tv [untitled] March 21, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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commissioner tan. >> congratulations good luck apple bees. >> just educate user you know how a band works because you've seen one that's not true. >> let's move into the square. >> so this is a location that was previously permitted as a bottle cap you may have some familiarity with that i don't know what the cross streets there you are hello so i think the background of this was possibly we could have - i started doing entertainment i think you didn't know you noted a permit so we had compliance concerns this was submitted and
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again, this is a live performances permit i want to give an opportunity wherever the commission thinks appropriate for jordan to xooim chime in with background information you need we actually brought a picture that might be helpful to talk about what you get to the point of considering some conditions so if you want to i think go ahead and explain what is it you're here for . >> okay. >> we'll go from there. >> this is new i started this restaurant as a line cook and became a chief and now the general manager this is a dream i want to have live music and started booking acts they said i had a licensed already i didn't
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it was upsetting the neighbors you're here now and i've tried to reach out and called the telegraph hill dwerldz and invited the dwellers to come and check us out i've talked to daniel i live above a bar i have the same response everyday i know it is frustrating i'm trying to create a nice neighborhood spot and can't do that if i'm ticking off my real neighbors so all i want to see or do is have a nice spot and make everybody happy. >> it sound like you're playing attorney everyday. >> i live above the bar. >> not our bar. >> we have not jukebox for this reason.
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>> i'm wondering with what kind of a performers. >> i have a couple of guides are play piano they're there an saturdays and sunday one from butch 6 to 9 and awe enthusiastic rag gay so sometimes a know if group they were our first complaint they got carried away. >> their that amplified. >> we don't have sound equipment they have to bring their own and jordan showed up 10u7b9d they were playing in your apartment i'll not trying to po my neighborhoods. >> that means pious off. >> (laughter). commissioners have you questions
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before that we'll hear from supervisor poly >> do you want to store that picture up there do you have it there's a color. >> this is kind of dark. >> can you put that on the projector. >> down on the white thing right there. >> there it is so pull it down. >> taylor not taylor. >> there you go. >> okay. >> originally got the complaint tb jocelyn and daniel she's in the audience was complaining about the noise i checked out it out i went by on a wednesday they had the band that day and immediately when i walked into daniels apartment the noise was really loud a thin wall like a wall separates the restaurant
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from her stairwell and the stairwell is open no door that separates the door from the apartment and the sound is loud in here establishment at least that was on that night and for sure we've talked and there's been a more complaints beyond the sound it is pretty loud in her apartment i didn't need a sound like meter to know there is a violation that's a concern of mine and basically yeah, that's i mean, if you have any other questions. >> if you don't mind the wall between the venue and the stairwell that leads to her apartment is thin. >> so the picture. >> can i have the picture. >> to the right to the right.
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>> her door is on the right. >> oh i see the door. >> so right next to their share a wall several walls that's kind of the area that the band played. >> was the sound coming through the wall every part of the apartment. >> yeah. >> and when speaking did they explain it was just some of the mufkdz. >> it is some of the music just they're small system i think the building is not the piano too i just think the building can't really hold the sound. >> do you have any other types of speakers in our facility to play ipod music. >> right above her apartment is two speakers we've turned those
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almost completely off. >> so the speakers from your ipod effects her as well. >> we've turned them off we have music on one side and an balance no on the other side. >> have you put in sound like occur taken into consideration. >> i'm going to move the band there is no one there are neighbors over there but never hear us we're trying to go to the other side of the apartment. >> how much square feet is your place? square feet i'm not sure of that >> you don't know how many square feet. >> we have a 5 hundred occupancy. >> so i play music it is only harder on one living space on
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one side but not the other. >> i've asked the girls on this one side. >> your way to solve the problem to move to over to the other side. >> daniel says he's e she's in 10 and we could end it at 9 yeah. i guess yeah. >> have you experienced on the one side to see if daniel can hear it. >> we have to put a plug. >> you haven't ran an extension chord and not knowing if you can do it on the other side. >> we have a mrulg on this other side. >> how many feet between that wall and the opposition wall the wall your curling playing by. >> 60 feet. >> 60? okay 60 feet of open air >> well, there's a half wall
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that separates our restaurant and then yeah. >> that's helpful to know commissioner moshoyannis. >> are you looking to move it over the bar side over here that's 71 or 72 feet. >> yeah. >> okay. >> and then are 50 and 60 the half walls you're talking about. >> right next to that there's a wall. >> are those tables. >> it says the square. >> yeah. it says the square wall that goes through there. >> and colleagues did you see that space. >> i seen it i don't think tha that will solve the problem that's in my opinion. >> commissioner lee. >> it used to be the washington bar and grill. >> it did. >> yeah. used to be i remember that you know it is built a long time ago so how important is this to you
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if you have to put a sheer wall or something next to the neighbors to get this to work are you willing to do that there's costs i'm not the owner only the general manager >> if it's up to us i can't speak for them i'm not sure unites i'd like to do that. >> well, maybe a condition on the permit should we approve that you need to - and have you discussed that with the owner of the business. >> we've talked about sound progressively that's a lot of money as a new restaurant right now. >> we had a case like this last time and the lady was crying they're willing to do the sound progressively that is important to the business. >> right. >> i would say is so your inspectors will have to
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go out address inspect. >> daniel they told me the piano is fine it's the out sound. >> we're talking about we're not going to limit the music but whether there is from a guitar or drum it doesn't matter wet need to hear from the public and the police don't have any conditions on this but i'm happy to entertain questions for the applicant if you guys have any. >> so why don't you have a seat thank you i'm assuming the police are okay with just moving on to public comment so i'm here to take
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public comment if you're interested 2, 3, 4 speaking on this, please come up and let us know who you or i have 2 minutes to make your statement into the one on the right. >> i'm daniel i live above the square he talked about the concerns and what he's harder that's true it is very loud the band the i forget which kind of backed up that was definitely the worse but the piano i can hear it is a nuisance and the timing yes some days i go to bed added 10 i work during the day but if i'm sick or you know say i needed to take a nap i don't want loud music playing throughout the evening
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and watching a movie not only do i here it in the stairwell but my bedroom and living room especially the band heard through the apartment the live music started within the last couple of months but the stereo it took until this permit application for them to turn the speakers down i was talking with 09 man who i guess used to be the manager i don't know if he works there claiming once in a while once or twice a week about stereo so that part was not addressed until recently that's been better but i still sometimes hear it and sometimes even the stereo gets played before the restaurant is open or
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after it closes the stereo was playing like 2 in the morning when they were shutting the restaurant down and so those are my concerned pretty much thanks can i ask you a clarifying question you're talking about music and stereo so you hear voices and laughter paw sometimes there's a couple of private parties that went on and i've heard voices they have their windows open outside so you can hear it k0u89 from the street. >> are you complaining to the managers or police. >> one time i called the police they didn't come by but i've called them. >> they log but maybe not coming they have a record. >> any additional public comment i have to take everyone
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else that wants to speak. >> sure if it's just clarifying. >> when i say you've contacted how did you get ahold of the manager. >> of the square i would have to go down to the scare and talk to sometime in person i was provided a cell phone none but that took months before you i got the contract to call directly instead of going down every night. >> okay. thank you. >> thanks you can have a seat now is there any additional public comment you can't unfortunately all right. with that public comment is closed commissioners as with any permit we can condition the hell out of it so to the point that there's a burden on the management to
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obviously meet the burden so the police have conditions i think. >> i have a question for staff we condition they have to sound proof can we make that a condition. >> you can maybe not in so many words but certainly require them to pass a sound test similar to a place of entertainment it's to the not a requirement on the l l t but in the past at the end of the day to get to the same point. >> obviously sound proof is a moveable like that and so what you're trying to say is pass the sound like test that is something that we've done and have expertise in does that makes sense. >> it sound like this applicant is amenable to conditioning the
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hours to end earlier than 10 at least well, the cost of sound progressively could be a lot so we have to know when when they say i can't afford it. >> the owner said it was too expensive for the restaurant. >> so, huh? >> all right. so there's a possible condition we can add around pga a sound like test we could consider the hours. >> we could consider not granting. >> or we can continue it it sound like there's been recent headway negotiations. >> without the sound progressively it is not in my opinion - >> so i would consider continuing it giving us this gentleman a chance to go to the
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owner and explain we'll condition it upon a sound like test in order to pass the sound test we'll have to probably do some sound like attention and in not willing to do that pass the sound test and if he played music anyway, that's a citation and they'll pile up 2 would be clear up to sound like proof i feel like this gentleman can't make the decision he need to go to his owner i'll move to continue how long can i continue to the next meeting so you would how long i move to continue to the next meeting. >> is there a second. >> second. >> all right. commissioner
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cavanes second any further comment let's vote on that. >> same house, same call? >> yes. i can. >> so that means the motion or the item is continued for two more weeks we highly recommend that you do as commissioner joseph speak speak our your owners and come back to us with an agreement yeah. in the meantime don't play music don't play any music. >> as far as the extension chords. >> all right. we are going to move on we have two more items so item 8 is commissioners questions or comments this is on anything you feel moved to speak on. >> congratulations again commissioner moshoyannis our new vice president hopefully, this is easier for you commissioner
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cavanes. >> anything okay. we'll move on. >> one thing i'm president of the organization that runs the st. patrick's day parade we had this weekend and definitely a learning experience my first time we did the first day great but leading up to the experience was hard i want to see a one-stop shop to get all your permits it is interesting trying to deal with the city from this prospective before i was part of the red tape and now i'm fighting the red tape but i'd like to thank the city the day of the parade was awesome everybody did a great job for us thank you. >> all right. great >> are we allowed to mention the draft of report.
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>> i think so. >> so the controller's office did come out with a draft kind of report of the outdoor events survey which jocelyn and i got a chance to review that's moving forward physical evidence and got interesting finding and hopefully, we'll have an equivalent to work with the supervisors who kind of moved to have that put forward so hopefully, we'll get a full presentations in the next couple of months on that. >> i want to thank jocelyn over the past few months the late night transportation moves and the presentation from connor i know there's other items on deck too so there is amazing a great time to be in the commission any
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public comment on the commissioners questions or comments. >> being here from day one we've come a long way a long way sure and have established ourselves ourselves in a positive way that has to do with you thank you. >> all right. any public comment? on your pats open our backs. >> (laughter) arrest okay item 9 new business requests if we can for the next meetings have the kind of special events last minute permit item i don't know what it is called we'll make sure are you to have that i'll talk to jocelyn i think we missed a review for you that is due at some point or due in the fall. >> could be. >> could be. >> certainly helpful.
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>> if we could move that along too to. >> a closed session. >> yeah. a closed session. >> so the last thing is at special event you want us to weigh in to make a decision as a group. >> yeah. a discussion and possible action i think the kwae question was oh. >> i'm inclined to talk about that it was confusing and the i'm not sure exactly the amount of permits that are allowed on the next agenda so if it is extensive i might ask for the one after that and again i'll try to maybe send something to you in advance of the meeting in
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a separate e-mail so then you can have a chance to review it is not as complicated as it ended up to be that nights it's pretty simple i thought you were listening. >> (laughter) >> all right. >> did you hear what she said. >> no, i have no idea i'll look at the minutes all right. any other future items okay. is there any public comment? with that that's the end of our meetings have a good night everyone
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supervisor jane kim our clerk andrea ashbury also want to recognize jessie larson and jonathan will be testifying this committee on sfgovtv thank you, very much. to staff madam clerk, any announcements? questions electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 24th 2015 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you very much madam clerk ladies and gentlemen, just wanted to let you know that supervisor wiener requested for excused supervisor kim may have are a motion to xu supervisor wiener it is unanimously approved item one. >> a resolution relieving to extend the access for licenses. >> i believe that dph it is a of will especially presenting on
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this. >> good afternoon public works what you have before you today is a request to extend an existing license for a intersection on west bay at 7th and mission bay drive in the location of that street the major intersection is seen on the overhead projector in blue incorporating a cigarette of 7th street and perpendicular to the mission bay drive is is improvements along this area a director of public works determined that the project is complete and read for its use and further the city entered 20/20 agreements one for the temporary use of a portion of the area and entered into the agreement with the developer
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fossil and the second another temporary assess use agreement with real equality for the acceptance of the approval the two temporary use agreements have expired but require a continuance until july of this year we'll i've - you while they're being for this hatched area owned by fossil and this area by ar e alexandria we repealed the roller coasters enter into this oh, supervisor kim. >> thank you through the chair
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a quick question i noticed the extension is on through july 24ig9 only a few months are we thought confident the conveyance of the street will occur. >> it will for for the acceptance of the streets we're confident it will happen in not we'll come back for an estimation. >> is there anyone from the public who wishes to comment item one. >> seeing none, public comment is closed supervisor kim may i have a motion. >> i want to make a motion to with a positive recommendation. >> thank you. this motion accepted unanimously madam clerk call item 2. >> item 2 is an ordinance wore the general plan for the housing
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element and adapting the 202005 element. >> we have a staff from the department that will be presenting on this item. >> good afternoon supervisor cohen and supervisor kim i'm from the planning department to present the 2016-2017 housing element housing element part of the guidance for the city as an overall for the strategy future policy will be evaluated for the consistency, however, adaptation of the housing element doesn't change the city law or practice it is required by state law and many infrastructures for the involvement are tied and adapt for the housing element housing element is
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