tv [untitled] April 1, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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bring needed projects to their districts. i'm hoping that all supervisors will avail themselves of this to give residence a opportunity to be part of the process. one of the projects that i was involved with was the radar speed signs on allah meanie bull vrd. we waited 6 months to hear and then on jan 30, i received a e-mail from livable street subdivision stating that we have started conducting field works and reviewing information about the location in relationship to your request to verify the extent of speeding at this location and recommended location of the speed radar signs. the letder goes on to state, the sfmta will be contacting you when the study is complete to let you
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know of our recommendations. i have been connected from the livable streets division and assures in the next month or so they'll meet with me to discuss this. i hope with will be better than the last comment i heard in regard to a time frame. i did hear mrs. surelsay the target date is july 2015 for the sign and hope that is the case. i cu-mind supervisor yee for district 7. i would like to if i may for the listeners and people watching this, let you know district 7 participatory budget this year will be participating the voting from march 31-april 10 so please look for that and vote. thank you >> thank you very much. >> my name is frank
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[inaudible] goden gates heights neighborhood. i want to thank supervisor yee for putting this on the ajendsa and for visor christensen for being here. [inaudible] as she mentioned we had the park benches and picnic tables approved last year. i agree with supervisor yee and hope everyone will take this as a learning experience because there were a number of delays. i'm not going to bore and recount the same type of problems that mr. prince talked about. it seems to me one thing that may be useful is to have each department put in writing what their plan is and what the timeline will be and have that accomplished by may or june. that wouldn't seem to
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be to [inaudible] a schedule to do that. they also could assign staff in advance. in our case it took at least 5 months perhaps 6 before they assigned a project manager. finally, as noted there is a job contractor that is awarded next month so nothing can start until then and the first thing will be to put together a cost estimate. we did a cost estimate on this very project last year, so they can just take that and save money. again, i thank you for your time >> thank you, frank. >> good morning. [inaudible] i'm here to speak to the the experience that we went through with the first one last year and hopefully now that we are still in the early stages of
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the 2015 maybe we have learned a few things. the project we were awarded in my neighborhood which sh the boarder between sunnyside and mare loma park is sunnyside. now that we have gone through ren ovations in the park we have no idea we would be so loved and have so many people coming to our park by the hundreds every week. probably the busiest in the community. this safety of the entrance to the park has been studied to death for at least 20 years. we have been through every agency you can think of trying to the think of what we can do while the city figures who has jurisdiction of this space. we figer yd the best thing we can do is try to
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separate vehicles from people and a simple inexpensive way and if you come up with a bigger better plan later we can rip it out and wouldn't have lost a dime in the process. as it is now we found out this project is being sent to the sfmta and still dobet know if they will do real things or that there is money to do anything about it. in the mean time we hundreds of people coming and going from this park every day and there is no assurance there is safety any time in the near future and i think that the worst part about this is that we were not communicated that and still to this day have not been communicated that and we need some sort of clear delineation of knhunication with these agencies. thank you >> thank you. any other public comments on this item?
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>> i'll be brief, my name is bill wilson and want to ditto everything mr. prince said t. is extremely frustrating to be told something will happen and you wait. it is like we are the problem. if we just don't ask it will go away and we don't want our projects to just go away. an dray is correct when she said part of the frustration is that we don't need a study to tell us the obvious and we don't even need money waisted on a study, we just need to know that whatever is decide will be implemented and that is the problem is we can study it to death and there will be a death-that is the way the city operates in terms of getting pedestrian safety, it is theory until we have a person killed in front of city
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hall and then it gets done and that is a harbl way of doing things. we want more communication. we want someone who may have stayed until the ends of the meeting so i can say this is the person that will contact us in a week or 2 to go forward. i'll wait for that call. i don't expect it, but i'll wait for it. >> any other? come on up quickly. we are running out of time. >> good afternoon supervisors. just a point of clarification, i'm roger [inaudible] home sogz. we put in an approved project for speed bumps [inaudible] i want to clarify whether all or any part of that project had been approved because when the sfmta
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person spoke she went through it quickly of what is approved or not. is the person here >> she left. it is a problem. >> so do we know whether the bal bowa terrace speed bumps have been approved or not? >> my office will follow up >> okay >> she went through it real quickly >> very good. thank you supervisor >> any other public comments. seeing none, public comment is closed. appreciate the public for coming out and the presenters. the common theme here is we are trying to get things done and my hope is to participatory budget process will speed up some of the process and what i'm hearing from all the speakers here is that the main issue here that we can easily take care of is the communication part. if the departments were willing to do
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the communication. when there is a lack of communication it is frustrating to know where things are at. the suggestion of the timeline and having sort of a project manager assigned seems fair ly reasonable to me and i'll look into it. i think we are pushing in particular sfmta to do that and they admitted they had a lack of staffing to get this done. supposedly they are getting more staff at this point. i want to again appreciate everyone for coming out. the purpose of this particular hearing is just to look at updates and how to improve things. i'm very anxious to improve it because we have 44-we had 44 proposals come in for this year and not all 44 will go to a vote, but it is a lot of interest in the community with the
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participatory budget and i don't want to dampen them by having our departments not respond. thank you very much. i guess we'll continue at this time to call the chair. >> thank you very much. can you go to the next item >> iletm 4 is ordinance to amendment [inaudible] bal bowa reservoir advicery committee to advice the board of supervisors, mayor and sit a department >> thank you supervisor christensen to listen. in recent months i heard from many constituents concerning the sit a process with the development of baloa reservoir site and everyone tells me we need more information on the process. i
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appreciate the effort that have gone into the out reach of neighbors to date, i believe we need to do a better job. i believe it is very important that residence, business andogeication institutions get information from the sate about the project every step of the way and our given a opportunity to way in the decisions being made. i envision citizens advicery committee to be a place where everyone can get the most updated information that the city has and have the necessary conversations about the development of the site. the [inaudible] will be tasked to advice the planning department and the office of economic and work force development on issues around transportation and parking, open smais and other community benefits, housing options and
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affordability, interaction of the project with city college, good neighbor policy to serve existing residence, small business around the site. today i'll also introduce parts of the legislation and insure residence of the district which will be the most effected and impacted are represented on this cack. so, is there any comment? what i'll do now is have public comment at this point and i have a few cards. [inaudible] alice [inaudible] roger [inaudible] >> good afternoon. my name is tim imert and i'm the vice
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president of the westward association. the association was incorporate in 1917 and serves 685 properties to the west of the bal bowa site. the western boundary of the site is contick tig ws to westward park. with the accelerated time frame for the ordinance we had informal discussion of neighborhood associations and decide westward park decided over the signature [inaudible] our presidents to draft a letter to clarify the membership of the committee. we look at these more as clarification, consistent with the proposed ord nns. looking
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at section 2, we use that to look at the key passages and if i may read section 2 b. insure success of development of the site city agencies must receive input from the individuals and communities that will be most directly effected, impacted by the project including residence, business and institution surroundsing the site. the 3 suggested amendments we make regarding seat 5 assigned to baloa park advicery committee, if the [inaudible] district 7 gets that saved. 6 clarification that the business owner on oceanarve new be in district 7. similarly for seats 8 and 9
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[inaudible] >> so, thank you. i do have the letter from the association and some of the amendments >> i was informed the letter was already delivered to the members of this committee >> yes. alice >> good morning supervisors. my name is alice [inaudible] board member of the [inaudible] neighborhood association. i'm here on behalf of the borebd and our president lisa [inaudible] she is out of town to kbraess proposed amendments to admend administrative code to establish the community advisory committee for the public land for housing. supervisor yee we thank you for your leadership z commitment to insure the balo ow reservoir study and includes a representation och the community and giving the knhunty a voice to help shape
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the project. we are asking for-we are asking for to insure that the seats represent the community interest. we want a honest and transapparent process and are willing to give time to develop the site [inaudible] cac have true community representation and the proposed amendment are the amendments that the gentlemen before we mentioned so we are in support of that and you have a letter from lisa spunauly explaining the membership amendments that sunaside is proposing. if it isn't possibility to make these change tooz the ordinance to insure community representation we [inaudible] have voting rights on the committee. we thank you for your attention and look forward to working with you on this project for
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the community and city >> thank you. thanks for coming. nob nub why don't you come on up, please. i can't read it. ing, is it? and robert [inaudible] >> good afternoon. supervisor yee and christensen. i'm roger [inaudible] and president of the [inaudible] counsel and even though we have not yet voted on this i would like to state we ibthe counsel appreciate supervisor yees desire to form this advicery committee and sunnyside is a mb and will be directly impablthed so you can anticipate a faivable response when the council meets. i'm also a trustee of readern high school and readen is also a neighbor
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of the baloa reservoir and it is just to the north of the effected area. i would respectfully suggest that since sunnyside, westward park, city college all have seats as impacted neighbors that our high school which has been there since 1949 also vadesignated seat. thank you very much >> thank you, roger. >> thank you. i just wanted to point out it is called community advicery committee and really hope the xhitey makes the committee a voice of the community and doesn't do that too much. thank you >> my name is roger [inaudible] resident of westward park. would like to thank you for considering
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getting the community involved on this. i understand this hearing is about building a xhuty not a discussion about the projject itself. in the proposed item 573 the membership there are members identified from many of the constituents but the source of those numbers coming from appointments. it is more efoketive if the sourcef the members of the committee came from the constip wnts represented there. i ask the proposed megz be changed to have the members of the committee come from the constituents. section 17-5175 and powers of duties, there are a number of things appear to me to presume the [inaudible] is there, but there is a caveat.
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it says it isn't included, but not limited to. there are other things that could fwee included. many are feeling this is a [inaudible] and this is just a way to rubber stamp this. the last item 5174 under meetings and procedures, you do identify meetings should be held not less than once a month unless everyone votes to not have a meeting. if the members are appointed and don't represent us and they can just not have the meeting, this committee could infact never meet legally so i ask that be changed. i please ask that you not have this go in as written adjusted and passed a different way. >> thank you.
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>> hello [inaudible] the reason i'm standing up here is because i don't want to be on this committee, but a lot of people in the room are on various committees over the years and i think one of the biggest most frustrating thing you hear from this is we are advasery but nobody listens. what are we adviceing on and does anyone takeure advice? i would like to see what i think would be one of the few times in which the community has a real voice. this is called a community advicery as far as i understand so i understand the call for community people and vested communey interest. i understand the politics where often times it comes from houseic and bikes and everyone else gets involved and it turns out he who has the most friends in city hall gets listened to and often times other members don't feel they are listened to. i have been to a few of
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these meetings about baloo and it seems one of the issues that comes up is you said you are hear to listen to us and take our ideas, but you tell me this is a such and such project already so where is the wiggle room inwhere does my advice come in? is this a done deal or are you at a blank sheet of paper and builds upon it? i think the community want tooz know you are listening to them and that they know what is best for their neighborhoods. thank you. >> go ahead carol >> good afternoon. i want to impicize westward park [inaudible] i know supervisor uyou have the responsibility to make appointments or confirm
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the recommendations from wistward park and sunnyside, my question is because there seem to be a imbalance och leaving it up to the mayor who he can appoint spaulsh [inaudible] it is important to recognize that the feedback we are getting at westward park there is a lot of concern of [inaudible] not only in the property and the environment and the various changes that will ensue with this project. i don't know if you can make a final decision today without input from the mayors office but he needs to hear the community needs more input in d 7 especially the mayor got this at large appointment possibility and he appoints somebody from some other district for whatever reason he may have, there will be issues around that and i know we all participate in
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community processes and it is really only 9 voting members and it is critical who represents that community. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is dan weaver and [inaudible] ocean avenue association is a 501 c 4 organized by the community. ocean avenue association is a community benefit district. all our meetings are noticed. all our meetings are open to everyone. many times people knh to our meetings because they can't figure when their nirebld group is meeting. we are one of the most puplicly accessible
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ocean in the ingleicide ocean avenue neighborhood. i believe item seat 6 last proposed last heard is to have not the ocean avenue association represented there, but instead a businessman on organization avenue. i would like to suggest we change that to the ocean avenue association and my understanding is a staff member or board member of the oaa would be in attendance. i'm not sure if we can select those people but it is helpful if we could so we can see who makes those meetings and be in attend nss so that my proposal for changing this legislation. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we had already taken some input to
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make amendments and we have already added it in here. these amendments would i believe is to follow and make sure that i get all the right amendments. for seat number 5, it says if the lower park station community advicery committee [inaudible] then seat 5 shall be a-we will cross out member of the general public [inaudible] located in district 7 aopponent td by the supervisor for district 7. for seat number 6, i believe what we are seeing was seat 6 should be a person by who own as business on ocean avenue, so it isn't a random any business
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owner. on page 4, under section 5.17-4 under d, where it says any member of the regular meetings will be a 6 month period without express aprovel of the committee [inaudible] shall be deemed to be, have resigned from the advicery committee. then we'll add that 10 days after the third unapproved absence the advicery committee shall inform rezignation in seats 1-5. shall also inform the clerk of the board. that was also suggested as a amendment. are there any other amendments we
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move it forward h. i move the amendments as stated be adopted. >> okay, so no objection the amendments are adopted. >> and then i move we send this forward to full board without committee recommendation >> motion passes. >> for clarity mr. clar, recommended as the committee report? >> yes. next item, please. >> number 5 is resolution receiving and approval the annual reports for greater union square [inaudible] >> sorry, just taking that long. i believe [inaudible]
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>> i had to check the clock. good afternoon, chair yee and [inaudible] office of economic and work force development. seen yrb project manager over seeing the district program for the city. just again to provide an overview of why we are here today. oawd is over seeing the [inaudible] program and the program is governed by 2 laws, the first is the 1994 act and local law, which is article 15. in terms of the review process with respect to union square improvement, we are covering 4 fiscal years from fy 2010 to
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