tv [untitled] April 1, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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welcome you're welcome for us i hope i didn't put you on the spot too much. one person you did mention was angela part of bringing the youth here thank you for bringing us here and hopefully one day one the youth behind me will take our position thank you very much >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> approximately i'm dana i work here and talked about the high rates of breast cancer in marin county it was believed to have the highest rates of breast cancer in the world oh thank you this book come out maybe four or
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five years ago that says it was beautifully landscaped - breast cancer in the world oar i've talked about how synthetices gunmen in the form of hormone played a major rule in half the cases of breast cancer in marin i go to marin and talk about one their high racists breast cancer and thees gunmen roles that it plays and other cancers are some of the research showing that thees begin was strongly suspected to be cardiogenic for decades here is from the i don't have the study but it is from journal of national cancer
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institute in 1940 (inaudible) a carcinogen (inaudible). >> sir please speak into the microphone. >> sorry it was established in historic experiments here's one in review of the evidence by sole gus berg estrogen. >> sir, your time is up thank you. >> madam clerk can you call our 3:00 p.m. oh. >> mr. gilbert. >> supervisors thank you tom gilbert i didn't 7 years ago there was ending our women - my first public speaking
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planning commission eastern neighborhood noise continuance 24 hour noise that was being built new model and new construction remodeled for 55 decimals 45 decimals continuance noise in our apartment and attending packed meeting at the planning commission properties livelihood and rezoning and christen was the want her last day here as a supervisor she was - it was mentioned the perfect storm of what i consider the mayors foolish bra ha, ha over the ross some of the femininity restraining and it was folded
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here i think correctly political sport he was not a member of the league democratic association with the ca bottle christen lost at the last session a statement they were surprised christine was able to step into the spot of being a supervisor she was a president of the dynamic situation in the eastern neighborhood and preceded and i want to give a shout out to her as the end of women's shout out out month thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed madam clerk can we please go to the 3:00 p.m. special order.
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>> items 18 through 21 compiles the items for the person's interested in the planning department ordinances the planning exception for the prompted project for environmental review items 9 through 24 are restoring the departments determination and the appropriation of finding. >> it's my understanding that the appellants have asked for a continuance for one week to our meeting of april 7th and i know that since we have provided this item we'll need to take public comment i'll opening it up for public comment if there are any members of the public that want to comment at this point seeing none, public comment is closed and i'll entertain a motion for continuance of this item so
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moved by supervisor kim and 1eshg9d by commissioner avalos we'll take that without objection. this item is continued to the april 7th meeting next week madam clerk can you please call the next item. >> item 24 through 27 are considered for immediate adaptation and roll call vote may impact those if the public objects they can be removed separately. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much actually i'd like i'm to colleagues those are recommended to the priority conservatism areas like supervisor eric mar's items 25 and 26 to sever them the reason supervisor mar's is asking we request that requested we send those items back to committee i'd like to make the motion we refer the items 24 and 25 excuse
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me. >> okay. so we'll do that shortly. >> okay supervisor cohen so you want to remove items 25 and 26 we'll take those up after we adopt the rest of the items so on the remaining items items 24 and 27 can we have a roll call vote madam clerk and on 24 and 27 supervisor wiener councilmember alvarez sxhefrd. >> supervisor campos arrest supervisor christensen supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor tang there are 9 i's. >> okay items 24 and 27 passed unanimously madam clerk can you please call item 25. >> item 25 a resolution to support of the determination of
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the water trail as a conservatism trail by the government and item 26 as well madam president. >> yes. >> item 26 the resolution to authorize the 4 conservatism areas national the bayview hill and the green mclaren park. >> supervisor cohen. >> want to entertainer or make a motion excuse me. to move those to the land use and transportation committee. >> okay supervisor cohen has moved to have 25 eye 26 to the land use committee is there a second supervisor christensen without objection those are moved to the land use commission. >> madam clerk will you please call the next item. >> madam president in memoriams will be next, however, in memoriams centered.
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>> this brings us to the end of the agenda madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> that concludes our business for today madam president. >> thank you very much we are a - >> first of all, let me begin by saying what a wonderful city i'm so luke for the mayor of a great city like san francisco you know offer the years when i was city administrator i was working with then dominating to make sure that a city we also be prepared and read for the
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biggest disasters and i often used the term i continue uss it is another internal revenue magnify this great city if we're ready then the words like recovery and reliantcy will be common words we use everyday where our departments or nonprofit organizations working the community or volunteers that by the constantly try to recruit and today, i want to say to you that we don't have to be waiting for big disasters on a citywide basis to happen before you we oozed use those word we're challenged by disasters just as big for small families as and face certainly things certainly for the last two months we'll have 4 major fires
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in the city some of them as high as three or four alarms they've effected they've had the effect of us losing over one hundred living unit and more importantly interrupting sometimes tragically the lives of so many families in the city those are disasters that are felt he very environmental by those effected and their as being as a major earthquake are tsunami or airport crashes or disasters i'm luke oug i'm joined by our cities fire chief she's been working for 10 years to make sure our fire department is ready for all those disasters and, of course their appear on the on the ground at the first instance our director of human resources agency and many of our
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city departments are here to join me supervisor wiener and other members of the board of supervisors are here who have been working hard with me on forecasting what we do and can do better as a city when it comes to disasters and all of them working together with me now even more members of our innocence social services agencies in the community we're practicing all the time how to do better to help our residents effected by those disasters well, i'm looking at a very, very good group of what we've termed good samaritans in our city and this means a lot to me the people standing in front of you are today people that i believe have hearts of gold and that i'm
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proud of their bold actions for our resident and neighbors and entire community that needed them as a special time i'm sure you're aware of our city has experienced those fires and unfortunately those fires have caused a lot of damage in the city but i look at more importantly how we respond to those disasters because the more we can get we have people if from 9 community respond to them i know we'll be more relent as an entire city swler the fire department and police department and our department of emergency management and other dchts like human services and public health that specialized their ability to respond and get in early and help what he want to do more and more is also practice the ability to respond with the people power we
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have in the city and part of that people power includes the red xros and their volunteers dpw's who assisted isn't shelter in providing food immediately and, of course, our san francisco salvation army in they're basically necessities and utilizing their own offices to serve as a temporary shelter after the 2 south end street the salvation army went above and beyond they're calling by allowing a temporary shelter to be located in their shelter at van ness street so people could find solace in the neighborhood they've lived for many years i want to specifically thank the red cross and salvation army you're the first on the ground and the resident needed you most
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there is no also a best i didn't have local businesses that need to be recognized and thanked perhaps 2w078 to be named but there are merchant and businesses that also belong to a tight community that went out of their way to provide food and cloefrth or the fires especially the residents no mission small business like go tar 10 backing providing food to those in the shelter and their generous hearts that gave hope in the dark i did hours in addition to those small businesses we also had displaced families unable to access really basically
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necessities they this to get a 0 recovery process that complutd included did necessities of placing them in temporary housing in addition to the be able responder and the businesses that gave food and shelter i want to recognize the group of property owners in the city the lavrd groups that stepped up to house our families you have 450e7 people like bert i've going on known for many years as head of paishd that of those there long, long before we thought of legislation to codify our work he was there and supervisor wiener when we first started the restoration that he k3b9d time and time again his willing innocence to set aside unit at park merced to houses u
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house the victims of fire i know the other disasters and in addition to park merced and other unit on treasure island stepped up to help famed by the 22nd aid 450id street fire and a newcomer to the area the technology to be living also residents and family from the mission fire in housing right on mission street i know that the owner will wanted to talk about his technology helps easy the usual tension between landlord/tenant and increase their housing opportunity our housing partners are key to the recovery for our families i want to thank you for the opportunity to encourage more project sponsors property owners
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and landlord to step up john steward to the living we need nor cooperation as i know you'll do our best with the board of supervisors and leandro address supervisor campos and supervisor wiener will join me to prevent the fires from happening whether a stronger compliance with the building code or anticipation of more of the things that prevent disaster but have to face disaster when it comes up so having a larger best i didn't have property owners will help on this effort and with the residential rent legislation all of our landowner have that opportunity to do the right thing for the residents also want to say thank you to the hotel couldn't because even they stepped up to provide hotel unit as brief as those unite
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were available they were able to step in and help a number of fire victims and the family we honor good samaritans helping our families for their long term recovery as well they have brought our entire city together to help those who are effected by raiding resources in a significant way of course i'm talking about zach crockett a young resident of our mission and some place who is running home and rather than stop and observe and take photographs and pictures like many others he rode home and allowed that to people trait his action and set up a go fund me account to help his neighbors
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(clapping.) well this effort this effort raised an unprecedented over $120,000 for those who are effected by the fire this is extraordinary and i want to thank a participate he found we've known to be a good partner our mission confirmation development meeting that was on the ground day in and out helping the 4r5i9 resident in the midst meeting worked closely with the 22nd street folks and became the agent for the good fund account so thank you to meeting not only for that at the heart of not only the residents your concern buyout small businesses and the many small businesses who perhaps in many occasions lost everything in the
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fire and going to have a hard time step up to the plate unless they get help m e t a started helping our small businesss and let's help them get to the goal any met a so the small businesses can on silicon valley and today, we're honoring one more inspiring effort by an entity called project homeless connection and la vacillating a working with supervisor kim's office little hit the nail on the head to campaign held folks in the tenderloin neighborhood this champion campaign is active i ask everyone to help raise the necessary resources to help the 234ks families effected by that
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fire you know, i want to say this our city is truly a world-class city and we also are proud to have world-class hearts that are demonstrated by those good samaritans standing right here all of you exemplify our city at the best and our entire city applauds our efforts to assist the folks in need at the time of need at this time i'm going to take the privilege of asking the supervisors to join me come on up supervisors to lend our voices to think i think a heartfelt applause to each and every one of them before i begin the ceremony. >> supervisor wiener supervisor breed. >> thank you, madam president
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asked me to speak first so mr. mayor, thank you for recognizing those heros i think one of the biggest surprise we you'll know as residents until you're in the fire department or getting noticed you don't on how many fires happen my first year in office we had a serial arsonist and we did the good samaritan ordinance to try to make it easier for lymph glands to put people up with low rent and ben yi from the human services agency done extraordinary work and it is heartbreaking in my i will district of 17th century and church a few years ago people's lives being completely up ended if their luke they have
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alternative housing and friends that hook them up if their unluke in the rental market there's trouble so my heart sings when we see a fire happening but opening this safety net people in the city coming together and 4r50ug9 for you our neighbors it is inspiration all so thank you to everyone i want to acknowledge the fire department those fires as awful as and are the fire department gets them out quickly and do a tremendous job so thank you. (clapping.) >> thank you and i just wanted to make sure that i stopped by to congratulate the folks that
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are being honored for their commitment to making sure they support their fellow neighbors i know those fires have you know had a dennis herrera 1259 impact and my grikt in particular neighbors that step up to the plate and i was 59 a fund raiser and organizing fundraiser for reveal raffle items i appreciate the people that step up the rear deck and others and especially the folks that take advantage of the program because mostly in some cases those unite are not available on the market and to open our doors and give someone an opportunity to call a place month to month home during one
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of the most tragic times i'll ask other apartment owners or 09 people that have unit available on our doors to people that are victims in those cases it could happen to anyone of us and appreciated when anyone step up to the plate to help someone in need you want to congratulate you and thank you for the fund you're starting for the work you continue to do and finally the fire department we have one of the best fire department in the country they amount me to make sure we put those fires out in a timely manner not to negatively impact nor resident when they start so thank you all for being here and mr. mayor and thank you for being here (clapping).
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>> and now i want to present on behalf of the city of san francisco a special city insignificant ma heart i hope you'll receive it with the feeling we're in deep appreciation of the work and commitment to the city and for the audience i'd like to just say shop locally because do as much locally has possible you know be know someone that is online a barky could be the hero in the city thank you, everyone for being here i'm going to ask the supervisors to help me do the pinning and if the chief could help i want to make sure i acknowledge the san francisco fire commission i know you're
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>> good morning, welcome to the meeting of the board of supervisors i am john, avalos and joined by tang and cohen and our clerk is lisa and do you have any announcements for us? >> be sure to silence devices, items today will be on the april 7th board agenda, unless others stated. >> the first part of the agenda includes the members of the board of supervisors who are applying for the outside committee and regional bodies and there
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