tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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you supervisor yee. supervisor co00 >> another question for you. we received a letter for item 28 on our desk from a kin tich wnts that is recommending the ocean avenue organizations, is that represented on this body? >> the ocean avenue associations does a lot of work on the corridor and the membership of that association, the mu jrtd of the membership is business people, so i want to make sure that we have a wide enough scope of the possibilities for business owners to participate in this and hat is why i didn't identify that association to name a business person because if you look at the membership it is really mostly residence.
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>> that you can, i have no further questions >> supervisor kim >> thank you. i want to ask a questions. it is my understanding this ordinance establishes a cac and if a member of a ocean avenue want to apply sfr the seats they are welcome to and there is a pauss where we pass the legislation where we determine who the membership is >> right, there is-most of the seats are fairly open to overlapping interest here. some of our real specific to a association, but one could be living at [inaudible] and be a business person. one could be associated with another education institution that will be impacted and within the district. there is a lot of
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potential and a lot of commitment between our office and the mayors office foolook at that piece of it where there are general definition for membership to look at within districts 7 and 11 to see if there is anyone that qualified for these seats. so, yes, there is the possibility of the ocean avenue association recommending a business person-could be the person that will serve >> thank you. supervisor kim recollect , are you done. supervisor avalos >> i was consulted by supervisor yee on this legislation and there are many peopling in my district that are away of this project and want to see it move forward and
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want to be able to express what they concerns are to help shape how the project moves forward and there are seats for district 11 residence on here. there is also a seat for a member of the bal bowa park stationary area citizens advisory committee to be here. supervisor yee whurked with a member of the committee that's is well versed in housing construction. [inaudible] i do believe this is a good balance with between district 7 and district 11 and will support this legislation >> thank you supervisor avalos. not seing any other naimg ozthen roster, can we thake this item same house, same call? without objection item 28, this ordinance is passed on the first reading.
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okay, let's go to roll call for introduction >> supervisor wiener your first to introduce new business >> thank you very much. colleagues, first some good news. you recall for approving the acquisition of the site of the future [inaudible] town square where we purchased the site with open space acquisition funds money. that project is moving forward. there is significant private fund raising and we were awarded a grants from the state and so today i am introducing a acceptance of that grant and that will move us close to having the funds in place to do the physical transformation to a parking lot to town square. i also have a memoriam for
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[inaudible] who was a resident of [inaudible] oov new in cast row. she was a cherished member who passed away while traveling in thailand. she was born in cleveland ohio in 1952 and lived in euclid ohio. earned chemical engineering at [inaudible] and [inaudible] university of akron. she bexaim chief executive officer and led the effort to take the microclip decrise vice sfraum concept to product through multiple rounds of vercher financing that led to acquisition of the company to abbot lab tores. she learned abbot as vp and general manager as a heart unit. she began a 4
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year quest to make the microclip available to patients suffering from microregitation and it was approved in 2013. [inaudible] handful of ceo's in her field. she mentored through the stanford bio program and mentored [inaudible] she was act ivly involved in the american heart association, the national center for lesbian rights, the rights foundation [inaudible] many other social impact organizations. she was a photographer who liked advent rb travel and great supporter of local artist as well as friends. she is survived by loving family members and she is someone that is greatly missed by the many peoples
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lives she touch td >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor yee >> today i request a hearing on the impactoffs small businesses during large construction and street scaping projects. while there are many long term benefits from renovation and street impruvlgment, local and national studies show decrease in ruv new for business during projects and have seen businesses close because of that. many of the merchants are concerned about losing business and during up coming tunnel project. we would like a hearing to see how businesses are effected by projects city wide and to explore ways the city can better support them. the rest i submit >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor avalos.
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>> submit >> president breed >> thank you colleagues. today i'm introducing an up date to finance reform ordinance. san francisco has some of the strongest campaign finance laws in the country and rightly so. our citizens have r entitleed to know who is influencing the votes. unfortunately the campaign finance laws are not a single construct. they are the product of differing and overlapping efforts that differ and overlap with state laws. what we are left with is a imns patch work of regulation whos complexities can undermine the very goal of transsknaerns accountability we seek >> student achieve. for example, under the current campaign finance reform
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ordinance, one must consult 5 different sections of the law to sign all the different disclaimer requirements. an independent group such as a neighborhoods political club can be required to file 2 different forms as 2 different times just to report a single campaign mailer. this complexity makes it harder for the paverage voter to assess the information being disclosed and it can by troubling message to smaller organizations and grass roots candidate, don't bother getting involved thmpt cfro should promote inclusion and not discourage running [inaudible] i'm introducing this legislation to streamline, update and improve san franciscos campaign finance laws. first, the legislation brings our laws into compliance
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with recent cort decisions by removing local campaign contribution limits that have been struck down. the limit on a individuals total contribution in a election has been unenforced by the city since the supreme courts decision [inaudible] versus the fec in 2014. the limits on contributions to pacts have been unenforced by the city since the district court of northern district of california for enforcement in 2007. the second, the legislation consolidates and stream lines reporting requirements for groups that distribute adds and mailer in city elections. [inaudible] during the 90 day election to be disclosed within 24 hours. it is requires
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copies to be file would the ethics commission if the xhunications cost 1 thousand dollars or more. 3rdly, the legislation simplifys the rule frz the disclaimers on the campaign related add said or mailers. these are the paid by for disclaimers in print and on ads that help voters understand who is behind a certain messages. our changes improve state disclaimer requirements by mandating a larger font, twebl point on maler jz smaller written materials imposing a lower 20 thousand dollar thresh hold for donors and require a reference to information available on the ethics commission website. all together these smart disclosures will simplify and improve the reporting and disclaimer requirements making information more accessible to the public and making
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compliance easier particularly for grass roots candidate squz smaller nairblds roots. the ethics commission passed this unanimously in jan and want to thank you the [inaudible] and thank you to my colleagues for your consideration >> thank you madam president. supervisor compose >> >> supervisor christensen. >> thank you. in a couple week state senator mark leno will ask the colleagues in sacramento to amend the state elish act. i ask we pass a resolution supporting our support. the legislation will return to san francisco some control thoferb housing policies. the new guide lines impact only san francisco and cover the city from other mu
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nis palties in the state that don't experience or even understand our cities unique housing challenges. there are corens that changes to the the els acktd may place a unfair burden on policy owners. [inaudible] the legislation is aimed at speculators and serial evectors largely llc and incorporations that [inaudible] through this legislation we strongly suggest they choose to the make their money in some way that doesn't evalve evicting residence from their homes. els act evectionerize climeing with 215 occurring last year and numerous by out. last year nearly 1/3 evictions were done by serial evictors
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and more than half that nob nub elisact impact older, impaired and [inaudible] as we struggle to take 2 steps forward we take a step back with the loss of every rented building thmpt district has been made up of affordable neighborhood said with small apartments in buildings filled with working people. people tend to stay put. the buildings are older. as the economy rebounded more and more of the buildings are targeted for flipping. in our district the threat of eviction looms over the costium designer and sound engineer [inaudible] workers from our favorite restaurants and a treasureed artist none of who can are
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likely to remain in the area if they are evected. most of the buildings are in need of repair and upgrade but they are occupied by residence [inaudible] a glimmer of hope has come from non profit groups and governmentancy that investigate with options for acquiring at risk buildsings and sustaining them. these are efforts we should understand and support so in addition to this resolution and also call for a hearing to identify and review resources, programs and other options for retaining at risk properties as part of our housing stock. i will be calling oen the mayors office of housing, non praucht partners from counsel of community organization, the san
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francisco rent board and otheragys to fill us in oon what they are doing, to buy finance, subsidize or otherwise preserve existing apartments and what we in city government can do to help. lawrence [inaudible] turns 96 years old today. in the book oaf poem tz san francisco stories lawrence warns of turbing the islands silty into a artistic theme park without artist. our challenge is how to move forward without losing the qualities that made each of us come or stay and without losing the people we have since the inception oef the bileding fabric of the city. small house keeping i submit a resolution authorize a retail leze agreement with the [inaudible] jazz club. [inaudible] occupied this location for over 30 years
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hosts a long list of zaz sulibties and oberating 365 days a year. i think most [inaudible] weathered the challenges of the nearby subway juckz is seeking to the enter into a new 10 year lease agreement. i'm also plaized to join the mayor in sponsor bond inducement for 2 affordable housing located in china town. they will provide finance for rehabilitation ilitation for a toletal of 142 low income housing units. the rest i submit >> thank you supervisor christensen. supervisor cohen. >> thank you. ai introduce a hearing othen status, the desination and implementation strategy a millions of dollars coming to the community. last
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year i asked for a audit of the nob nub and as a result of the audit we learned there are at 208 million dollars in violence [inaudible] spent. but there is no singular metric system in place to identify our efforts and as to whether they are effect ive or not. within the last year the department of public health is awarded a 16 million dollar state grant for on demand trauma services. the san francisco unified school district also awarded several million dollars to implement trauma informed strategies. [inaudible] as well as [inaudible] was awarded 5.5 million dollars from the kaiser foundidation. laest year the [inaudible] for community crime prevention. there is a lot of money coming into the xhounty. i call for this hearing because i want to know more fwt the
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community needs and i want to know more as well as the community needs to know where that money is flooding and it is going and how the money will be spent and more importantly when we can begin to see some of the results that we expect to see. we are literally spending mill ybs of dollars on public safety and bond prevention and it is [inaudible] are being used in a effective manner. the rest i submit >> supervisor ferrule >> i have a few items firks a hearing request to [inaudible] transitservices that emerged. leap and chariot we see in a neighborhood in my district that dropped [inaudible] ups down town and south and market.
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both of these services provide shuttle from marina to down town to a flat fee. they are unchartered territory for the city so i want to a epoen discussion with the sfmta and transportation authority so we can minimize the [inaudible] i do believe that these services are straessing a unmet need with some of the muney lines in my district in particular that is swamped, in particular the 30 and [inaudible] that are at or beyond capacity. we need approach regulation in a thoughtualful way that allows the suvss to up aerate and sets guide lines and sets a quality of life in the neighborhoods. the volume from what i hear is starting to rise and believe we need to be proactive in our
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approach to these matters. constituents are calling in saying these services are blocking drive ways and double parking. in the mean time i work with the sfmta to enforce the existing laws so we can have adequate enforcement of the bad behavior. i know [inaudible] in discushz with the california public utilities commission to discuss which steps if any are from frastate and whether it falls under local control or the state. i know sfmta is clear that they need to abide by the local laws. we need to think och short term solutions as we monitor this. from my perspectives i think they serve a need, but as they continue to grow in my district and believe throughout the city of san francisco i also heard from
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regional elected officials they are growing in their areas as well and we need to think long term what we will do with these services. i plan to host this meeting in a months time and [inaudible] to have a discussion about the future in the city. i do also have 2 memoriams today. first of all i would like to adjourn todays meet ing for rita [inaudible] who would have been 90 this thursday. she was born and raised in california, the wife of jack haul and known for the holiday parties and dinners and was a mother to a close friend of mine, christine car. she was married for all most 50 years. discribed her marriage to jack as the perfect couple like newly weds even as of last
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year. she was active in a chunch and authored 2 books. she is survived [inaudible] 6 grand children and a great grand child is due this summer. i have a memoriam that is pernt for me and my families. over the weekend we received news and it was all over the papers locally that one of the-a hiker was killed at point rays when a 70 foot cliff collapse squz the person passed away is a person named nancy blum who was my childrens teacher in pree school over the past few years and she was adored teacher for aench family [inaudible] at the presidio. she taught there for 10 wreer jz is known to everyone and my children as teacher nancy. she was a amazing professional,
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teacher, as of last year i would taken the kids to school and would pick her up as shes running late down the skill. it is a devastating lost to the family and the pree schoolmunity i'm a part of for a number of years and so many san francisco communities are a part of and all that have a privilege of knowing her. she was born in syracuse new york. she was a aved hiker. started biking to work all the time. she loved traveling and museums and affluent frinch spiker and lovered spending time with our children. nancy had one son wloo lived in pittsburgh [inaudible] her son just received his phd [inaudible] services for nancy are held
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this sunday. she was a amazing teacher for all the parents that knew her and the families and she will be greatly missed and pray for her family and all the families that knew her in the school. it is a small community >> for the remaining supervisors we'll return to roll call after the 3 p.m. essential orders >> at this time we have 2, 3 p.m. special orders and it is my understanding that both requested to be continued, so at this time i will ask the clerk to call the first 3 p.m. specialordser >> item 20-23 comprised of publicorder at 3 p.m. for [inaudible] planning detarmt determination that the proposed
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project located at 53 state street is exe. from environment are view. >> colleagues can we have a motion to exkoos supervisor wiener? . motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor comp os >> given supervisor wiener had to rekoos himself we received written nob nub confirming they all agree to a 2 wook continuous so pending public comment i would like to make a motion to continue items 20-2 throw for 23 for 2 weeks >> that is motion to continue the item until the prl 7
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meeting. second by supervisor compose and at this time is there a member of the public that would like to provide public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. on the motion to continue madam clerk can you please call the roll >> tang aye yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. supervisor christensen, aye r. supervisor cohen. aye. farrell aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar. aye. there are 10 aye's >> this item is continue today the meeting of april 7, 2015. madam clerk can you please call the next p.m. essential order >> item 24-27 comprise public
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hearing of person intereshed in the jan 8 [inaudible] of community plan exemption for the proposed project at 349 bryant street. item 25 [inaudible] >> sfr visor kim yrkss i would like to request a continuous for 1 week to march 31 as wegive a little more time to resolve between the 2 parties and both parties agreed to the continuance >> supervisor kim made a motion for continuance for march 31 for supervisor yee. are there member thofz public who would like to provide public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. can we take this without objection? we need roll call vote >> iletm 24-#2w5e6b8 to continue them to march 31 supervisor tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos. aye. breed, aye. caumpts, aye. crist ynchson, aye. cohen, aye. ferrule, aye. kim, kim aye. mar, aye. there are 11 aye >> this is continued to march 31 >> supervisor kim, you are next up to introduce new business. thank you supervisor kim, supervisor mar >> thank you madam clerk.
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colleagues it is part of the broader regional implementation effort led by the association of government staff. they are working with local jurisdiction squz the sogez of bay area government. the administrative committee and regional planning committee i sit on with the transportation chair. we are develop agpriority consurivation throughout the region thrmpt are different kinds of pca or priority conservation areas throughout the region that promote the space and human health. last december in 2014 we passed a resolution authorizing a process nullifying the 4 priority connoisseursation
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