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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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be 45 installations of plans on market street to prototype a different way of using artists and arithmetic and getting national and a, in fact international attendance it is very interesting we at the present time, a lot of people in town to look at what we can do for market those are temporary but prototypes for future installation under from the 9th through the 11 a website that's attached to our website it is linked you'll see a number of events happening that does that for me thank you. >> commissioners item 2 review of past events. >> good afternoon tim frye a couple of items this week first
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of all guarantee joe i don't have a form report but a couple of items one was last week, we held a mills act workshop within the tenderloin register district we had eleven property owners there i think about thirty members of the public attended in general the assessor records office was there and answered questions under the mills act and definitely interest in procuring applications we targeted the up down district and the lower knob hill the register go district so we'll continue to work with the applicants interested in applying this year and also scheduling a miles actress workshop in the dog patch lower
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and we'll keep you posted we also last week presented the draft survey for the central selma plan survey finding were presented by the survey team and our office there is a google map that's posted online as well as the contract statement new buildings on the landmark designation and number of buildings to list on reclarify under the article 11 of the planning code those will be incorporated into the plan and the survey and contact statement will reach you sometime late this year or early next week that is available online and happy to forward it to you.
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>> and lastly as a followup to our last hearing the cultural assets hearing the staff went to the small business commission to represent the hpc and the department and their discussions about the legacy business register they were - they have agendized discussing criteria and administration around the registry and another item open their calendar that took quite a bit of time and didn't have enough time we reiterated our willingness to assist and provide technical assistance to the commission in developing the registry and overseeing the registry as well as the historic preservation commissions interest so we'll continue to attend their hearing and keep you posted on their
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developments that concludes my comments. >> commissioners seeing no questions portsz and unanimously. >> no one. >> the draft minutes for the ar c meeting the draft minutes for excuse me. the kushlt heritage committee meeting for march 18 and the minutes for the regular historic preservation commission meeting. >> commissioners any comments or corrections or restrictions seeing none, we'll opening it up for public comment does anyone wish to comment on the historic preservation commission or the regular historic preservation commission meeting seeing none we'll close. i move the 3 minutes be approved >> second. >> thank you, commissioner on
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that motion to adopt the minutes president hasz commissioner richards commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman and commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously and places you on item 5. >> commissioner pearlman i wanted to tell you about a project i'm involved in if the market street festive that is a group that creates fascinating and walking tours from an hour to half an hour i'm the in their for and it's very cool and they're interesting so if you go to they have proved and bringing it to
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you so thank you. >> is commissioner richards i'm curious about the norman clay sign some question that was being taken down without a prior notice so didn't have a whole lot of information we got. >> an e-mail from a neighbor. >> right. >> or tenant. >> commissioners tim frye the removal of that sign was from a signage to alternate it was approved through our office the sign while it was a no on sign it was moved identity building so under the revised signage program because that sign explicit meet our current
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guidelines it sign was removed and new sign was installed that meets our good morning, supervisors. >> commissioner hyland. >> i want to say the closing the san francisco at the end of the month i'm saddened yet another legacy business is you know for me has been a huge resource so - >> sad to see them go. >> any other questions? >> no. >> commissioners commissioners that places you under your regular calendar for item 6 case 2014 - 00 one c a on samson street a certificate of appropriateness. >> good afternoon before you is a request for the certificate of
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appropriation for the street which is contributing to the waterfront district originally constructed in 106 by an unknown architect as an industrial 4 story facility the work for daudz facade altercations for replacement ever non-historic windows with new aluminum windows are a configuration based on historic plan remove of original concrete packaged on the second to figure out floor on the windows in the opening and replacement of non-metal and installation of new storefront in existing roll up doors and concrete in fill and removal of the floor height and installation within the new openings of storefront and the
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windows on the upper floor and existing concrete pagd will be restored as panels are replaced and accident facade will be repeated that that are staff finds the condition will be in koorngs with article 10 and the rehabilitation the project will replace incomparable windows and convert new comparable windows and storefront oscar pistorius and have other materials in comparison with the other district several issues of approval for the clarifications or a mock ups for the reconstruction and paint covers and further staff recommendations the existing concrete panels prior to the removals but installed in the
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same was in order to delineate those windows and for former loading dock bay to be retained in a different configuration again talent that from existing window oscar pistorius and in public comment was received since the packet was implemented and this is for approval with conditions that concludes my presentation. and the property owner as well as the architect are here as well thank you. >> does the property owner have a presentation or - >> it's not required but if you have anything. >> actually, we have keith with no formal presentation happy to answer questions and the developer is here if you have particular questions. >> commissioners before we do public comment do you have questions for the applicant?
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staff >> i have a question. >> commissioner johnck. >> so some questions of the are incorporation of inclusion of the plaques being done isle i'd be interested it is existing to see this work. >> there's no discussion. >> to that is something i'll be interested in i'd like to support that idea if it's okay with the architect and owner. >> any other questions? i have one question did - was this scenario looked at in which there was no divisions westbound the windows that were placed with blank panels so they're more similar if you look at it in pure elevation similar to that if the panels were there >> i think the feeling since
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the materials was being removed we want to make sure the windows were as comparable as possible with the characterization of the building so i think we might have a question about a single pain being as compatible but it will further delineate those being new or different. >> thank you. is there members of the public on this item? is seeing and hearing none public comment is closed. and back to you, commissioners. >> commissioners. >> comments thoughts. >> i'd be interested if you would support of the inclusion of the addition of the historic plaque on the building would this go e be something that's appropriate at this time? >> commissioners tim frye
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department staff as a matter of consistency this was something that was asked for from the earner waterfront i can't recall the address do you remember the ar g project. >> nooifr we did it at the battery street and they were prospering that part of that proposal was an interpreter active plaque that was their own k50rd and ethics commission it got approved. >> it looks at great. >> yeah. i walk there all the time i'd be interested in keeping up with the art plaques there in that area. >> commissioner johns and i wanted to ask what kind of a
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plaque did you have in mind what do you think is appropriate for that location and that particular building? >> well, the size of the plaque at 901 battery there's another one on stanford but know maybe a foot to - it's small but it has enough color and the font and writing just a couple of sentences about the history of the building this is a 1901 i think; right? >> it was after the 1906. >> the size of the building is massive i would think there is one of the blocks that holed up a small sign whatever there maybe some other ideas of materials i don't have
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any specifications in murder in the first degree. >> commissioner pearlman. >> there's a big difference between interpretative display and a plaque plaque is not expensive and the interpretative display is more. >> i'm thinking of a plaque correct. >> do i have a motion. >> motion to exclude that as a condition. >> all right. did you make the motion diane. >> did the motion include the plaque. >> additionally. >> very good commissioners, i have a there is a motion and a second with conditions amended to include a plaque on the building. >> interpretive plaque on the exterior right. >> an interpreter active plaque
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on the external on that motion president hasz. >> commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero that concludes our hearing the hearing is adjourned week. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ the san francisco. the reporter: has many opportunities to get out and placing play a 4 thousand acres of play rec and park has a place win the high sincerely the place to remove user from the upper life and transform into one of mother nachdz place go into the rec and park camp mather located one hundred and 80 square miles from the bay bridge past the oakland bridge and on and on camp mather the city owned sierra nevada camping facility is outings outside the gate of yosemite park it dates
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back before the area became is a popular vacation it i sites it was home to indians who made the camp where the coral now stands up and artifacts are found sometimes arrest this was the tree that the native people calm for the ac accordions that had a high food value the acorns were fatally off the trees in september but they would come up prosecute the foothills and were recipe the same as the people that came to camp camp is celebrating it's 90th year and the indians were up here for 4 thousand we see every day of them in the grinding rocks around the camp we have about 15 grinding sites in came
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so it was a major summer report area for the 92 hawks. >> through there are signs that prosperity were in the area it was not until the early part of the century with the 76 began the construction of damn in helpfully a say mill was billed open the left hand of the math for the construction by which lake was used to float logs needed for the project at the same time the yosemite park and company used the other side of the camp to house tourists interesting in seeing the national park and the constructions of damn when the u son damn was completed many of the facilities were not needed
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then the city of san francisco donated the property it was named camp mather the first director it was named after him tuesday morning away amongst the pine the giant sequoia is the giants inventories first name if our title is camp means there's going to be dirt and bugs and so long as you can get past that part this place it pretty awesome i see i see . >> with a little taste of freedom from the city life you can soak up the country life
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with swimming and volley ball and swimming and horseback riding there you go buddy. >> we do offer and really good amount of programming and give a sample p of san francisco rec and park department has to offer hopefully we've been here 90 years my camp name is falcon i'm a recession he leader i've been leading the bill clinton and anarchy and have had sometimes arts and crafts
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a lot of our guests have been coming for many years and have almost glutin up, up here he activity or children activity or parent activity here at camp mather you are experiencing as a family without having to get into a car and drive somewhere fill your day with with what can to back fun at the majestic life the essence of camp mather
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one thing a that's been interesting i think as it evolves there's no representation here oh, there's no representation so all the adults are engine i you know disconnected so there's more connection the adults and parents are really friendly but i think in our modern culture i you know everyone's is used to be on their phones and people are eager to engagement and talk they don't have their social media so here they are at camp mather how are i doing. >> how are you doing it has over one hundred hundred cabins those rustic structures
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gives camp mather the old atmosphere that enhances the total wilderness experience and old woolen dressers and poaches and rug i do lay out people want to decorate the front of thaifr their cabins and front poefrnz their living room is outside in this awesome environment they're not inviting their guests inside where the berms are people get creative with the latin-american and the bull frogs start the trees grow and camp mather is seen in a different light we're approaching dinner time in the construction of the hetch hetchy damn the yosemite park
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built jackson diane hauling hall to serve the guests it does was it dbe does best service s serve the food. >> i'm the executive chef i served over 15 hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks breakfasts are pancakes and french toast and skranld eggs and hash brown's our meal formulate is we have roost lion it's reflecting of the audience we have people love our meals and love the idea they can pick up a meal and do worry about doing the
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dishes can have a great time at camp mather after camp people indulge themselves everyone racks go in a place that's crisis that i air after the crackinging of a campfire a campfire. >> the evening is kept up with a tenant show a longed tradition it features music i tried this trick and - this talent show is famous for traditional things but we have
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new things ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the first 7, 8, 9 being on stage and being embarrassed and doing random things >> unlike my anothers twinkling stars are an unforcible memory ♪ ♪ ♪ admission to camp mather is through a lottery it includes meals and camp programs remember all applicant registration on line into a lottery and have a rec and park department family account to register registration typically begins the first week of january
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and ends the first week in february this hey sierra oasis is a great place to enjoy lifeiest outside of the hustle and bustle and kickback and enjoy and a half >> everything is so huge and beautiful. >> the children grew up her playing around and riding their bites e bicycles it's a great place to let the children see what's outside of the city common experience is a this unique camp when you get lost in the high sierra wilderness camp
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mather is waiting and we look forward to city manager's office you here soon ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪.
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>> before we begin i'd like to get an indication how many students are here in support of kip school given those numbers underlines objections i'd like to move the two measures for kip approval up to immediately following the student delegates report if that's okay seeing no objections thank you very much approval of board minutes item a think march 10 a there is a motion and a second. >> second. >> thank you. any