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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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test commissioner king. i'm just making sure should this thing go off the rails for some reason this vote that we're making right here is hey we're going in the right direction keep it going not slam did you slam dunk don't come back to us >> that's fair. what do you think director raphael. >> yes i'm happy to work with
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my staff to draft a letter and circulate it for approval based on what we have here and sounds like this will be another agenda item for this commission and so as the puc progresses through the commission process
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and things start to get more formulaed and that soft boiled egg becomes firm er we'll come back and keep you addressed. >> right as this information gets out to more people and i hear back from community members i want to be able to say okay this is where we are. i'm hoping this isn't the last time we have some say so on this. >> and do a letter maybe jointly from myself and director raphael to president cane and general manager kelly what do you think? >> that would be fine unless it's awkward for me to be saying. >> oh. >> we want our department to be doing things but let me see how it sounds. >> okay. maybe we leave it maybe in this motion leave it at the discretion of whether we actually draft whether it will come from myself on on the commission's behalf or if it fits for our director to join as well okay. so can i get a motion then for this commission to send a letter to the sfpuc that indicates that we support moving forward with the new version of cleanpowersf that offers a product that is
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affordable green and creates local union jobs and offer the support of the san francisco department of the environment to assist the sfpuc in this effort particularly with respect to planning behind the meter resources such as efficiency and renewable energy and with effect to community outreach a motion please. >> the second. before we do a quick vote was there any other parameters we should be aware of? all right. all of those in favor please say aye opposed say no. all right passes. thank you everybody and thank you for all of your work. a long time. >> the next item is consent agenda. all matters constitute a consent agenda are considered
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to be routine by by the commission and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote . approval of resolution 2015-02 and exemptions for city properties subject to limitations. in your packet is a copy of the draft resolution and i will be pulling up the pesticide list on the screen
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momentarily. this is an action item. >> >> if we can just have a real quick explanation for the commission and colleagues. this is a new concept that director raphael and rodriguez worked on to acknowledge that we've had a lot of public comment and also working with our deputy city attorney and these are items that are ready for adoption on a single roll call vote. any questions on that? deputy city attorney. >> if any commission member does wish to have separate discussion, they can simply request that the item be taken off the consent calendar. >> so if there's no interest to take any one of these items --
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yes commissioner king. >>
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>> so that's i just want to congratulate this department and this commission for showing that kind of leadership and let's hope we can amplify that so you know by the time we get to the hundred percent clean energy in 2035 we're also a hundred percent union city and i know that's a lot to dream for but we need to get back to those days and so i just want to commend this commission for heading us in that direction thanks. >> so colleagues, there's the two components to gleneagles it's a pathway for folks to enter a lot of different unions jobs at gleneagles maintaining the golf course and jobs in the
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city agencies and private sector all linked to this notion of apprenticeship and we get to have more sustainable golf and influence the curriculum in terms of of how folks get trained we use less water pesticide and pga is a member of the steering committee and the pga has rules when they go go to have a golf event we see the pesticide use go up for the golf tournaments we found out that's because the pga requires a certain set of standards in terms of how the golf course needs to look to be camera ready tiger woods ready but innovating it at
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gleneagles golf course in a way we use less water and pesticide and can demonstrate back to the pga that you can achieve the same things that attract your big tournaments and high profile events you can do it in a holistic immunity driven environmental ly sustainable way and that's really the fun part about it. >> if we do our job right i mean that's the idea that it's a new model so it's exciting it's a big list there's 8 different departments involved or something like this but it's exciting. all right. so no other public comment that item is done. can we hear item 12 please monica? >> announcements information and discussions. >> any announcements colleagues. ? commissioner stephenson?
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>> we had the opportunity to go out to the facility with the director and other people from staff and if you haven't had the chance to to do that next time it comes up you should definitely take advantage of it we got to walk through the whole facility and see how our free waste is turned into compost it was really great and i recommend that you guys try to to do that. >> thank thank you commissioner. [laughter] oh wow. that was quite a trip. [laughter] all right any other announcements? no? all right. so public comment on announcements? seeing none item 13 please monica. >> information report and discussion. >> just wanted to share my
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thanks again for the present [laughter] i really appreciate it. the frog is very cute. should i? that's kind of an announcement, right? all right. the announcement is i have to do it all dramatic, you know. always take care of the frog release the frog into its natural habitat all right and we got -- this is very kind. all right. i think i'm fast with a diaper now. i can really fly. i can i can swad dle i do a really good swaddle,
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and he stops crying almost immediately. do they have swad dling for adults like if you have a bad day. wow that is great. the little engine that could. let's see for our friends out there. >> my son used to have me read that book for hours. >> my son will love this as well as big brother desmon d. thank you actually big brother has a submarine, a green toys component got that at rainbow grocery of all places. oh, first key. very nice. >> this company is amazing of the they are locally made he makes it out of a hundred percent recycled p he felt and
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the color is within the plastic and it's not like anything will chip off from the color and the ceo is fantastic and this is the the greenist stuff ever. >> we've gone beyond announcements. i was just announcing that there was green toys in this box. >> i got carried away. that was not meant to be an endorsement. i apologize. please strike that from my comments. that was not all right. >> i'm very thankful for the present and the only other thing i want to stay that tour tomorrow is going to be really exciting because it's a it's a real chance to have an
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apprentice i an apprenticeship program and to connect up with us on our launch of the clean energy program and you know we'll be reporting how that goes and it's actually the first in the state to get this close to linking up the state funded training to actual job creation we hear it's the first time in the state it's happening so really exciting. all right public comment? all right seeing none public comment is closed. can we hear item 14, please, monica. >> in your packet is a copy of the report your form 700 statement of economic interest sunshine declaration training forms and certificate of ethics trainings due no later than april 1st and there's a listing of all the legislation and
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actions taken since last meeting and correspond received as well as the correspond log the last page noting all of the most recent correspond and status there of. >> thank you monica. questions, colleagues? all right. public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. thank you as always monica. item 15. >> information discussion and possible action. >> colleagues? future agenda items? commissioner stephenson . >> i would love to see us do another meeting joint with the puc it feels like it might be a good time to to do that if everyone is game. and also something we were talking about when we went up there whether or not if we do this, i would like to see a presentation on it and if we don't have a
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conversation on it whether it's policy committee or operations committee whether or not businesses have a green toolkit given to them when they come to the city. we cover so many things to commuter benefits is there an opportunity for us to put together a tool a toolkit and or training when they decide to come to the city and really try to move the needle in in making sure that some that some of the companies that may not be recycling so well so i don't know. >> that's a really great idea. >> i'm sure there are programs and. >> some of the neighbors of sf environment can maybe use
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something like that from what i hear some of the folks that are innovating around there. any other future items? just about our last chance to kind of piggyback off of commissioner commissioner stephenson maybe that could be the next flow from this letter and communication again thanking assistant general manager hale for her spending her time with us here tonight and it will be great to work with you and maybe we can get the commissions together get the band back together and update the work of our two departments might be something really nice. >> i'd be happy to convey your interest in a joint meeting to the commissioners. >> okay great that would be great commissioner king. >> at some point in time i'd like to hear about the
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synthetic turf fields as it hits channel 2 again. can we have a discussion of it? >> sounds good. yeah, that sounds like a good conversation to have one not wrought with controversy at all all right public comments? >> one last time. eric brooks san francisco clean energy advocate. i totally agree with commissioner king i think you and i both were talking about it i think some of rest of you were talking about artificial turf there's more jobs in real grass anyway and i don't want to say we told you so but we told you so and so the folks
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that didn't listen i agree we need a hearing on that i think it's very important to have a joint sfpuc environmental commission meeting of the things we've been talking about those need to be flushed out on tv for the public to see all right what's the plan how are we moving forward and how are we going to create the jobs and all of that. and one other thing -- when you did item 7, what happened the discussion was a little bit confusing i think what you voted on was sending a communication immediately to those bodies including the mayor's office but i also heard director raphael say that this would be an agenda item for approval and i wanted to make sure that that that wasn't the case and that the communication going forward now could be a future agenda item as a resolution
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just to seal the deal but i wanted to make sure the communication is happening soon because decisions are being made in the next few weeks at the sfpuc and at the board and your communication will be very valuable towards making sure those decisions are going to the right direction. >> thank thank you. director raphael. >> what i meant was the communication would go out immediately but to the point of commissioner king the program is not set in stone at this point it's still under formation and to your point of having future transparency about the direction we're going here. >> any other public comments? all right. seeing none public comment is closed.
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>> public public comments not on today's agenda. >> all right any public comments. seeing none, public comment is closed. >> adjournment 7: 25. >> thank you everybody. >> >>
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>> we broke ground in december of last year. we broke ground the day after sandy hook connecticut and had a moment of silence here. it's really great to see the silence that we experienced then and we've experienced over the years in this playground is now filled with these voices. >> 321, okay. [ applause ] >> the park was kind of bleak. it was scary and over grown. we started to help maclaren park when we found there wasn't any money in the bond for this park maclaren. we spent time for funding. it was expensive to raise money for this and there were a lot of delays. a lot of it was just the mural, the sprinklers and
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we didn't have any grass. it was that bad. we worked on sprinkler heads and grass and we fixed everything. we worked hard collecting everything. we had about 400 group members. every a little bit helped and now the park is busy all week. there is people with kids using the park and using strollers and now it's safer by utilizing it. >> maclaren park being the largest second park one of the best kept secrets. what's exciting about this activation in particular is that it's the first of many. it's also representation of our city coming together but not only on the bureaucratic side of things. but also our neighbors, neighbors helped this happen. we are thrilled that today we are seeing the fruition of all that work in
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this city's open space. >> when we got involved with this park there was a broken swing set and half of -- for me, one thing i really like to point out to other groups is that when you are competing for funding in a hole on the ground, you need to articulate what you need for your park. i always point as this sight as a model for other communities. >> i hope we continue to work on the other empty pits that are here. there are still a lot of areas that need help at maclaren park. we hope grants and money will be available to continue to improve this park to make it shine. it's a really hidden jewel. a lot of people don't know it's here. .
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>> welcome to the march 25, 2015, meeting of san francisco board of appeals the presiding officer is our president commissioner president lazarus joined by commissioner vice president honda and commissioner fung and commissioner wilson is absent we have a vacant seat when