tv [untitled] April 5, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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of construction my sons classrooms will be covered to protect them and wall of bedrooms windows 5 and a half feet away only after the parents complained did they concern this planning code didn't very specific requirements for schools you, however, the departments have access to light and air that is ill logical the 59 sent one one hundred van ness gets a 40 foot cigarette and the children get 5 and a half feet please modify this this modification will maintain the children's assess to light rear wall is an oversight you have the power to change move
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the wall back thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello my name is nicholas a parent and architect here to represent my 3-year-old son jacob we can all agree in the city we need more housing i support a greater immensity to support that goal, however, some building should be modified manifest in a proper way to respect the neighbors the families must stop leaving to support our schools now i support in proposed project in principle, however, as currently proposed is is
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hardly a good neighbor now building a three-story wall from a historic building that has been carefully repurported at - the proposition is when we're doing this kind of work the old and new should work together the historic work and example breaking down the massing and it is not a frequent thing to do, however, no attempt has been made to the parole on this project as event by the one hundred and thirty foot wall it is no communication that the picture was provided by the sponsor it towers over the la port school and the result of lack and error that occurs in
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the classrooms that will be a dark canopy minimum how wide a cab is 4 to 6 feet think about how much light will find its way down through the buildings that will be dark okay, however, it provides light and air for itself while leaving the preschool in the dark it only seems fair that all neighbors receive equal treatment our children deserve better thank you for your time and consideration. >> if i've called your name, please come forward i'll call nor names
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(calling names). >> good afternoon commissioners i'm a parent at la port speaking for my 3-year-old son antonio this is a picture of him in his classroom this is the wall along the property line he is doing work 10 foot or less from the rear property of south here's another one that also gives a sense of what the classroom looks like i boom aware of the proposed building 5 and a half feet from my sons classroom i've worked to come up to speed that is confusing this project amongst
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inaccuracy the public noticed did not state that the project sponsor was requesting an exception from the section photograph 5 requires the building cover 80 percent of the lot that was noted for this hearing i asked why not in the original notice i was told the nos had inaccuracy upon further questions a previous person was inaccurate it requires more update and in fact a march 6 middle document containing the exception unless the other versions the parents received on march 6 it is really confusing the van ness project has a lot coverage of 83 percent the math district section a lot of
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exception is for hardships for 20 percent of the building will need to be demolished this doesn't seem to apply to one 50 van ness as all the existing buildings will be demolished the project sponsor is jifs this since the project design allows for light and air to nearby proposals they've provide light and air to their properties anothers one hundred van ness the classroom will have their assess to air and light removed it is not clearly why it was miss calculated this the project and i'm confused house blocking the light and air to the different proposed is acceptable i request a modification to the project to apply with the requirement in this use district thank you for your time and
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consideration. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioner i'm jim rep myself but as president of super for 15 years from 1994 to 2009 i've had a long history in the city planning process to the project before you in 1999 a part of nonprofit housing developer and for profit and associate service and neighborhood advocates and business leaders that went to the mayor to ask for to address what we saw as a common critical shortage of housing the mayor agreed and directed the planning directors to under take it and allocate $3 million the market octavia better neighborhoods plan from 2000 through it's adaptation first from the planning commission and then the board of supervisors in may of
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2008 was subject to a very expensive open public participation process excluding u including you hundreds of thousands of neighbors the one 50 van ness was designated for one hundred 50 new building it is wildly available and immediately found by any property user with the use on the website relying on this publicly adapted plan an excellent planner step forward the proposed project meets the spirit and the letter of the adapted market octavia plan the developer has filed at least 3 pubically available planning documents and it's been published open the block going back to 2013 we is a society are are governed
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bylaws and plans by plans i ask this commission pass the downtown planning the conditional use authorization and the requested variances for the project today i must also sigh if you were a parent of a child i'll demanding you issue all planning entitlements today, the existing building on this is an dpeel dangerous seismically this has been pubically known for a number of years as many prospective users including the san francisco public opera found it dangerous in every case the complaint of some parents are due to their failure to look at the well-known plans the city and the developer and, in fact not being able to understand the
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issues about the physical safety of that building and the provision of new windows and light and views of the garden thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm a resident of san francisco and la port parent i'm here to represent my kids 3 years and 19-year-old kids have a right to education light and air and to live in a safe environment i see this jeopardizes it i'm concerned with the construction noise interfere with those rights there are accidents and what to ask are they in corners what they consider save do you have the power to make that decision today how is the project sponsor going
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to insure that the air is certificate save for young children and wall so high and close on 5, 4 so close to the school going to preserve the right to life i want to see the same consideration to and fro for the la port to cover the classroom windows to protect our kids does this mean my 3-year-old daughter will be spending her preschool years in a darkroom and that you're taking the safety of children in the safety of construction and be certain there are measures in place to monitor and to be sure the developer is monitor i'm a resident of san francisco in favor of building more housing
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but some control has to be you know you - you have to control it was hard to build with permits in my houses there are so many controls why is it okay for a developer to do this and existing owner have to have a lot of controls you have a power to make sure that everyone is playing by the same rules we will i i rely on you if you don't have the proper documents to make the decision today please don't do it postpone the decision to make sure there's no modifications needed for one-on-one and 50 van ness to make sure that the safety and air and light to all the people in san francisco especially the kid and thank you
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for evaluating the negative impacts of the project for the kids and community in general before reaching a decision . >> my name is sue i have a months old my my husband and i have no immediate family in the area for those of you with kids you know how scarce childcare is la port we are dismayed by the situation we've been put in so this time to make a decision for our kids specifically i'm concerned about the 2 year construction period and the 5 and a half foot set back and the resulting wind impacts on outdoor space that is all the
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more important to our kids given they lose a lot of light and air in the classrooms i'm disappointed it is not seeming the facts and circumstances were factored in how the plans impact the youngest children despite the project being close to the projects this has been made in haste i'm with the growth of city but not at the well-being of the people in the existing properties but my husband and i want to raise austin in a city that everything san francisco has to offer don't make that more difficult for working parent in the city think of the message you'll be sending to the apartment of la
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port and to the border community i think of san francisco as a city in parting put yourselves in our kids shoes what in a massive project were being built near our homes and to not have an opportunity to provide the input that protects the health and safety of your family i know there's been a lot of said about this information hadn't been out pubically for many years but as a developer i would approach in good faith all the adjacent neighbors especially the ones i'm building 5 feet from i'm asking for a continuance for the children of la port. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm gabriel the head of spur
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i'm here to support this project but more importantly i'm here to support the idea of planning this department invested more than ken 10 years and million dollars in the market octavia plan as well as the rest of the better neighborhood and series of other neighborhood plans the idea behind that effort was to build agreement in advance in a expensive way to look at the processes and copies and impact and to make a decision about where the city wanted to growth to go where it didn't the area we're talking about one of the areas that was designated for growth after this project will there will be on the precedent is a big deal for the city the idea of planning is that projects that come anger and fit within the plan are going to be encouraged it matters a lot for
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this project but also for all the other projects in that plan area and the other plan areas we're trying to move awe from the old days of the free for all trying to have the concept of planning matters that is what the at stake i want to say something about the request for delay i'm sure you're aware of pits that equivalent for a killing of the project delay is exactly what makes it so difficult and expenditure to build in san francisco in this case there's issues that make sense the rates that locks us in but a border principle here about our planning process it took 10 years more than 10 years to get the plans in place and understanding this is a tough decision i'll urge you to moved with the project thank you
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very much. >> good afternoon commissioners tim collin on behalf of how's coalition and in favor of the project the housing coalition was one of the original stakeholders in the creation of the market octavia plan and as symptom of you recall it was probably thousands of hours over a dozen years from the very beginning and community meetings and public hearings to set up a plan and rule for the city to grow as planning commissioners your guardian of the city plan sud for very good reasons was destined for market octavia sud that was a fabulous mode this project is entirely consistent with the sud
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as far as the market octavia plan we'd is that one of the great successes of the city you look at hayes valley it is full of light and shows the promise especially, as what it used to be 10 or 15 years ago the one 50 van ness project promises to fulfill i recall speaking to you about polk street saying that the best thing you could say about the neighborhood at night i used to come here another planning commission at night walked from polk down to market and take the train the best thing to say about the neighborhood that which is uninviting it was dark and scary and empty but the involving market octavia plague plan is
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bringing people and light into a city that balanced needs it as far as the school that is a fabulous use this is what the plan intended to deliver a wide variety of used for people that used a neighborhood and make it their own place it is a wonderful opportunity and they should be welcomed here but also take advantage of the what the a neighborhood is going to become a good one not what it was before not an inviting place our goal would be that the development of a lot of new housing in this area we'll have lots of and lots of kids that took on elevator to and fro school to be able to use this school and not car reliant this is a great project that is consistent with all the rules we've set you shouldn't hesitate
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in an constant without approving it. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm katherine young the community orientation with the housing coalition i'm speaking on behalf of two residents who have reached out to yourselves and our organizations with letters of support for this project they couldn't be here all to read their letters i'm writing inform support of the project i'm from the bay area went to college here and renter in san francisco i'm of an age where many of my sons that are san franciscan bay area natures that looking to purchase a home rental prices are high due to a lack of supply we support any additional rentals to the market i'm sympathetic to the parent
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concerns, however, the project with these under entitlement before i urge you to consider the needs of the next generation that one was from deborah i'm a native san franciscan resident in the mexican-american area and lives close by i feel strongly that building 2 hundred plus rooms bmr's is acceptable to eliminating the housing shortage i care about that san francisco welcomed my family when we 2k3w8g9d hereby and we want to make sure that all folks have a place to live our city as a duty to insure enough housing in order to preserve san francisco's commitment to diversity and unfortunately i'm unable to attend the planning commission this week as a result of work, however, i'm writing to ask you
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to pass one hundred and 50 van ness that was from james lee thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm rob pool i'm also with the housing action coalition thank you for the opportunity to speak emerald and solomon presented their plans for one 50 van ness and our members endorsed the project it is underutilized a parking lot in a vacant building this will develop 4 hundred and 20 homes and bmr next to transit new bike lanes on polk street and walk to hayes valley and other areas and so it is an exciting project exactly and completely in alliance with the
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market octavia plan he talked with the neighborhood association one the members was present at the meeting at a point and generally in support this is the kind of housing we need and just to put this into context i mean this area around market and van ness includes 3 city sites across from the scald denying this project will set a precedent for future projects coming down the line approve this this is the kind of housing san francisco needs and thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm a la port parent my 3-year-old son attended the
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school i'm dully in belief we need to create nor housing to as you know access to quality care is important for families is it so singularly those needs are balanced from conversation with parent i understand that some families were aware of the adjacent development but no one throughout the proposal would be brought forward that would put a story tower 5 and a half feet away are from our school we saw the developments and following the presentation last week there was questions of concern the developer told us his project was first and our school came latter the school is here and this needs to be considered. >> last week we've made strides
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in addressing those of you witness in an just want presentation developer promises that noise levels will be below demolition and construction i've heard about 45 decimals the proposed measures included the dam enmaterials over the walls and windows that will nfl eliminate daytime and the developer promises to not conduct any of the large demolition work close to the school walls during the school hours despite the agreement that has been reached like 3 hours ago i remain skeptical about the tracking of the developers commitment to the lower levels this year really important to make sure that our
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(calling names). >> commissioners, thank you i'm don with the civic center benefit district and for those who are not familiar we go from south of market to turk so it includes the project we approved endorsement of that along with 101 polk for the reasons in terms of housing transit rich oversight bmr's all those purposes i think the interesting conundrum the questions about why we're in a certain the tests were done great before the children were there the second part is recently a couple weeks ago the commission passed unanimously london breed's legislation will night clubs and so i think some of the logic in that applies there's an existing construction
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sit for years that has all the permits and in compliance with everything and someone want to reboot the process and recently says that's a burden on night clubs where's the loved one not in this somewhere thank you your next speaker who is ready we need to keep that doorway open grab a seat. >> hi, i'm jessica birmingham a brand new parent my 3-year-old son is starting school monday we signed up i'm familiar with the development in the area with the one 50 van ness as long as the holding holding we were deciding between a nice quiet salt lake
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city sunset no more 0 port and for all the diabetic changes we're taking muni and going to take our son and show him the urban we're not detold her we think this will make that a more vibrant community and happy my son will be at school and in the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. >> hi, i'm jim i'm here speaking for hayes valley neighborhood association i'm a past member and on the transportation fund committee i can't say better than what jim said about the facts the hazard of the current building the long process of the market octavia plan all the work that went
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