tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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. >> before we begin i'd like to get an indication how many students are here in support of kip school given those numbers underlines objections i'd like to move the two measures for kip approval up to immediately following the student delegates report if that's okay seeing no objections thank you very much approval of board minutes item a think march 10 a there is a motion and a second. >> second. >> thank you. any corrections
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seeing none, ms. casco roll call vote and ms. sonata mr. chin turf commissioner vice president haney commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell commissioner norton commissioner wynns thank you and dr. murase. >> 6 i's. >> before i call the next item i'd like to remind the members of the public if you want to address the board of education an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and given to ms. casco corresponding to board rules and speakers items will not be accepted before the board and superintendant report is next mr. superintendant good evening a couple of items to
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update our community is it a fair statement or starting off with the superintendent excellent venture i was honored to represent the san francisco unified school district and as a member of the council for a one-on-one meeting in the white house with president obama i know some folks say that didn't happen he's the proof i'm the supervisor from president obama what is so important about it opportunity was that we do have a president who is keenly aware of public education and actually met with superintendent from the larger urban skublths u school districts as well as board members with the intent of hearing from us directly with the effects of proposals currently being discussed on
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knapp acholia capital hear the one funding english language learn and the brothers keeper we wanted to hear from us dribble i'm proud to report the president made a direct comment about the wish in san francisco so kudos from you from the president (clapping) with that, also i'd like to announce that past thursday honored to have wrorn and mayor ed lee along with scomploen and our board of education dr. murase. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell director saltzman and our fabulous principle of the former mayor willie brown principle determining tries hobson and myself we toured the construction process of the new willie l. brown middle school i have to say it's a sight to
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behold the tour we experienced hands on technology and engineering and math and it is steam we'll have focused curriculum and part of the mayors leadership initiative that will be the site for the beacon center in over 20 years as part of beacon initiative under wror we'll enjoy a rich initiative i we want to mayor ed lee for expanding the former mayor willie brown beacon we be the hub for the san francisco bayview neighborhood for the children and families and celebrate one another so so watch out the former mayor willie brown is on its way and associated the willie l. brown
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middle school determining trust held the acceptance for the willie l. brown middle school at third marshall school many of us have seen when medical school they have a celebration to get they're white coats they're being welcomed into the family that is akin of the 2 had had students 2 hundred seats and 3 hundred applicant for willie brown many were present and we in2kuk9d them spot willie l. brown middle school family gave them their acceptance certificate and principle hobson get his punish i picture taken i ever tweeting about that all night it is a wonderful, wonderful example of energy that is the renaissance and also
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thank the parent and families that are opening their hearts and minds to this wonderful opportunity we call the willie l. brown middle school in the heart of bayview the students were awarded certificates and took they're first class picture they look great, thank you everyone that was there i have some exciting news the governors committee in the higher education announced $50 million in what wards to the university of california and california state and community college who are expanding higher access to higher education i'm very happy to announce our partnership with the state of california and our psychopath i school district known as wrinkle to success was
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recognized as the award winners or the $3 million group so bridge to success began as a purpose initiated in the san francisco under the leadership gavin newsom and involved the community college of san francisco and the department of children youth and families and scuffed and several important community organizations so i want to extend my hearty congratulations to everyone associated would bridge to success we're to call you the $3 million bridge to success. >> i also want to congratulate and let you know that the students at lingering high school are present to the the season the academy of finance went to the audit tax and advisors firmer for an up close looked at the careers their
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preparing for this is one the sfusd criteria academies that expose our students and motivates them to think about their college and career pathway and has the 21st century skills leptin them to process towards the file for the sfusd graduates in 2025 so congratulations lincoln high school students i want to announce that evening that we were fortunate on a personal note our own mission high school in the heart of the mission launched it's mary which he program in january, the students have picked up an state your name for the very first time gave a performance to the packed houses in san francisco this past thursday the elementary school students and before buena vista and occupied
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groups right here from san francisco and others also performed and wisp happy that students from mary which he high school and a personal note it was the maryiachi - it was ethic students in action and parent induction and grant induction program a real pride program i want to thank all our departments especially rob daniels and john and sophie for spearheading the work to make that happen get ready san
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francisco the definition find our performing arts in san francisco has only just begin and finally on the last note remind everyone that all of the schools if the sfusd will be closed march thirty for spring break we want to wish everyone a restful spring break i hear clapping you've earned it but i also want to reminded everyone that spring break is a time for a break please be safe and smart we want you back on april 4th and april 5th letting or 6 to finish out the school year with the strong finish with that ms. president thank you very much. >> thank you. superintendent. >> turf. >> i want to add that my gratitude to the superintendant
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for actually organizing the mariachi night at mission high school it was quite fabulous and my husband and everyone in the audience were clapping a great selection for the latino culture and that was the dancing and also, we have sirens and played an sprument instrument that the mariachi band so thank you for bringing this to our district for all a free event for anyone anyone else in san francisco that wants to attend i suspect next year that will be packed thank you. superintendent. >> thank you, commissioner fewer the next is resolutions of xhomsz. >> thank you i'd like to start this evening by presenting the
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great distinguished award to tracey i'd like to call your principle ms. eir can. >> thank you. superintendent dr. murase and commissioners, i had the wonderful opportunity to award tracey an outstanding teacher and wonderful can colleague tracey teaching is initiative and her outdoor out of the side lessons courage the students to surpass their portable or potential she leads other teachers with positive courage time and implements complex resurrection that tints to achieve equality and access for all students tracey is our advanced placement coordinator at washington her role enables
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students to enroll 2, 3, 4 washington's policy as well as the policy of the district w in other classes without further ado i'd like to give tracey. >> (clapping.) >> yeah. i want to say thank you very much for this honor i feel really surprised and grateful for the unanimous colleague that wrote all the nice things i'm so lucky to be at school like washington i feel supported and valued by our principle and the whole administrative team i feel very lucky to work with an amazing
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teachers and under the influence of alcohol our students in their by the evidence so go eagles (clapping.) >> congratulations once again so at this time dr. murase the award to our sore team in order to do that invite teresa ship to read the proclamation. >> thank you, commissioners i appreciate this time to honor this amazing team so everyday when i come to school i'm full of energy and then i see them and they put me to champion share energy and compassion and shame just the belief in our students everyday i go home did i chief what though achieved
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their one hundred and 10 percent when a student is struggling they not only meet their academic but emotional needs hats off to them so, please give a round of applause for our soar team (clapping.) >> thank you so much for this honor we're very honored to receive the award it is not often you find a group of educator organized that are lick minded and giving of themselves we're future to have people that
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believe in their potential so thank you (clapping.) congratulations to tonight special honorees. >> so there was a question as to what soar stand for so what does it stand for . >> so soar is an acronym important achievement and resilience just the renaming of the students with mentally disturbances to give them a positive acronym to change the trajectory. >> thank you very much (clapping). >> item d the theths report we'll hear from the two
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delegate. >> thank you drvm we're hosting our student vote for those who don't know it is basically, we're sfusd students vote for our next student delegate and representative so we would like to give a shout out to mr. bill sanderson thank you for helping us and our principle to allow us to have 10 minutes to vote on our designated place online from march 16 through april 17th so the website is district dot sfusd dot ed u slash schools slash next the haitians hands open cpr regarding the student
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voice and moving forward with the hands on cpr so we sin thisdz them into a sheet for the american haerthd or heart association to help us answer those questions. >> thank you. >> as of vote 16 very exciting news the sfusd president and the public relations officer were live observe tv 7 to press the voting age downward we want to give a shout out to ms. heidi for preparing us and proudly vote to support this campaign so
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the body mass index they've offered to license to the high school peer regarding the b any index is a test that measures body fat we'd like thank many ms. amelia for bringing her students next that meeting is april 15, 2015 obviously from 5:00 p.m. usually end around 7:30 anyone it welcome to attend our meeting as an added incentive dining room will be provided if you want to attend make a presentation or like a copy of our up and coming agenda please contact our
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administrator. >> thank you student delegated now as council there's 90 no one we'll move to item k the second and third item it was moved and seconded an january 22nd a report from the budget committee to deny the bayview charter school s p one. >> yeah. so we had a wonderful presentation on both petitions and they were move forward to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> thank you commissioner vice president haney i apologize we're on item h not k.
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>> let's see superintendant if you, please introduce who will read the recognition and i'd like to ask michael davis to please come forward. >> sorry i had to wade through the crowd. >> i apologize mr. davis should be a report from the budget committee. >> so chair norton isn't here we passed the vote with no questions and a positive recommendation. >> thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and now the subsequent. >> the director for charter schools i think - thank you. superintendent you have before you the second reading for both the san francisco kip million dollars
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the first is superintendent recognize recommending the kip charter school authorization to grant or deny the kip academy charter school whereas prudent to california education code kip submitted a renewable to the san francisco unified school district and whereas pursuant to the california code the board of education of the district has it in receipt and whereas the district should comply with actions on the petition and whereas the board of education shall consider the level of support and shall receive the procreation with respect to the petition and whereas in reviewing the petition the board of education shall be embodied
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by itself intent of the california legislation it is your it should be an international part of educational system and whereas the superintendent and district staff shall complete a recommendation to the board of education regarding the rest of the education therefore, be it resolved the education board should subject to the board by law. >> thank you, mr. davis next t is public speakers i have 5 signed up (calling names) if you could please approach the podium two minutes per speaker. >> hi, i'm alex greg the
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assist principle let's go bayview (clapping) so my comments will be belief to the board as you can see we have wonderful families that are supporting our school and happy that the success we have is are excellent teachers who also share some of their comments on who was happening at the school i want to share two quick stories about things i think are a show of success first right of refusal the school are placed in academic success we recently got back some of the results from our making testing a national test that is doable 4 times a year this measures their readiness for college in our 7th grade in math we had an average a group of 1 hundred 86 years
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our students have grown two years in that's correct to september to they're targeted growth in particular our lowest people that nodes the most growth made over 3.16 years of growth that indicated what we are doing with our students is making a difference and setting them on the pathway to go to college the second thing the idea of the school not only being a place of academic success but we we have a emphasis on regular community circles and people say mr. greg can we have a circle getting us into a conflict causing ulcer us to have a fight the best part my
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final story i was sitting with a principle ms. sherry write one evening with a meeting and heard fifth grade students running outside we heard this was a lack of integrity our character program is definitely working if our fifth graders are having discourse that talks about integrity those are the kinds of students we want. >> thank you burglary greg. >> thank you and that's what bay academy is (clapping) and i'd like to ask the audience to hold the applause we have speakers and kip bay and one big applause so we'll hear from more speakers thank you. >> good evening. i'm anna dials i'm here on behalf of the bayview kip academy my date land
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into college and finishing her last year and aaron is ready for high school and she actually got into lowell's a scomblip. the international high school what would i do without kip and if my daughter was here she'd say if it wasn't for kip and i want to say how much our neighborhoods need kip and that's the word of day thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm rep kip bayview i've been there 6 years i've had the opportunity to work an, an amazing amateur of people that
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are wholeheartedly contacted to kip's mission to get kids hooked into education and splan and go to college bayview is an 200 underserved area high crime and high drop out rate and high unemployment blight is definitely fulfilling something that no other school provides for our community me being the athletic director i love sports everyone knows i loving baseball and go grace but sports allows each and every kid to allow them to build rindz and bonds and mold certain
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characteristics they'll obtain in college in the future sometimes, i feel like a lot of our teachers we are a bunch of eddy manufacturing the nutty professors because of the roles we play and sometimes those roles are funny and sometimes friends and sometimes it forces us to be disciplinarians but i hope they understand our full intent to make them and instill in their minds they'll go to college and be better than they than they are our community nodes kip and can't imagine bayview without kip. >> if we can do a silent applause i know there's a lot of support and energy.
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>> good evening my daughter bailey is a 6th grader at the bayview academy i looked at a lot of schools and choose kip one i love the effect it is in our community i'm a firm believeer our environment doesn't say who you are this is an example and be part of her community, and, secondly, i love the fact it is modeled into a small high school in san francisco and built the community i knew my classrooms and there was a focus on teamwork and collaboration that serves me well and most importantly i love the focus on academics it wasn't about what she was learning in the books but how to be a good community and the larger
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