tv [untitled] March 23, 2015 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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up for one. i would -- we only have 4 and 5. my recommendation is that we go with hillen for 1, sherwin is only going to be available for 4 or 5. is it possible to put loman in another one besides 4 or 5? that would be a way -- that would bump probably mr. sullivan or miss akita from those seats to be able to keep a district 11 resident. >> sandy sherwin did email earlier this week and i forwarded to you, she does qualify for seat 7 as well. >> that puts us in a bind, too. colleagues, i welcome your motions.
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>> so i am prepared to support hillen in seat no. 1, sullivan, seat no. 2, kita, seat no. 2, flannigan, seat no. 4, dr. loman, seat no. 5, hillsen, seat no. 7. >> okay, supervisor tang. >> thank you. i would say again although i am more familiar with dr. loman's work and i think she is incredible, i do understand supervisor avalos's desire to have a district 11 appointee on this, so i am willing to cede my recommendation for seat 5 to miss sherwin again with the understanding that i believe dr. loman will toipb do amazing things in the community and really around the world. even without her presence on this council. >> okay, well, i really
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appreciate that and given the comments from supervisor cohen right now i think we can get consensus on that as well. so if you want to make that motion, if hillen for 1, sullivan, 2, kita, 3, flannigan 4,. >> through the chair, make that recommendation with a positive recommendation to the full board of supervisors. >> i second that motion. >> okay, colleagues, thank you very much, i appreciate your flexibility and we'll take that without objection. okay, we have one more item before us. >> item no. 7 is a resolution amending the administrative code to extend the city's hiring policy and (inaudible). >> okay, this is a resolution that i have submitted and before us, we had actually passed a similar resolution
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last year as well and this is regarding our local hire ordinance. the ordinance actually discusses ramping up eligibility for local hiring from 5 percent a year the requirement from 5 percent a year starting from year 1 i believe was 20 percent going up 5 percent. right now we're at 30 percent and what we found as we are seeing construction boom both in the public and the private sector that we are actually able to put a lot of people to work but we also are doing an evaluation to how well the program is functioning, what the experiences of all the different players involved from the developers, contractors to our training center as well as our work force pipeline. so we're still gathering data on that. we also expanded our local hire mandate to private sector
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development on public land so we know that we're actually expanding the places where people can find work. so in a way the percentage is not as critical while we're seeing that expansion happen. it could be important later to lift that but right now we're going to keep it at 30 percent according to this resolution so we can continue to gather data and make sure the program is running effectively. we have mr. pat mulligan here who is with work force development programs with the city and he can give us further background on legislation before us. you've been here all day so we have to have you come forward and thank you for your help in making these programs work. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. this recommendation was in part a by product of a market analysis as well as input from the mayor's construction work force advisory committee, as well as supervisor avalos.
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just to kind of reiterate some of your comments. there's a considerable amount of pressure on the local construction work force because of all the private development as well as the large infrastructure projects. there's currently 5 active construction projects in san francisco valued in excess of a billion dollars. we have nearly 40 tower cranes up. there is not another municipality within the united states of our size of under a million people that comes anywhere close. this is construction activity that is more consistent with new york or chicago. also we're still trying to gauge the potential impact of last year's expansion of local hire to private development on public property. the first major project along those lines will be pier 70 in district 10. it's nearly a billion dollars worth of private development, all falling under local hire ordinance. also there's enhanced first
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source requirements on a number of major projects which is also something that developed after the introduction of local hire provisions, so both on california pacific medical center as well as for park merced development which will be coming forward. in addition just last year also the unified school district adopted local hire provisions as well, so as much as this is really positive but it also creates additional pressure on the local work force and it's really exceptional construction economy. and lastly, and this is as recent as last week, as most know who are following the mandatory local hire ordinance, there's an exemption for projects that receive federal funds. several of the projects have been led through the mta, the municipal transportation organization, sfo, fta, federal dollars, they are exempt from
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mandatory local hire ordinance. very recently the u.s. department of transportation has amended regulations to allow local hire provisions on projects with the fha, pilot program beginning february 24th of last month and outcomes will be evaluated to determine further guidance. so mta is actively involved in setting language forth for one project already. it will be the brt bus rapid transit project on dennis avenue, so just outside of city hall, from mission street all the way to bay street. and i wouldn't be surprised if this is certainly one of the first projects in the united states with mandatory local hire provisions on it. >> wow. >> precedent setting. i think since many of the local hire provisions throughout the united states have been modeled after san francisco, it really puts us in a leadership position around this. >> all part of obama's
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amworks program? >> i'm afraid to speculate but there's something going on. there's some consistency around the policies but it's really encouraging that san francisco has been in the leadership role around this. all the more important for us to ensure the continued success of this program. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and thank you for all your work. i actually have been very impressed with the level of work that, interacting with all the different agencies and players and the unions in this effort and it's been pretty great to see. >> well, we have really strong legislative tools that have been provided to us by the board of supervisors. thank you for all of your continued support. >> thank you. >> so this item we can open up for public comment. if any member of the public wants to enter the room and provide public comment and seeing the doors not open, we will close further comment and colleagues i would love to have your
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support to just make sure that we are putting this pause in continuing it to be able to collect that information needed to be sure we can really make improvements to this program that may be needed. >> absolutely. >> okay so we have a motion from supervisor tang. >> through the chair, happy to support this, thank you for bringing it forth. i would like to bring this forward to the full board with a positive recommendation as a committee report. >> thank you. second from supervisor cohen. >> absolutely. >> we will take that, colleagues, without objection. thank you, everyone, i think that's our last item but before we adjourn i do want to thank sfgtv staff for their work broadcasts, jim smith and jessie larson, i would also like to thank our clerk for her work and mr. gibner as well. thank you. >> everyone.
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re-election. >> so i want to welcome mayor ed lee to the stage mayor ed lee i'm not going to go into long introductions we know him so well, he's finishing his first term and running for re-election san francisco has such a booming commit movie is out there sleeves rolled up and really appreciate mayor ed lee for everything you're going to the 76 and joined us every year over the stage please welcome san francisco mayor ed lee (clapping). >> all right. >> thank you marching good
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morning, everyone it's great to be here in oakland and to all the staff that are here as well to our business community and 32 thank you thank you for the opportunity inform eastbound here in oakland let me begin by acknowledging the people that served this morning everyone is coming up up to serve coffee and saying any member of the public wish to speak on any item say thank you to the men and women who are serving us this morning you know as and he was watching them serve (clapping.) thank you to them as i was watching them serve a lot of thoughts the very first one to make sure that i mentioned as michael did and on that this strange relationship that all or ports across the western regional is hurting us all i'm going to ask you to do something
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i know that mayor shaft and i have been 2, 3, 4 constant conversations secretary preys an on behalf of president obama are here and been here to work that relationship and the reason my thoughts went to that watching the people who serve us reminded me how valuable the relationship is between management and the workforce because we can talk all about our success and we're going to do a lot of that today i'm also talking about the need for stronger relationship building to me that's the pinnacle of my 24 years in government in san francisco and strived very much to be a builder of relationships we're going to have bad and good times we're to come from points of view where we absolutely think we're right about something
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and the question will be whether you're right or ironic what's the relationship that you have and how to keep building investigator conversations in our western storefronts and businesses i'd like to ask you all to do our best to make a phone call to the people you know at the port the workforce and the managers and the maritime association and say get a relationship going because i think they're past economics they're in to serious relationship doubt and this is one of those rare occasions as you as mayors sometimes i'm asked to look around the kwrn corner and one of the questions how do you sustain economic growth and continue the aspects of success how do you anticipate thing that you may not control one of them is happening here
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along our entire west west coast we couldn't have anticipated yet we're doing the best to build the economic strengthen strength to do all we can do it goes back to tyrone users not business work to training relationships i can tell you the statistics i think that zach and mike and john have glutton this i wanted to share my philosophy how i operate how i think being in the mayor's office because i'm confronted with a lot of challenges those days, i know that part of our success has really been the invitation to create the stronger relationships no our community i do that in fact i choose two days out of the week to be out the of city hall out the
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thickness of the brewery on thank you's i do tech tours and business tours i have an opportunity to talk to the business owners with what they're innovating and have that rare opportunity in businesses to speak directly to the workforce the talent that all of you who are recruiting to make our companies successful can do i have to do to keep the talent in the san francisco bay area without that talent and their keyed interests in living and working in the bay area we don't have the success of our business community on friday i take the opportunity to go to our neighborhood corridors this is where katie and many white are here today strong businesswomen they help me with corridors of our city
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where products are being made and put the label sf made and corridors of our city we get our former agency ocii and tiffany vessels sworn testimony we pay attention to our corridors and how do we build those neighborhoods up and one of the lessons i've learned when i worked inform gavin newsom he sent me to new england after the great hurricanes this city at this point didn't pay attention to their neighborhoods and so we worked resilient in that way if we ever have a down turn caused kausz by things like climate or human disasters we're going to center to make sure our neighborhoods come back quickly and those are corridors those small businesses are tremendous drivers of our community along
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with downtown and south of market so again relationship building is important to me because i get to ask them what is going on in their lives and, of course they get to ask me many of the questions h how about the affordability and homeless where's the housing how do you sustain those jobs around the corner corner what are you doing about education all of those priorities that i've been focused envoy not necessarily been with me thinking in my room 2 hundred and city hall it is about being out and gathering from the people that pause in our city to tell me they're concerned to make sure that i pay strong attention it is a long way to say thank you to the commenting and the small business
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commissions we have to the sf made members that are going gangbuster. >> thank you to their collaboration more and more we're not looking technology as. >> driver as john has indicated we're looking how technology has affected health care and manufacturers and small businesses to get to our constituents are more and more organized and how do we make sure our small businesses are taking virginia western community college advantage of we do that by creating business portal in our webtd to have a one-stop place to get the permits they need without standing in lines for hours and wooift their time in the place they were but in a bureaucracy
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that would be better we've london carefully to what people are saying those days my priority is about shared prosperity i'll say that over and over again, because it sound better than income and inequality they certainly emphasiss that negativity it is unequal we understand and how do you move forward and get more people involved you talk about shared possibility what i people are and can be successful we develop policies and embrace that success and make sure more people come into that prosperity and more and moreably working with our city hall planning department pea john and others from our planning department do a good job because we're able to talk to the developer community the people that are building for
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our future how can we work together to make sure we have a prouth shared agenda in the things we're inviting to be built in the city no longer are the conversations about just building an office building first of all it is about building green buildings and putting those buildings into transportation centers where we can take advantage of our great transportation reputes and build around them about b then about building community to make sure in their sustainable and about making sure that our small business our legacy businesses things r like the wholesale and in selma i'm excited about the timing we're doing things in center selma that's the next arena we're able
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out do you want we've got a transbay transit center to attract and had great conversations about mission bay we have the transportation and inviting health care bio life sciences in this area and see that happening gunning again and the giants and the arena and pier 70 being in that area that the voters voted to support that it is caused by good solid planning so the area i'm excited about is central selma we're doing now, when our planning department is no longer just placing buildings we're actually trying to have a conversation with the developers of those buildings how can they support neighborhood stabilization and creates the parks and create
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link to the transportation worked and attribute to the stability of small businesses in the area and with that conversation comes smart planning growth but embraced with a shared prosperity that is what i'm doing more and more it's complicated and exciting i feel like sam as a new mayor they're committed to meet the challenges i feel as new and enthusiastic about what i'm doing right now because i don't believe joe i don't recollect the negative it's but the idea of southern california problems this is what mayors are called to do we bring stronger collaboration together and i know that in the business community that i all represent
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you have something great fantastic ideas we needed of a harness that and build a relationship with our labor force and strong community 3 are concerned about whether they're going to be priced out and live and role for a memory sized business or middle-class issues that's why you'll see me at the forefront of what people told me time and time again to pay attention to infrastructure make sure you have good infrastructure no city can be successful without that investment whether it's in transportation or your sewer systems or water systems your communication systems pay attention to transportation i'm existing that scamming and libby state of and i are going to be welcoming in a bay area tremendous expansion of our bike
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sharing program in these the future we want to reestablish our electric vehicle corridor in the bay area i'm existed about our transbay center at the helm of our electrical center and make sure they finish that project to santa fe that's important to the entire region i want to make sure our ideas of a transbay second two can also help oakland downtown and make sure we have a conversation by the way transportation it is regional challenge and education ever company i've visit they want to hire locally because the tenant is not born here we've got to invest in education i've
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worked with our city college we have a good leadership this year but your public schools you've seen my creating the relationship so that teachers and principle and the school board are not talented by challenge but welcoming it in ever stage and supporting them to the tune of hundreds of million dollars every year i'm enthusiastic about making sure scott wiener we have an opportunity to erase the barriers of discrimination for women so women entrepreneurs raise to the occasion and this fall mayor shaeft and i will have a summit to look at what we can do protectively to erase those barriers and make sure that women entrepreneurs have a
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benefit of the economic structures we have and make sure we can allow them to successful in the entire bay area and finally shared prounlt means tackling poverty in a creative and 2r5i7b9 way i'm tired of looking at public housing and isolated housing this average i'm join the secretary of hud we'll announces our transformation of our public housing the entire portfolio look for those details we want to make sure that shared prosperity means the lowest and highest income earners have the hope in the region this prosperity is for them as well
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that's why we're focused on 5 hundred of the challenged county and i'm going to be looking at the details how we have dealt with poverty for many decades and whether or not we are really work to transform those lives with the economic success we're jooipg this is the time to do that in years past perhaps we may not have been challenged there's no excise we can transform 5 hundred lives and families to make sure their successful and when we do that we'll come up with the models to share with the rest of the region those are great times not just because their economically strong times those are google times because what i have the opportunity to help transform many people's lives with a positive relationships that is long lasting to share in the
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prosperity and the initiative i want to thank you to all you have your i ask you to step up and hell help me get the 7 thousand 5 hundred jobs to the kids and help me end violence and increase the opportunities to improve our education and help me build thirty thousand housing in the next few years thank you very much and i look forward to our questionsyour questions
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