tv [untitled] March 22, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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and bus transcript might chief those goals and in the abc 78 the hyatt was four types strategies not meeting the goals will happy in phase two we'll have turnover at the cac in the past years and at the request of district 6 member we've scheduled a working group to go over the brown act we want to make sure the concerns are addressed and make sure the commissioners have the cac representatives to reach out to community groups and attend the organized meetings for us to exact with the community and the cac that's all. >> thank you very much any questions from commissioners no i noticed you did mention the great how project our office is
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involved we're happy to connect with you the folks so we'll gather our feedback and answer any questions with that public comment on this item number 2 all right. seeing none, public comment is closed and we're joined by supervisor yee and let's move to item 3. item 3 the approval of the meeting of the february 10th meeting this is an action item >> all right. any public comment? seeing none public comment is closed and commissioners can we get a motion to approve the minutes all right. moved and supervisor london breed and seconded by supervisor christensen. >> roll call vote. >> on item 3 supervisor breed supervisor christensen supervisor farrell supervisor tang supervisor yee minutes pass. >> very much and now if we can move to item
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545 recommended restraining order recommendation for two candidates. >> mike picking for the record. >> the transportation authority citizens advisory committee has 11 members each serving a two year term and the board appoint individuals to the citizens advisory committee vacates neither the staff nor the cac makes recommendations to qualify for the appointments they must be san franciscans and appear before the committee the current applicants is attached and the materials foreclosure for each applicant is in the scombloer the first is the cac members one vacancy is the result of time constraint with the candidates
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time and the regulatory scheduled meeting is automatic interpretation under the cac and she's seeking reappointment we understand if supervisor avalos wants to continue the appointment to allow time for additional outreach at this point there are 12 applicants for the vacancies with that we'll take questions and commissioners if not perhaps to the lady for her presentation. >> good morning, commissioners and citizens i'm seeking reappointment for my position to serve district 5 on the cac and just a little bit about myself i'm a 16 year resident of san francisco a 10 year homeowner with an address in the france square crotch that
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was built for the longshoremen and workers unions so the neighbors are elderly and disabled i'm involved in their concerns and there are strong voter as my revocation i'm a caltrain associated environmental planner working for caltrain for to years been familiar with the state local and federal legislation around the vial and transportation planning and i've served 16 months on the cac and two of my absence of my four absence were due to the fact i had out of town caltrain training and hope you'll understand my attendance was making me a more skilled cac member i'm seeking reappointment thank you. >> thank you very much any questions or comments from the commissioners?
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supervisor london breed >> yes. can you explain the other two absence as well. >> one was i had the flu really bad mru and the other i was stuck in consultant traffic from oakland at this point, i thought that would be rude to show up wlatd i 230ud later from mr. davis to show up that would have been fine unfortunately. >> do you think this will change to retrigger the reappointment felt position do you think this will happy in the future. >> i certainly hope not will keep in mind my caltrain schedule and may conflict that the cac meetings and take into consideration thank you. >> all right. thank you very much for being here any other
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questions or comments. >> okay. seeing none we'll we're going to open up for public comment thank you. >> any public comment on item 4 all right. seeing none, public comment is closed so colleagues can we get a motion to appoint ms. affordable housing log and continue the district 11 appointees and so moved can we take that oh sorry roll call. >> he made it on item 3. >> okay same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. we're moving ms. affordable housing log forward item 5 item 5 recommend the allocation of $100 million plus in prop k funds for the school district to the cash year direction schedules an action item. >> he have two folks.
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>> good morning, chair and committee members i'll be going over the agenda item 5 and the forward questions are excluded in an enclosure item for the agenda pr for a quick summer we have requests for one $.8 million in the tax and for the capital projects that support vision zero and the bicycle safety education meeting that was continued a staff on hand from the sfavlt that is a sponsor and bike coalition member so the first is the great reroute of prop k will match federal fund for traffic analysis and environmental work to convert the two northbound lanes into a single northbound
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and southbound lane this preserves theries function the project has widespread support the coasted commission and national parks commission and other agencies the work included will be done in the spring of 2015 public works says that will be open for use in early 2017. >> okay moving next door to the great skyline project if you're not familiar with the round about they provide reduction of moving vehicles and reduce the vehicular speeds while maintaining traffic flow they'll use prop k funds for the existing intersections of the great highways
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public works will perform public outreach and hold public meetings as part of the planning phase and the construction phase are not fully funded but the potential is prop k the prop vehicle fee and the transportation program walk first public safety project presented at the vision zero committee meeting it will fund the design of the public safety up to 45 locations on san francisco pedestrian high injury corridors a map of the locations included in the enclosure for the item some of the counter miles an hour is the painted mediums and the construction will start in the spring of next year and open by the end of 2016 revolted out implemented as
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stand alone at specific locations along the corridors or other projects going on in the city this request 7th lincoln way improvements made up of critical entrance to golden gate park on people in the parks and popular with the pedestrians walk from the inner sunset to the park those are loefrj $40,000 in state funds award to san francisco for this project 73 san jose has a post 13r5i9 it this public works will have a concrete barrier from the southbound vehicle lanes and the southbound pedestrian lanes this will create the projects in the slide as you can see this is called follow the paving this is
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tacked going into and coordinated with other larger works project in the 2014 it was approved last urge and fail to make sure we were funding projects and the key prioritization for the coordination opportunities for the cycles included in the project with the traffic taimg u cadging implementation that funds the design work associated with all concrete bulb out from the san francisco cadging traffic plans that had strong committee support with the sfmta revenue bonds for the construction and the sfmta seeks the funding in june that allows the construction to begin this year anticipated in november
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the final request from jonathan to speak about the bicycle education classes. >> thanks i'm jonathan with the mta i wanted to take a few minutes to respond to the question last month about the allocation one was the overview purpose of the bicycle education and with the costs of the individual classes so the first one was overall we're trying to accomplish with the black history month has to do with first start the bicycle strategy we've laid out a number of manufacturer to get us one today to a 20 percent of ridership that's within the ridership we've reported to the board 4 percent of the various improvements including investments in safety education
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to help us to slowly move up the policy goal one goal we have bicycle safety education and 60 r 50 percent of san francisco schools we have not reached that but prop k will help us fund those and is consistent with the expenditures second the overall vision zero and one thing in all in favor, signify by i with had 2 hundred and 60 bicyclist collisions we saw a decline in 2012 i believe down to 5 hundred and 79 and the past year we're another 621 as we were seeing cycling increasing you'll noted in the newspapers a number of collisions growing and slowly
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increasing so the overall goal to teach people how to bicycle safely and create an environment for the people cycling in san francisco the good news we've seen a adrenalin in actually collision a a stabilization as we've seen bicyclists increase that's the overall policy with regard to the specific costs there's a suit of different types of classes within the allocation that make ups the contract some of the classes specifically the ones noted for expensive ones has to do with the programs in middle school we'll do two weeks of bicycle safety as part of pe requires one hundred hours and the bike coalition provides the materials and the helmets so that's why the costs per parent
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is extremely high other types of the classes learn to ride that are actually on the road and street and requires a certified instructor to be part of the placing class their smaller classes we're trying to teach you how to follow the rules of the road those are are higher those are intensify classes we want to increase the number of people cycling and the use you know of riding bikes to school and taking advantage of that we'll appreciate our support and the allocation in moving with the extension we have sustainable streets classes if you want to get to the nitty-gritty of the classes and have colleagues here. >> commissioners, any questions. >> thanks for the information
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of the classes that i see here probably the only one you have no control offer in terms of the bikes education i assume that is to did middle schools the other classes are pretty random i'm curious in terms of who is taking those classes do we have information on them in terms of whether there's ethnic breakdown or district breakdown like are we seeing equal number of people in the district if not what can he see the criteria 50 percent of them taking the classes if each district we need to look at the allocation resources.
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>> yeah. so i'm going to ask matt to address that question and coalitions that want to help if we can't specifically answer that question that's reasonable as part of the allocation to report on the data as a part of the allocation so once this is pled and we do our close out report we'll report the number of participants in the district. >> good morning, commissioners i'm matt with the sfmta so we - i don't have specification at this time of the participants per districts there's a map in our packet of where the classes took place do you have this map possibly?
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i can put it up here so this is a map showing where the classes are located we do offer with our contractor the bike coalition promotional materials in chinese and spanish and in terms of the middle school program the ride bike program that who we work with that is by invite and this school has to be interested in the program we pursue those locations in the school bike ed >> so looking at the map it is i could assume for instance 7
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people are not pravrnt in each classes. >> pardon me. >> looking at the map that seems like i can say a district 7 is underserved. >> yeah. we're trying to get both existing and new cyclists to the classes 38 they vary on the types of class for classes for cyclists and classes for developing new cyclists this map we could add for classes in that outside the city core but i mean it is just like any map; right? the dense urban environment has more cyclists so we see the vast majority of our class lie but we
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can be sure to focus outside that area to get a more equal area. >> i'm suggesting if this is the evidence here that maybe going forward we look at how we mta could set the goals if you remain to the bike coalition to a certain percentage of the participants should be for certainly classes for the different districts thats that would be helpful. >> we have a question if supervisor christensen. >> i guess maybe more of a comment we're belashing this we all support the goals the brought to my attention
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education is good the bicyclist coalition this is one of the flags a lot of money that is being disseminated in deif you find was i was given a run down felt number of people in the classes served it seems to me the number of people we're reaching in the program is small it is fledging so to extend the program to the future areas not being reached also a strategy of how we effectively reach for o more people in order for the program to have an impact it's great to have thirty or 40 students here or there but it may not be hand drawn we may have to do pamphlets so they're
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not so instructor intensify how can we increase the number of people reached and how can we target that outreach to the communities that most need it and how to have an equitable sdrpgs by location of ridership or schools going forward those are questions that are likely to come up. >> so - >> i think those are actually excellent questions those is the extension of our current contract i think we can take that back and integrated that those are good suggestions. >> thank you supervisor farrell. >> i'm going to echo what supervisor yee said it has two
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spots maybe the least represented and ton of bicyclists i i know the ymca and others bans the map we have bicycle stops all over the place and people buena vista to the presidio i'd like to request that you guys come back in an rfp and talk about how this is be structured sometimes, it benefits the districts and this is challenging to say that is a great thing when i look at two locations and ton of kids in the district i'd like to see this come back next month. >> thanks supervisor breed. >> thank you so i royals this is just an extension for a couple of months until you award a new contract but i still have a problems are the cost we're
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talking about over $5,000 per classes based on my calculations and bans the number of people $200 per person and so i'm concerned about the expense i know there are pamphlets and bikes i mean a number of things but evolving their startup costs and continued costs that should decrease in terms of the number so i agree with supervisor christensen on the need to do a better job to get more participation in the classes ultimately the point of those classes to provide safety to the public and so that people are biking save and learning about the rules of the road so we can keep them as well as others save on the road i want them to be effective but cost effective this is a pretty steven program
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to implement so at this time i'll definitely move to support this item but just keep in mind moving forward i support my colleagues on geographic locations as well as looking at the cost effective ways to hold those classes so we're reaching nor o more people for less amount of money thank you. >> thank you and i will add i absolutely agree with the comments by my fellow commissioners so if you can confirm at this time we're not able to write any new requirements moving forward to the next 9 months. >> yeah. confirmed but i will say that as i said in the previous hearing on this particular items government
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should be interactive the last time we got the feedback we should do multiple languages and focus on the areas where people are cycling this what about more cost effective pea look at the geographic distribution and focus on with vision zero and the city focused on safety and the rules of the road that's excellent feedback and definitely things we integrate. >> we'll i'll be definitely looking at for that and i think for me it wasn't mentioned as much of in terms of the matrix we know that talking with the coalition i think they share the same goals how do we track the effectiveness of the outreach
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efforts for example you have people attending the classes and months follow-up with them and see have you been riding or k3450u9 better data just to show you know really was the okay of the classes or the amount of attendees. >> occasionallyly we'll work with the authority staff we've done that where we implement programs and we'll absolutely integrate into it. >> i've heard that potentially in terms of the bicycling efforts instead of the bicycle coalition but under the transportation. >> that's fantastic that's into the box of the sfmta so transportation distanced management a a subdivision of the sustainable street distribution e decision to the team within the sustainable
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streets manages the program. >> so nothing is changing go thank you for your clarification i'll agree with how colleagues we'll be looking for the new specification in the rfp and i but the prop k we've been moving forward with the estimation. >> that's important feedback. >> landlord/tenant any other comments from the commissioners. >> supervisor yee. >> not on the same item but on the traffic comment piece so i don't know if we are finished with the bicycle if you're finished i'll ask the question. >> so i looked at the projects that are being completed and so on and so forth and thank you there's it's pretty spread e sprayed out district 7 has some but i looked at the list of all
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the things that are pending supposedly and that trargd for me what it doesn't tell me where is it in the priority and how long have people been waiting is this ongoing for 10 years it doesn't say anything my question is there a way to indicate the priority and maybe dates of what those things might happen because i could look at the list and one the constituents will contact me and say are we ever going to do look at this issue and oh not study is pending but someone two supervisors ago said it was pending 20 years ago and
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on. >> we can provide this particular allocation the sustainable streets and the mta have worked to transformed the program and this has to do with the process where we did the traffic calming in particular areas the issue you're getting at supervisor yee that we will develop a plan and not know how to fund all the traffic calming or the resources that everything was asking for it will lag for five or six years and the mta was in the process of implementing the process and small business didn't want it so our commitment to use our revenue bond funds to go through a backlog 3 is an allocation for all the traffic cadging improvements
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