tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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decrepitude. i share that cooler heads do not necessarily prevail. my head is definitely cooler, yet you still don't buy many of my arguments >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> members of the board of supervisor, [inaudible] the on the screen i would like to read to you and this is from the opinion of the united states supreme court written by the majority of justice aenth an kennedy nob nub the government may commit a constitutional wrong when the identified preferred speakers. by taking the right from some and giving it to others [inaudible] the right to use speech to establish worth, standing and respect for the speemers voice. the u. government may not
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deprive the public of right and privilege to determine for itself what speech and speakers are worthy of consideration. the first amendment protects speech and speaker and the ideas that flow from each. that being said, here is a list of 19 orders of determination i received from the sun shine ordinance task force and would like to use the word the cuball. basically these are 19 representatives of the city government who have in one way or aortinterfered with my ability to speak, to have that speak accurately represented in the official record, the minutes och meeltings and denied access to public records. the latest member here is supervisor ferrule who decided he didn't feel a need to reply to a disclose yrb request and just rently this
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morning i filed complaint against 4 of you because last week i sent disclosure request to all the members of the board and only 2 replied by the deadline and 2 replayed late and said they need a extension and 4 didn't bother at all. what is it about sun shine ordinance that after 20 years >> your time is up. thank you. next speaker please. you are out of order. next speaker. >> good eveage san francisco, my name is ace, i'm on the case. i am in sem iretirement from a activist, but transitioning into a entrepreneur with the communicationoffs something i think i have the skills. what is a cuball? i have to check that out. that is strong word
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with strong meanings to it. my presentation is of transitioning period. i have been here at over 20 years as a activist. i did historical things. brought fill more scepter here and i'm happy to announce most of my work [inaudible] i also accomplished in san francisco and my community where the ocii is coming to the western addition to explain of-how do you call it? [inaudible] spent over the years. i have also compained and having the housing authority to coming the the western division. i have done my work for 20 years, now it is time to have action tooken. i just meant with my supervisor district, supervisor london breeds office and we are talking about bringing the
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community up to date and what is going on in the fill more. [inaudible] we want to know about other things that go on in the community and think it needs to rub off in [inaudible] people think this city is city that knows how, but if they are here in city hall and i could tell it all it is the most corrupt-it is am most racist bias city undercurve in the united states. we say wree the sate that knows how, but i have [inaudible] >> thank you mr. washington, next speaker, please >> tom [inaudible] 1950 there
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this is a story of investigation into the contamination of the polio vaccine and in the late 50's and that lets up-that stopped the [inaudible] if you can pick it up, it is good read and that picks up lee and me, the book of some gal that mote lee harvey ozwauld during the polio vaccine research. he dervs a witness. i saw him die on tv same as a saw the plane fly into the second tower in new york on tv. after 50 wreers if someone wants to give lee harvey oswauld a witness he deserves it out. i would like
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give a shout out for christina [inaudible] >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >>-you can come to the podium here to the left of my left. >> okay, yes, you can hear this. in honor of womens day [inaudible] i want to put some women pictures here. heriot tubman. odesa. [inaudible] this is a movie that got out called, the tails of the grim reaper, it is about how crack cocaine in the 80's went to la
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and abuse in [inaudible] wrote about san francisco [inaudible] this is a movie about [inaudible] called the long walk home by kids having a better outlook in our city. you should see that movie called [inaudible] this is [inaudible] coming to town. areetha franklin and this is [inaudible] interaction at city hall they want people to come out and don't go to work or school that day. this is me as a transgender in my early days and this is me as a marijuana advoicate. i want to also [inaudible] send pictures at 415 sfwp at g you
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can also go to 19612015 so you can see what i go through living in the tl. this is the a letter i deal with racism and sexism and [inaudible] 19 times in a book. i only heard [inaudible] at [inaudible] >> any other member thofz public that would like to provide public comment? seeing none prblic comment is closed. madam clerk can you please read the next item >> 31 is being considered for immediate adoption. it is a resolution to extend by 30 days prescribed time which the plan
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commission may review the ordinance amendmenting the regulation of short term residential relthals. have visor kim >> thank you president breed. i am making one small amendment and that is to change the word, resolution to motion. it is a motion extending by 30 days to proib time within which the planning commission may render decision on a ordinance and this is the trailing legislation to the short term rental legislation that passed in the fall >> supervisor kim made a motion to make a amendment. vecd by supervisor campose. can we take thit without objection? the amendment passes and on the underlying item, item 31 as a-minded can you call the roll >> supervisor tang. aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye.
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avalos, aye. breed, aye. compose, aye. christensen, aye. cohen aye. fayal, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. there are 11 aye's >> this resolution is adopted. >> todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor wiener for the late mr. fairlen t powal on behalf of supervisor yee for the late mr. james lim. on behamp of supervisor ferrule for the late mrs. rita [inaudible] and nants abloom >> culleges this bringstuse the end of the agenda, madam clerk is there anymore business before us today >> that conclude the business
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for today >> we are adjourned. thank you colleagues. (clapping.) >> good morning, everyone. i want to thank you all for coming out this morning it's a beautiful san francisco morning as it seems to be those dazed but a difficult morning as yesterday yesterday morning an 87-year-old resident of sunset resident named alfred was walk on this street geary that boulevard in a
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krouks on 26 oath trying to cross the road when struck by an automatic turning left onto endearing later in the afternoon died another san francisco general hospital this is not yet conformed we ronald reagan are hearing that someone driving a motorcycle on 15th was struck and killed by an automobile i want to express you know on my behalf and everyone here our profound condolences to the family and friends and anybody that i know either of the individuals are who is impacted by the loss it is tragic that those people are losing their lives on our streets this is a franklin we're restore here the
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city adopted a goal a policy to eliminate traffic deaths in san francisco and while we're not here to mourn their loss we certainly want to honor them and again offer our dlops we're here to reinforce the notation this is is not accidents i want to ass ask us to eliminate accidents when we talk about traffic collisions in the street the word accidents suggests inability accidents happy but we've we've done by adopting vision zero we don't accept that the inability of people getting killed and sierra injured in our streets not something we're any longer than accepting and it is something that modern
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we're telegraph hill working together under the leadership of our mayor within the city but the greater san francisco community to make sure we eliminate traffic fatalities in san francisco by 20024 there's a number of physical improvements that are going into the streets we've already gotten 12 of the 24 so-called vision zero projects in the ground and here today to talk about improvements on gere and fulton ironically the two streets people lost their lives in the last two hours makes this real and impervious we're making the improvements and also importing the laws we're joined by the san francisco police department to step up to make sure that when
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people are traveling around san francisco no matter how are you how are you how their traveling adhere to the laws and it is about education outreach we look to the media to help us get out achievement of vision zero everything has a responsibility anytime you step off a sidewalk go go that in but you automobile or walk that your traveling and aware of our surrounding so we will continue to doing the right thing to make the city save we need everything to do their part so we don't have to start press conferences in the future with press conferences like this we're doing a lot with the leadership from city hall the board of supervisors adopted vision zero policy and mayor ed lee has directed all the departments and exclusive branch
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of government to accelerate do everything we can to make our streets safer please welcome our mayor, mayor ed lee. >> thank you, ed (clapping.) let me add that as we take a moment ponder the circumstances of which those fatalities happen we are working very hard to make sure that there is less of this and today, we're in district one with commissioner eric mar who also joined strongly the effort to put their concrete work into vision zero to make that happen today, we wanted to demonstrate as part find an education and awareness campaign those strooirpz we called them san bernardino are a striping on the swauktsz that have in the past obey retired around schools and
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mid street kroger's are now going to be more dominant in our intersections beginning on geary street those are important one there are and do in fact slow down traffic and make people more aware but also what ed reiskin and others have been saying in our street safety advocates we've got to make people more aware if we can make sure that ice are the first and not other distractions that the eyes see the crosswalks and people in the crosswalk using that it will penetrate people in vehicles to slow down and respect the people that are using the sidewalks and streets and the warns turns into a higher level of safety on the streets this is exactly what
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we're trying to side here you'll see the departments working i'm going to take physical action and laying down the stripes myself but more of this is going to happen because we as a city agreed we're going to put serious resources into these our vision zero so that it is not just a a pronouncement we make those things happen on as many street corners as possible this is a relatively easier treatment to do but a higher awareness comes boo about it as we work on the compacted streets and intersections that require xylophones and a lot of other agencies to be involved in safety of those intersections and streets reich like we have probably a half block away on a very, very business intersects at the same time in in addition
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to the so-called descend are a striping we'll be taking a look at with our police department and our mta and public defender's office and others on the streets what streets in our city that we have direct jurisdiction where we can slow down traffic on an official basis even a 5 mile reduction in the speed allows nor awareness and more care to occur on those streets and so we have named some of the streets that will slow down the speed on and we've already done so on sunset and some of the streets we to name more streets that has your signage and office those as well as our officers we want to insure the public we're working to redesign other streets completed streets and make sure
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that we present safety to be the preit is not necessary policy to be rkd in those streets but also you'll see me and the supervisors and ed reiskin as well as others making periodic announcements to keep visibility on this serious topic of that he had public safety bicycle safety and driving safety to make sure that awareness is at its highest level and to make sure that violators it will be consequences and our officers are out here today sometimes, we might feel we cannot solve every if at any point we can keep a vigilant and dedicated effort to continue to educate and making those changes so this leads to a higher level of safety not about
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being help also but more action in lives lost that were going to take an opportunity to come even more concerted effort we need to make to prevent those things from happening we have busy streets it in san francisco that's a indication of our economy but make sure that is complimented with a higher level of awareness for safety for everybody thank you for being here commissioner eric mar. >> (clapping.) thank you complair and director reiskin on the yes, ma'am of the responding district i'm going to put my notes aside i'm anger and inside mr. alfred 87-year-old mr. alfred yee on gary and 26th
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avenue outside of a senior center in 2011 a woman an geary we campground a 3 and 4-year-old open fulsome modify who was killed on 25 letting avenue in fulsome we've known about this for years how long will it take to take rapid action on vision zero so as director reiskin they're not accidents they're killing basically we have to work on education engineering and enforcement i'm proud our r0r7bd station is here they are the one station that took a hard look at vision zero i want to thank the hard working men and women at the richmond station i'm raifr from the robert district i learned about that or
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this so my comments are from my heart three or four supervisors from the time after sophies death in the new year's time over a years ago we're looking at new york city and other cities with the bicycle coalition and walk sf and our community coalition we've been advocating for this i'm glad it tom maguire with our sustainable streets is here my hope was we painted stripes that are important csa as we think about high injury corridors like geary and others we're looking at other practices and putting our money where and mouth is the culture of feeding in san francisco our community coalition office says the culture meeting meeting in san francisco not only pedestrians but bicyclists and other drivers
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at risk there are too many tragedies not only mr. alfred lee and others in the richmond district throughout the city the two children i mentioned the told her a two combrrldz hit in the outdoor richmond on fulsome we move to lower the speed limit i hope that our city like portland and seattle have safe routes to schools i'm hoping san francisco iowa's what put our money where our mouth is and making the streets safe is a responsibility as the mayor said for all of us but the walk sf and the pedestrian advocates have been working on this for many decades we have to listen the coalitions the traffic
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lights like the new ones planned for 22nd and geary and 26th and geary like the ones near the senior centers i hope to implement that around other vulnerable areas i as geary rapid transit moves forwarded how to implement the vision zero longer than geary boulevard i as a superintendant for the richmond i urge the mayor and director reiskin to move as quickly as possible to prevent the death in the corridors reducing the slightly and thirty mile-per-hour in many ways is not that much of a reduction but as asz our distributing that slowing down saves lives we'll
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see that on fulsome we need more help i want to say that the vision zero committee the board of supervisors are meeting i'm going to do my best to look at it becomes by the sfmta to move as rapidly not only in the richmond but citywide i know that safety should be first as the mar said i'm here to say for the richmond district after the two tragedy deaths i'll do everything i can to prevent death for the future thank you very much for being here. >> thank you supervisor mar mar i'll say did supervisor has been one of the be strornth advocates longer than fulsome and geary but we are i will assure you working with the partners in the city to make sure that the
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transit improvements only geary boulevard is fully incorporating you'll see best practices in terms of the public safety at the transit liability and itself public safety at the same time, we're looking at ways such as the crosswalks or anything we can do while we're designing the 0 project we're not waiting for the big projects we're putting in krouksz open geary i want to thank the mayor for his leadership in pulling the agencies together and engaging with the community and the advocates with the victims of the families to make sure that we're getting this work down as quickly as possible. >> we're going to i'm going to ask the mayor and the supervisor to help us lay the paint on the final crosswalk dozens along geary i want to recognize the
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