was completed as
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opposed to the administrative burden of getting it on a monthly basis. at least a start that's where we are contemplating in terms of getting on track in terms of that payment analysis. >> great. >> i just want to make a small announcement that we are going to have an open house in oakland college. we have lots of very very good concession workers, computers, they are inmates, past inmates. and anybody who can contact them here to come there at 9:00. we'll have a breakfast and then after that you can talk to all the people you want to. >> when is this? >> on the 20th. >> friday? >> yeah. friday, the 20.
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>> can i just make one more comment? i just wanted to say nabo. national association of women business owners. there was an organization that helped the members nationwide to get certified because there are so many certifying agencies and so it was hard to navigate all of that. and i was wondering if you can outreach to them. >> i would be happy to. >> to find out how much of their members are actually certified and you know and the process that they go through. i can put you in touch with them. there is a strong san francisco bay area chapter and that was one of the things they were doing and
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delegated to the sister organization that helped them navigate the process and application forms and actually would do workshops on what documents you need, how to get qualified and what you need to be preparing and that sort of thing. >> i will be happy to outreach. >> thank you. >> and i want to remind you in terms of outreach we have contacted and spoke with the northern california chapter of the national minorities contractors association. >> yes. >> we are more than happy to try to spread that word to whatever organization is willing to listen. >> thank you for this report. it's very thorough. i'm looking forward to the next one. >> yes. thank you. okay. there is no action on this item. please call the next item. >> the next order of business
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is 5 g work shop on marketing report for sales of homes on hunters point shipyard face 1. discussion. >> commissioners this is your request to see now that the homes both market rate and below market rate on the hill top, those homes are going in the inclusion and bmr side. representative from lanar as well as our sister agencies and the mayor's office of housing and community development. the shipyard project manager will start it off. >> good afternoon. it's exciting to tell you about the sales and
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this presentation is to tell you about the present designs before you and wanted to give an update of how things are going at the shipyard and some important aspects about it in terms of the affordable housing certificate lottery program. this presentation will address all of that. before we get to an overview of the presentation. i want to introduce the folks that will be doing the bulk of the presentation to you. if you can stand when i say your name. from the mayor's office of housing and community development i have aish and benjamin and from lanar, cheryl mckib on and dr. veronica honeycutt from our advisory committee. she left the building. but she was here. very good and from the
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san francisco housing development corporation sherrie powers one of the cpo supervisorsing the services in city 10 and supervisor as well. so lanar will give you information in terms of the marketing of the home sale and discuss the marketing efforts for the affordable units and the market rate units. for the homes marketed on block 50 and 51 under construction and 53 and 54 which have just begun their marketing. moc will discuss the certificate program and affordable housing program for the office of community investment and infrastructure under the memorandum of understanding that we have with them and provide their insights on that program. with that. i want to focus where we
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are on the shipyard. you can see the first 2 blocks, 50 and 51 combined with 80 units in the apartment building condominium and 25 town homes and altogether 53 and 54 about 160 units altogether where the areas of construction are. you have been to the shipyard and seen the construction. those units are being marketed. we have just begun 53 and 54. i think they have completely sold out of those units. i want to go to ms. mcgibbon to show her presentation. >> thank you commissioners for letting
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us come today and tell you what's going on. we are excited for what's happening. we are going over the areas that we have the knowledge of separately. unfortunately i don't know how much background you have and know so i'm going to do a very briefly so i'm not duplicating what might be boring and you can ask any questions you want. i'm going to start by letting you know that our focus started in 2013 on the marketing and branding. that's when we had to determine what strategy we were going to move forward with knowing that this is an existing neighborhood and redevelopment and that's when we started our branding of the community of the san francisco shipyard and candlestick. kand stick has not be branded yet and we
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are working on it shortly. as pointed out this is an overview of the hill top. this is what we've been doing rendering to help people understand what these are artistic rendering hopefully it will look very closely to what you have approved and formally with our project managers but this is an idea of what we are looking at overall. what i'm going to focus on today is the first 2 blocks that have been sold and the next two coming to market. as thor mentioned we are happy to put out a press release last week that we have sold out of our first two buildings, market rates and bmr. 5150 is olympia and town homes and 5150 is the merchant flats. we started to market those last june. we have not
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quite started marketing yet for 53 and 54. we'll tell you in an a little bit what's in store for that. we wanted to just briefly touch on candlestick even though a lot has not happened there yet. i imagine that you have heard about the partnership that we have with mace ridge so it's going to be a shopping mall and we aren intended that by 2018 we will have a mall in place and the first of the homes will be out there. we are excited about that candlestick stand-alone and serving the rest of the community. and then you probably recently seen the press releases. i think the mayor's office had yet another one today on the ground breaking and alice griffith and we are excited about that as well. so as i started to say earlier our strategy began basically in
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2013 on what we were going to do to make sure that everyone would know about the shipyard. it's a location that as i'm sure you are aware that loolt of people since it was a naval base haven't been there before. we were getting the word out that thises going to be a new community and a new community in an existing community and we wanted to make sure that everyone had the opportunity to find out about it. we started out by putting together a downtown sales office that people could easily access. we started our campaign as letting people know that it was the san francisco shipyard because as we are all talking about today, san francisco residents are very excited about being part of san francisco and since this is an area of the city that everyone was not familiar with, we wanted to make sure that when people were doing google searches, they realized this was part of san
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francisco. that's when we rolled out our website and all of our social media to introduce this was coming. we did our official launch the first week in june. and that was where we went ahead and we did a formal website that talked about the first two buildings and what was anticipated overall for the community. we started with a press event to get the word out. we also had a community brokers event right away and brokers event for all of san francisco and that led into our grand opening of the first 2 blocks on june 7th. one of the things we wanted to point out is we keep emphasizing because it's very important to us as it is to you that this is a part of an existing community and we wanted to integrate into it so we did a lot of work with the community to fart
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ner with the community and we worked with local restaurants and local wine company and all of that. that is what is tied into our marketing and our events that are happening. and talking about events, it's the marketing and advertising that we've been doing is relatively untraditional in that we have not done a lot. we have some campaigns online which are google outwards that drive people to our website and we do a lot of events and education because we think that's important for people to understand what's taking place out there and what we are building and overcome some of the questions that they have wechlt not done any print advertising and we are going into more detail on the outreach that we have done for the below
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market rate and the certificate holders. we are doing a social media program, word of mouth and broker event to get the word out so people can visit the shipyard. i'm going to turn it over. >> good afternoon, commissioners, thank you for having us today. i'm going to talk through some of the outreach that we have done in the community and kind of the bmr also and we partner closely with the ocie and housing and development. we worked really closely with laush ann's office. our community office has been around the cac and a lot of work with fhc and events within the the community and existing
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