tv [untitled] March 24, 2015 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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san francisco county transportation authority, mr. clerk, will you please call the roll? >> commissioner avalos? >> absent. >> breed. >> present. >> campos. >> absent. >> christensen. >> present. >> cohen e >> present. >> commissioner farrell. >> absent. >> kim. >> present. >> commissioner mar. >> here. >> tang? >> present. >> and president lee. >> present. >> yee? >> present. >> commissioner avalos? >> present. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you and i want to thank sfgtv for broadcasting today's hearing. and mr. clerk, please call item number 2. >> approve the minutes of the february 24, 2015, meeting this is an action item. >> okay, our colleagues, are there any changes to the minutes?
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can i have a motion or actually could i just call the roll in a number two? >> on item two. >> avalos. >> aye. >> my apologies. >> is there any public comment on item number two? >> seeing number, public comment is closed please call the roll. >> item two, commissioner avalos? >> aye. >> commissioner breed? >> aye. >> commissioner campos? >> absent. >> christensen? >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> commissioner farrell. >> absent. >> commissioner kim. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> taning. >> aye. >> commissioner weiner. >> aye. >> commissioner yee aye. >> the item passes. >> okay, mr. clerk, could you call item number 3? >> item number 3, the chair's report and this is an information item. >> colleagues last week, i had the pleasure of going to
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washington, d.c. as part of a regional delegation with the metropolitan transportation commission and a number of bay area, transit operators, including mta, bart, and cal train and i believe at transit as well. and we had the opportunity to meet with a number of members of congress both in the house and in the senate with the senior staff as well as the representatives of the fta, and to talk about the critical importance of the federal government funding transportation projects and to really make real for folks on capitol hill, about what the challenges are that we face in san francisco. and as a region. and in terms of all of our major transit systems being over capacity, and the need to expand the capacity, and to invest in the system, and the need for the federal government to be a strong partner in doing that. and as you may know the
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federal gas tax, which is what funds the federal highway trust fund has not been raised for inflation since 1993, and so in real terms, it is diminishing, and so, there, and we were advocating strongly for congress to take action by increasing the federal gas tax and indexing it to inflation and there are several bills tending including one from the congressman of oregon and we made a strong case for that to move forward, there is some momentum for the republicans of coming forward to using the gas tax as a way to fund transportation makes sense.
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it is important to remind the congress that the decisions have the real consequences for local communities and i want to note that we have a few upcoming important transportation days, including walk to work and later in april we have bike and roll to school week, april 20, 24, and then bike to workday will be on may 15th, or the 14th, excuse me. that is my report any public comment? >> public comment is closed. >> item four, executive director report, this is information item. >> good morning, and i appreciate the chair traveling
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to washington, d.c., revenue policy discussions be picking up and i am pleased to report that last week i joined with the self-help counties up and down the state, and the self-help commission, spent the day with the leadership there as long with legislators as well as with the secretary, and the secretary brian kelley, throughout the day we discussed a whole host of important sort of initiatives that are happening including revenue discussions, and discussions about tolling, and efforts that the cal trans, department of transportation to better align their investments with the sustainability goals and to facilitate and the design and flexibility allowing the locals in san francisco to develop the complete streets, and we appreciate the leadership in both houses of the legislature as well as the governor to increase the transportation revenue thises year, and the
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state has a backlog of 59 billion on the highway alone, in terms of maintenance and in sacramento i represented for the transit funds to be included in a revenue package that may emerge at the end of the session, in terms of a long term solution, the state has convened a road user pilot study on which assembly member, david chiu is participating and sitting on for us and we hope that will result in a pilot to mimic the experience that they have had in oregon to look at the potential of the vehicle miles based charge to compliment or replace the gas tax. and i also met with some assistant director amber, and the staff, and he has introduced sb 278 which is a spot bill, calling for regional collaboration, on the corridor and we met with his staff to extend the appreciation and to up date him on the effort to
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establish the managed lanes on highway 280 in coordination with the counties and you will see on the board agenda this month, one of our local freeway studies called the phase one report of the freeway corridor management study and here we are looking at a goals framework and a policy framework for evaluating the future designs that will incraoels the operational efficiency and safety of our preways and in particular, encouraging the vehicles more shuttle usage on the freeway core doors and we have been in touch with the counter parts as well as mtc and cal trans, on that effort. our brt, efforts continue on pace and you have it on your desks a progress report and van he is is moving along well and sfmta just opened up bids and they are evaluating the bids for the general contractor method that they are use to
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deliver the van ness project and on geary i have good and bad news, unfortunately, the review cycle has taken longer and they would like to have a couple of more rounds of review, and we are trying to work through the comments efficiently and with the hope that we will be able to accelerate the review cycle and we are looking to a delay to the summer and there after, and early next year, for the final document, the sfmta is coming in, so we can keep the designs moving forward, not just for the transit but also for the pedestrian and bicycle safety because geary is a high injury network, and they also will be
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coming in for design funds for the main project and the good news is that we move in parallel with the sfmta and even though the process is taking longer than we would hope, and we have worked through the comments and the speed back from the committee and we anticipate going back to the community to up date them for the design options to take through to the next phase and we will be coordinating with the offices, and all of your offices to get the word out, and to share the results of these important studies that are looking bus rapid transit as well as light rail connections in the south part of the city. and the vision zero committee have the great meetings this month and we want to appreciate the boards for holding those as well as sfmta and the city staff who provided updates on the near projects that are making good progress, 12 out of
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the 24, capitol projects are now complete and in addition, sfmta has identified 159 project locations for the walk first, safety improvements that they hope to make this year, in addition, the safety education strategy work is coming together and we expect to get an up date in that work in the may division zero committee. >> on the local side the plan, is also nearing completing and we were able to brief commissioner cohen and hope to bring that to the plans and committee next month and here we are talking about another community based funding plan that will identify the improvements including the pedestrian an safety, and throughout the annex and housing sites and along with the lighting project, and not only are these projected identified and they are looking good and looking really sharp, but we are also excited that they are also funded and we have funding plans and dlif
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delivery plans to make sure that these are delivered in the coming year i want to highlight that one of the projects that is a set of parklet and here we are talking about extended the sidewalk to provide more waiting space for pedestrian and to reduce the crossing distance and the innovation that sfmta and our staff is working on with planning is to make these stop let's, what are stop let's? they are bus zones that are basically extensions of parklet to allow for the bus waiting areas to be expand and more pleasant, community spaces and so we are excited to bring that to you in the coming months. >> on the rest of our neighborhood transportation improvement program we do also continue to work with the remaining districts to define what the planning efforts are in 6, 10, 11, 3, and we anticipate to bring three requests to the april and the may board cycle the first is in district two to manage the access on the block of lumbard
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street and sfmta and the community and commissioner farrell's office and also underneath, 101, and so i really want to appreciate our ip or our neighborhood transportation improvement and staff and led by inn on the fort and in conjunction with craig at sfmta and we have a number of other highlights to present, on project delivery, the prop double a vehicle registration program has seen the projects nearing completing at mccal ter and the department of public works is delivering those, and near larkin and those are high injury corridors as well and we also, there are two, excuse me two street projects including a resurfacing project there and a pedestrian, safety and transit project that came out of little
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saigon and tender loin stud j and so we thank the public works for delivering that and working with the community with the commissioner's office to do that in the next few months. >> we are also proud and pleased to produce the much needed project managing training together with sfmta and here we want to thank tom mcchoir and working with our staff and we will be putting on a training this coming week for 120 staff at both agencies so that we can develop a common vocab and approach and methods for project management. and here we will be able to host these over the coming weeks and this is part of our joint effort for collaborate. >> and two notes of awards that i would like to highlight is one is the annual awards of the construction management association. construction management association of america.
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and they have honored our ydi islands rent project and we are honoreds a distinguished owner for that work and i would like to thank saga and eric for providing that industry leading leadership, together with hoff that provides, construction management and golden state bridge the contractor and then on the modeling front, the new deputy for technology and data and analysis, joe is now a published author of the timer on activity days modeling and he produced this with the other co-authors and it was published by the transportation administration and we are han ored to have you in our ranks >> colleagues any questions,? commissioner mar? >> thank you. i wanted to thank our director chang for the great work with the vision zero efforts sxim
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also excited about the stop let's, that sounds like a really creative way of improving different corners and neighborhoods as well, and i do have the concern about the further delays of the geary rapid network, and how it impacts, perhaps the rest of the city wide effort to create at rapid networks in the areas that don't have access to light rail and other rapid networks, and i think that the residents along the geary corridor and many of you know that it is the busiest bus line west of chicago. and 55,000 riders a day equal to the whole cal tran system and i am concerned that we have endured years of district attorney delays, and they are doing the best to challenge the procedural delays that are going on and i am pleased that there is going to be an effort to the design work and that you
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do something possible to challenge the rational for the delays and thank you for pushing this along and i will just say as a resident in talking to many transit riders and neighborhood folks we have induereded years of delays and for no more delays, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner mar and i will second those remarks. >> and colleagues any additional questions or comments? seeing none, we will move on to items from the finance committee, and mr. clerk will you call item number 5? >> oh,, i am sorry is there any public comment on item four? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item a5? >> adopt the positions on the state legislation and is this an action item. >> okay. colleagues, any questions or comments reting to item number 5? >> seeing none, is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> call the roll, or actually
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could we take the same house --. >> oh, the house has changed call the roll. >> on 5, avalos? >> aye. >> breed. >> aye. >> campos. >> aye. >> christensen. >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> farrell. >> absent. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> and commissioner tang. >> aye. >> weiner. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> the item passes. >> okay we will move to item number 6. >> and item 6, amend the adopted fiscal year 14, 5 budget to increase the revenues by $2,959,881 and decrease expenditures, and for a toeltal fund balance of $32,710,535 this is an action item >> if there are know questions or comments we will move to the
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public comment, is there any public comment on item 6? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> and the house has changed so please call the roll on item six. >> 6. avalos. >> aye. >> breed. >> aye. >> campos. >> aye. >> christensen. >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye *. >> commissioner farrell. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> weiner. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> the item passes. >> we will move to items in the plans and programs committee, item number 7. >> appoint myla ablog to the citizen's advisory committee. >> we will open public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues could we take item 7, same house same call without objection that will be the order. >> item number 8.
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>> allocate, $1,824,a02 in prop k funds with conditions for seven requests subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules. >> are there any questions or comments? >> we will move to public comment, is there any public comment on item 8? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, could we take item 8, same house same call without objection that is the order. >> 9. >> 9, adopt the san francisco corridor and management study and phase report, this is an action item. >> seeing no comments or questions from colleagues, we will open the public comment. and is is there any public comment on item nine? >> seeing none, the public comment is closed and colleagues could we take item 9, the same houpts and the same call, without objection that is will be the order.
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>> item ten >> this is an action item >> the staff will provide a presentation. >> hi, good morning, liz, senior engineer with the transportation authority, this item is to approve increased expenditures for the off-ramp reconfiguration related to the contaminated soils at the project site. this project is located at the terminus from westbound, i-80 and the first off-ramp into downtown san francisco. and the fulsom street leg of
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the off-ramp curves across transbay, development block 8 as shown in this image and in order to assemble and create a parcel, to maximize the development and follow the adopted transbay development controls, the office of the community and development and infrastructure seeks to reconfigure the off-ramp. and this image shows the ultimate configuration of the off-ramp and in november of 2013, we entered into the memo of agreement with the ocii with the construction phase of the project, uppeder that agreement we are to provide the turn key operations. construction began in september, 2014. and in november, contaminated materials were discovered during the testing of excavating materials prior to disposal n february of 2015, the commission on community investment and infrastructure approved to increase the budget
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to provide funding to dispose of one stockpile of contaminated soils, those were approved by the board in 2015. and at the time that amendment the staff from the transportation authority, and ocii and the transbay joint authority and cal transwere in the discussion of disposition of other soils and seeking to find solutions in order to minimize the project costs. >> some of the materials have tested positive for led contamination and classified as california has ard yus materials, after the discussions, ocii and cal transstaff, ocii staff, concluded that the only available option is to dispose of the soils at a regulated disposal facility, it is clean harbor landfill in california. the presence of contaminated materials has prevented some work from proceeding as
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originally schedule, construction is currently schedule to be completed in early july. the time extension will insure, costs for idle equipment and project and the staffing by the contractor construction manager and transportation authority. the estimated delay is currently 61 days in total, some of which core current owner and contractor-caused. >> and the estimated additional project cost to properly handle and dispose of approximately, 5500 tons is $1 million, the total carrying costs for the time extension are estimated at $200,000. of that, 64,580, is designated in the mla amendment for the contractor, who is compensated on a per day basis for site maintenance and costs for all
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owner caused delay, thus, 180 responses is designated for the engineers, and the remaining 17,080 is designated to the authority for the project management oversight costs and the proposed resolution will increase the engineer's contract by 118,340 and increase the additional construction allotment by 1 million, 81,660,000. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> colleagues, are there any questions or comments? relating to this item? >> yes. >> i was just curious to know, do you believe that the entire project site is contaminated or is it just, or are they contained in the very small localized area. >> the contaminants are contained in
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