tv [untitled] April 4, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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out. we wouldn't take action on that today. >> correct. commissioner james. >> i just had one question and when describing the frail elderly and their condition and how they're going to be gardening and how are they going -- boxes -- because i don't think i could stoop that low to do any gardening. >> they're going to be raised beds. >> okay. >> and there will be stools for them to sit on and they would be modified for them to be able to reach. >> that is a lot of -- that's my concerns when i looked the frail elderly and how much chopping? that's a lot of exercise, so i was just wondering if there is something raised. if somebody is in a wheelchair can they get -- >> definitely. there will be enough space to do so. duly
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noted. >> thank you. commissioner ow. >> yes, i want to congratulate the staff as picking the hunters point as the pilot project for gardening but hopefully when more funding is coming in i hope that you will spread out the good gardening to other neighborhoods. >> [inaudible] >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? >> just one. it's not going just to hunters point. it's actually in the western edition. >> so there is more than one spot? >> correct. there are three. >> oh three. >> the money is going. >> very good. thank you. >> any other comments or questions from the commission? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> before we vote can i make a comment? it's a positive one. i was on the training on map
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thai chi -- >> we will vote -- >> we're not getting into thai chi. >> we will. it's next. >> all right. >> again call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. item f requesting authorization to modify the grant with self-help for the elderly for community services during the period of march 1, 2015 through august 31, 2015 in the additional amount of $46,321 for revised total grant amount not to exceed $1,560,546 . welcome back linda. >> thank you commissioners. this is request to modify self-help for the elderly's contract to include the snap-ed project with the thai chi
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program that was alluded to and i will turn it over to my colleague to share more details about the program. >> thank you and welcome. >> thank you linda. good morning commissioners, director hinton. i am sara chen nutritionists from daas and i am very happy to be here today to walk you through the thai chi program and as we know [inaudible] other leading causes for injuries and disabilities and that affect our seniors to live independently and the quality of life in their life, and so daas is very pleased to introduce this thai chi for arthritis and prevention program to our community and this program is an evaluation based program developed dr. paul lim of thai chi institute and which adopt a very -- well, they use
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simplified thai chi forms and slow motion to focus on prevention of arthritis clients as well as to improve the participants' physical activity level, and in this program we're happy to have the grantee self-help for the elderly to implement this project, and in this project self-help for the elderly will focus on two aspects. the first aspect will be implementing this thai chi program in the community and self help be collaborating with community partners and implement at least 10 sites in our community and to offer this thai chi program to 200 unduplicated clients and these classes will be one hour each and last about six weeks and meet a couple of times a week and taught by
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certified trainers, and the other part of this thai chi program is very important to be sustainable, so self help will coordinate and offer a workshop and we have one that happened last weekend and was really successful and the thai chi program -- this program will be able to allow the community partners to send their staff and volunteers to the chinatown program and have the master trainer from thai chee for health institute to certify the trainers and continue to provide support to the trainers, so this is also very important piece of the project, and the outcome will be measured by surveys and also pre and post evaluation tools provided by california department of aging, and so the outcome is really have this
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program collaborate with community partners, and to be able to work collectively and help our seniors to have a quality, to have the assets and quality based evidence program and reduce the fall risk, improve independence of life and also to be able to increase their physical activities, and so in this project you have the full scope of service and the budget detail in front of you, and we're asking your -- seeking your approval for the additional of $46,321 to self-help for the elderly to implement this project. i am here to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you very much. a motion to approve and a second for discussion. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the commission?
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commissioner loo. >> okay. as i understand last week and training you charge people for coming to the workshop. since you get the money from the state why are you charging the people if. >> one of the fees listed on the program application is we really want people to have the commitment. when they're trained they can bring the skill back to the center back to the community to implement the class so in lieu of that if they provide the classes at the sites and the fee will be waived. actually there is a few waiver process and yes, and if they are unable to fulfill that commitment those fees we're asking the grantees to be able to put into the stipend pool so
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we can extend this program to provide more and more this type of programming in our community. >> you mean the money you collected for the fees will go back to the agency? >> will go to the project in house. >> if i may to add some clarification. as sara mentioned there is a fee waiver for the participants to sign up for the workshop. we know from experience that the workshop is free oftentimes you don't get committed trainers to come back and do the classes and our goal is really have the certified trainers to implement the thai chi program in the various senior centers in the community, so i would say the majority of the people that sign up for the training apply for the fee waiver and in order to qualify they're saying they are committed to implementing at
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least one series of the thai chi class and as sara mentioned also those that are not going to apply for the fee waiver the fee that self-help for the elderly received will be going back into this project, and allow us to pay stipends to hire other certified trainers to implement the program. >> are there senior discounts? >> there is a discount for volunteers, yeah, so instead of $250 which is the going rate for full two day training plus materials for a volunteer is $150. >> thank you. any other comments or questions from the commission? >> can i say something? i went through those two days classes. i already have benefits. my palm used to be white. now it's turning red. that means circulation. my blood is flowing. hopefully two months,
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three months my face will turn red. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> to show that i practice. >> thank you for that testimonial. any other comments or questions from the commission? comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? thank you. the motion carries. the next item on the agenda announcements. any announcements? hearing none moving on any public comment? hearing none motion to od junior. >> moved. >> second. >> >> i have a second by rising vote. thank you. .
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>> welcome everybody i'm going to start the program well, to 1915 yeah. >> yeah. >> and if you look around you might see charlie chaplin and laura is here and if you look really closely that devil art smith that here so i'd like to start the show with first of all, how many were you at the palace of the fine arts did you have fun and go to the ugly this one my friend jan is here who originated it did light were breathing taking did you love
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them so let's people e keep that time travel going with one of the hit tuned from 95 performed by the duplicative of ragtime and gibson accompanied by the fabulous greg and they're going to perform hello fresco. >> it sideline i ought to let the power hello, san francisco hello. >> are all of you about ready to hear a little bit of ragtime let's do it mississippi to please. >> hello fresco hello hello fresco hello.
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>> hello. >> done don't keep me waiting it is aggravating why can't you hurry you're too slow hello now you hear? you know i love you dear your voice like music to my ear when i close iced i seem so near fresco i called you up to say hello hello central hello central can't you see kindly hurry kindly hurry just for me, please to get me san francisco
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someone's waiting all alone fresco is a name she's at the golden state and central is a shame to have to wait please long dance distance do connect me get her on the telephone hello fresco hello how do you do my dear i wish you were here hello fresco >> hydrahospital with the fair out there they tell me it's an affair don't keep me waiting it's agree elevating why can't you hurry central euro so slow i can hear you now hello now can you hear here i bought the ring and r0i7g for everything you
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ear when i close my eyes you seem so near fresco i called you up to say hello. >> (clapping.) that was maneuvers now my pleasure to introduce you 0 laura the san francisco jewel city and coincidentally may not she'll be apple graphing book in the ferry building dribble after our ceremony so laura know about the panama than anyone in the universe really, really i'd like to introduce her right now to talk about the illumination of the infection and also the ferry
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building laura (clapping.) well, thank you donna i'm sure no one's extensions are set high i'll endeavor not to disappoint to ladies and gentlemen welcome and i wanted to point out we're about to be luke enough to see a splebd site the ferry building belching people in lights like it did in the 5 recycle all over the world to the panama exhibition that is as beautiful as the tower is going to be i want to talk about the refutation in lighting that took place other than the north side of the fair where dorsey ryan was so initiative many said it
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couldn't be down but beyond the imagination changed the course of history the first he created at all light standards that filled groups of lights and those lovely structures had has nothing to do with to with the streetcar (laughter) however, they did conceal groups of spotlights that were able to wash the palace of the exhibition with smooth even lights that we today consider flood lighting before you before 1915 it simply hadn't been done anatomy scale hundreds of smaller spotlights each pointed out at an individual flag making them appear to glow matrix so even though those nudes were not as stunning as the light shows
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they're the standard repeal what that oh the light shows first of all was the electric co-lid scope showed within the one hundred and 50 foot glass doom of the horticulture it was through a series of screens and glass projecting intervenes the doom of the inside making it appear like an iridectomy 15 story glittering optimal a virtual sunset from crimson to save fire remolded across the skies and comment and planets changing color and sdoefg into fluttering spots of light that e volkswagen revoked birds and busters next what the jewels at
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43 stories at all in the center of the fair it illustrated the skylight like an enormous layer cake and crushing it with columns of statutes but that was resign that dusted that with one hundred and 2 thousand large austrian cut glass in candy colors like a sugarcoating of precious jewels they're a rare collectables and to midnight the towers ear hit with spotlights and it looked at a million fireflies had awe limited on that you may have noticed my apparel i came from my time machine where i 2k3w5r9d this from the tower of jewels.
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>> wow. >> no one's is going to miss one from the one hundred and two thousand; right? >> so lastly ryan invented the great incessantly later a fan of ribbon colors that projected into the sky above the infection that appeared in the yacht supported 4 foot supported spotlight and 60 marines were r5gd to make the lights swing with the names of the devils fan and fairy and the sincere pant and octopus one magazine said quote on receiving a color champion a straumg in sudden but the lamps trained to the position and
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above entitled the otero now innocent thanks to many, many more people we will again above entitled the wonder of the awe illumination in the fair city a citizen technology later thank you very much (clapping). >> thank you laura right now let's bring back craig and the ditch he is for their rendition of san francisco by the way a i heard was the number one song and the theme song for the 915 fair. >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ in >> oh, e oh, away u way when it is waiting there before me i love her so wherever i go i think of her all day where eyeing and her smile and light and her voices soft and dreem write i can't forget the ones i've met on san francisco bay on san francisco bay well, i first met kate by the golden state way out on san francisco bay and he stole high heart away on a dreamy summer day we then went cancun and the we watched the fields that day on a
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councilmember wagner and did our wow. while we watched the fields at play on a golden trend he won my hand on san francisco bay bay. (clapping.) >> so you can see why this was a hit in the 15 it is now my pleasure to don't dr. and ceo and executive director of the california historical society for the wonderful exhibit their probable for the pal list of fine arts and have an incredible exhibit on mission street she'll talk about the things coming up to enjoy
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(clapping.) thank you so much the divine diva of all things and the mayors la 80 son so the t pa 5 on a lot of of the board of supervisors our members it is truly my tllt to be here as we reilluminate the ferry building as donna mentions we're hosting two infections called city rising on until 8 tonight, you can go down the street singing sons and we'd love to see you again at the psa pal list over 50 partners our honor with the natives analogies hanger with rec and park to launch last weekend cpa on cap with over 50 patterns with the
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musical expression and motorcycle gunman's and so much more google buses you'll have that we love that that will take us to early if next year as we look at the real thing too (laughter) and, yes harlan kelly affidavit with the p ti he in this case as was w we take it separation from the great world fair there was 6 hundred and plus acres that inspired over 9 millions people scombloerg and celebrating both he remember america as and build a future the fair offered so them inspiration to cross and deprived and bridge the gaps and
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remember when we are and who we want to be thank you to our partners and sponsors and at&t and hearst foundation thank you and we're going to honor some special ones tonight and thank you for being here we can't wait as darkness falls (clapping). >> it is getting existing i can hardly wait i don't know how about the zaps of grisly bear you will want to growl with joy that was a popular dance on the barbary covet i'm going to take two versus and give the mystro a
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chance to interpret his and i'll teach you how to dance the grisly bear. >> ♪ ♪ out in san francisco where the weather fair they have a dance you called the grisly bear all of the distances don't compare not so but in the morning talk about teddy roosevelt shops and programs for san francisco this is my honey and i'll show you the dance of the grisly bear hug up to close to our baby and what a feel something up close to our lady
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