tv [untitled] April 4, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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when describing the frail elderly and their condition and how they're going to be gardening and how are they going -- boxes -- because i don't think i could stoop that low to do any gardening. >> they're going to be raised beds. >> okay. >> and there will be stools for them to sit on and they would be modified for them to be able to reach. >> that is a lot of -- that's my concerns when i looked the frail elderly and how much chopping? that's a lot of exercise, so i was just wondering if there is something raised. if somebody is in a wheelchair can they get -- >> definitely. there will be enough space to do so. duly noted. >> thank you. commissioner ow. >> yes, i want to congratulate the staff as picking the
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hunters point as the pilot project for gardening but hopefully when more funding is coming in i hope that you will spread out the good gardening to other neighborhoods. >> [inaudible] >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? >> just one. it's not going just to hunters point. it's actually in the western edition. >> so there is more than one spot? >> correct. there are three. >> oh three. >> the money is going. >> very good. thank you. >> any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> before we vote can i make a comment? it's a positive one. i was on the training on map thai chi -- >> we will vote -- >> we're not getting into thai chi. >> we will. it's next.
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>> all right. >> again call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item f requesting authorization to modify the grant with self-help for the elderly for community services during the period of march 1, 2015 through august 31, 2015 in the additional amount of $46,321 for revised total grant amount not to exceed $1,560,546 . welcome back linda. >> thank you commissioners. this is request to modify self-help for the elderly's contract to include the snap-ed project with the thai chi program that was alluded to and i will turn it over to my colleague to share more details
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about the program. >> thank you and welcome. >> thank you linda. good morning commissioners, director hinton. i am sara chen nutritionists from daas and i am very happy to be here today to walk you through the thai chi program and as we know [inaudible] other leading causes for injuries and disabilities and that affect our seniors to live independently and the quality of life in their life, and so daas is very pleased to introduce this thai chi for arthritis and prevention program to our community and this program is an evaluation based program developed dr. paul lim of thai chi institute and which adopt a very -- well, they use simplified thai chi forms and slow motion to focus on
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prevention of arthritis clients as well as to improve the participants' physical activity level, and in this program we're happy to have the grantee self-help for the elderly to implement this project, and in this project self-help for the elderly will focus on two aspects. the first aspect will be implementing this thai chi program in the community and self help be collaborating with community partners and implement at least 10 sites in our community and to offer this thai chi program to 200 unduplicated clients and these classes will be one hour each and last about six weeks and meet a couple of times a week and taught by certified trainers, and the other part of this thai chi program is very important to be
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sustainable, so self help will coordinate and offer a workshop and we have one that happened last weekend and was really successful and the thai chi program -- this program will be able to allow the community partners to send their staff and volunteers to the chinatown program and have the master trainer from thai chee for health institute to certify the trainers and continue to provide support to the trainers, so this is also very important piece of the project, and the outcome will be measured by surveys and also pre and post evaluation tools provided by california department of aging, and so the outcome is really have this program collaborate with community partners, and to be able to work collectively and
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help our seniors to have a quality, to have the assets and quality based evidence program and reduce the fall risk, improve independence of life and also to be able to increase their physical activities, and so in this project you have the full scope of service and the budget detail in front of you, and we're asking your -- seeking your approval for the additional of $46,321 to self-help for the elderly to implement this project. i am here to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you very much. a motion to approve and a second for discussion. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the commission? commissioner loo. >> okay. as i understand last
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week and training you charge people for coming to the workshop. since you get the money from the state why are you charging the people if. >> one of the fees listed on the program application is we really want people to have the commitment. when they're trained they can bring the skill back to the center back to the community to implement the class so in lieu of that if they provide the classes at the sites and the fee will be waived. actually there is a few waiver process and yes, and if they are unable to fulfill that commitment those fees we're asking the grantees to be able to put into the stipend pool so we can extend this program to provide more and more this type
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of programming in our community. >> you mean the money you collected for the fees will go back to the agency? >> will go to the project in house. >> if i may to add some clarification. as sara mentioned there is a fee waiver for the participants to sign up for the workshop. we know from experience that the workshop is free oftentimes you don't get committed trainers to come back and do the classes and our goal is really have the certified trainers to implement the thai chi program in the various senior centers in the community, so i would say the majority of the people that sign up for the training apply for the fee waiver and in order to qualify they're saying they are committed to implementing at least one series of the thai chi class and as sara mentioned also those that are not going to
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apply for the fee waiver the fee that self-help for the elderly received will be going back into this project, and allow us to pay stipends to hire other certified trainers to implement the program. >> are there senior discounts? >> there is a discount for volunteers, yeah, so instead of $250 which is the going rate for full two day training plus materials for a volunteer is $150. >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? >> can i say something? i went through those two days classes. i already have benefits. my palm used to be white. now it's turning red. that means circulation. my blood is flowing. hopefully two months, three months my face will turn red. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> to show that i practice.
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>> thank you for that testimonial. any other comments or questions from the commission? comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. the next item on the agenda announcements. any announcements? hearing none moving on any public comment? hearing none motion to od junior. >> moved. >> second. >> >> i have a second by rising vote. thank you. you.
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erase that. >> everything is in a bad food to excite them about the food and they have time to learn about us. >> people are imitated by traveling and the last thing to do is come to a place fill of chaos. >> telling me how the extent of napa a farms came about. >> it was a vision of the airport director he had a suspicion of a really cool gourmet speciality market locally friendly products this market local flavors this is the best. >> can we get a little tour. >> absolutely (laughter) ♪ ♪ >> so first on our tour. >> we have the clock we like to
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call it. >> this is coordinating it is made in san francisco. >> what about the customer presence. >> we like to get the permanent farther i love the cappuccino and you have to go to multiple places for the cupcakes the cup a cakes from kari's people want to live here they're longing phone call for one thing in one spot in you know anything about san francisco the cheese the most popular cheesy think a lot of the people from the west coast say so this the real san francisco sour dough and they're curious. >> you find people respond to the idea of organic and absolutely. >> this is autumn. >> thank you, thank you and there's a lot of personal touch.
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>> i see san francisco. >> it's very hands on. >> what's the most popular items. >> this is quite surprising our fresh jotting this is the chronicle special a bowl of warm oats and coconut that's mites farther. >> and speaking of drinks tell me again the cocktail scenes is that one, the things your known for . >> the cocktails are fantastic. >> really. >> fresh ingredients we don't have a mixture it to order this is our marcus bloody mayor. >> farmer's market bloody mary
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the bloody marys in the airport are great shikz it up. and then we're going to garnish it with olives. and some lime and a fresh stalk of selly. right on. >> we like >> good morning, welcome to the meeting of the board of supervisors i am john, avalos and joined by tang and cohen and our clerk is lisa and do
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you have any announcements for us? >> be sure to silence devices, items today will be on the april 7th board agenda, unless others stated. >> the first part of the agenda includes the members of the board of supervisors who are applying for the outside committee and regional bodies and there will be an opening perhaps, that has to leave at noon, and we will open that up and continue it to the end of the agenda, when we will do the other interviewwise the monitor committee applicant and let's go to the first item. >> item number one is a motion
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>> purpose mar has been there and he does not need to be here to present and so we can open it up for any comment, and any member of the public that would like to comment on the application to lafco, and seeing none, we will close the public comment and could we have a motion to move forward. >> i would like to move supervisor mar to lafco and this to the full board with the positive recommendations. >> and that is seconded by cohen and do you have any? >> sorry i don't. >> okay, we can take that without objection. >> and next item please? >> item number 2 is a motion reappointing supervisor kim term ending june 30, 2015, to the association of bay area governments executive board. >> same situation, with
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supervisor jane kim. applying for the abag and the executive board and open it up for public comment, any member of the public that would like to comment. seeing none we will close. and if we could have a motion for supervisor kim? >> so moved. >> okay. and seconded by cohen. and we will take that without objection. >> thank you. >> item three. >> a motion appointing sburp julie christensen term ending june, 30, 2016, to the association of bay area governments executive board we will open it up for public comment and we will close the public comment and move that forward with recommendation and, could we take that without objection. item four, to change the composition of the family violence council and to establish the sunset date for the council. >> okay. and this is item sponsored by supervisor tang.
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>> all right. >> thank you very much, i will be quick on this. basically the family violence council is something that is unique in our state. and it is the only inner agency and county wide advisory council dealing with child abuse and domestic violence and elder abuse, the recommendations have sparked really great improvements in san francisco. and it was for example, instrumental in advocating for the children's advocacy center which is a state of the art forensic interview for children, and it helped to establish the intervention, program and to assist the department of emergency management in establishing specialized codes for various types of family violence and now the council is in the fourth year of producing the report on violence in san francisco and highlights the trends and helps to show the various ways of the victims of violence can access hope and so we thought that consulting with
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many of the city departments it was the appropriate time to make the updates to the ordinates that were made during the fourth annual report and so in short, the amendments include adding 16 members to the council, that includes, juvenile probation, public defender, animal care control and the san francisco unified school district and the human resources director and the fire department and there are a few other changes to the ordinance that will just help to insure the rotation of the committee numbers and just foster new leadership and so i want to thank you colleagues for your support on this, and at this time, i want i also wanted to thank supervisors breed and co-hen of course for co-sponsoring this, i know that we have, three departments, who are going to present on this and i believe that the rest may speak during public comment, so i would like to invite up the representatives from the commission on status of women, the department of adult and
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aging services, our district attorney's office and i think that i all see juvenile and probation here, and so any department if you want to come up and just briefly provide some information on this item. that will be great. >> good morning, chair, avalos, and vice chair tang and supervisor cohen i am the assistant district attorney and i am presently the managing attorney of the domestic violence unit in our office. and we urge and support passage of these amendments to the family, violence council, ordinance, and the fbc, is a perfect venue for collaboration and exchange of ideas and much needed improvements, to our criminal justice system's response to not only domestic violence, but stalking and elder abuse, the council and all of its members work tirelessly to improve and develop needed policies and protocols to benefit the most vulnerable in our society, women and, children and elders
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affected by domestic violence and abuse, as you know the san francisco commission and the department on the status of women established the justice encourage oversight panel in response to the tragic murder of claire joyce temp anco in 2000. and since then, it is numerous subcommittees worked tirelessly for 12 years to study and address the much-needed recommendations to how our city agencies would address a response, and work to report it, and report the investigations regarding domestic violence, and in october of 2014. the final evaluation of the justice encourage oversight panel on domestic violence and policy reform in san francisco was published and however, as a dear friend of ours, beverly upton wants to say that our work is not yet done, the study
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lists a complete list and status of pending recommendations which i brought with me and i have it on my desk as a constant reminder of the fact that we have a lot of work that needs to do and that work, rather than have them collect dust in a nice binder, that work is or will be done and can be done wi the family violence council, and in its present form, we have a subcommittee, appropriately titled the justice and courage subcommittee and the representatives of our community, police department and probation, and the victims services advocates and district attorney office meet to continuously work on addressing these pending concerns, and still developing policies. needless to say that it is imperative to pass this ordinance and vice chair tang already addressed the formal of the much needed members it is imperative to have the collaboration of these important key members that will
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be participating to formalize it and i will not repeat what vice chair tang outlined many of them some of who may address the committee it morning and so all of the partners are key if we were to continue and thrive and erratical domestic violence and we thank you for addressing the work of the family violence council and we applaud the recommendations and thank you for the support and urge the passage, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> good morning, supervisors and avalos and taning and cohen. and i just wanted to very briefly speak in support of these amendments in support of the family violence council and the juvenile probation department has been actively participating on the council for several years voluntarily and because we understand sxa recognize the importance of the work that this group does, we are pleased to see that the
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sponsor ship from the board of supervisors to continue this family violence council, and to support the amendments to the council, and is being advanced, we will look forward to continuing to work in collaboration with the other partners, and we recognize the family violence has a devastating impact on young people, often resulting in their involvement in the juvenile justice system and to the ex-at extent that we have coordination and we believe that the continued effort will help to prevent the further domestic violence and therefore we support this amendment and i thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. >> good morning, supervisors, susan with the department of human resources just happy to be here today and say that we are in full support of the ordinance and we are very honored to participate in the collaboration with all of the departments involved and it is
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a natural extension with the partnership with the department on the status of women to provide the resources and assistance to the city employees who may be dealing with issues related to family violence and we are supportive and happy to be a part of the collaboration. >> thank you. >> good morning, supervisors, my name is mimi and i am the director of the woman's policy on the department of the status of women and thank you for supervisor tang and supervisors breed and cohen for co-sponsoring, they have the lucky to work with them and we are happy to work every day to improve the response to the domestic violence and elder abuse and child abuse and one of the aspects that make our council unique in the way in which it is a true collaboration between our non-profit agencies that provide the services and our city departments of the structures that it is chaired by three chairs who come from the community based
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organizations and then there are the members of the council, that come from the city departments so it really works, so well, and as supervisor tang mentioned we are unique in the state in really addressing all three of these issues and in the way in which we are structured and it is very exciting to be able to add the six new partners some of whom have been participating and some who are new and really making sure that we are getting all of the various agencis that might have an impact on being able to improve the situation for survivors of child abuse and elder abuse or domestic violence and we are so proud about the reports that we have put together and i think that makes us unique in the state and in the depths of the data that we provide if you have not had the chance to read the most recent one and it is a bit long and we have revealing information about where people are seeking services and the way in which various city agencies are responding and i want to call up sergeant who is here from the special victim's unit of the police department and give him a chance to speak
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as well. >> thank you, good afternoon. and i am antonio with the special victim's unit and i am the acting officer in charge of the domestic violence portion, with the luxury that i have been with the domestic violence unit for approximately almost 14 years. and i have seen the growth, and i know as being part of the partnership that it is important that we continue this. so, this police department is totally in support of this and if you have any questions i would be free to take those. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and you? >> thank you very much. >> all right. i think that is all for the department representatives and do we have more from the departments? any of the non-profit agencies will have to speak during the public comment just as a reminder. okay. all right. >> okay that is all of the department representatives, we can go on to public comment, public comment is now opened on this item, come forward.
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>> good morning, supervisors. thank you, so much for having this hearing today, i am privileged and honored to support the family violence ordinance and i'm katie the executive director of the san francisco child abuse prevention center and one of the tri chairs of the family violence council, the san francisco violence council is truly the best practice in the state and we are the only counsel to join together domestic violence and elder abuse in an inner agency county wide, body and it allows us a opportunity to address the violence with innovative and effective coordination, with the support of the council, san francisco can be proud of accomplishments in recent years and i will speak now to just child abuse prevention and my co-chairs will speak about domestic and elder abuse, first we can be proud of the increase in the investments and the under served children with the
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recent voter approved, extension of the children's fund and the public education and enrichment fund and this increases the critical funding for the next two decades to serve the children in the transitional use many of whom are at risk of neglect in the community. >> and second we can be proud of greater accountability for the support of child abuse offenders through the intervention program a comprehensive, 52 week, program for the convicted child abuse placed on probation, and san francisco was the third county in the state, to implement such a program. and third is supervisor tang mentioned we can be very proud of the open and the accreditation for the children's advocacy center and this is located in the bay view for the children to find justice and heal with all of the city partners that need to hear that child's story and it is one of the highlights of my career and the child abuse prevention
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