tv [untitled] March 26, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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we are celebrating today. i'm enthusiastic about literally everybody i see in this audience whether it's with the arts organization, or education institutions, our writers and people that have talked about this city for so many years, you have to understand how important this is. i'm a student myself and i know that this city that i have the most kind of privilege for managing as a mayor is delicate as a city and one in history, and to be able to kind of take a look 100 years ago and try to imagine yourself in this city 100 years ago with some of these artifacts that just came off the manufacturing line at the time, or to take a look at this
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architecture that bernard may back was so famous for during the time they were blending the arts with real lives of people and to suggest that this is among us 100 years later and that there is something that links this history over 100 years and that word that time and time again you hear me say about today. innovation did not start 3 years ago with mayor lee. that's another fact i want to kind of dispel. innovation was over 100 years ago and it started with so many people in san francisco suggesting through this fair that they started that we could celebrate going forward our imagination of what was then, now and tomorrow. that's the t and t
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of this team that we have to celebrate. i'm excited for it because there is an opportunity with all the sponsors that we have and with the enthusiasm with charlotte and donna and others bring to this. the imagination that innovation hangar brings, the historic evolution of at & t that we get to lead is all a part of this historic is documenting and one thing i think our youth need to understand where we as people come from in san francisco and what history allows us to be that innovation wasn't just something that an app discovered. it was the spirit of people that have been here
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for generations. and over 100 years ago if i get to teach the young tech kids what history was then hopefully we appreciate what innovation was across many industries across to board about the spirit of people and what we do for each other to bring in a strong community. you are going to find this out if you read this book that i have just been handed that's going to be part of this celebration, the jewel, a city that it is called. i take you back to this very building that we are in. the good symbol of what bernard may back designed this full arts and suggest to you that this began that movement 100 years ago and now the help of some 1200 donors, the may beck foundation along with
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recreation and parks department that have done so much even when i was director, phil was there, that we forged together this partnership to include this $20 million renovation in detail; in historic detail, historic confirmation of something that the beautiful and historically significant. that's part of the celebration. the palace of fine arts is already transforming itself to a show case center to show then and tomorrow theme that was in the 50s continues to be demonstrated today and as we go forward we can have another hundred years of
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innovate spirit. the california historic society the may beck foundation, innovation hangar and at & t are all partnering with our recreation and parks department to recapture this of this national exhibition. i want to say a big thank you to all the organizers. it takes an incredible effort to remind people where we came from. there is a lot of handout -- of hours that people spent for this opportunity. i want to thank all the sponsors and all the organizers in your leadership in recognizing this important time in our city's history. i want to remind everybody if you want to know more about this history, just talk to charlotte. she was there. her boyfriends from the past
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are not here anymore, but she was here. [ laughter ] i am proud that we are celebrating this. it's going to be a lot of years of celebrating events, activities that are representing more that be 35 bay area cultural educational exhibits, activities, organizations that reflect the pan pacific international historic significance. i say the then, tomorrow theme will be exciting for people to understand and to learn from. i'm excited for what's going to happen right here at this palace of fine arts that will kickoff all of these wonderful exhibits. i want to give a special thanks to at & t because there is a historic significance to their evolution as a phone company.
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when i ask, can i get one of those historic phones when i ask people in my office to remind people that innovation wasn't just here yesterday. it's been here a long long time. but most importantly to celebrate the constant generations of people that have been before us that exhibited this wonderful innovation spirit that is san francisco. i'm going to welcome and encourage all of you and all of the audience to bring your families here to san francisco, to bring to all of these events, the visitors, your friends. i'm going to encourage my daughters, not everything is in new york. you have to come here and share in this experience. there are plenty of activities beginning with
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the celebration of february 20th and in june i get to host the conference of mayor's and i'm going to say that i'm proud to be the mayor of this innovation city and they will agree with me. it just didn't happen. it's all about the history of all of our cities and this wonderful one that we did this world fair back 100 years ago to kickoff the entire country if not the entire world as panama canal was celebrated and this city recovered from the 1906 earthquake and there is a lot to understand and when you do, then i think we appreciate this city even more. this is unique, this centennial it will be the focus of our city for the entire year. i want to say happy holidays! keep writing about this. xeep exhibiting
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and keep talking about this because it will be worth our every celebration. i want to thank the recreation and parks director for being here and disobeying the law. this is part of the rules. i hope you feel my enthusiasm because this is historically significant to so many people. i will talk about as well the things that happened 100 years ago significant to my own cultural heritage what happened then and how we are more inclusive, more diverse and more accepting of the people across the world this our city. this is what recognizing history does and advancing this generation is all about. thank you for being here and thank you for celebrating and thank you for being part of this
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wonderful wonderful centennial. >> thank you so much mayor lee for your support, for your guidance and your wisdom. it's now my pleasure to introduce phil ginsberg. recreation and parks has had a long history in san francisco and john maclaren played a critical role in this site for this fair and launched this ground and actually he won at golden gate park and phil can a test to that park's extreme beauty. please help me in welcoming phil ginsberg recreation and parks. >> good morning, everybody, on behalf of the recreation and parks i'm very
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happy to stand before you today to kickoff this wonderful celebration. we are proud and extremely humble stewards of this site. the mayor spoke of this celebration then and now and tomorrow. it's incredibly significant. parks are more than swing sets and playgrounds. as joyous as they are, they are part of our natural cultural heritage, the place that connects the then, now and tomorrow. when we think about what's before us and commemorating this celebration and this site is incredible then now and tomorrow story as itself as noted back in 1915 when the exposition took place. more than
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11 800-0000 people from all around the world came to a park. today we have millions of visitors to golden gate park and some of our other incredible cultural attractions. the then for us also celebrates the decades and decades that the exploratorium was in this site where millions of people and families and kids passed through this very space to explore and to learn and to focus on community. the then has also been about more than 40 years that the theatre just across the way here has hosted community music and theatre events again welcoming our diverse community from all around the city. the now, is i hangar and the incredible celebration that is going to take place and the now that we are
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so proud to be focusing on right here. the now is the joyous and really really remarkable park that this has become thanks to our partnership with the may back foundation. the mayor noted $22 million exacting renovation of the grounds and lagoon and rotunda. the tomorrow, in addition to this year long celebration is a big question mark for us. what will this space be for the next 50-100 years is? we don't know. what we do know is whatever this space becomes is going to honor the incredible history and culture of this site and invest it and steward it to make sure we celebrate the bicentennial. i want to
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acknowledge the california historical society who has been a fantastic partner and we are so grateful for them for taking this on and taking the time and attention this site deserves. this is a pop up version of what's going to open in february and you can already see with ka boom you can see this place come to life. of course we want to thank our presenting partners at & t, thank you, ken. a special shout out to my team because this morning there was so much prosperity here, mayor. there was about 2 feet of prosperity outside the big walls and you all would have needed a canoe to cross over the sea
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of prosperity to get here and the many men and women who take care of this place have been out here since 6:30 a.m. this morning to make sure the joyous amount of water around here had parted, the sea had parted. i wanted to thank the crew and i want to thank my partnership and property management team, dina is here and cassandra is leading the process to help us identify who the next partner will be in this space, our public affairs team, like this endeavor we are a team at recreation and parks and we are very proud to contribute. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you so much phil and all recreation and parks team. you are a dendrite -- delight and
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pleasure to work with. it's now my pleasure to introduce at & t in california in 2005, we would like to thank you for allah -- affairs and many of his colleagues are here today. just about 36,000 employees, give or take and he does it with grace and dignity. it's my pleasure to welcome our sponsor ken mcmillie. [ applause ] >> good morning and what a pleasure it is to be in such a stunning stunning building and park. thank you so much and thank you to the california historical society and innovation hangar and san francisco recreation and parks department for this
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wonderful celebration. i also want to thank mayor lee and many of those in this community with us today. we all know that the pan pacific exposition was the change in san francisco not only because it revealed the city but it continues to show case the energy and spirit that san francisco is a terminology leader. we are proud to be the sponsor of this exciting event celebrating this city in a country rich of innovation. it was right here in san francisco leading to the world fair in 1915 that at & t initiated the first ever transcontinental telephone call and it wasn't an iphone.
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the telecommunication industry in the world we live today. it was in san francisco that the 100 years of celebration and this will exhibit the programs throughout the long celebration. we also know this innovation depends on our youth and will inspire the years to tackle the challenges of the technology base economy and that's why we are glad to make an additional $50,000 contribution for the program executed by the california historical society and partnership with the san francisco recreation and parks department after school program and the national parks service. [ applause ] this program willen game
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engage hundreds of local students and local institutions participating. at & t thanks the california historical society and all the partners who have come together to celebrate this important event in our history, in our city and in our nation. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you, ken. we are deeply honored and very much and this program will hold a very special place in our heart. thank you very much. it's my pleasure to introduce you to dan from the innovation hangar. he comes from a long and fascinating career
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even though he's so young and youthful and taken a very deep and meaningful path to his career in which he combines an incredible creative spirit, deep knowledge of tech, an incredible entrepreneurial sense and very deep guiding sense of sustainability on philanthropic side and he will bring his great spirit to all he does here and it's my pleasure to ask had i am to come up. thank you. [ applause ] >> welcome. it's very exciting to see everybody here and for you to
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begin to feel the excitement and atmosphere that comes with a sense of place. place is very important and it's actually the driving force that let us to do the things that hopefully you will get a chance to enjoy over the next year. it comes with the idea if you bring a lot of people together from different backgrounds with different skill sets and different needs and motivations together they can create something better than apart. moreover, this place has an important message through the notion of world's fairs. world's fairs are the greatest example of power and place whether it's 1939. these are moments in our history and innovation loves a deadline. i will tell you. when these world fairs were
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coming together there were very intense moments when dreams came to reality to be able to show case to the world. don't get me wrong. there is a very important part of the virtual world and i have been part of it for a long time with the dubious contention with the very first cellular data to be able to send a text message from a moving vehicle. i'm not sure if that's entirely positive, but, at the time it seemed like it was pretty cool and we thought we can do great things. and spent some time working with the federal government and at the time i saw so many of my colleagues and friends involved with text and to come up way to change the world to find funding and there wasn't a
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good path and there wasn't a way to find help to link them through the federal government and the private sector. the impetus was if we brought entrepreneurs as investors and the general public come and demystify the general process to make it happen. that's why we are here and working to bring it together. that's why we have the tenure in this space and creative to come altogether and the energy is palpable. the partners that you are beginning to move in to occupy the space are the essence of innovation in its best form and people that are here to promote social impact in so many ways. i think very importantly and then i will get off your stage is we
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have partners like maker and maker media that have a very different view of who will innovate for the future. many of the world's fairs by necessity hat had a top down view by large organizations of what this would look like. by celebrating the centennial, by celebrating what this has become is a place where many people are going to be able to come up with the future and many different versus of the future and many different paths to innovation and that's what we are here to do and excited to do and lastly, it's an incredible responsibility that i'm incredibly grateful for to be
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the curator of this space. audrey talks to me, she's the angel when i'm here very late at night. the gravitate of this space is something i have never seen. people just knock on the door and want to come in. i'm excited that for many years, the general public will have access to this place, the different languages of innovation and hopefully take that with them, take it back to where they can be inspired themselves. thank you very much and glad to be here. [ applause ] >> thank you so much, dan, for helping us dream about what is within these beautiful walls and right in
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this space leading over to the fireplace will be about a 10,000 square foot exhibition that the california historical society headed by jessica how will be produced and we'll have a jewel box on our gallery on mission street and all of our partners love this and dan in welcoming you in kicking off this event on february 20th. i'm deeply grateful for all of you who have been here and all of you with blessings for prosperity. please go to our website. ppa which is a lot better to say than the panama canal exposition. we invite you to the board around you as you
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imagine what will be here. before we ceremoniously open these doors, you will remember as you come to the exploratorium as my husband and my sons come here that you came to a very different orientation to this space. as dan mentioned you will enter through these doors starting february 20th. we'll peak to see if it's still raining, but before that, i will ask mr. mayor lee and laura to come up here. laura has spent 25 years understanding the world fair, she started when she was ten and it's been a lifelong process. she would like to make a presentation and
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afterwards we will all exit and i give you a truly amazing scholar and phenomenal woman deeply dedicated and passionate advocate and this book that was brought into world is one of the shining stars to this centennial. >> thank you so much, cynthia. mayor lee, may i beg your presence on back of the historical society and myself i would like to present you with a copy of my book. mayor edwin m. lee: thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you, i hope you enjoy it. thank you. >> all right. mayor lee, you
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have to come up one more time. this is an official badge. c'mon up. thank you for the honor of making me the liaison for the centennial. i'm thrilled. i would like to present you with this original badge from the 1915 exposition, the opening day. can i pin it on you? mayor edwin m. lee: sure. >> this is what would have been worn on this day to enter the gate. you are now official. thank you for everything you are doing. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you all so much. this officially ends, oops. madam would like to address you. >> i just wanted to say when the mayor gave us the instructions, i think they were instructions with go do this. we got together with the office with phil and with all the
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organizations that really had an interest and there we said what we were going to do and everybody was interested and you took the reigns you volunteered. just remember that everyday, you volunteered and you put this together. all of this takes leadership obviously it starts with the mayor and for your leadership for getting everybody together has been wonderful. the other thing when the mayor came he said he was going to try to control his enthusiasm for this event. >> how did it go? >> the chief from the protocol office you have now permission for the uncontrollable for this enter. donna, we want to call her a
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