tv [untitled] March 28, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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ask for an explanation from mta from an alley one way to help with the traffic. >> i'm fine with that. >> we're exploring or doing an in kind design with the neighbors they have to be on board some like the shortcut but have everybody. >> i think we'll work with the residents i was after i saw it is a cut through alley. >> yeah. >> we conducted 4 separate meetings in addition, i have a one-on-one meeting with numerous neighbors that live in the alleyways we will do on in lieu
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sorry in kind agreement to isolate some of the bends to the alley to solve those issues. >> i know the city attorney has a comment. >> yes. deputy city attorney susan cleveland i have a comment. >> i'm asking for here but only for the staff. >> i want to let you know that supervisor avalos has authorized me to let the commission know he's kwrd requested our office to draft the legislation that includes the inclusionary and he perhaps other board members disagree are the interpretation of the planning department so that's underway. >> thank you commissioner hillis. >> yeah. i want to staying say i support it was odd reading the
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inclusionary didn't apply it is not a lot different from the prior project when western selma requires 40 percent 2 bedroom but the sro on its face don't mind but odd it didn't get captured in the inclusionary just to explore that it is not considered housing i thought inclusionary - >> so as we read the code it states in section 415 it applies when it defines units as apartment unions. >> are sro's different than apartment unit. >> the sro is in earlier 8 either group or dwelling units
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so if it is dwelling unit it has a kitchen but the others is not defined as dwenldz the main differences between sro's it is the dwell size less than 4 hundred and 50 mosquitos there's a distinction distinct the micro codes with reduced square footage it's 22 hundred square feet and less no units as part of the project that meets this definition. >> but those units inclusionary applies to those units if someone builds a micro unit. >> inclusionary applies to dwelling units and depended on if their micro sro's. >> to group housing or versus
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dwellings. >> is group housing fairly limited. >> it is fairly widely permissible in month district it would be conditional use authorization. >> i mean i'm supportive of supervisor campos it is a bit of a loophole b so i'm glad that is being closed in the in kind agreement that is coming up we had this issue on ralph and talked about that similar to what we discussed making the alley. >> in the same gist to figure out the improvements for in kind they can use their general impact fees they have a process
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to trail this if we agree it is it is in place can provide portions of the fees towards the improvements. >> i'd like to follow-up on this group housing conversation i'm supportive of the no idea of inclusionary for go up housing group housing the definition is about unit not having a kitchen those units have burners and mike waves but the definitions speaks to group living so maybe the project sponsor can talk about the opportunities for common living in the design. >> so glad you asked so can we get the show back? oh sorry >> okay. so this shows one of
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the unit and then here. >> go back to the drawing. >> you want to go back the 2 hundred and 50 square feet unit with a mall kitchen not a kitchen, of course, but because it is you know didn't have an oven so the but here is the - this is a little bit deceptive 2 hundred and 50 square feet spaces a terrace and common room a really nice kitchen and those tables those are beer tables which we all love at this point and three of those and as you go outside the noise door two barbecue stations you can have 3 separate people can be cooking i know mushrooms or hamburgers out
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there and have our outside we have stormwater planters i have a movie probably you guys want to go home a very nice fire pit you know in san francisco you need a fire pit on the inside it is popular we have a bathroom so people can go to the bathroom a wet bar area if you have a party mixing cocktails this is preliminary but the idea to have an x press machine mix cocktails john is liking that and in the middle the giant tv with the giants you can watch the giants with the world series again and currently for fuzz ball so small
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unit but come to a community center and hang out i had to show people that because we're having fun with this thank you very much. >> i would have preferred that in the plans you know your half joking but the way you described it i want to make sure the developers are not using those to get around inclusionary or to get away from the requirement that are required when you have dwelling units in sounds some of the newer condos in mission bay with their condo rooms i'm not that's the spirit as group thourz i'm okay with the project but use that as a cautionary tail for others. >> commissioner moore. >> i wanted to ask a similar question and have mr. baker bark
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talk about the design of other projects r with smaller unit when we are in the lower unit we have - in the lower 3 hundreds san francisco is the way to use a roof without protection or some of the things which mr. baker was describing so we're setting a benchmark and i'll support commissioner wu by president this commission to extend the conversation on the percentage of affordable group housing it is a discussion we need to be in dialog with the board whoever 2079s have the
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conversation i understand that supervisor campos has commented already. >> commissioner johnson. >> we have a marcus books motion and second just making sure i agree with commissioner wu this is a little bit a will that loophole i don't want to see a project where you have shared bathrooms and other necessary space if you have your own self-contained space of it's miller. >> small i appreciate that change can i ask a followup question >> no. >> (laughter). >> i appreciate the changes commissioner moore. >> there's one thought a residential thought the western
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selma as well as our new emerging policies on alleys and i hope that director start to talk with sfmta and talk about how alleys are being used commissioner johnck's description of being one over i'll not be comfortable we have people living in the alleys lots of elderly people particularly around the yerba buena walking the alleys that's the only area to comfortably walk and as we're elevating the alley we need to have restrictions of only tenant live there. >> we'll have a joint hearing. >> joint hearing that's a very good idea but have a policy to work with the developers more.
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>> commissioner richards. >> one other comments about trucks not over a certain height or unbelievable there was someone o some truck couldn't get around the corner. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second, however, i'd like to clarify with the maker of the motion and the seconder your amenable to have a flthd for a one way traffic on that to include a finding to consider one way traffic commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. >> commissioners that places you oh sorry zoning administrator. >> thank you close the public
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hearing and grant the variance. >> that place you on for the zoning administrators consideration for case at 24th street your last conditional use and variance for the day. >> good afternoon. southwest team leader i'm making this presentation on behalf of michael smith under the weather the subject property on 24th street within the 24th street noah valley commercial district this portion of noah valley has a mixed use establishments located within the storefronts including restaurant and apparel and convenience stores and other
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types of retail from 1 to 4 stories in height this proposal to construct a 3 story rear addition and extend to the rear yard line this will be seeking a variance below grade with a roof deck for residents only the structure has two dwelling units and will add two bringing it to 4 unit and create a new restaurant bar that will occupy two thousand 6 hundred and 95 square feet this proposal involves adding a roof deck with two roofing penthouse this was damaged in a fire and unoccupied sense under the section the
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conditional use authorization is required because the ground floor commercial space exceeds 2499 square feet and in this district conditional use authorization is also required to establish the restaurant fee license and the commercial space is authorized by and place of entertainment and to be continued with the proposed new restaurant project sponsor is also seeking conditional use authorization pursuant to section of the code to amend the conditions for the place of entertainment in order to expand hours and submit a.m. if i had entertainment and remove restrictions this is individually and locally owned and for this neighborhood will serve and employ up to 19 people 1980 approvals included no a.m.
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if i had entertainment and hours of operation limited to midnight on saturday and exceeding capacity of '75 patrons and those didn't comply the sponsor wants to remove the limit open a.m. inside entertainment and stand the entertainment one p.m. and one p.m. to 10:00 p.m. they've hired acoustics engineers the department received opposition from 9 adjacent neighborhood that live on the pleasant street in the abutting district located to the north many oppose the granting of time limits that christmas
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day one rear yard variance parking and commercial parking space greater than 2 thousand plus square feet and the amendment to allow action committee for women in prison if i had entertainment and the hours stand and the restrictions of the number of patrons and like to see the hours of construction restricted to 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. week days and for the awe can you feel engineers to be hired to make it possible for the out going noise from the premise grant the conditional use authorization to allow the establishment to establish the type of 47 abc license and stated the usage limits and all the time the motion to changes the conditions of approval related to the place
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of entertainment and the zoning administrator needs to approve the parking modification the planning department is reynolds approval to include the services for the project sponsor to inquire the services of a sound like acoustic engineer let the feeding capacity be what the zoning code allows and recommend the approval to stand the hours from thursday to friday to 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and sunday 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and to operate for the restaurant 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and none of the residents will have rooftop
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assess thank you. project sponsor please. >> thank you, mr. washington and good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioner wu and commissioners jeremy paul for the project sponsor i first want to thank michael smith has done a lot of work unfortunate he see out sick we worked closely on the development of that project as it comes before you i'm going to go to the overhead and show you a few slides and talk about what has happened we're proposing a new routine raunt addition and four 45 units this is the aerial from 2008 and this is current the yellow mark is the current location we're building a horizon extension that going up 3 floors
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in the portion at the rear so we're able to add two additional dwelling units a transit corridor we're taking down two bedroom unit and the project architect offices up the street will be up to explain the details in a minute i want to walk you through the basics the bar was a problem in this neighborhood i've met with the neighbors had he heard the same store over and over the patrons use the rear yard the doors and window were left open and self-reliant noise often litter and people being route i didn't and you public urination we've taken the step to include a full kitchen restaurant to sort of
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change the nature of the location enacts with the community we're not increasing the floor area enjoyed by this pun the entire ground floor is dictated to the back of the house of the kitchen so you'll hear more later on from a restaurant consultant talking about how many more people b will be employed you'll hear from charley to explain how this allows us to have complete that sound like containment all the sound will be focused towards the front of the space no patron access to the rear of the space and will be sound containment pictures of the fire containment
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at the rear the neighbors have been enjoying a couple of years and not excited about the prospect of having this entertainment back to the eery completely understand what we have to say this is the rear elevation of the building as it exists as you can see a steep down slope e slope a party room in the back a terrible idea and potentially illegal idea but it had a lot of people and created a lot of noise we're creating a small terrace area for the residential tenant above that no access to the rear portion of the deck created by the extension this is the section of the
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building as we propose showing the extension i'm going to turn it over to ross to step up to the mike. >> can you have the overhead please commissioners, thank you when we were presented with this says that the primary problem was how to make something inviting in a longs narrow dark corridor we did with with lightwell with the acoustic engineers due to the fire and i and the additions we're creating a new structure to work with the sound engineers to create the proper containment we think this is a lively space for the noah valley and it
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transition not only the expectation from the rear yard in the service of the back of the house functions but it precludes the possibility of patrons it provides a buffer to close the space in terms of the space when the fire happened we went to the believable to ask what would be asked of us in terms of code updates and full updates were required for the building live safety and egress which meant we introduced a second set of stairs it took up the space it is one thousand 84 square feet originally that was 12 hundred with a reduction of
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it tallied to 75 finally a comment about the mid block open space a subterranean just forms a mid block open space explicit intrude into that i'll seed the rest of my time to jeramy. >> thank you ross i would like to introduce a couple of changes to the proposal that is before you and explain why our neighboring property to the west is alessia suprais that a as hot tubs in flare rear yard a place i know very well i live nearby and used it often it is a popular neighborhood designation there is some concerns by the
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property owner that your extended top floor windows my intrude into the privacy of that rear area and as a result we're asking we be allowed to build a higher than otherwise permitted fence along the property line on the west side adjacent property owner is here and could speak to that during. we're also asking the hours of the entertainment hours not be limited during the daytime hours i think the late start on weekends and holiday didn't makes sense for the kind of community space we're trying to create we want to have the opportunity for a jazz brunch or gospel brunch blitz bar had jazz
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every thunders evening and often had djs running late and a.m. if i had sound they were not speed limit to but the way that music works the amplification didn't mean we're bringing in the rolling stones but a jazz guitar and trumpet can play together the kind of entertainment i stumbled in on california street it makes san francisco's pedestrian environment very rich i think this is a valuable contributor the layout you see before you of this restaurant includes a space at the front window designed to accommodate asian noodles being thrown it requires this space that space will be able to be converted
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later in the day for live entertainment should we have that scheduled we don't have a program for live entertainment right now, we're proposing but we want to have the option to do that we went to the noah valley merchant association exist about the fact we're not for going to restoring the entertainment permit that he want something that provides a maximum number of hours not a 5 hours bar at night 16 hours a day serving breakfast and lunch and dinner inform this community thank you very much if you have questions i look forward to the opportunity to respond >> opening it up for public
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comment (calling names). >> good afternoon first i'm to clarify a few changes or things number one we live behind there we're not objecting what we are objecting the a.m. if i did entertainment and the late hours really the change from revolution 8778 i'll say if you have that in your packets 9 of us wrote objections here's what we're concerned about it is not just the increased space although i'm not happy about that this comes up to my retaining wall and takes out the green space green space is important just because it is in the back and although it feels big beautiful fruit trees back
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there the owner has owned this since 2001 they opinioned it when it feels a implies bar it is disjen us we have 90 objections to music we don't want it a.m. if i had and to 2:00 a.m. we can compromise how about music stops at midnight if the music stops at 2:00 p.m. you can put all you want when those people walk out loud and drunk a huge amount of noise in the neighborhood that's residential i l
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