tv [untitled] April 4, 2015 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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recent voter approved, extension of the children's fund and the public education and enrichment fund and this increases the critical funding for the next two decades to serve the children in the transitional use many of whom are at risk of neglect in the community. >> and second we can be proud of greater accountability for the support of child abuse offenders through the intervention program a comprehensive, 52 week, program for the convicted child abuse placed on probation, and san francisco was the third county in the state, to implement such a program. and third is supervisor tang mentioned we can be very proud of the open and the accreditation for the children's advocacy center and this is located in the bay view for the children to find justice and heal with all of the city partners that need to hear that child's story and it is one of the highlights of my career and the child abuse prevention center and something
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that the city should be proutd of. finally we can are proud of the -- >> that was your time. >> that was your. next speaker, please? >> when you hear the second ding, the mic is off. we hear you, i think, it might not be picked up by the television viewers. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is shauna reevee and the director of elder abuse prevention, and i also direct the elder abuse center for the city and county of san francisco and we are one of eight forensic centers in the country and one of the first as well and i fully support this ordinance to expand the membership of the family
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violence council bas the family violence council is crucial in highlighting the abuse and across the life span and does not turn into another form of abuse, mainly the elder abuse, when someone hits age 65, this recognition, is unique among counties and i have worked in other counties and the recognition that abuse, occurring across the life span is all related and the work in the report that come out of the family violence council and form what we do at the forensics center and makes the work that we do multidiscipline and multty generational and so i support this ordinance, thank you. >> next speaker please? >> pardon my voice, beverly upton, and the reason that i traveled to washington, d.c. last week to present and i came back with a grocy sound, thank you, as most of you know san
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francisco in most counties in san francisco, and in california, had a dow mist i can violence council, for almost 20 years, and we decided five years ago, to expand it and take it off line and bring it up to the next century so we did that and we took it off line and looked at what we can offer san francisco. and what we saw was an opportunity to blend our good work, with elder abuse, and child abuse and domestic violence and i am so proud of this collaboration. and i am so proud of our partnership with the department on the status of women, that supports this project and really helps to keep us all moving forward and my incredible co-chairs from the elder and the child abuse, and the six new members that are in the proposed legislation will add to the depth and the breadth of what the council can do and so as we see the new codes for 911 and the new protocols and we see the additional resources for the service providers and we will see the additional people at the table and the animal care and control and the fire department and hr that can really help to embed this work
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in the city and so i want to thank supervisor tang, and supervisor breed and cohen for their work and i want to thank you in advance for passing this resolution. >> thank you very much, if there are no other members of the public, who want to comment, we will close public comment, and we have this item live before us. >> supervisor taning? >> thank you, i want to thank all of the different people who came out today, and whether it was a department representative or the people who do incredible work in the community and thank you for being part of this wonderful forward thinking klabive and i think that you do amazing work and inspirational and i hope that my colleagues will be able to support me in adding these critical departments to the new membership. >> thank you, i also want to take a moment to acknowledge the hard working men and women, mostly women, that are on the front lines that are just really helping to make our city better. >> and so, to the department
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heads and to the non-profits and i know that it is a thankless job and we know how it can be thankless and i just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. >> and my comments are that this family violence council, makes so much sense. we have many households where the children and the couples and elders all live in the same place, and having it and recognizes the unique needs that the neighborhoods have and work towards the greater for the community and i will be backing this legislation and i want to thank the community members and the department heads and supervisor tang's office for moving it forward. >> thank you. >> and so can we have a motion to move this forward. >> yes. >> and we will take that colleagues without objection.
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>> congratulations. >> we will go out of order and we have an applicant that is applying for a seat on the shelter committees that has to leave at ten, and let's go to item 8 and we will continue the item to the rest of the meeting. >> a hearing to consider appointing three members and terms ending november, 23, to the shelter monitoring committee, there are three seats and four applicants. >> so this is opened up for applicant, darcel jackson, if you could spend a couple of minutes talking about your interest in the shelter committee and what your experience has been and understanding i have heretofore what the committee is about and what would you like to achieve as a member of the committee? >> first of all my name is darcel jackson and i have been
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experienced and percent and i think that i am a good candidate and i am involved in a number of projects and the co-founder of shelter tec, which is bringing free wi-fi to shelter sos that the people can close that digital divide and use it for the job searches, and the job searches and resumes, and you know, so that we can, transition from the homelessness. and having been momentless on two different occasions because of the economics, as an iron worker, and the work slowed down and i could not find work and ended up homeless, and so i get to meet the homeless people, and there is a lot of people that just want to make a transition, and anything that i can do to help them. and having been in the shelter, and you know, i would like to be instrumental in keeping it on par and maybe even making it better. >> and what would be making it better look like to you? from your experience?
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>> i think that there should be more emphasis on transitioning from homelessness, to the getting back into the workforce connecting with family, and getting out of the shelter. and there is a group and i think that, 40 percent of the people already have the tools to get out of this shelter if they had access to things like computers, from getting job resumes and then there is, and it isn't designed for people like that can youer kur you are cently and if you have a job, you have the requirements that you have to check in at 2:00, and if you get in a job, it is 9:00 to 5:00 and how are you going to check in at 2:00 there needs to be more attention put on the people who are trying to make a transition, some people are not cap able of making the transition, because i lived among some of them but there is a great number of them that want to make that transition and there are hindrances in the way so that they can't. >> great. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> anything else to add? >> no. i am going to go to school. i am making a transition. >> okay. >> so we are going to actually make the vote on the applicants at the end of the meeting today so if you want to check in with my office. >> i actually they gave me permission to stay, and i am going to the chef school at the services and they thought that this was important so that i could stay. >> okay, i just missed that great lunch that we have every day. >> all right. >> right on. thank you. >> and so we will continue this item to the end and we will go to the next item which is number five. >> confirming the mayor's reappointment of joel ramos to the board of directors term ending march 1, very good. >> please come forward. >> this is one of our key appointments that we have today, but in general one of the most important ones of the city and so i want to thank you
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for your service, up to today. and but, now, looking for your second round on the mta board of directors. and so, here you are here to present, and we are here to check you out. >> thank you. so much, chairman, avalos, and vice chair tang and supervisor co-hen and it is an honor to have been submitted to be considered for reappointment and it has been a privilege, i know, serving up there on that board, and it is a very tough position, because transportation, is so critical to all of our lives. and i, i feel as though, the past four years i have learned a lot. and there is a lot to learn. but i feel like we have been able to move the city forward in a positive direction in ways that i think that can be seen in a lot of the improvements that we have seen through the transportation system and one of my first goals that i had
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coming on to the mta was to move forward the concept of boarding and all door boarding is what is allowing us to be able to speed along our service to allow the people to get on to any door and without having to cue up like they still do in the east bay, so if you are ever interested in what it looks like or feels like, i would encourage you to take the bus on ac transit where they are still suffering from, what feels like agonizing delays while the people cue up one by one and now they are looking at us and trying to replicate that system. and another thing that i think that has been a wonderful benefit to the boarding has been an increase in safety on our system and we have seen lower cases of fare evasion and i think that with the fare inspectors i know that there is safety and supervisor cohen you are interested in making sure
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was, implemented in your district. one of the other things that i think that i have been able to help to move along, i feel is an important issue for a lot of our community and it has been the free muni for the long commute and seniors it was one of my priority to make sure that we are doing everything that we could to make the system affordable and accessible for everyone and as we know that the city is not getting less expensive to live in where we can help the people stay in the city, i think that we are doing something that would be most appreciated by everyone. and that particular, and those actions along with what we have been able to do with the muni forward, we are seeing the dedicated transit lawns lanes and a little bit of the adjustments to the system and the adjustments that have not been made in the generations all working to improve not just the corridor routes and the computer lines but the local service as well and over the next four years as we continue to roll that out i want to be
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sure that we do that in a way that is sensitive to the community's needs and as you all know that i am not exclusively transit rider and i am off and very much a pedestrian, and supervisor tang and i am also, very frequently as walking around your district as a pedestrian and living out in the inner sunset. and but we do get out to the sunset a lot, and i know how important and critical vision zero is to you, and to everyone, frankly, but i have seen you be a champion of that, and i want to make sure that we can achieve real results in the short term that we have set for ourself to get to vision zero. and i see that, in most primarily, by winning more funding to be able to get the infrastructure improvements that we need for the vision zero and i think that if any, or if the past election, and ballot measures are any indication of the measures that we are making and i think that
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we have been doing a good job, i feel as though one of the primary challenges that we are looking at with my next four years is this question of the, all of the transit systems that are showing up that are quite within our jurisdiction of regulation, and it has been, something that we or i have not been to a meeting in the past three years and i have not heard about, there are tremendous challenges ahead and there are terrific opportunities and there are challenges and having, worked in transit advocacy for the last, nine years, professionally, i do know that if we don't, and we are not on top of regulating our system its could, actually back fire and we would end up looking like the city of bogata, or just about any city in any less developed country where the streets are flooded with under regulated transit opportunities, and that come mri indicates the entire system and so thinking about the long term implications of every regulation that we set up and everything that we do basically, it is something that
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i will be thinking about as we move forward over the next four years, so i will stop there and i know that you guys have a lot to do and you are busy, but i did want to communicate how excited i am about the opportunity and i am not doing this for an election any time, and i am doing this because i love this city, like all of you, and i feel like i have something to offer, and i would gladly step aside if somebody more qualified was able to offer something more effective but for now, i am happy to step up in and do the job if you will have me. so, thank you all so much for your own service. >> thank you, i want to thank you for your service on the board of directors and mta and it has been really great to see what the mta has been able to move forward in terms of infrastructure and in terms of new fleet that we are working towards building, and in terms of the attention to the pedestrian safety, and where we are now seeing, the mta and in a place that has not been in 25, 26 years, and to live in
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san francisco and they were called back in the 90 and what to talk about 100 days that is not the kind of approach to really how we make a long term changes and the investments in the transit systems and thes really a full time around the clock effort. and looking at various parts of the system in terms of the infrastructure and the streets and our buses and the light rail vehicles and the whole works and that is something that i see really being fully attended to by the mta and it is in the past way and the past week, how, the mta has been taking some strange hits because of the new i would say, premium private system that is in place, and there is all of this discussion, like why would you want to be on muni and like it is incredible, and because hundreds of thousands of people ride muni every day and some of us ride it in businesses, and
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we don't mind you know, it is not a system that needs another level of elite, care, and it is something that we need to on tend to and i appreciate your voice in that effort, and i for one will be supporting you, of course and much of the colleagues have much to add. >> thank you very much and i think that director ramos, you hit upon a lot of issues that are really, really that i was going to ask you about any way and i think that based on your past experience already, you have dealt with many of those issues and i think that these will always address the issue with some of the outside, non-mta type of outfits that have been coming up in san francisco and i think that on the one hand we can learn from them that if they are croping up it is because there is probably a need that is not being met by our own transit agency and so what can we do better and whether it has to do with taxis or anything else or just regular mta service and i encourage us to move forward and figure out how to regulate
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and get a handle on them and identify what are the weaknesses and how to do a better job to serve the customers as well. and keep coming up with the great ideas such as the boarding that has helped a lot and i think that the creative solutions that don't cost a lot of money but helps to feed the transit that is important. and for me, i am going to be paying a lot of attention to the muni forward initiative and i know that mta has helped, a series of community meetings already and they are going to continue doing that, but i have not seen for some reason, a level of participation at least on the west side for some of these meetings and so maybe we need to think creatively that how it is that we do the out reach, for example, if i am aware there is a proposal to put in 8 traffic signals, in a residential neighborhood and yet, no one with these meetings and i know that there is going to be a lot of talk about this, and what are some ways that we can do better out reach to make sure that everyone is aware of these proposals in every single district of san francisco, and moving forward so that we can
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move muni forward. and so, i will, look forward to working with you off line on that as well. >> thank you for being here and thank you for your service. >> thank you, supervisor. >> cohen. >> just quickly, i am happy to support you. thank you. >> and the reason why i am happy to support you really goes back to several years ago after you were appointed, we ran into each other on bart in the east bay. >> and we had an opportunity to have a really good conversation as we were coming back to the city. >> thank you. >> on public transportation, and it was really refreshing to see your commissioner, and your mta commissioners on the public transportation and i can appreciate, i think, your father, you have children? >> well i am raising my niece. >> okay, and you had a child and discussions about challenges of families particularly those that represent in the southeastern part of the city, and the station and the valley neighborhood and the southern
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parts of bay view, really, and the cities desire to the transit first and how that is almost like a catch 22. >> yeah. >> the city desires to be transit first, but yet, transit accessibility but more importantly reliability. >> it is not where it needs to be. >> and so, i, again, want to impress upon you the importance of the eliminate of the switch back and just a profound level of frustration when it comes to not understanding the purpose of the switch backs and just really feeling, like the city is sliding them because of where they live. and it is very much a social justice issue. and certainly, that is the lens that i look at it through as well as my constituents and so i would love to count you on as a partner to help to eliminate
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the switch backs and i know that we have hired the operators and fixing the vtags on the light rail and moving, into the 21st century, and to where, our transit definitely is matching our desire to be transit first, so that is a very long way of seeing, congratulations you are one step closer to being reconfirmed and i am happy to support you today. >> i am looking forward to supporting you. >> so, last year my office did a lot of work with the mat and the community stake holders as well about how we can have an equity framework for how the mta makes the decisions around the deployment and the infrastructure and it was a process that the mta actually did a lot of work at the table with us and including, you know, the general manager or the director ed and elicia, and john was part of that as well and other staff members and so
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i would like to see that work continue and i think that it addresses the issues, the social justice issues that supervisor cohen has brought up and especially when we look at the more out lying neighborhoods of san francisco and often, the transit and the density of the options are not quite the same as other places and effects our ability to access, and we would make sure that we continue that partnership with you to work on those issues and i know that is your bread and butter as to what you care about as the director. >> yes,vy been working with the staff and sharing the lessons that i have been able to learn with partnering with organizations that are trusted and have deep roots and are connected to the dmaunts we are trying to serve and make sure that there is better representation and every decision and conversation that we have going forward. i will certainly continue to be vigilant about those issues. >> okay, so we will open up this item for public comment and any member of the public who would like to comment come
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forward. and seeing no member come forward we will close public comment. >> oh, we will reopen public comment. >> please come forward. >> thank you. >> that one is fine. >> okay, madilen and director and founder of folks for polk and i want to speak on behave of ramos reappointment, two years ago i was a new ad advocate and everything that i did was a public mistake and ramos was actually incredibly inviting, and listened really listened besides of all of the wonderful qualification and his track record i would like to say that he has an abundance of something that is very under valued which is heart, and so he would take me aside to find out what it was that i wanted to say or more of what i wanted to say, and i think that the knock on effect of other people engaging and being civilically
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involved is incredibly important when they are being listened to, otherwise we get the people who will just back off and we are a city who prides ourselves on economy, and engagement and all of that and the people par participating, and so i just want to say that he has been an extraordinary person to know, and in coming and cutting my teeth as an advocate and i do speak for a lot of people who feel the same way as well, very open, to hearing suggestions and no matter how silly or how off of the wall, and yes, i just want to say that is very good for the future of san francisco, going forward, thank you. >> thank you. >> and any other members of the public who would like to comment? >> seeing none, move forward we will close the public comment. >> and if we could have a motion to move it forward. >> so moved. >> and we will take that colleagues without objection. and congratulations mr. ramos. >> next item, please? >> item 6 is a hearing
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considered to appoint one member, term ending january 15, to the san francisco health authority and there is one seat and one applicant. >> very good, we have miss emily webb who is approaching the podium welcome. >> good morning, supervisors thank you so much for having me here today in consideration of the seat on the san francisco health authority, i am excited to be here today with the opportunity to join the health authority board and i actually worked for san francisco, health plans, and between, 2007, and 2011, and on the implementation of healthy san francisco, and the expansion of managed care to senior and the people with disabilities and so i have is a really deep appreciation and understanding of the work of the health plan and i am very excited at the prospect of being able to join the board and help to steer the organization from a different lens and i left the health plan
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to go to graduate school to get a health degree in health policy and management and then i joined, cpmc after graduation and my work there has really been focused on our patients that are enrolled in san francisco health plan, and we have several programs through north east medical services, brown and hill, and about 30 percent of the health plans, are membership comes to a facility, whether it be saint lukes or one of our other three campuses. and i have been heavily involved in working with those partners on care coordination and access for members, and so i think that experience will be an asset to the health plan board and the issues that i am particularly interested in working on at the health plan are provider access and i think that with the medical expansion and the growing membership with the health plan and we want to
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make sure that the people not only have insurance but they have access to doctor whens they need them in a timely man and her that is shg that i am looking forward to digging into with health plan, and i also you know, think that the board's rule making sure that we, the health plan is meeting regulatory requirements, and financially viable, so that it is around for the 130,000 residents of san francisco, that it serves. and that is another thing that i, you know, take very seriously and i look forward to working on. and so i am happy to answer any questions and thank you very much for considering my appointment to the board. >> just if you could further expound and you are interested in what you see as the challenges and the opportunities for the health authority, moving forward. >> and yeah, i think that the challenges, and they would also be opportunities are, you know, the membership that has come into the health plan, since the affordable care act, is really very different than the membership that has been part of the health plan from its
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inception and so we are moving really from the women and children can who are mandated to be in that care and seniors and people with disabilities and older aduments and really anyone, who needs the medical income eligiblebilities and establishing that to care for the changing population is something that we to give the opportunity for the health plan to add value to what could be a fragmented system and really to work on the care coordination and making sure that we are investing in the timely access but also, the programs that suppliment what providers have fallen to members. so that is i think, one of the, you know, the biggest challenges and along with that comes, you know, financial implications of serving ivery different population with the different needs, and so, as a board, working to make sure
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that we have the help to be viable long term is to kind of challenge associated with that. >> great. do you know where san francisco is it compared to the other places, in terms of their over all coordination? is this the health authority that we have here very unique to california, or is there similar bodies and efforts and maybe you might compare with them. >> yeah, throughout california, counties with enough members, have a two-plan, healthcare model and so there is always a local, like the san francisco health authority and a commercial partner. and i would say that the san francisco health authority is unique, and consistently and it is recognized for its quality and out come and received the gold award for i think the last five or six years, certainly since i have been there and so it has been recognized for a really excellent quality and partnering with the providers and care coordination is a part
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of that but i think that we always need the opportunity to look at new programs with the new populations coming into managed care. >> great, thank you. >> and the colleagues any comments or questions? >> seeing none, thank you for your, supervisor tang? >> just a quick comment and i just wanted to thank you, because i know that you helped out our office when we were partnering with them for the international woman's day celebration and really helping to get the clients paired up with some of the services and it looks like we were probably at, and around the same time. >> yeah, nice to see a fellow ider. >> thank you. >> great. thank you for your presentation. >> thank you very much. >> okay, and this item is now opened up for public comment, and any member of the public that would like to comment, >> thanks so much for letting me speak, i am from the san francisco health plan and we
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