tv [untitled] March 21, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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housing in the new neighborhoods and existing neighborhoods like visa did care we want to protect the reason people are living here in the first place and this is why you serve here i want to thank the diverse coalition of supporters including the california music association and the department of building inspection co-advisory committee and the small business commission and supervisor wiener signed on a co-sponsor we're grateful to him and ben i'm sure you know from a variety of things around the city set up a petition that already has 29 signatures in support of the legislation thank you all the folks we're heading to the department of building inspection and to the planning commission on thursday it is great to start the road show
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where the entertainment commission that is about making our job easier and the commission more effective in electrothe night time i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you well, this is fabulous i'm sure you'll hear commissioner joseph this is great i wish you were around 15 yoogz years ago i had a night club and it cost me a future in legal fees to stay alive i stayed alive and i think you're right that people are there are 2 hundred and thirty new tech companies just in san francisco in the last couple of years their employees are generally under 40 or 35 i do believe that people come here for the night time we have
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to have enough night life venues this is awesome and great i have a couple of questions so what is the developers incentive to inform the people who are burr of leasing the property when the property is completely fulfilled the developer gets to walk away. >> the developer has to there is a special restriction on the toilet theoretically they can choose not to but there's consequences. >> i see and as far as people noise so lots of the complaint about speech and pedestrian traffic late anothers night to sometimes, people i mean is people noise restricted to a decimal level i know that we are
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permitted 8 decimal points above ambiance what about speech and laughing as they leave a venue. >> that's not something we're codifying this is your purview as the entertainment commission and nuance within the property plan are they out on the sidewalk that's a regulatory problem that falls under the commission. >> okay other than this i think this is awesome. >> thank you. >> i wish it came earlier. >> another commissioners commissioner frost. >> i talked about the club being grandfathered in would they - does the new owners get the same protection. >> yes. as long as that is consistent occupancy and use.
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>> commissioner moshoyannis. >> then commissioner lee. >> the legislation specifically refers to probation officer e but other types of limited live i think about street fairs this is a big complaint we get you know residents go up and they don't know about the long-standing street fair it is only one day can have a significant community impact is there a way to hold that in or is that off the table. >> (laughter). >> you may have heard me say we've burned through a lot of city attorney's hours but i'd like to think this legislation is establishing a fraction we can apply to other uses and hopefully, this is one. >> i think that just the sheer act of novelist the residents upon the arrival before they
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sign the paperwork is an important part of the discussion making process living in approximate it to a probation officer e or live in a neighborhood that has you mention weekly sunday goorth and big street festivals i think advertised shared. >> it if i might jump in here we don't know what your coming up what will take place whether when with we have someone about to build something once we've given notice to the planning department that is something that has begun to be discussed within this you know one hundred foot radius we're at this point bring up the explicit street fairs and bring up all sorts of things in the conversation i was
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laughing because initially that start with connor suggesting that it was live music and i pushed him really hard to include all probation officer e it is my attention to over ask but i got a lot i'm pretty happy and there's an opening without changing the legislation. >> as long as there's room for the communication and it is coming before us we can overlay the 3 hundred po e's. >> i'm sure you know that we mapped it and so we can certainly. >> great. >> use it as a tool every time it come forward. >> commissioner lee and did you have something. >> just to follow up i wanted
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to say what happened is someone applies for a building permit to build a large building and not within 3 hundred feet of a po e like the street fair and that's you won't know about it; is that correct. >> with this legislation i don't believe we'll be notified that's correct it doesn't mean the legislation has a problem this is the first step that is mind blowing. >> no, no i think it is great don't get me wrong i'm not criticizing it you brought up a good point. >> it's not going to cure everything immediately but a huge step so - >> commissioner lee. >> so i mean it's a huge step when the palms was built across the street we had the same
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situation they had to disclose to the buyers the problem when they rent it out they never informed the lease easy so what power from the lessees do we refer to our lease is this all now part of the going on lease situation. >> so i'm curious how you know - >> sure i'll courage you to read the new language we incorporated in the adding code section that lays out the notification and the s r requirement there are obligations for tenants as well as important purchased anytime that happens the po e we work
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hard with the city attorney's office there are penalties as well like $500. >> so there's a penalty. >> yes. >> and then like audrey and sxhaf was saying about the 2 o'clock or 2:30 you're saying it's not part of the notification those things are happening across the street. >> well, it's certainty part of the notification the language for the notification will say there is a place of entertainment a venue nearby and you'll hear people and music that's part of the communication my response to commissioner joseph we don't legislate that's outdoor purview but part of the communication and the notification. >> okay. i think to some stent
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it is explained it is clearly about as long as it doesn't steady a decimal within the room there's the issue; right? as long as. >> that's what i got. >> that's how i read this does it matter what the source of the sound is. >> that's where the nuance enters the conversation are the people macro the noise a block up that's sort of a case by case nuance discussion we can't codify that. >> there are situations that the parking lot is a block away and they're moving along. >> so the code gusts 8 decimals that's enforceable and make sense for the noise emanating from the property but the noise is left. >> i think this is as urban
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planning representative i felt we the commission have had no teeth in the development of the city the planning commission didn't defer to us hey, we have this entertainment commission venue coming in what do you guys think thank you so much for the building authority we're creating a whole new process a bigger workload for our staff and ourselves as our city grows we'll see that we'll tease out the development to say hey, did you know those are the dynamics that gone weekend to weekend so when this terms of the policy it takes a trial run but the fact we having this power and have authority is a huge win for our commission and huge win for san franciscans and the residents here to be able to be protected
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and the businesses to be protected as well the residents noise will help them out and businesses want to keep operating one thing i'm curious about it is a code i don't know if director cane has put many this case but some point in time can you help with the staffed to work out an internal process i assume that's on you cammy until a said position exists. >> certainly where we will is have to justify it is something that takes as much staff hours we know what we don't know. >> commissioner joseph. >> i just had a question it has been my experience that residential buildings tend to leak noise coming from the outdoor into them through
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windows and ventilation do you have any idea in the building inspection or planning is going to ask for triple pain windows or secured ventilation systems. >> this is your work this is exactly the point of this the communication with the developers you know very early stage this legislation stipulates this as a pta stage it is a permit submitted not one submitted yet that's the purpose to not elongate gait the process that is long but with respect to those kinds of specifics those are the kinds of things you as a commission can submit to the planning commission and department if the situation warrant this is that opportunity you're the experts and you get to inform them.
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>> great. >> that is cool. >> that is so cool. >> i actually get the first bite of apple before the application is submitted. >> that is a series of recommendations and that's all there is. >> to go backwards we in turn say you have to reinforce our sound proofing those are consumption we came come in. with in the process. >> i should be clear this commission is not empowered with the authority to issue the permits or the stipulation but what is your expertise to discuss and provide agrees between the venue and planning and dbi will be empowered to see how it's interpreted
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you're not going to like think about moving forward into the existing buildings that have not been built yet and we did to some stent originally the legislation only applied to residential believes that came in after the po e had been in we've changed that after january 1st, 2005, that the building codes were stringent and basically capable of accommodating venues. >> south of market is one of the neighborhoods certainly streets in the bayview that have buildings that are old and semipain window and thin walls and who complain about the venues in their area. >> uh-huh. >> not going back before 2006.
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>> right. >> if they put a permit in for remodel. >> not for remodel if you have an venue that was not used for residential purposes and want to convert it that's different. >> any other. >> what's our timeline. >> after the dog and pony show you o show. >> your phrase not maintain 0 so assuming getting through planning and we'll schedule the land use at the full board and go to the full board within a week after that. >> so within two months. >> should be yeah. yeah. >> so just real quick didn't supervisor campos has a legacy business that addresses the old buildings next to clubs and isn't there something in the
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works. >> i'm not an expert on supervisor campos but it provides a tax rebate with the a long time tenants want to purchase the building. >> i get it. >> all right. thank you so much for being here opening it up for public comment thank you to the hard work to our staff and ben and other folks are opinion are involved supervisor wiener and mr. reid. >> thank you any public comment on this item? too bad this is exciting people. >> of course >> got one. >> first of all, it is long over due we're appreciative and welcoming the legislation it is pragmatic and practical and common sense but also something
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that right now the land is to says in san francisco a desire to go vertical hopefully, this will see people will see what they're getting into so this is just a great, great physicists legislation and i think it should sail through. >> any more public comment? please come on up >> i came to san francisco. >> can you speak into the microphone and state your name. >> hi, i'm benjamin i work at the square i came to san francisco to see live music and experience the independent i doesn't understand all the ins and outs it would be
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a shame not to help the venues the eastbound e elbow room is awesome that would be a shame that's it. >> thank you all right. is there any final public comment if not public comment is closed commissioners, i think that mr. johnson is looking for our support for this legislation to add into the many other supporters so. >> can we make a motion is this an action item. >> it's a potential action item we don't have to act on it. >> i'd like to make a motion like the taefths supports this legislation and recommends that it goes passes through land use to the full board. >> second. >> is there a motion and a second any further discussion let's take a vote and public comment on the motion?
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no one >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner cavanes commissioner tan. >> that is a unanimous vote. >> go get them connor. >> (laughter). all right. we still have permits here to look at it and but before we do that we're going to have the police department questions or comments so - >> let's do that first. >> vice president at an i'm president. >> president indians i was so excited to use vice president commissioner moshoyannis start again commissioner tan and commissioner moshoyannis supervisors aim a wreck that's
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what happens which you work on st. patrick's obviously this weekend was the st. patrick's day parade and the rest of the evening with all kinds of licensed establishments holding the st. patrick's day events the news the wills he's and others performed well, the city was by all paranoias i was out the entire time very compacted we have i think one of the largest tenants in the last exactly it was amazing warm weather and from law enforcement view this could get out of control but the good news everything working together it was overall an successful event and the heat of the day played in our favor i
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thought the crowds were going to go all night but by 11ish everybody was that winding down so i was pretty sure in all the hot spots in the triangle and the chestnut that handled well polk street it would get a second wind but no major issues and broadway went well and north beach was packed with people enjoying the restaurants and fisherman's wharf was full a ton of people obviously the after event another civic center part was packed so the police department was very pleased overall and our officers did a great job i think
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it speaks to the efforts of your commission and the relationships with the permit he does. >> thank you. >> thank you any questions or comments for lieutenant? any public comment on item the police reporting >> item 7 the potential action for two live permits. >> yes. i'm cammy black stone and i'm going to wing this. >> there are to i think the first one is russel bustle doing business as as apple bee there is someone here come on up and explain what you intend to do with an apple bees i don't know we have had an apple bees in san
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francisco who are you. >> what's an apple bees. >> well - so we opened up a festers for a 5 hundred seat venue we want 0 people to come into all different parts of world had a request we do jazz they put us in contract it's a contact that's a 3 piece band they're to go for two hours during diner not any other time mostly done by 9 we don't have neighborhoods directly beneath us so we're going to keep it another a level for people to talk during their diner. >> are you planning to manage the entertainment or is that based on the groups that come in and say we want this performer.
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>> they have the tour group recommended the band we contract with the band there i go to take care of the booking. >> commissioner joseph. >> so have you ever had bands in a venue that i ran before. >> nope. >> so you know nothing about bands. >> i've seen bands before. >> so you know nothing about bands so your relying on the band to bring in their sound equipment and the a.m. fireside. >> that's a problem because drums are hard to control and if you amplify them and light them. >> we'll not be mikeing the drums. >> okay. so you don't have a criteria you've not developed a criteria for the maximum amount of sound a trio can bring in.
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>> in terms of decimal level. >> no in terms of size of speakers. >> we're going to have final say over the volume so if we tell them to turn it down we need it to be at a level. >> not just the volume that creates noise but the frequency of the sound so you know creates vibration and hi ends a sort of volume. >> do you have any neighbors around you at all any residential neighbors. >> not at all. >> so i'll suggest that you look into it about a maximum size of a speaker they cannot bring in a speaker any burn i'm not telling you what size to accommodate our room and their volume can't go over a certain
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level and their decimal level from the middle of the room can't be above a disrespect amount and do a little bit of personal investigation of your room and create that policy for band to come in especially, if they're bringing in their own stuff. >> if worse comes to worse we can cut the people off from the rest of the restaurant i thought uniform going to say you have a collapsable wall instead of a hooblg. >> commissioner lee and so is it in the carry are you in the cannery. >> right on trailer and jefferson so they're in that area. >> right. >> so i think what commissioner joseph is saying you have to have some kind of limit like a policy like you can't bring in
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speakers so big outcomes i've been to plaids like lewis that have been good but businesses you can't hear customers can't talk only eat so i think there's all those neighbors obviously you'll get by but step in and set limits. >> right. right we are going to have a lot of people from out of town to manage apple bees. >> in the past we would have the house have a sound system and the band would have to talk through the sound system this is a limited thing. >> right >> if it gets a problem that will have to be and the later. >> are there any police commissioners on that are they fine with that. >> they did respond it was approved you should see it on
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the last page. >> it's blue. >> oh, it's blue. >> not in my. >> not in our - that's weird okay. but yes, they approved without any additional conditions. >> okay. great so any additional comments from commissioners why don't you have a seat i know that officer macias is not here any public comment on this all right. seeing none the commission can now take the matter at hand is there a motion to go either way motion to approve. >> second. >> great and a second. >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner moshoyannis
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commissioner cavanes commissioner tan. >> congratulations good luck apple bees. >> just educate user you know how a band works because you've seen one that's not true. >> let's move into the square. >> so this is a location that was previously permitted as a bottle cap you may have some familiarity with that i don't know what the cross streets there you are hello so i think the background of this was possibly we could have - i started doing entertainment i think you didn't know you noted a permit so we had compliance concerns this
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