tv [untitled] March 24, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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screen >> firks speaker, please >> a few weeks ago i got on the michael savage show and what he fails to graphic is what wh we deal with islam there is a book by craig win n praulft of doom and studied islam for 10 thousand dollars and categorized according to subbject matter and chapter and verse various things about the religion that we have to read the documents themselves to learn what they believe. it is so important and sad this book profit of doom is out of print, but you should read that. you are leaders and never heard a peep from anyone about what islam teaches. the guy mohammed-jesus was not killed.
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the guy married a 9 year old and he received revolutions while he was doing it with her according to his wife. i compare mohammed and jesus, what is a rinse. christians millions will celebrate palm rr sunday coming um. these bookvise to do with the prophecy of daniel 9 that give the year of palm sunday and the cruse fission of jesus creeuss. as he read in on the donkey the scribes or the fair saes said, master, rebuke they disciple squz jizes said if these are together to hold the piece the stones would cry out. what did he mean? he was emphasizeing the fact that only in the bible do-jesus said
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behold i tell you before it comes to pass so when it comes to pass you may believe i am he >> thank you. next speaker, please >> thank you. glaud bless you supervisors, god bless the city and county of san francisco. today what i would like to talk about is maybe there needs to be [inaudible] of san francisco, maybe there needs to be no public transportation. i'm sorry, no private transportation. people in this city who drive a lot of
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them don't respect pedestrians and people in chairs and if they hit them they hit a person in a chair, they hit me in a chair or this young lady in a chair, we are in bad shape. that puts us at ground zero pretty much. the city is too compact. we dont need drivers. we have great public transportation and people need to walk or ride bikes. a lot of people do, so why can't they do it in the inner city of san francisco we do not need people-people can jump on the [inaudible] which is one of the greatest systems in the united states of america or like i said, they can get a great work out by walking or taking a bicycle to work. thank you
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supervisors and god bless you >> thank you for your comment. next speaker, please >> good afternoon president breed and supervisors. i'm picking up good city vibrations. you're sending me exiitations. i'm thinking of good vibrations. i'm getting city good vibrations. with all this legislation. [singing]. it is a shame shame shame the way we haven't had any rain. it's a shame shame shame the way it is so dry. it's a shame shame shame we want those fire hydrants tied up high. it
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vashame shame shame we do need rain. it's a shame shame shame. and i just want to say, let me be there in your sate morning, let me be there in your city night. let me change those [inaudible] and make it right. make it right. let me wonder for this district wonder land that we certainly do share, all i ask you is let me be there. all i ask you also too do, i sure hope you care. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name
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is [inaudible] i'm 83 years old. [inaudible] who is 1 and a half year on the street out of my house. i'm homeless. i ask you so many times for help to bring me back to my home because 83 years old person should have a home, not anything else. but you are dealing like the board of supervisors and mayor yang is president. are you not afraid god will punish you like it punished kennedy family for the same thing. 500 women and
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children to gas chamber in [inaudible] >> thank you, next speaker, please >> first of all i would like to say you are [inaudible] hardest workers in the city is the fire department. i'm [inaudible] a native of san francisco and graduated in 1983. i remembered [inaudible] finestein was my daddies doy. it is a change. your hands are tied and can only do so much. i just want to say i'm still [inaudible] i'm a healthy man and not working. i don't understand t. i have a non profit-i just want to give you a presentation today as a native of san francisco. as a
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graduated at [inaudible] i have been here from [inaudible] all the way up. i will give you a presentation of my program. i will be going to [inaudible] and president to [inaudible] and it be presented by [inaudible] as my program, but we changed the name to [inaudible] sponsored by the people of actions. brothers keeper [inaudible] it is going to be marymerary or mc hammer. i have a venue and everything. [inaudible] this place changed, it is about money. every time i look up, space space [inaudible] thank you, please supervisor district 10, i love you and think you are doing a great job. 20 people on your back, [inaudible] >> thank you, next speaker, please
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>> good afternoon supervisors and thank you for [inaudible] giving me the right to speak. my name is thomas [inaudible] i want to talk about transportation and transit matters as it por tains to tech workers to and from their jobs. specifically i want to talk about pay and benefits for the drivers and of the vehicles that accommodate up to 80 passenjures. the standard of pay is 20 dollars per hour and blft said are minimum it required and come out of the drivers wages. some drivers show up for work at 4 a.m. and they may finish at 8 p.m. later that night. from midmorning to [inaudible] during which time the drivers are not comp sated.
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i find the work system which was created in 2004 inadequate. it shows total disrespect for work. [inaudible] greed on the part of all the decision makers involved. it indicates sell fishness by what is described as shallow, small minding decision makers. capitalism in order to remain strong must have a strong element of fair play built into the foundation that includes the ingredients of ethics and integ ritdty. pay roll is a major component in the economy and helps sustain the individual and family and the federal government because of pay roll taxes thereby a contribute to the [inaudible] state and
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federal government. so, wages >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please >> thank you president breed and other victims of [inaudible] my name is christopher [inaudible] i celebrate the solar year which begins on the spring equinox i offer my best wishes for the new year to this house and to our belove udcity and county of san francisco cht i also offer explanation of my terminology in public comment. a cuball is a group oaf people involved in a conspiracy. members the cuball that you are members of is the one that continues to fail to hold the mayor accountable for his lack of compliance with charter section
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3.1070 and the cupaul you are victims of is the one that refuses to allow you in the face of population growth and climate disaster and technology advance to address the needs of our home with real understanding or adequate tools. the angio gram went well and confirmed issues with of [inaudible] and not age or decrepitude. i share that cooler heads do not necessarily prevail. my head is definitely cooler, yet you still don't buy many of my arguments >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> members of the board of supervisor, [inaudible] the on the screen i would like to read to you and this is from the
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opinion of the united states supreme court written by the majority of justice aenth an kennedy nob nub the government may commit a constitutional wrong when the identified preferred speakers. by taking the right from some and giving it to others [inaudible] the right to use speech to establish worth, standing and respect for the speemers voice. the u. government may not deprive the public of right and privilege to determine for itself what speech and speakers are worthy of consideration. the first amendment protects speech and speaker and the ideas that flow from each. that being said, here is a list of 19 orders of determination i received from the sun shine ordinance task force and would like to use the word the cuball. basically these are 19
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representatives of the city government who have in one way or aortinterfered with my ability to speak, to have that speak accurately represented in the official record, the minutes och meeltings and denied access to public records. the latest member here is supervisor ferrule who decided he didn't feel a need to reply to a disclose yrb request and just rently this morning i filed complaint against 4 of you because last week i sent disclosure request to all the members of the board and only 2 replied by the deadline and 2 replayed late and said they need a extension and 4 didn't bother at all. what is it about sun shine ordinance that after 20 years >> your time is up. thank
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you. next speaker please. you are out of order. next speaker. >> good eveage san francisco, my name is ace, i'm on the case. i am in sem iretirement from a activist, but transitioning into a entrepreneur with the communicationoffs something i think i have the skills. what is a cuball? i have to check that out. that is strong word with strong meanings to it. my presentation is of transitioning period. i have been here at over 20 years as a activist. i did historical things. brought fill more scepter here and i'm happy to announce most of my work [inaudible] i also accomplished in san francisco and my community where the ocii is coming to the western addition
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to explain of-how do you call it? [inaudible] spent over the years. i have also compained and having the housing authority to coming the the western division. i have done my work for 20 years, now it is time to have action tooken. i just meant with my supervisor district, supervisor london breeds office and we are talking about bringing the community up to date and what is going on in the fill more. [inaudible] we want to know about other things that go on in the community and think it needs to rub off in [inaudible] people think this city is city that knows how, but if they are here in city hall and i could
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tell it all it is the most corrupt-it is am most racist bias city undercurve in the united states. we say wree the sate that knows how, but i have [inaudible] >> thank you mr. washington, next speaker, please >> tom [inaudible] 1950 there was a polio epidemic. a vaccine was inside me. i have-they found some of the vaccines were contaminated and tried to figure researching how those could be fixed. can i
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have the overhead in a focus, please? hello, can we focus? [inaudible] again last time this is a story of investigation into the contamination of the polio vaccine and in the late 50's and that lets up-that stopped the [inaudible] if you can pick it up, it is good read and that picks up lee and me, the book
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of some gal that mote lee harvey ozwauld during the polio vaccine research. he dervs a witness. i saw him die on tv same as a saw the plane fly into the second tower in new york on tv. after 50 wreers if someone wants to give lee harvey oswauld a witness he deserves it out. i would like give a shout out for christina [inaudible] >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >>-you can come to the podium here to the left of my left. >> okay, yes, you can hear
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this. in honor of womens day [inaudible] i want to put some women pictures here. heriot tubman. odesa. [inaudible] this is a movie that got out called, the tails of the grim reaper, it is about how crack cocaine in the 80's went to la and abuse in [inaudible] wrote about san francisco [inaudible] this is a movie about [inaudible] called the long walk home by kids having a better outlook in our city. you should see that movie called [inaudible] this is [inaudible] coming to town.
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areetha franklin and this is [inaudible] interaction at city hall they want people to come out and don't go to work or school that day. this is me as a transgender in my early days and this is me as a marijuana advoicate. i want to also [inaudible] send pictures at 415 sfwp at g you can also go to 19612015 so you can see what i go through living in the tl. this is the a letter i deal with racism and sexism and [inaudible] 19 times
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in a book. i only heard [inaudible] at [inaudible] >> any other member thofz public that would like to provide public comment? seeing none prblic comment is closed. madam clerk can you please read the next item >> 31 is being considered for immediate adoption. it is a resolution to extend by 30 days prescribed time which the plan commission may review the ordinance amendmenting the regulation of short term residential relthals. have visor kim >> thank you president breed. i am making one small amendment and that is to change the word, resolution to motion. it is a motion extending by 30 days to proib time within which the planning commission may render decision on a ordinance and this is the trailing
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legislation to the short term rental legislation that passed in the fall >> supervisor kim made a motion to make a amendment. vecd by supervisor campose. can we take thit without objection? the amendment passes and on the underlying item, item 31 as a-minded can you call the roll >> supervisor tang. aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. compose, aye. christensen, aye. cohen aye. fayal, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. there are 11 aye's >> this resolution is adopted.
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>> todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor wiener for the late mr. fairlen t powal on behalf of supervisor yee for the late mr. james lim. on behamp of supervisor ferrule for the late mrs. rita [inaudible] and nants abloom >> culleges this bringstuse the end of the agenda, madam clerk is there anymore business before us today >> that conclude the business for today >> we are adjourned. thank you colleagues.
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>> on december 28 1912. san francisco mayor, sonny jim rolph stared into the crowds of those who have gathered. a moment in history. the birth of a publicly own transit system. san francisco municipal railway. muni as it would become to be known. happy birthday muni, here is to the next 100 years. the birth of muni had been a long-time coming. over the years the city was disjointed privately owned companies. horses and steam and electric-powered vehicles. creating a hodgepodge of transit options. none of them particularly satisfying to city residents.
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the city transit system like the city itself would have changes during the san francisco earthquake. the transition that will pursue from this aftermath would change san francisco's transportation system once again. facilitated by city boss, abe ruth ushering in the electric city car. the writing was on the wall. the clammer had begun for the experiment including public transit people. owned by the people and for the people. the idea of a consolidated city-owned transit system had begun traction. and in 1909, voters went to the
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polls and created a bond measure to create the people's railway. would become a reality three years later. on december 28 1912 mayor sonny rolph introduced the new geary electric streetcar line and the new san francisco railway. that he said would be the nucleus that would host the city. and san francisco gave further incentive to expand the city's network. a project by way of tunnel leading into chinatown by way of north beach. in december the first streetcar was driven into the tunnel.
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just two years after its berth, muni had added two lines. and k, l and m lines that span out from westportal. in 1928 the j line opened heading west to the beach. in 1944 san francisco voters finally approved muni take-over of the market street railway. by then motor bus and trolley bus improvement had given them the ability to conquer san francisco's hills. after the war most of the street-car lines would be replaced with motor or trolley bus service. in 1947, the mayor recommended replacing two lines with motor coaches. and it appeared that san francisco's iconic cable cars had seen their final days.
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entered mrs. cluskin, the leader to save the cable cars. arguing that the cable cars were a symbol of the city and she entered a charter placed on the november ballot. it passed overwhelmly. the california street cable railway was purchased by the city in 1952. there were cut backs on the cable car system and in 1957 only three lines would remain. the three lines that exist today. in 1964 the cable car's future as part of california's transit system was sealed when it was proclaimed a national historic landmark.
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in february 1980, muni metro were officially inaugurated. in that same year muni received its first fleet of buses equipped with wheelchair lifts. in 1982 when the cable car had a shut-down, they added an alternative attraction to the cars. the festival was a huge hit and would continue for the next four summers in a permanent f-line that would extend all the way to fisherman's wharf, by 2000 the f-line was in place. and in 2007 muni extended the third line to the southeast corner and returning to
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