tv [untitled] April 2, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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less deserving of services and as a result of the signing of sb 101 we've seen an out pouring of condemnation across the industry mayor ed lee directed all city departments to refrain from any travel to indiana and salesforce has band all employee travel to indiana and indicated that salesforce will not be expanding in indiana and list as an $18.5 million add a thousand jobs over 5 years in indiana the nap napkin president harassed issued a statement over serious concern indicating the naacp will review previous events and
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forego consistency with the values of the naacp and could stop future sports events in the state and in the washington post announced the bill eli you thought of indiana health services some of the largest employers in i said i understand have condemned the law and schooled the quencher in indiana as a result of the law and many good people in indiana are horrified could pass this law and really undermine the reputation of this state this resolution puts the board of supervisors in the city of san francisco firmer on record condemning this as discriminatory and additionally
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this resolution asks the city not to enter into contracts with indiana businesses and to evaluate contract all businesses to be feasible to conceal this contract and the resolution will courage private san francisco-based businesses to refrain from doing business with i understand in kwefshz and congestions this an important statement by this both keep the momentum tomb going and thus sadly we have to make an example of indiana that if you don't this and decide that lgbt people are going to be clarified as second class citizens there be
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about consequences and councilmember reed commissioner borden and supervisor president breed and supervisor campos thank you. >> supervisor avalos i wanted to add my name tome the resolution ordinance that supervisor wiener. >> perhaps we could have all 9. >> all sign on. >> supervisor mar and all 9 thank you, colleagues. >> we could urge the golden state warriors not to fund it. >> so colleagues i'm introducing a letter of inquire to several departments as well, a hearing as the finding of the inquire inquire related to the driver's license much like our legislation the guy in the box about information about a person's involvement if the justice system and applications
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for employment and housing there are barriers for a person's driver's license is suspended to a person getting employment what other system do we have in place with the justice system that actually lead to the licenses being suspected and how to prevent people ellis acted from having their driver's license suspected ate a barrier to employment in san francisco and many places around the country also when the driver's license is suspected that person has to pay a lot of 0 money to get that driver's license back if f and if you're low income that stops someone from finding opportunity there's also recently a report that came out in ferguson were there was a report 12 thousand people living in ferguson and 16
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thousand have outstanding arrest warrant for not paying court finances it is one of the rules that the justice system keeps people down and in this case ferguson many of the people are african-american we want to look at the other disproportionate community that are effected disproportionately and we'll have a report out from the department when we have our hearing probably later in may the rest i submit. >> supervisor breed ace rare i get excited about anything at the board chasm because mostly a lot of technical business we have to take care of i'm agreeing so serious but today, i'm excited because i have some visitors people who he consider
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my family from the african-american art and culture complex a lot of the young folks you guys can stand up from programs project level and cal all stars and some of my old kids that are ground up i'm so happy to see you and thank you tom and stacey and all the ground ups that helped not only to cooperate the work and the work of the board of supervisors that polyp gets made and managed a lot of the work for the board of supervisors and i'm happy to see the process i'm proud of the work they continue to do and be involved in the community and focused on trying to make sure that they graduate and get their education and get good grades and do all the things to be successful and they can take over for us at the board of
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supervisors i'm excited to have them here welcome to you all i miss you and the cultural environment and just know i'm working hard edward to make sure that the programs continue and that you continue to thrive in our neighborhood thank you for being here and colleagues the rest i submit. >> thank you madam president we're looked at you and our old - supervisor kim not present. >> seeing no other names madam president that concludes the roll call for the introduction of new business. >> okay. at this time we will madam clerk please call public comment. >> consent calendar and may be acted upon by a single roll call
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vote of the commission. and there will be no separate discussion of these items public comment so not loudly on items not on the agenda and direct the comments to the board as a whole translation assistance will be allowed twice the time and any documents on the overhead projector clearly state to sfgovtv when you want the screen to return to live coverage. >> first speaker. >> the question does the by which quarterly on san francisco or bishop john mccartney here in california or bishop's r.c. in florida so they have the right to say what god says and jews said if you love me keep my commandments you're not
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all god, your not god, god is god and when you die what jesus is going to do when we resurrects you well, i'll shut up and let god speak millions of us are going to rejoice that jews recess instructed from the dead and all used to be supposed to the christians i was the number one enemy now christ was to be preached there's no resurrection of the dead if there be no one and a then christ be not risen we have finding false witnesses of gods that he raised up christ he raised up in if the dead rise not my fingers is intervened and
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paul talked about the future resurrection if the dead rice not then chit is notarized our father is vapor that's the problem you're in your sins okay. your sins you can't make good what god says it evil and think of that cain and king joseph fat if someone ran for office and promise to deport all the homosexuals the media would jump on them but the biennial commend them for that it really did so - >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> from supervisor wiener to supervisor christensen to others good afternoon. >> this last speaker spoke
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about god many things one of the most important thing is gadsby god once said see portion of personal things like being wealthy and were something that the person in the heart deserve that's not the holy way but emotional content and disney - but of such person things like food and clothing and holeness require for human works like farming and agricultural and the holyness to bring up all good unit's of
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scientific study have a continuous mission to see the people require less of a petty engagement. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> members of the board of supervisors ray heart for san francisco open government what you see on the screen is any appointment as a petty officer i was proud to do 12 years as a member of the united states navy this is my submarine qualifications certified it i
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was in that arduous duty i'm a veteran and here we have all the time 19 times the sunset task force has ruled that various represents the government have violated my rights to free speech and to have the official records of public meetings and to deny me access to public records i needed in order to make educated and lucid comments in the public sector in particular the library commission has gotten a lot of people involved in higher ability to suppress public comment i'd like to ask this board of supervisors when i could expect representatives of this city government to recognize my rights under the law as a citizen and veteran i'm disturbed about the city
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government of disrecord for open government policy i followed an i dr the week before last and only 5 attempted to fulfill the responsibilities under the law supervisor president london breed along with supervisor campos and supervisor yee have failed to respond in my way don't they know there are requirements under the law supervisor farrell has been held in violation has again reviewed refused to respond and the policy will colleague about the childcare. >> >> next speaker. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you. >> good afternoon madam president and members of the board i didn't want to use a
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religious one i want to extend my condolences to the family but this department i know it doesn't feel like we've lost a police officer but mr. scott explicit take the life of a police officer but a provider protector and the world away from a lovely life and brought shame to his family we can't see in the future through pitfalls it's hard to smile through the trumpet the dawn is a silence no one can see the heart can't be total right in the heart is wrong for ms. johnson we're not going to comfort you, we won't able to hear i'm not hunger i only want to rest officer johnson walked
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into death with encourage he's in a place far beyond the stars what i officer johnson can leave the illustrate lightwell at the stairway one day we got to leave this world of we want to stay our job wouldn't permit us thank you very much. >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> . >> thank you supervisor president breed and other victims i'm christopher i've been comboufrd i roadways to comment on the intermittently comment on drivers one noted one person was killed by traffic so for in the city of san francisco and noted that about 3 persons a day have obey hit but not killed
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by traffic as far this year that means 3 persons are mantling simply banished instead of being killed you have to ask the injured if this is a good deal trauma is forever board members when are you going to lift our eyes and realize that 21st century has 21st century opportunity to eliminate themanual and the scraping the barbara and the killing that technology give us the capacity if you choose to use it to watch every vehicle on the streets to witness all traffic actions and finally to hold outline violators at all levels of violation who is winning this
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conflict stopping your vision zero your vision of zero death from becoming real it looks like the score is to vision zero in the playoffs and in the big game it is death one vision zero thank you breed. >> you thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi and doug i've been a driver guide since 1992 in san francisco and i'm here fighting for my job i agree the traffic safety is paramount and i think that people in my profession actually are some of the safety drivers out there i feel also when we talk about human impact we need to talk about the human impact on the variety of people in the tourism industry what it means to be a
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tougher guide in san francisco. >> sir, i'm sorry you're speaking about an item on the agenda and unfortunately you can't comment that on that. >> it is interesting the gentleman before that he spoke to the same issue why. >> this is public comment not public comment comment and answer you need to focus on a subject matter not on the agenda. >> can i make one more sentence what you need to do is consider the policies and procedures opinions and experiences of san francisco guides many would be willing to testify before you make a decision i implore you to do that we'll be back. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening members of the board and the general public comment i'm born and raised in san francisco i'm here to say that the taking
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over of san francisco by silicon valley is ridiculous there is global buses everywhere there is anywhere from 10 to 16 to 20 thousand tmcs it is a race to the bottom for those people to make a living the cab industry paid san francisco $30 million every year the tmcs give nothing to san francisco it is amazing to me that i and the city farthest the city fathers are allowing this to happen i'll say that the amount of people when the tmcs the first part when they're number one when their this is the most dangerous part of driving their uninsured many
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cases like you don't pay the insurance you can call any insurance company they don't insure the tmcs and it is incredible the mayor knew that was no insurance the mayor said they allowed this we're going to be people killed and injured in san francisco on the overflow of the drivers trying to make aing i believe the blood is on the hands of the mayor and the city father you have to control the amount of tmcs and cabs in the city this is insage i is an what's golden in san francisco. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is is marseille i've lived in san francisco for 31 years and i've
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been drying a taxi with yellow can be for years i'm here to remind san francisco that the cabs are a major asset it's not okay for the mayor to support and facilitate and petition at the same time, they charge a quarter of a million dollars for medallion supervisor president breed shortly after lucy was killed you want on an interview and called the taxi industry bloke and made sure that - i don't like competition they're not fair competition they're eating my lunch and your lunch and taking the muni rides they have pricing how can you for the record as a taxicab to drive
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someone across the city for $7 uber is doing that that's not fair we carry a million dollar liability they over low rides the streets of san francisco are not safe if you're not driving you do so that supervisor president breed i wrote you a letter to governor jerry brown and willie brown for the jurisdiction over and over and over the tmcs i want to hand it to you in case you having don't have a. >> thank you the clerk will retrieve the letter. >> good afternoon. i'm robert i am too a cab driver unfortunately this city has decided it didn't want taxis on the road you have to release the
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day there are not taxis and this is coming very soon don't think you are going to have a few years to think about it i predict in the next 18 months the entire taxi industry will collapse there is no price control an uber at present with their billions of their subsidizing drivers who take rides unfortunately, this is completely legal by all the puc registration that is our mayor enforced he didn't want restriction of tmcs for the city
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this is a tragic mistake the day there are no taxicabs do you think that the tmcs are even going to consider taxis rates they're going to be sky-high and taxis will never come back. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'll skip over this okay. there's a lot of chinese resident in district 11 they canned handle english but my supervisor wants to handle the meetings in spanish i have a problem you know the u.s. took the land and the national black anthem if you see how white
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people christians and i'll be happy to give the e-mail signed supervisor avalos i'm german a irish and russian if there's a miss that understanding i'm a catholic and proud of it i have a problem with gay people it should be a federal law get married and when i think of a sex change operation and the same treatment the rest of us have if you want an abortion go for it i'm a bro born catholic and proud of it thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> board of supervisors supervisor wiener on march 72015 you wrote an off letter
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supporting the commuter instrumentality program and said means that program has proven a way to keep cars off our streets as madam president exemplary i want to state that many people thought public have mentioned supervisors names and keep our comments to the board. >> i'll run our time now. >> it said reduce the offer gashouse and getting to work you're talking about the bus drivers and president to do something so for them provide good wages and benefits so what i want to ask you is what's the impact environmentally of 4 to 6 thousand uber vehicles per day
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uber lift vehicles those types of vehicles per day on the streets their 19 hundred cabs as people pointed out have as many of those vehicles as you want a what did i the advantage cabs are required by the city of san francisco to have either hybrid vehicles or to have gas natural gas vehicles those on the vehicles have no restrictions as people pointed out i know but we can't do anything it's regulated by the state you're right where you were in 2013 when uber and lift went on the streets we heard not a peep from you e.r. the mayor he know the mayor is out of other people's pockets and what happened then and that
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was declared a miscellaneous method who jumps in the public works headed by mr. peavy we know is - >> thank you, sir thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> madam president, supervisors, department people i'm thomas robert simpson thank you for the warm welcome to the special visits from the western edition i'm here to say i think it is really important that a number of you are here who live within 5 or 6 blocks maybe 8 blocks of this chamber my hope and my wish is that they will get an inspiration or
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something one-on-one within them that says oh, this is an african-american that used to live in my neighborhood the president of the chamber oh, it's the african-american woman from the other part of town that's from this chamber also or there's a gay white man part of the chamber they'll say off a oh a possibility i my one day be a part of this chamber so i welcome you're welcome for us i hope i didn't put you on the spot too much. one person you did mention was angela part of bringing the youth here thank you for bringing us here and hopefully one day one the youth behind me will take our position thank you very much >> thank you very much>
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