tv [untitled] March 30, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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that are presented to implement it. >> were when they told by the way, we're pitting extra money into it without paying for it because this is kind of it seems to me another example of we seem to have unfocused our equity land. >> this is solidly commissioner an equity program we should investigate and but if we told edmond or you know bottle or mission you have this fireman and we'll of a for it could you fit it into our program they'll do.
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>> those are great questions if it is self-selected there is a better chance of the implementation if the school has skin in the game so to speak those funds are paying for the training of the teachers and the pragmatic costs of district level if i could speak to the question we have also offered the program to schools that may not to fit it both their schedule bus because of wicker and the writing and the collaboration of the organization the commitment to that aspect of the practices we've actually offered schools to go to the avid certification training that is held even
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though you don't want or can't have or don't have the ability to implement fully at our school site we've allowed them to accept some of the practices proven over thirty or 40 years of research in a college going culture we're addressed a pea to wick eerie might get into trouble here (laughter). >> well, let me ask this follow-up question (laughter) >> so when you say they fit it into their schedule they're paying for the teachers is that it. >> i don't know it is a .2 i can bring jan wong up to speak we've been in partnership so addressing excel is a great
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example in the instruction to address the issues of the english languages learns a great model to how we collaborate through the department and allow our students opportunities. >> that's a better explanation but i'm concerned and i want us to be investing in kids that are challenged and don't come from families that are tradition of college going, etc. but this is going to sound terrible i want to more for the schools that are filled with one's like that that's something we're doing for them i was concerned when i saw what schools have it i said really that doesn't make sense to me. >> are there other questions or comments for mr. koffman.
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>> commissioner fewer. >> yes. thank you, mr. koffman i want to say we've separated out of staff and the whole thing but i have a question about the african-american counselor data thing you know so i had a long conversation today with other folks in the district i'm thinking i don't know if it should be there acquit frankly it shouldn't be in c and ii also want to see it as a large part of the plan that mr. dickey is going to propose what is it i see a place holder but i don't know if under this purview i think that mr. dickey once i know he is new to the district hosed in the process of talking about and looking at the data
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blah, blah and he may define that role district 5 it would be a place holder but i--i don't know if this is in particular exactly what he might need and also my brothers keeper not just about our district but always coordinating with other city departments with the data so that's why i see the place holder but not the right description quite frankly and other thing thank you for the data i wanted to say that 63 .7 percent of the majority of students off to graduate this is earmarked particularly so - this money again is earmarked specific for students on track to graduate the - if the board
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wants to run state summer school for students to graduate if that's the loophole our graduation shouldn't be a d bar but a c bar i'll include those students it quite frankly we have students that are not to graduate period and if this board should decide to run state summer school and high school that's a different conversation when i see 2/3rd's of this going to students not to graduate only 2/3rd's only 31 courses were taken for unknown reasons really mr. koffman i'm sorry this is not the spirit of which this money was allocated i know that's we're going on to the new year i want to reiterate what
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this money was allocated for we're looking at the a migration o graduation rate if the superintendent recommendation over and over the boards we change our policy to a fee c or better that encompasses a broader area of students not a proposal on the table that's heartbreaking the board needs to fund at another times for all students and i don't understand why the students are taking health and college and curriculum school sites the school sites thirty should be funding that at the schools they're assigned to and taking money away from students that are on track not to graduate thank you very much. >> can i ask for clarification i did have a conversation with mr. sanderson about this earlier in the week my understanding is
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and correct me if i am wrong i thought that student who took health and college and career had transferred to another district they're not on track to graduate in the sense they have the courses but they don't have all the requirement those are students that are off track if they didn't take the required classes at the home district that's what that means that's correct. >> i'll have to actually soak exact clarity there is a couple of reasons i'll electrohave to drill into the data i know that sometimes they don't fit into the schedules of the students based upon what the mr. superintendent said about the scheduling issues at the school sites so that's one issue. >> jennifer fong director of
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college and career readiness students are primarily students not enrolled in the district in any event grade and such a newcomer english learners and students that didn't have an opportunity when they joined the district have 6 graduation arrangements so they'll take the 7th requirement during the summer. >> thank you for the clarification so do you know what the 31 courses for dakota enknown reasons. >> we're not able to assess the students transcript and the students are not available included in the data they're taking college transitional studies not funded but students that need additional credit recovery beyond the learning so some of the students have not
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nonetheless enrolled in the district we don't voluntary access to the data any longer. >> at the took classes at city college i'm sorry, i guess i didn't hear it right. >> their city college courses waldo called transitional studies that are off track to graduate they'll not graduate unless they take courses so they take courses in extended learn through city college transitional studies might be able to do that before they come to us the majority of students are students in the city college credit recovery we're not able to assess their data. >> i think probably we probably should have a conversation about that and also about the health
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and the college to you know if it is on this offered in any event 9 of the grade if that's an issue it seems like it is if there's no opportunity for them to take it during the school days this is an issue two but we don't want to see a large amount of students pointed out to the fte for the school year that's what we're trying to prevent maybe have another conversation and maybe close some the loopholes thanks. >> commissioner norton. >> so to follow up on this this is actually, the conversation i had i'm going to put this i saw the superintendent anderson sorry you walked in i mean, he actually, i don't know if you can come up here and tell the
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board it soiled if we were maybe a little bit too lose we need to make sure we know what the money is for but i also think based on the conversation we have to allow a little bit of discretion so there are students that come in with problems because of the requirements are so rigorous and not been to district that required it and need to actually allow students to make up course work of they're technically contract with that said, we need to be clear why we're doing this. >> thank you. good evening commissioners just a couple of questions commissioner norton and i were talking about earlier this week unique tsa cases that come in everyday to school students that
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transfer into our district everyday from other states and countries all over the world in reality with with that said, there are students that come from a district that doesn't have a migration requirement so on the board policy as a graduation requirement what happens when we have a student that transfers if utah or transfers from a school district that is 50 miles away we need to find a way to meet the needs of student we've done modifications of the curriculums to meet the students with the plan ahead curriculum and we need to provide that opportunity for
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students that's one particular cased we have cases where students transfer in from other countries in a 6 period day can't fit in the courses to graduate how do we help it student in access to be able to chief with the form that are in a reasonable amount of time our staff faces these everyday with individual students easements we can predict out every circumstance that exists and place it in a written plan i'm saying there are circumstances that could about every year i encounter a new one in the course everyday and the staff has to work with the student and their families to chief the high school diploma and in many case to be eligible to apply.
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>> this is 13 percent i don't see mr. koffman sort of what so of the strategies that - well, i think you're going to give us a report we need to do really it's a call we need to give strict guidance. >> it is to the a counselor call we actually have an enrollment process in fact if you walk into my office you'll see a list of things we need expend enrollment forms we have an step up to the plate enrollment form and the process that i don't think we're near enough professional we'll continue to do professional development with that form it requires a sign off of the
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principle and the courage not only a counselor call. >> i want to remind everyone that so we can get this write every year we should have a survey every year so every year we should have less money by the way, we have less need that's something i look forward to next year so i hope this year i don't see a reduction i can see 2015 and maybe a little bit of 2016 so we should require less money. >> superintendent. >> yeah. great robust conversations i think that the intent of the board is very crystal clear i'll suggest that perhaps we continue this conversation commissioner vice president haney again, it is the hottest ticket in town the
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committee so have an ongoing reporting. >> we'll now move towards questions around vaping pa i want to remind any colleagues there are flaws let's focus on the monuments how much money we're allocating and we'll need to think of at leadership needs to think about how to have a different detail conversations about the direct programs the assignment of schools and things like that so let's see i think commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell has a question. >> so my quay was regarding what you currently have and what is currently budgeted for so it sounds like you've got a couple of you've been able to add teachers on assignment and an
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administrator that focused open the quality and support particularly in our zones and then we're adding one point teachers these special assignment for the consequential artist program development i'm curious who you have and would this addition of this person going to focus on the updating of the arts and education master plan. >> thank you, rob daniels i'm the supervisor for the visual department and thank you commissioner and superintendent carranza i don't want to notify the education manager to answer our second question the first question simply the recommendations for the mist position and the ftes in the first reading will remain the
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same the tsa for the arts support k through 12 in addition to and we gleaned that out of the extra funding over at lincoln how can i help answer our question. >> i guess it says that we've not been able to add special teachers on assignment i guess - are those teachers on special assignment already in existence your addressing them in addition to another one for the subsequential arts. >> last year, we had 7 teachers for special assignments i'm going from 2008 one teacher an special assignment and mr. callaway was one and a half and two and became the program mrifrt and added last year 6 more we expanded to t k and the
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secondary realm we don't have support those are site based create so similar 7 tsas and this was we're going to project to have 8. >> so you'll have 8 teachers on special assignment that will be working on i guess that's what i'm curious about i didn't relies i had so many the one your addressing will be specific to the master plan. >> that's correct. >> will you be utilizing any of the other 8 to help support that or only one person on the master plan revised uses the one position will be focusing on the subsequential k through 12 programs the master plan limitation and the amendment of
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it will be fund at a different source and that's a function to subtract. >> the arts first of all, i wanted to say to add address language to this conversation we have. >> can you hear me >> (speaking spanish.) >> one more language to tonight conversation the master plan continues to be our north star and the master plan is really about infrastructure and focusing on the 6 areas we're timetable working on so administration testify leadership and resources and staffing curriculum and instruction and partnerships and assessment one of the things
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that's been incredibly beneficial in the past couple of years is that as we have been working on infrastructure we've been able to finally add the taefrpdz and assignment to look more deeply into curriculum so when a one of the things our master plan citizens advisory committee was waiting for in order to really dive into the amendment which is looking forward at where are we now what's been accomplished and the district priorities at the vision 2024 and the access for the driver of the arts master plan every student everyday and arts education for every school during the curriculum daytona to be the driver there are issues beyond the visible and arts performance department such as a hopefully 7th period day or
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other structures that have to do with the site so the teachers and special will assignment have been instructional so like the sprint mentioned earlier in looking at specific areas of development that have to do with curriculum that have to be with the articulate you're asking about this person the 0.12 fte will look at the articulate but with the support of leadership staff and the teachers of special assignment in the arts we have modesty arts discipline and teachers on special assignment on specialist who discipline might be the arts we're looking to bring more sports in the areas of drama and dance and the cultural
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expressions are part of that so the citizens advisory committee is in the process of having a retreat it is going to be the first time of a number of steps we have secured a professional facilitator something that works with you us in the principle of the art and involving principles especially because scheduling a design challenge and really looking at how best to integrate the arts is part of ongoing work so the citizens advisory committee is now ready that the prop c has passed to look at strategies moving forward so colleagues i'm going to do a line check we have two additional presentations from the oversight committee and the english learn citizens advisory committee and a closed session so and the yaugs rates off track
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and on track report it sounds like there are continuing concerns so if we're not prepared to take a form vote tonight we'll reschedule allow the superintendent and staff to summit a proposal to be all the time finally once the school board has a chance to vote that will be at the earliest the april 14th how would the colleagues like to proceed and commissioner. >> commissioner president murase i've been waiting a long time to speak tonight so first of all, i want to say that the city controllers good news is a testament if we have a i can altitude miracles happy and to have the i can attitude and get a lot of work done mrooenl
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surprised i want to thank the district i know that was a quick you out-of-towner it looks at different than what i saw the other night that lets me know you've paid attention to the details and heard the concerns of my colleagues and myself thank you for that i actually also wanted to talk about the courage council letter that is talked about in the african-american my brothers keeper and talking about with mr. koffman and having conversations about what it is designed for i think that conversation wise we should pitch it and make a statement that it is actually to support the work of our assistance to the superintendent to be clear
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to we've satisfied some of the questions up here i also am presented to vote on this and it so you would we have a mixed bag of opinions i don't know everyone e everything is against it i have heard 3 people saying there's a possibility to get through this tonight i want to respect where my colleagues are but a lot of the work went into this i see on the time spent in a week's time i want to commend the district team for that and just wanted to add my thoughts on that and also am excited about again where we see the increases in aside from what we asked for last week but to focus on career and technical education and the support of the pathways i understand we're not
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talking about instruction but developing the system where we can have packet at the levels to the futures are pro tem and people have the opportunity as we move forward to thank you to the district team for your working hard in this short memorandum of time. >> commissioners. >> i wanted to first say i've noted the addition of the alleged ftes for eight grade math i'm told that decreases the class size size to 24 to one; is that correct and is that at every school we'll set every k a next year to increase the class size 25 to one. >> sure i'll field the question we did an initial pass and we
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noted the variation in class size at grade eight math so a pass through to maximum 25 students to each the grade eight math those ftes if we open up a section should help to drive down the class size we need to work on the prelims plan but this should definitely afford united states to be able to bring down the class size. >> i appreciate this i want to say for the record i don't think it is enough we should be for now at 22 and in middle school math get the feedback from parent and the somewhat bumpy implementation of the common core at middle school so i just need to put that on the record i want more i appreciate that that needs to be one piece of the strategy to reassure parents
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we're providing a rigorous math core i appreciate the altitude. >> go to commissioner wynns after this. >> a boarder thing whether we have peace to comment or had thoughts but kind of in that light i think that my question around this particularly around the comments made at the last conversation will peace whether specifically should be the focus of appellate court peace monies and what should be considered enrichment and something funded by i do general fund i'm very much in favor the class reduction but i wonder how to define that as an enrichment function and not by a general fund math
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