tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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account labor harmony or lack there of. san francisco commuter program has proven to be a important way to keep cars off the streets, reduce congestion and reduce our over all green house gas foot print of the transportation systems. as result of the shuttles workers who live in san francisco and knhut to places outside sth city and who would otherwise own a vehicle, live car free or reduce the car usage getting us closer to the [inaudible] city where we want to be. while most of the conversation about the shuttles is focused on who is riding the buses and where they live and work, the resolution today is concern would the workers driving the buses. the shuttles are
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operating by private companies that craeckt with large employers. they work for the shuttle directors and not the empleaies riding on the buses. they are on the bus [inaudible] stand up time between 4 and 6 hours between morning and evening shifts. this time is unpaid and because they live in different parts of the bay area they have no [inaudible] because these shetals share bus stops it is impair tav we do as much as we as we can to minimize the [inaudible] a libber dispute could create grid lock. this resolution call ons the mta boardf
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directors that requires permit applicants to demonstrate labor harmony with the drivers when submitting for a permit. the resolution doesn't define what labor harmony is and it could mean a variety of things and i look forward to working with it mta board of directs to come up with adition that is broad and minimize impacts on the transporpation system while insureing the fair treatment of those that drive the shuttles. i ask fl support on the resolution and understand superavalos has amendments and will comment after them >> it is interesting to have this resolution bnch us at this
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time i support the underlying resolution. the mta board of direct rbs can implement a program without a resolution. what is unique about having this brf me is for a number of years the city is engaged in a debate about how we regulate, how we make sure the shuttle companies properly fwai for the impact that they on the city and public infrastructure and that is something that is debated and discussed. everywhere we go we have a resolution about the shuttle program and konet have a reference about the controversy that is at times tearing the city apart. to me i can't take this moment without having the shuttle program before me in one way or other without having a greater discussion about unfinished business we have
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about the impacts of shuttles in san francisco. i'm a labor poren and support labor and support better working conditions and labor harmony. i want to make sure we maximize the work and jobs of people in the city, but we have >> student balance that with the needs we have of the neighborhoods and this resolution which is just for labor harmony doesn't quite do that so i want to add languages so make sure we discuss some things a large part of the public expects us to discuss and that is really the impact of shuttle services on the rest of san francisco. our general plan discusses how we want to be able to divert and [inaudible] residential neighborhoods. i don't believe our shuttle program is following our general plan and the guidelines about diverting
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the traffic. the policy 18.1 of the general plan says major and secondary armaterialials carry traffic among the city and local streets are access to and frome homes and other us in each neighborhood, but i know there are many small straets. they could be commercial streets, but they are not artierials clogged at time with shuttle buses. i don't believe they actually play a good role on the side streets thampt ishould be in our arterial part of san francisco. i want to be able to follow general plan 18.1 with some guidelines that we can add with amendments to this resolution and they as follows and i have copies on all your desks. it is on 1
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page and i don't know where it fits with the overall resolution before us. it is at the very end of that document. further resolve the board of supervisors urges san francisco metropolitan transportation board to aamendment section 1914 to retrict busing to using major and secondary arterial streets not designated in the general plan. be it further resolved the board of supervisors urges the sfmta board to report on compliance with transportation code sckz 1914 f 5 which requires the service provider to provide real time locationdality data for each bus and the board of
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supervisors requests to analyze the shuttle bus location area to determine how the routes and stop locations can be modified [inaudible] the board of supervisors urges the san francisco mta board to conduct a analssis to demonstrate the nexus between the [inaudible] and traffic and increase cost of affordable houses. the board of supervisors urges to adopt a fee to receiver the cost of the impablth demonstrated in the next analysis. those are my amendments i would like to make to the this resolution and just to say i know i expect that there will be a statement saying this will delay this
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resolution from being passed, but i think colleagues all of us can give indication that we'll support the snd lying resolution and whether we support it or not it doesn't give the green light to the board to implement a harmony program sfr labor. that is my motion to add the language i just read to the resolution. >> supervisor avalos made a motion, is there a second? second by supervisor campose supervisor wiener >> i will vote gaens this today. i will say this and i'll be happy as we have in the past have a kbait about the commuter shuttle and happy to talk about the fact that a significant majority that ride the shuttles if they went away
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or became so restricted that a mu jortd of the workers would stay in san francisco and drive their cars clogging up the city streets and our highways more than they already are. i am happy to talk about the fact that i represent a district that is right there at the top when it comes to shuttles in terms of residence that ride the shuttles and dependent on them to get to work as well as those that live on the streets and the concerns about the shuttles going down the streets. i will talk about the arterials and side streets and if you put the buses on a small number of streets the people on those streets won't be happy about that chblt when we restrict the number of stops the shuttles it would use it means they are funneled on a smaller number of streets t. is a debate i'm happy to have, but
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that isn't the isue that is before us and [inaudible] a separate resolution to have this debate again, he has every right to do that. this is about making sure the drivers of the shuttles are treated fairly and are paid and have benefits and working conditions we expect in this city that values the contributions of working men and women. i understand there sadispute about whether the shuttle program should exist and where it should go, but that isn't what this resolution is about and so colleagues i will be voting against these amendment >> thank you >> supercampus >> thank you madam president and i support sth original resolution and the amendments.
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i think that what supervisor wiener is trying to do with the resolution is important and i will be supporting that effort. i think it is important to make it clear that we want the drivers and workingers tobe protected. i think the issue here and this is to our labor friends because i know that they care about this issue, and while some want to narrow this issue to simply labor harmony and work of protection which is important thrrks is a larger issue and that is social responsibility chblt what we want is this companies to be socially responsible and social responsibility encompasses a number of things. one of them
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is how a workers are treated and that is a important consideration we should make clear that we want those workers to be protected, but there are other aspects of social responsibility. is the responsibility to the larger society when you have companies that are using public space in public resources without properly compensating the public for that use. in this case those that voted against the pilot were not against the benefits the pilot provides, were not in favor of people driving to work. we want them to take the shuttle opposed to driving, but weologist want the companies to properly comp sate the public that invested in the public transit that is used. likewise, respecting the rights and concerns of neighborhoods
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which quite frankly feel they have been left out of the process in daurms how this is implemented. whether it is appropriate for the shuttles to be used in certain parts of residential areas. it is all connected to the larger issue of social responsibility and the labor piece is a important part of it, but i think as we look forward to this issue of what is happening with the so called sharing economy, we need to make sure we don't divorce the various interconnected elements that are clearly connected. i think that is the point here and that is why i support what supervisor avloze is saying. i think all are larger issues here. it doesn't mean we inigate the importance of the labor piece, but it is one of many other issues are that are important. >> thank you. supervisor avalos >> thank you, i just want to
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respond to a comment statement put out there that people that are critical of the shuttle system want it to go away and abolish it. there may be people that want to do that but that isn't my intention. my intention is looking at if we have sth right type of regulation for the shuttle system in san francisco and whether we are getting cost recoverry fl the impacts the shuttle system has on the public assets. that to me is the most important of this debate and that is what i try today insert with the amendments that i expect will have a vote on just a second. just a reinforce what supervisor compsose said, i do believe it is important we support the underlying resolution on labor harmony, but i think the discussion is one sided especially when we know this sit ais gripped by a
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debate that still continues whether we create a pilot program and feel we addressed the issues or not, the city is still gripped by the controversy that the shuttle system has. we still have work to do that. that is why intent about bringing up amendments to this resolution and will consider bringing this forward in another way in the future. >> thank you. supervisor avalos, before we move to a vote for the amendments, deputy city attorney john gibner can you explain if these amendments were to pass today what the process would be >> sure. if the amendment passes the board will continue this item either to committee of the whole at the full board or send it to committee for
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further public comment. either way with the amendment it would require further public comments >> seeing no other members name on the roster, on the motion to amund we have a first and second. roll call vote >> supervisor tang- >> just to make a clarification, >> yes, this is to support or deny the proposed amendments by supervisor avalos to item number 15 >> thank you. no. tang no. supervise wiener no. supervisor yee aye. superavalos, aye. breed, no. supervisor campus aye. supervisor christensen. no. supervisor cohen. no. supervisor ferrule. no. for
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visor kim. aye: supervisor mar. aye. 5 aye and 6 no's with supervisor tang, wiener, christensen co00 and ferrule with descentsing vote >> the amendments fail. oorkss item 15, supervisor tang, aye. wiener aye. supervisor yee, aye. supervisor avalos. aye. supervisor breed. aye. supervisor campus. aye. supervisor christensen. aye. supervisor cohen. aye. supervisor ferrule. aye. supervisor kim. aye. supervisor mar. aye. 11 aye's. >> the resolution is adopted >> item 16 is a motion to appoint john malcolm hillen,
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andrew [inaudible] dan [inaudible] dan, sandsy sure win and [inaudible] urban forestry >> this is approvedue man mississippily >> itealp 17 is a motion to appoint [inaudible] citizens general over site bond committee >> same house, same call. this motion suprovedue manue ue unanimously >> [inaudible] >> same house, same call >> without ubjeckds this is approved. item 19 >> a motion to aprove the presidents of the bord of
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supervisors nomination. predsdant london breed to the board oaf appeal >> same house, came call same call. approved unanimously. madam clerk t is now 2:30 and at this time i would like to recognize supervisor katy tang with accommodation >> thank you prez dent breed and thank you for [inaudible] today is a bitter sweet moment because we are saying fair well to someone from the san francisco police department. i don't know if you know why yoi are here today deputy chief [inaudible] if you can please come on up. i think that the
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police department had to bring her in here. today it is very bitter sweet to do this. deputy chief has been with the city of san francisco for over 26 years and she graduated from the 167 recruit class back june 1, 1990 and after that worked a variety of assignments with the san francisco police department in[inaudible] internal investigation and community and media relations. she has served at half thopolice district stations including ingle side, northern, bay view, mission and richmond and serves as the chief of staff after being appointed in may 2011. along with the duty with chief of staff she is volleyball
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responsible for the day to day [inaudible] her prawnect include establishing policy and general order [inaudible] to meet the needs of our community. she also oversees several programs which provide needed services to the youth including operation dream, future graduates, the wilderness program and [inaudible] it is sad to announce her last day with the san francisco police department is march 27 [inaudible] as well as a bunch of her colleagues here. we have many deputy chiefs here. [inaudible] from the airport. hector [inaudible] from operations [inaudible] from special operations burey.
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thank you for being here. since we have dh cheer here, a funny story i want #d to share from one of the police commissioners. often times when chief [inaudible] asks his staff to do something, they have to say ask firs if he asked deputy chief [inaudible] he has the remind them he is police chief, but everyone says they have to ask her first. just a flavor of what she means to the stay. i love seeing [inaudible] in the community and i will miss seeing you but i know you will still be around probably in plain clothes, but they think for the service to the san francisco police department and want to wish you all the best in your retirement. >> thank you so much for recognizing my right hand, it will be gone soon. you can't list all the things that deputy
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chief tomeioca does for the police department. on top of other thinks she is a fluteant sumoan speakers and she can calm. she isn't going to be far because she decided she will manage the kids program the fr the side of the police department. she is the best. your day. >> thank you very much. it is a prevolog to serve san francisco citizens. i think i have been trully blessed with seeing not only the sometimes worst in people, but the very best in people and i think that keeps me focused and balanced. i appreciate the welcome san francisco gave me 40 years ago when i came here as a student
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retirement. okay, thank you for coming. at this timeculeeges we'll go to committee reports. madam clerk can you calliteal 28 >> considered by the government audit and over site committee at a regular meeting thursday march 15. it was forward asa amendment as title. it is a amend mns to establish the baloa board to advice the sate on propose td development under the public land for housing program and setting forth the membership z duties >> supervisor u yee.
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>> this will establish 9 members for the bal bowa reservoir project. i worked with neighbors, organizes neighborhood sogezs and murch toonts insure this is cack and the cack guarantees neighborhoods representation. we now have 6 seats set aside for residence and business owners in the education institution that liver or operate close to the reservoir. it is important for me to make sure that the dominance of the membership is filled with people that will impact it directly and in fact when i put toort the original cac there were 5 members with the community we added another to insure there is at least 6 members that would be from the
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community. i believe it is very important that residence, business and education institutions near the site are getting information from the city about the project every step of the way and are given a say in the decision that are made. i envision a committee to be a place where everyone can get the most updated information that the city has and have the necessary conversations about the development on the site. we had a thoughtful discussion at the gao committee and introduced [inaudible] to memberoffs the public and insure residence and local business owners who will be the most effected are adequately represented. i see this cac as a fundamental meeting place for a very important project in my district, probably beyond my district and it is really a important project for the city.
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i hope colleagues i can count on you for your support today to give the neighborhood a strong voice >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor cohen >> thank you madam president. i have a couple qugz questions for you. your aid came by to brief with my office, that you thank you for that. i am trying to understand the [inaudible] >> supervisor yee, >> sometimes i have to recognize myself. one of the seats for this cac for the bal bowa reservoir project is
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someone from the bal bowa plan to be on this because we want to make sure there is some strong communication between the 2 bodies. the most area plans are for areas and it gives general concepts to the area and it is note that unusual to have another advisory committee that is spickt to a project. this project is within the area of the bal boa lan, but it isn't the same. to me i want a cac that is focused on this particular project to give input and assure that's whatever the bal boa plan comes up with that it is consistent with that plan >> thank you supervisor yee.
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supervisor co00 >> another question for you. we received a letter for item 28 on our desk from a kin tich wnts that is recommending the ocean avenue organizations, is that represented on this body? >> the ocean avenue associations does a lot of work on the corridor and the membership of that association, the mu jrtd of the membership is business people, so i want to make sure that we have a wide enough scope of the possibilities for business owners to participate in this and hat is why i didn't identify that association to name a business person because if you look at the membership it is
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