tv [untitled] March 26, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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program effort? >> yes. so at the end of every summer we issue a survey so across summer jobs plus young people and employer s and the nonprofit partners get a survey and report back to us, so i would say a hew -- few highlights we would like to see more job opportunities especially for 16 and 17 year olds and most employers want to hire 18 and older and the credit recovery. they would like to see better coordination across the departments and knowing where the opportunities are so we're building out the website and the website has a lot of the programs and work recreation and puc listed on it and the youth were confused to go for which program and at the fair there will be access for that so again this year we will do a survey. >> what were the top or
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general positive feedback and then things to improve? >> yeah so those were some of the things to improve. >> right. >> overall we definitely get a lot of feedback "thanks for helping me get a job and starting my career." they like the youth resource fair as an opportunity to build skills and they find a job and a nonprofit and in 2012 we didn't have door ways and not easy on the ground point to get help and since then we have a place for them to go we get good feedback. >> i know this isn't always true but sometimes the employers might have more support mechanisms in place and train people for jobs and sometimes the private sector employers don't as much. what do we do to insure a higher level of
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consistency and getting experience from the program? >> yeah that's a good question. i think it starts with the screening that the door ways do and make sure that the young people are ready for that experience. not every person is ready for a private sector experience and another program that is more supportive and more counseling and things built in might be more appropriate but we have an internal internship we run and we have folks checking in on the young people and making sure the needs are met and use door ways for that and there are other programs we are active support for. >> and regarding the credit recover and he internship program which i think is a great plus to the program. are those paid as well? >> yeah. they are paid minimum wage for that time. >> i hear from students they need the summer to earn wages and sometimes it's a choice
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between credit recover and he getting a summer job and hopefully this addresses that issue. >> also there might be administrative hurdles but we heard we might get credit for them this summer and if we play our cards right. >> since the introduction of the pilot program two years ago what gains have we made to have undocumented youth, and youth hard to reach -- homeless, undocumented and lgbt and foster youth. >> i think we made a lot of gains and the door ways is a significant part of that and there will be eight this summer and target demographics or neighborhoods to a couple of your questions and lyric as a door way to meet lgbt youth and have developers reaching the bay view and as far as foster youth we opened a door way at city
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college with the guardian program that serves foster youth and that has been very successful -- >> [inaudible] excuse me supervisor the other thing is for a lot of young people that would need more support they're served more through our public programs. about 2/3 of the opportunities through the summer jobs plus umbrella are through city funded or city run programs so that's where people that might need more support get those services. in terms of undocumented youth for the last two years we were able to fund some opportunities through the private fundraising we had. that's still a commitment on behalf of the partnership and we're committed to make sure as is the mayor and mary su and these opportunities are available to all young people in san francisco. we're still working on the fundraising plan and how many opportunities we can fund depends how much money we raise. >> that's great to hear and i
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know there is some education that needs to help with employers and even some of the regulars that work with youth and we had an intern and getting a stipend and the coordinator realized she was undocumented and tried to cut internship at the office and luckily we had an attorney on staff and i am sure that comes up in other cases and i it's fortunate that we have immigration expertise and that always doesn't happen and i assume there is education to happen as well as to what you can do and what you can't. >> dcyf also related to this is working with the office of immigration and civic affairs to support legal service access and legal education for our immigrant communities so that's a part of the resource to tap into as well as funding a program for dreamers called the
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sf dream program. >> thank you. commissioner wynns. >> [inaudible] thank you. i want to know about the data for last year and this year, the number of jobs, list work opportunities, so i kind of want to know how well we're doing at filling all of those? by this do we mean this is how many young people -- >> work opportunities -- >> right. placement opportunities or -- >> actually placed. >> okay. actually placed. that's good. but is it -- are the numbers the same? in other words, is every summer job opportunity created filled? no. can you tell you at what -- >> no, those all represent placement numbers. i thought you were asking is it the same opportunity and glen was saying they're different depending on which public program. >> yeah, what i want to know
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how do we do at filling every opportunity that we create? i hate to say this but if we were in a college we would say what kind of yield we have; right? >> right. >> and how is that related to the persistence -- i mean how many employers -- what kind of evaluations do we have from the employers? are they offering more summer jobs? >> i don't have hard data on it but we have more private sector than we can fill and when talking about entry level and there is a lot now and it's a buyer's market in the economy and we often don't have enough work ready and past muster with the employers and that's what door ways is screening the people and i don't have a number for it but we have more opportunities on the private sector side. >> as a parent and all of the
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public sector job opportunities that we have, have we filled all of those? >> yeah, they're over subscribe the. we have no problem filling those. >> maybe for next year when we do it again to have the data how we're doing on that and that leads to the 2nd district which is for the school district. >> >> for instance what are we doing to get more kids available or being ready for the private sector jobs that we can't fill so they get work experience? that just came up from this answer but what i really want to know about is about connections and the summer job opportunities and their work in school, so people have a job in the summer, great. i am happy they diso. i want them to make money and employment skills and do well,
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but then i also want that to be something that we leverage to increase their success in school and hopefully as i know you're working for, and we are all hoping to expand the opportunities for kids and how well are we making the connections? >> let me separate it and i commented on pla and 2,000 students in the c st. e academies and they get a lot of skills and within the two year program and we spend a lot of time this year helping them fill out the applications because we noticed who was filling out the applications for the internships and who wasn't, and we want the district has access in equity lens on everything that we do so we made sure to reduce as many barriers as possible so they're
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filling them out a lot better this year. they're very complicated. it's new vocabulary for them and i-nine's and all of this stuff so they're doing a much better job. we will get a huge amount of applicants and that addresses who is filling it and for the students in the cte program how are they bringing it back? how does the experience bring it back? for some of the students we try to make sure they stay in the area they're studying but business, financing and banking -- we all need financial literacy and this is part of the program for the sfusd and we look at who is ready and a majority are private sector jobs so we have to support the businesses as well as the students so we have orientation for the business partners and the students. we have ongoing workshops. we have packets, everything you can think of and
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how to ask for more or less work so i think we have those students. now the other students that i am talking about and we're excited to expand out for the project labor internship they have the same services in the summer, but they don't have the follow through during the school year, so it's episodic for the pla kids that come out of the different high schools but we have the same services so they have that orientation. they have those workshops. we make sure that they fill out time sheets and those employers are supported just as well. we spend a lot of time developing the work, the work base learning rotation for the summer so muni and darlene they sit down and work out what the opportunities are doing when they visit two days a week and it's based on curriculum and a plan. we don't wing it. >> if i can follow up for a
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minute when you say the students -- it's because we don't have a academy. >> right. >> and other students are going back with the cohort even though they're not at the job they come back together and have an opportunity with the teachers and peers to discuss what they have learned to apply and talk how it applies -- >> yeah, and build on it. so i mean it's a goodie request. we have a mechanism for the cte students but as we expand the students to outside of that we might want to think about touching base with them during the school year and helping them make the connections and build on the experience because we don't want it to be a one off. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner wynns and i want to recognize that we're joined by supervisor campos and the school board commissioner. thank you for being here. commissioner mendoza. >> thank you. first i really
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want to thank united way and dcyf and department of workforce development for all of the work around this. this is the third summer now and -- fourth summer, wow, so this is the fourth summer and i think part of the challenge coming into this was not ever having a coordinated effort or a place for the young people to go where they can have the applications come in and on the back end have jobs available for them so this is -- everybody has been doing their own thing making their own connection and having their own relationships so this whole effort is tremendous just in terms of the relationships that have been built over the years. having said that there's a lot that still needs to get done. i think part of what we have been talking about as a team is how do we ensure that those internship programs that exist is folded into the work we're
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already doing, so we have departments that created their own so we have been working more closely with people and project pool and the rec and park and the airport and dpw and make sure those jobs are folded in as well and we're really thinking about the different cohorts of kids that we're wanting to work with. i think when united way was brought in this was under the president's challenge and it was really about making these opportunities available. i think over the years and correct me if i am wrong team, but i think over the years we have recognized we're missing pockets of kids so how do we create a system that actually caters to all of the pockets and instead of one system fitting all of the kids into? so i think we've all been working diligently how we make sure that our kids just have the same opportunities first of all
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across the board and when i look at the numbers from the snapshot of the jobs plus initiative it's been really heartening to see the neighborhoods that we're serving which i really appreciate and the diversity of the kids that we have been serving, and i have to say 7600 jobs that we counted just from january to summer and not even thinking about the jobs that we have collected along the way particular around seasonal jobs and those that stayed on permanently it's a tremendous opportunity for our young people and when we think about the businesses that have stepped up over the years -- i mean when we have the job fair and i am glad to see so many young people in the room and we want all of you to come down. we had starbucks and a champion with david chiu was there and hiring kids on the
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spot. he was interviewing them and they would go through four interviews in the morning and the kids would be filtered out throughout and at the end of the day saying now i want you to connect to this person and two weeks come talk to us and orientation and the kids were stunned they were picking up the jobs right away and as you look through the photos you should photo the level of engagement and enthusiasm that the kids had because for many of them this is the first time they were getting this one-on-one on how to interview and how to interact with another adult, and to express how you feel, and to really think about what area of industry you may want to go into. the last thing i will say is just around the cte and this is probably where we want to start figuring how to work better. through the programs
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many of the young people during the internship can only work 20 hours a week and do it for a shorter period of time than what we set up over the summer so we want to figure out how we can find employers that are more conducive to the students that come from cte and we want to think how we collect the data on the sfusd students because when we think about the 7600 young people we're serving a mean a significant number of them are sfusd students that come through a variety of different pathways so i think we always have room for improvement but i have to say that this is one of the mayor's signature initiatives that he's extremely proud of and one that i think all of us that have been engaged in it are really happy to see so many young people show up. the lessons they have learned -- as
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a mother of a 17 year old whose kid got a summer job and still in the job is pretty remarkable, and the company that he's working for has been extremely supportive with his schedule. i mean this a kid that shows up to work a half-hour early so he's prepared that is actually managing his time which is for a 17 year old boy with all due respect is tremendous, and you know he's learning how to negotiate, so just a quick story. he recently was asked to do some coaching on the weekend for some soccer kids in the neighborhood but it's the same day that he works so he had to go in and negotiate time off or switch his hours and i wasn't doing it for him, so he really had to kind of sort through that
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and understand that you just don't go in and say "oh by the way i'm doing this." it's really about being respected and being respectful with your employer and our employers have been really incredible with the young people, and then those that haven't been able to take in young people they have been able to pony up some money that's enabled us to expand our jobs in the public sector so i want to thank all of the employers that give in lieu of having young people in their positions, and the one thing that i always enjoy is the department head meeting that the mayor calls at the beginning of all of this to basically say summer jobs are coming up. you need to be thinking about how this fits into your budget, and ensuring that every department is thinking how to step up and step in, and bring in a young
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person into all of our worlds here at city hall as well here so i just want to again extend my gratitude for all of the people that worked tremendously hard to make this happen. i don't think we thank you enough and i know it's a lot of juggling and coordinating and we're getting better and better at it. thank you. >> thank you commissioner. so at this time i would like to open up for public comment on this item so if you would like to speak on item number one please do come up. >> madam president if i could ask we had two pieces of the presentation and one from the district -- >> yeah, i wanted to do public comment first. >> that's fine. >> okay. seeing no public comment on this item public comment is now closed. [gavel] . so i imagine it's very brief because we have a whole other item that most people are here to speak on. yes. please finish up mr. eagleson.
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>> hi i am director jennifer fong from the school district in charge of extended learning and support and there should be a handout on the summer credit recovery options so i wanted to let you know that this the school district is offering summer school to help students graduate and we're trying to expand the program this year from four sites to five schools and at each of the schools we're trying to have additional teachers in order to meet the needs so where we had 2,000 students participating i am hoping to increase it by several hundred and we had 35,000 -- 3500 courses completed and i am hoping to increase that to 4,000 and we hoping that the students are engaged in summer learning primarily for 12th graders and going down to 11th and tenth and
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ninth and new english learners that didn't have an opportunity to take some of the courses: thank you very much. >> thank you ms. fong. any questions or comments on this item? thank you so much. it's great to see summer school grow at the school district, especially after being on the board in the one summer we didn't have summer school and the immense gap in the city due to budget cuts and it's great to see it happening again. did you want to make closing comments? >> i have a few slides about activities. did you want me to postpone that? i am fine. >> thank you very much mr. eagleson and i wanted to thank all of the departments on this program now ongoing for two years and moving into the third summer. i know that i also want to recognize that there is coordination that needs to happen and i just want to recognize united way and of
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course commissioner mendoza from the mayor's office to convene on the expertise and talents that all of the departments have but often it can be difficult to convene and bring all these very, very busy individuals and experts into a room together to make a program truly successful and it's great to hear that we've had positive outcomes over the last summers and i look forward to ongoing outcomes after the ends of this summer and the growing success of the summer school plus programming. okay. seeing no further comments colleagues can we take a motion to file this item? >> [inaudible] >> so we have a motion and we can do that without opposition. [gavel] . madam clerk can you call item two. >> thank you supervisor. the next item is a hearing on the municipal transportation agency and san francisco unified
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school district transportation coordination and also by you madam president. >> we had a request from commissioner fewer on the item and i wanted to give her a chance to introduce the item but draw your attention to the san francisco press article in the packet which outlined some of the stories that we often hear from our families and our students in terms of the challenges, the transportation options, to get to the school of your choice, and i know that this is continued to be a growing issue as we have slowly ramped down our yellow school bus program coupled with the 2010 assignment process and this is an opportunity for us to have both the city and the school district and particular sfmta to
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have a discussion and address the needs of the youth and families and many that travel long distance to get to school and also the after school program. i know that the youth commission and the advisory committee has been discussing this item and back in 2012 when they did a survey 38% of the students stated they took more than one bus to get to school, and i do represent a district that doesn't have any high schools in the district so i know many of the youth have to commute very far to get to the school of their choice or the one that they get into and while i think we have been successful with the youth commissioners and leaders ensuring free muni for youth which has been a tremendously successful program we. to make sure that the city and school district. >> >> discusses how we can best serve our youth and families. commissioner fewer. >> thank you supervisor kim. i requested this item to be
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heard to get an update media relations with the san francisco unified school district but also to get an update on muni service to the students. san francisco unified school district we are constantly asking ourselves how well we're serving our students so it's natural we would inquire how the city services are doing and we educate 57,000 school children and the majority fall within the federal poverty guidelines and many are dependent on public transportation it to and from school. ails the board of education decided to reduce the bus service of yellow buses and making them more dependent on public transportation. with the increase of san francisco residents for the past four years every year and our population increased by 10,000 new residents i think it would be interesting to see how the residents have impacted muni
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service if at all and what is the current service to the students particularly on city schools and how are the decisions made. we thank you for the presentation as we haven't had an update for this time. and this joint committee is the perfect place to have the conversation and i look forward to hearing and learning a lot. on behalf of the san francisco unified school district and i would like to thank you for the service and muni for service to the families and as i mentioned many are dependent on it. thank you. >> thank you commissioner fewer. i wanted acknowledge candace su and director for sfmta and recognize julie chrisbalm from the managing and sfmta and i believe they're presenting first previous to
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david golden at sfusd. >> thank you. so good afternoon chair kim, supervisors, commissioners, staff and public. i am candace su the director of communications for sfmta. i am pleased to be joined with you today by julie chrisbalm from the transportation division and jason lee from information and technology group. in addition we have sue lu here from the muni program and all may which help to answer questions so thank you for having me and for allowing me to offer some opening remarks. i would like to start by contextualizing who we are at the municipal transportation agency and at sfmta as we're known we have a
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diverse and wide raging set of responsibilities for the city managing transportation and the network that we serve. >> >> we have also many things in common with the san francisco unified school district in that we're a large diffuse organization with multiple stakeholders with varying needs and different expectations that we are working very hard to fulfill upon. and in part i believe both organizations are also dealing with changing expectations in the public's sphere how information comes together and how we deliver that information to our constituenies and while we have many areas within the organization that are currently working together successfully and have been doing so for years there are clear opportunities for us to do more, and we have some ideas that we will share on that towards the ends of the presentation but i will say for now that i am very
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pleased that we see that there is an opportunity and have been actively figuring it out together how we can work more closely to improve our communications and our services to the constituents that we serve. so back to sfmta and what we do. we have a lot of programs that work at this time to serve students and to help them travel safely two and from school and i would like to provide some context for all of what we do including those on the pedestrian safety side starting with vision zero but also talking about our safe routes to school program, the school crossing guards program and accessible services and then i'm going to turn it over to julie from our transit operations division to really dive into the transit services component as well as free muni for youth. i will note that just having
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