tv [untitled] March 26, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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like to welcome you to our regularly scheduled meeting of the city and school district select committee. i am your chair supervisor jane kim. i will be joined soon by supervisor david campos and we're joined by board of education commissioners sand sandra lee fewer and jill wynns and i would like to thank sfgtv for broadcasting the meeting and making sure they're able online and recognize jennifer low and mr. jessie larsen and our clerks today. madam clerk are there any announcements? >> there are none. >> colleagues may i have a motion to excuse supervisor yee this afternoon. >> so moved. >> we have a motion and madam clerk can you call the first item. >> i need to need to make a
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motion to excuse supervisor campos. >> [inaudible] >> no. >> [inaudible] >> okay i guess not. >> [inaudible] >> madam president i verified with our deputy that we need to make a motion to excuse mr. campos. >> okay. can we make a motion to excuse supervisor campos. >> so moved but it's my understanding that supervisor campos will be coming back here -- >> that's my understanding as well. >> at some point around 415. >> and supervisor avalos is here in supervisor campos' place and done by presidential action but supervisor campos will be coming back to take that seat. >> okay. we will note that. okay. >> so we don't need a motion to excuse. >> okay. >> i am asking, sorry. i
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assume we don't. >> me neither. >> great. in the meantime madam clerk can we call the first item. >> thank you supervisor the first item is it's a hearing on summer jobs plus initiative and san francisco unified school district summer school programming options as sponsored by you supervisor. >> thank you madam clerk and i don't think i announced that supervisor avalos is here instead of supervisor campos and hopefully will be here for the second item but the first item is an annual item that we have heard at the select committee and i want to appreciate how important a youth sob pipeline is for the city and there we grow the program every year and continue to make it more successful. this is a request by commissioner hydra mendoza-mcdonnell and she doesn't hear yet and wanted to
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make comments and i see past and current youth commissioners here thursday and working with the tech market to host a hearing with connection and intent to connect young people in san francisco to jobs and internships opportunities as well as to engage policy at city hall and each of the companies will be offering a workshop that will translate youth voice into tangible programs and opportunities and this town hall will be a pilot program for youth people to get engaged in the process and also our tech companies so i want to recognize that the presenter is glen eagleson and we have other staff here from sfusd and thomas myer
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from office of workforce development as well as someone from united way and thank you for being here. >> is this on? all right thank you supervisors and commissioners. i my name is glen eagleson and with the department of children, youth and their families. i will kick off the presentation and then turn to the partners to fill in different pieces of the presentation from united way and office of workforce development and the school district and i also have information at the end of the presentation about other activities that the department of children, youth and their families is doing this summer if you would like that information
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as well. provide more employment and internship opportunities for young people in the country. mayor lee launched the effort with united way and key partners throughout the initiative. it's lead by dcyf and the office of workforce development. brief takes the lead to coordinate activities with our community based partners and the office of workforce development, works in partnership with the united way to coordinate employer outreach. and also we work very closely with the san francisco unified
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school district to align the efforts around their efforts and career technical programs and get young people engaged in the program. another partner that is not mentioned in here we have start working closely with the office of office of empowerment through the office in san francisco and my path usa. last year san francisco was fortunate to be one of the cities selected in the country to be selected by the cities foundation and empowerment to receive a grant to expand financial empowerment strategies for young people so they funded a number of work experiences for young people and a research component to look at what organizations were doing around financial literacy and banking and this summer we're rolling out an expanded eric mar that all of the agencies will utilize so the people get financial literacy training as
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well as access to quality banking products so access to credit union accounts, direct deposits, split savings as a way to encourage them on a solid financial path so i will turn it over to matt pol an with the united way of the bay area to talk about the numbers we reached last year and our goals for this year. >> good afternoon supervisors, commissioners and thanks for having us today. we're excited to talk about the outs and later we will tell you about hinges we expect to add to the program this year so starting with last year and i made a slide to kind of compare last year to this year. we handed out copies of the report where you can see this year's data -- >> do you have a copy of the powerpoint presentation as well? we do have a report. >> that i don't know. >> could we get a copy? >> do we have extra copies?
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yeah, i don't have one on me but yes, i can get a copy. >> it would be great if someone gets copy while you're doing the presentation. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> so in 2013 we had 6800 opportunities for young people and we went up to 7600 and the proportion is the same between the private and public sector and they kept pace going into 2014 and we hope in 2015 the private sector take a bigger share this year. the age break ground is shown here and better than last year and 76% and a goal to serve older youth so we increase the the percentage of older youth and the race and ethnicity break
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down you can see and similar to last here and pretty representative too. we have the top 10 locations for youth being served and bay view and excelsior and where most of the youth came from in the summer and the family income level and measured at 30,000 per family and most of the youth we had dasta for were low income so i'm going to turn it over quickly to darlene from the san francisco unified school district, the career and technical program to do a deep dive into the program that they did last summer. sorry -- [inaudible] >> thank you. hi commissioners and supervisors. thank you for having us come and report out to you today. i'm going to be speaking and i was asked to speak specifically about the project labor
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agreement, summer internship portion of the cte program so let me just tell that you this program is exciting because we go outside of cte and we enroll and recruit students from across the district because the skilled trades really require the facilities and at john o'connell and up at washington and there's not necessarily enough to go around so this is a great opportunity. we found students interested across the district lasted year so we're working with the contractors who access the bond money and they support the internship with a stipend and each of our students have the opportunity to spend three i das a week at a high school and two days on a job shadow so as you know working in the skilled trades can be difficult with tools, and being able to have
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an authentic experience so that experience with the tools is happening at the school sites and then the visits to the businesses and the industries like muni, web core, san francisco airport and those are happening at a little more hands off and the students can put the two experiences together and it's been a really exciting program model and we're literally looking forward to expanding it. last year we had 60 students involved. 33 males, 27 females and we have 10 high schools, and i already told you how it's across the district and we're looking at just pushing the needle a little bit this year and have an apprenticeship day for the summer internship and adding visiting bay area colleges and including some of the programs at skyline and city
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college. i will take some questions after this presentation if you have anymore but that is the two slides that i was talking about for the project labor agreement with the school district. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so we have some exciting stuff we're planning for this upcoming summer. we're building on three years of success. we want to expand door way services and we started the last school year to provide work based learning experience and this is some of the cross over of school and work experience that we have been building with summer jobs plus and that is bringing employers into the classroom. an example of that is hour of code and we worked with the department of to bring tech companies school to help writing code in january. this year at
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the youth resource fair which i will tell you about on the next slide we're going to have a focus on job interviews and in the past we did mock swriew interviews and employers there were and there is a push for that so we have at least 10 employers confirmed to do many job interviews and as many as 15 doing interviews some of which will offer jobs on the spot, and a reason that -- in the past we had the fair in may. we moved it to april so there is an opportunity to apply for work recreation and the of the programs and they agreed to hold some of their slots so youth will have access to those. in the past a lot of the applications were closed by the time we hit the resource fair so the mayor's job college that is may 21 and we will cover that in the next slide. a couple other things we're trying out is
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experiments on the ground and one is a pilot program. we're hoping to do at mission school sestill in the planning stages but hopefully by this summer we will have internships and credit recovery. we found in the past students in this program didn't have the time to be in a job or internship so we're working with employers, sf made and linkedin and other tech companies to have internships just for them so they can go to that and in the morning go to the credit recovery and a connection between the two and see if what helps them the next year and more successful and likely to graw. hopefully we will do that for 30 young people and something we tried last year that again was successful and this year is neighborhood job fairs. we have young people from the neighborhood apply for a small business in the neighborhood and we make matches : we did it in sunset and bay view and hopefully do
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to them this year and a great tool that we have supervisors involved. supervisor cohen, supervisor tang involved in sponsoring the events, small business from the district and young people and a nonprofit from the district and it's been successful in that way so we're hoping to continue those again this year. i will pass along to thomas myers who will talk about a couple of the big events upcoming. >> thank you and good afternoon supervisors and commissioners. you have a couple fliers in your hand outs, a couple color fliers. the one i want to pay attention to is now hiring and this where youth can come to the youth resource fair on april 11 and sign up online in advance at the address which is 2015sf summer jobs. event br and they could sign up to attend the youth
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resource fair either by smartphones or online everywhere and in addition there is another flier there for individuals, adults and mentsors to come to the fair on april 11 where you can also sign up to assist with interviews and resources and providing some guidance to the youth that will be in attendance on april 11 and as matt mentioned earlier on may 21 at 830 at city hall this is the mayor's job challenge event which recognizes the funders and employer participants in the program, and it's an event where we recognize the employers for their contributions to the summer jobs program and this is the event where they also make commitments and they're recognized for those commitments. we will have more information about that as may 21 comes but i want to pay attention to the april 1110 to 2:00 o'clock the youth resource fair at moscone center and i am
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available for any questions that you have. thanks. >> thank you. >> so supervisors and commissioners that was the end of our presentation for summer jobs plus. i also have some additional information about other activities that dcyf is doing this summer but we thought to take a break if you have questions especially around the summer jobs plus initiative. >> that's great. i think it's a good time to take questions first and i have a few questions and i will open the floor to the rest of the committee as well. by the way the report was great and it was great to kind of see snapshots in terms of what individual youth and some of the employers, what they gain from the program. i am curious what mechanism is available for all of the youth participants and report back about the experience and evaluate the work site or the city program effort?
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>> yes. so at the end of every summer we issue a survey so across summer jobs plus young people and employer s and the nonprofit partners get a survey and report back to us, so i would say a hew -- few highlights we would like to see more job opportunities especially for 16 and 17 year olds and most employers want to hire 18 and older and the credit recovery. they would like to see better coordination across the departments and knowing where the opportunities are so we're building out the website and the website has a lot of the programs and work recreation and puc listed on it and the youth were confused to go for which program and at the fair there will be access for that so again this year we will do a survey. >> what were the top or
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