tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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total so back to the four areas they have the hoist students as well if you look at the blue portion of the pie actually, it is bigger so that's the area has not only the highest count but all the highest english learners i did a map that on it does not did code all the students combine 49 percent of the student population if we are planning about providing more think about that area okay. so move into the next slide okay. so we wanted to look at the english learners clarification matt haney their proficient in english now so in the years 2013-2014 based the program we're able to look at them with
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the what is their percentage compared you know to the entire english population and at outline levels we're talking about 18.6 percent of english learners are clarified this is a pretty good you number providing our annual goal is 70 percent let's move on to the next slide okay. so sorry about that that so many numbers here the idea we are trying to look at the years take for english learners to clarify as proficient in english and we take the district data up to e lack and look at the data they first become mrimd limited in english language they also have clarified as proficient in english and we had an average so
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it is determined it takes 5 years for an english learn to be fully reach english proficiency and this is actually a really good number if you look at 5 years ago it takes 200.5 years but 2013-2014 they only have 3.8 years the district is doing a job in kraifr the english learners, however, if you look at the beaked by the division level so some of the basic the at the secondary level it takes along these for to be proficient in english especially, if you look at the latino group it takes a substantial amount of time so let's move on to the next slide okay. so this slide
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we trying to look at their language tests basically the state test the star test and it is really hours that the english learners will not be english proficient but that is what we want the idea we want to train here actually, if you look at the percentage of the above let me go to the rating of what this star is about it is based on the rating you basically 3 level reading 14 one for far below beacon hill and 5 moaning the high we look at the number look at all the things for this task for the past 5 years if they are having a score of 3 and above we want to count them and give a
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percentage of the inspire population we hope with the tests if you look at the non-english column we're talking about nearly 90 percent of our population who are english speakers macro at least 3 and above if you look at the which they understand i'm sorry the english population at the secondary level they're doing symsubstantially in the testing poor so i guess we need more details to look at what the the reasons we're thinking maybe the star test which we no longer use it, too 0 different for the english learners and because the english learners as a secondary level mainly newcomers or long term english learners so we just
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need more to look at the details or need more details from the district as well so this concludes the number pieces of that hallow point we'll go to the commotionaccumulation. >> i'm away wake now so the delack has come up with some recommendations there are somewhat general and we would have been much for specific and as we go over this material i think we come up with better recommendations so this set is as of this printing and so we're asking that, please to evaluate the structural programs especially, as it is with the
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density of english speaking students all are xoefd their grade level standards the section recommendation we have so, please provide low student to teacher ratios we're thinking 25 to one for fourth grade and better off and rigorous engaging curriculum everyday in the classrooms we're recommending please to provide how quality engaging summer programs for all english learners or at least for a els that are not in basis grade level evaluations wovr one of the parents idea a parent suggested we have a summary immersion camp for eled that focus on reading and writing with other proficient students.
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>> we recommend to better support the new comer students to please provide one-on-one instructional support for other social related services translation and bilingual teachers to improve the availability of how quality educational tools and excitement for els and their teachers to provide how quality technology and after school activities as well as professional development for teachers in technology to support everyone learns and the last page pretty much focuses on funding type of things we would liquor twice a year fully disclosed local
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controls firms and concentration grants churches along with the result of actions as specified in the district local control accountability plan and the site based scorecards. >> provide professional development for schools staff and community parent to improve the understanding and support the role of e lack they need student data to make informed decisions and to regularly monitor the teachers and paraprofessionals and administration sentence to insure it the certification are up to date and two the duties are being performed and the work is continually improving and i mentioned part two you can read on our own it talks about some
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of the things we've done over the loose two years one thing i want to say the translation and interpretation unit tramthd 29 tongs counting outline lounges u languages for 29 scorecards for those to take an active role in the after school sites so we are through with our presentation thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you to all the departments making this possible and thank the translation department of we're speaking chinese and some speak spanish you see how hard to come up with all the accommodations so first chinese comments were transmitted into english and english into spanish and going
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back i'm glad my hispanic piers are working together to come up with that plan. >> an important point in this the english just starts the job we had it done in at least 3 languages that was a pretty quick turn around. >> i appreciate seeing the numbers and giving us a strong context for this discussion i don't have any speakers on this item i'd like to open up for my colleagues and commissioner moore and commissioner wynns. >> this is really, really great data for the superintendent i said right now u wow. this is really amazing so thank you for putting this together and the
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thing i'm struck by. >> number of things in here but particularly the well, the reclassification is pretty upsetting the rates for older students so i'm just open that maybe we need something at the curriculum committee or you know to look at this issue of long term english learners we hit on this at times before but it appears we've made a dent in some places but still the rates are pretty bad it is very troubling i've been wondering if we need to talk in some more expensive way to increase the number of concentration and decrease the unable or number of english learners we're not
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making a dent. >> let's see commissioner wynns. >> i actually had that same question i'm particularly concerned about the high school rates which are terrible they're all over 9 and percentage years average years so i want to know to we have kids that are here for 12 or 13 years not reclassified we should be looking at every one of those kids i said to ask you about that i need this clarified i'm not clear on the group on the right what other is. >> okay. so sorry about that i forgot to mention the other group the other group the inclination of ethnicities uniform talking about light blue bar it is hard to get meaningful data by commissioner vice
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president mar the other ethnicities. >> so i don't understand how it would be true if look at the pie chart the whole other is much fewer than either the latino or the chinese and on this it look much bigger am and reading that wrong. >> i'm sorry if you go back to the that they chart a small table about 20 percent basically, the other groups of english learners that's from the other ethnicity groups and the following ones are like kind of a follow-up so is it so pretty clear i only picked on the chinese students and breakdown them into english and chinese learners. >> that's not my question if everybody that is not inclines
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or latino ♪ group is 20 percent why is this bigger than peep he this and that >> accident blue bars under the other sections are the majority of group will be caucasian english speakers and the african-american speakers english proficient speakers that's why i say it is a little bit not making a lot of meaningful sense on the other groups they come in the xroins. >> the long yell bars all the students in the strict noltd latino and not. >> not chinese. >> and are not english learners. >> i not explain that clearly. >> commissioner walton. >> thank you for the extensive
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data i guess my question is not for your team but just for as we work on the budget we have recommendation i hope to see some aggressive spending towards some of the ideas as we work on accelerated language program and particularly observe the summer we can possibly do that 9 point something average what's happening with our middle school and high school students we have to gratifying change the dynamics so i hope it is reflected in the budget as we move forward. >> thank you, thank you for this report you know, i know you stated role late and you know after this woke me up i'll have to say that those numbers stirred me to wow.
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this is really a great disparity acquit frankly i'm concerned about page 9 that's the page i'm looking at this like oh, my god this is els are so behind our in those tests so i'm concerned i'm looking at this and this is you know, i would love to see this kind of comparison of students in the programs quite frankly because you know it's been i don't think i've heard this my complaint we compare els to els with the counter parrots this is an indication of what i might see that's frightening so see this great disparity this and we see the disparticipant through
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middle and high school and it is getting worse by the year in high school so you know it's not getting better but worse yeah. soy want to say thank you for this information this is the kind of stuff that kind of keeps you up at night quite frankly when i see this it is very sobering. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> it's getting late isn't if i've been called many things together (laughter). >> so thank you. i'm curious a second what commissioner fewer's kwae question she asked can be explained two things eir things why such a huge
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differential with our numbers we're honing in on how to make the improvements and secondly, on the reclassification the numbers on the reclassification how do we move those numbers up that's part of the elements maybe i'm curious how is it our students are getting reclassified anyway and when a who thinks are being reclassified are there 0 sowing some that are to the point of those that are in our bilingual programs or our emerging programs or early or late exits what's the most helpful for our
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kids to be reclassified sooner or later. >> i will respond to the first question whether or not we have an improvement plan i'm sure you're aware of the 2012 the new california el standards were adapted we really working hard to transition into a really align our eled with the canyon core but this year is the first the eled the transition into new standards our charge to reach out to every school site to have the el standards as far sets out think outside the box wonderful in terms of the plan the first thing we working and trying to change the people's my ship all for the stakeholders in terms of traditional way of approach the el instruction on a detail basis
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for thirty minutes per day in an isolated setting we make the connection in between what we really learn in the el ps and transfer their knowledge into the learning throughout the day with all the subject matters we are trying to close the gap to try to make it into informing our el d forms and instruction by the canyon core standards and the context to see going beyond what they learn the second thing is interdepartmental collaboration which should be implemented we have so many initiatives other things we trouble believe in at the same
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time, we have to give ourselves enough time to dlefl into the collaborating so when the teachers get the instruction that'll they'll get our support from the c n i so they don't have to spend time on investing and leave room for them to come up with a plan that's our second term to close the gap we're closer to improving and there is no design in the led component and number 3 is all about truly making sure we have access to curriculum instructions for our els and throughout the day for example, they tend to be taken apart from the meaningful ways
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in the classroom and sitting behind with a single instruction teacher it is important by skaufld we're not state of the art their strategies we're changing the shift in terms of reclassification one of the things we're going to have a hypothetical why we have a difference varied outcomes find reclassification rates usually when we have an unoccupied minor they're mostly in high school components so a lot of the students have w instruction with a formal education or no elementary school instruction so they become a new comer at the same time with the follower
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education so that's one of the reasons why we see disparity in our plan developing our strategy plan from the mpd prospective we're truly focusing on the gaps and trying to fill the gaps by improving that on and being informed by the data a mo 2 and the reclassification trying to create the professional development and support plans so - >> but do you have different plans for students in different programming. >> yes. >> and are you saying that different students in different programs are doing better or worse you know back to the bilingual versus any other you know multiple options for the kids and different ones for different reasons.
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>> i think based on the general data inc. everyone is aware of the long natural data we presented to stanford university we have overlook to catch up but in terms of of el and the support for goals we see that this is where we certainly need to know cloak specific data i'm more than happy to provide the data as commissioner fewer suggested what makes a difference in terms of our english learners with the english competency is what are the counterparts to be the program so we see through the programs depending on how strong etch english learn or
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counterpart how strong they come in with the english background truly by extracting in a meaningful way by a steam fascination that's where we see the differences to in a district wide we truly have a list of teachers from tradition from teachers to the whole class instruction versus having a small group in a collaborative instruction among the students to beginning with so to go deeper and a at the structural level but shifting the dynamics you don't see that many schools like in the classrooms with a set much with one teacher i'm more happy to provide the
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statistic data i don't have any today but having the pathways but the way we see it we have been closely look at the l type the long term el versus the english only general not the long term els but we have done that much of a specific analysis in the el counterparts. >> i think i'm sorry just was we make decisions as was said about making decision about bringing in more ftes to do programs or whether we're going to grow egging merges or shrink other programs having that data did critical to making those decisions. >> i want to add one comment 0
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we're looking at two different things as the first language to build the pathway which is you know we truly have a strong belief in language transfer the children will come with a strong background certainly month opportunity to transfer their function into learning the second language at an accelerated rate not every student will come to san francisco unified school district come with a strong first language background we trying to address two issues all at the same time, we're really embarking on building the english competency awhile we're addressing the language. >> if i could jump in very, very quickly the commissioners have really, really landed upon thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell the opportunity of a canyon core yet
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the challenge of common core not following the instruction that is happening in the classroom it is el a versus el d and role an integrated approach it is forcing an met fizz for all the students one of the good piece of news as we're looking at our data and being specific about tracking the students we're honing in with the superintendent and meeting with the team and c n i specifically offering where we have the students needing additional support and it's really, really important we don't talk about the index look at how we're reclarifying students so counts for the other sometimes you have
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to look at into the mirror after thanksgiving and oh, my gosh but this is the mirror we thank you for your question it's really, really important. >> i had a question on page 8 and i want to reiterate what the incarnations or commissioners mind i want to congratulate those are not the decisions but we have the data to show it on page eight it shows generally a good trend 2009 and 10 we clarified shortening i'm concerned about the disparities between the chinese ethic group and the spanish it is a six months law but by high school a 4 year lacking lag this is
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directed towards superintendent lee in the poise discussion we just had we are going putting in 1415 fte into the elementary grades but page 8 shows you the middle school and high school are the most challenging but in the piece i don't see any el investment targeting middle school and high school maybe base in the general fund but i wanted to ask you know i'm presuming there is based on this kind of data there's like interventions directed at the latino groups that are lagging behind. >> i'll ask someone else to fold
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