tv [untitled] April 6, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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ng oh, yes. >> mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton no polluting >> dr. murase. >> 6 i's. >> thank you, very much. to staff and to the peace k ak a rich decision we'll be back april 14th and our superintendent carranza >> just for clarity for all of the community and for staff then we will we will be submitting the budget without the board approval for the applying for the requirements and understanding we will come back on april 14th
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not august april 14th with version 3.0 but sorry folks i know everybody has been here a long time next week is spring break i want to be clear i've directed my staff to take spring break no one will be here that's one less week to work on version. >> can we add when we submittal that the board had been month to month on april 14th. >> i'm sorry director lee. >> thank you commissioner president murase that's fine commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell for us to say a little bit more than there's will be an amendment to say the timing
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exactly so i think that is not he'll done i want to say in terms of what happened the superintendent alludes to now and the 14th alike lecturer what i've heard we had a lot of boos to construct and modify the plan it is less clear at least to me what amendments would make sense based on the feedback that was provided tonight we heard questions we can follow-up open the additional questions but in terms of of version 3.0 and how it differs from 2.0 but speaking for myself didn't hear clear direction to you know that we should move in a certain
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direction on certain line items there were comments made and individual commissioners but it's less clear what modifications will be made than last week our main direction or follow-up to answer our questions and maybe that will illuminate things but as far as the boards feedback the spending plan could look similar in two or three weeks than what was presented. >> i'm urge my colleagues if you have very specific changes to please get those to staffer as quickly as possible any questions you want to speak on i'm putting out to my colleagues to provide that direction to staff. >> can i make a comment i'm not interested in staff sending memos saying i want this and
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that this is not how we should be doing this it is not a question of individual board members getting feedback there is has to be a meeting to make the proposal in the meeting i mean i don't know how we do it but not the way you suggest. >> commissioner fewer. >> i agree we should have spending proposals brought out in the month to month with all the colleagues present, however i really have clarification on some of the items i think that i can i am scheduled with the superintendent if not i'll trying to make time for clarification i'm sure you're aware of the description are good, i have other questions and much more in depth and want to feel confident i understand every announces of it and where the money is going i know that
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where i'm going i agree if you have a spending expenditure w you would like to change that should be brought to the public eye and but for myself i'll be seeking you down for clarification what does that mean and i think that this is that is in alignment of what we've heard or two weeks ago i can't remember so sort of that withhold to see how it connects to a larger plan and those are the questions how did it connect to a larger plan but as commissioner president murase said we have a long evening to go yet i don't want to borrow everyone with extra clarification so i'll seek out the leadership for more answers
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thanks. >> i want to conclude that agenda item we're on item k citizens advisory committee reports appointments to the committee by board members superintendent introduce the next two reports or next report. >> thank you commissioner president murase so i'd like to call the chief facilitates officer david to come down and introduce our annual bond report with our oversight committee. >> didn't go superintendent and board of education it is interesting to follow the two hour presentation i'll try to be as brief and succinct as possible there's a goal of the chief officer, i'm here i'm tired with about sort of good news and tidying and a happy event i had the privilege i'm a
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member of the berkley school district oversight committee and two weeks ago i gave a similar report as a member of the committee to the board of education in berkley with similar good news a happy good time i'm sure you're aware of every year by state law a geo bond measure passed by the school district with 55 percent of the vote is required to have a number of things one of which is the oversight bond committee who principle functions to monitor the expenditures of the program and to commission every year a performance and financial auditor program present i have ms. nancy formerly of the school district a member of the bond oversight
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camera and colleague from our auditors i'm pleased to say for the tenth consecutive requester the auditor look at the transactions and no finding when i think that is significant i want to tell you two key points of reference on february the 28 the bond program passed it's one bloifdth dollars and 2003 and 6 and 2011 brond bond program we still have another 2 hundred and so million dollars worth of bonds and had state money all in all a $1.4 billion program and that money so far as been distributed to over one hundred and 10 schools sites and more to follow
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of that one billion dollars in the last fiscal year 2014-2015 ahmed audited we spent $85 million last year constructing reconstructing modernizing and rebuilding the schools the auditor look at $6800 million worth of expenditures and i'm you know pleased and honored that once again there were no finding and quite frankly, i think that is a i think that is a contribute to what is the incredible staff of the bond program it is a contribute to the members of the citizens advisory committee oversight bond committee that oversees your bond and
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contribute to the board of education that supports us during the times of election and inspection and work on schools open a year-round basis a attribute to the leadership the instructor and most importantly a attribute to the voters of citizens of san francisco who continue to recognize the importance of having world-class 21st century buildings to support the world-class education we're trying to achieve in that district i couldn't be more proud with that i'm going to turn it over to my colleague for any comments the auditor is here for questions i'll quietly go home. >> well, it's a pleasure to
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serve on the board and watch affidavit at work i've not seen so much money in all my life and that well, i'm very pleading for me pleasing may not be the right word but have complete trust in the allocation of money and looking forward to the roomgs and rebuilding of wonderful schools in san francisco i thank david in being able to lead us so well and that's it for our report i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> action for this report out of committee. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and commissioner norton. >> i actually don't have questions i want to comment particularly as the chair of buildings and grounds and having worked with you david this is
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such a treat and really grateful for your leadership and your springs around the bond program have an opportunity to be and willie brown's last week reminded me we have the voters to do the wonderful improvements and growth in the school district and every time we get a chance to drive by one the schools that's backseats been modernized or the improvements i'm grateful for your leadership thank you for that and thank you for supporting the efforts and keeping a close ice eye on the work and david you have a great staff to oversee the bond thank you and congratulations. >> i just wanted to echo
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commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell and i'm sure the rest of the board thanks for this again, it is so amazing to find this on our desk no finding and you know, i want to thank you, david for spoiling me all the years that's not been an ax last week, we have there's been 10 years api i've been on the board 10 years that's amazing unheard of i hope that i never have to be in a situation we can't trust our bond program we don't have to be honest but very, very appreciative and what that says about your leadership in the district really a pleasure to be squeaky clean. >> commissioner wynns i want to thank you and reiterate what everyone has said thank you staff and david and
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committee and nancy for your leadership i want to ask you about i mean, the management of the program is what is reflected here and the fiscal management which is stellar beautify been here when it what that is refreshing the most important thing is how important it is to the students and future of the city and franklin i know one of the reasons people are enthusiastically will support our bonds we've added to the value the property in san francisco by having wonderful looking schools that are used by the community such a 134 east we can possibly make that happen i want you to - i don't know that i know enough maybe i haven't paid attention it didn't
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have to happen now we had a sort of a bonus during the recession because things were costing less than we anticipated and by the time more work out of our money than the estimate so i'm feeling like it is time for us to have an update how we're doing as you want to say a sentence how we're doing on the remaining bond programs and what we're you know how the money is stretching or not a and the kinds of increases and costs that are effectively the productivity not the money not the management of the program. >> four or five sentences answered what commissioner wynns is referring to during the 2006 bopped program that was a blessing for the school district
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in the global class and the global economy that was for one dollars of construction we bought one dollar thirty worth of stuff and got incredible value out of our bond dollars our bids were low and taking all the alternates and had plenty of money to do all the projects and the other things we missed on the scald pr in the current 2011 bond program that economy that picture has changed the other way everybody in san francisco is phenomenally busy the construction industry is screaming for work on the transbay terminal to our school projects our bids are coming in call roll higher than sunflower
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years ago but it is a different day and in some ways it is a terrific time to you be in san francisco good across the board has an enormous faxing impact on the fees it is difficult to get construction workers on our projects by the way, the city is blessed with cranes everywhere times are, in fact, different. >> is it possible to gives us gives us one sentence should we can anticipating getting less work than what we planned to get. >> the answer to our question is yes our construction prices right now escalation and inflation and construction is back to 5 percent per year for 5 years that was up. >> did we take into account.
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>> our bids are 10 or 15 are 20 percent higher and we're being important strategy about being less work on the table and doing every job right and not have to circle back a second time a combination of things that may mean there are some schools in the 2011 bond that might move to the next bond we might choose to attack mrarm schools that are traditionally underserved but tackle to bring the entire equality issue up. >> thank you very much mr. golden i want to let you know and thanks to the oversight
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committee when i talk to the community one thing we clean audits and it does matter to this voter i want to superintendent lee and his team that represents a lot a lot of dedicated work on the part of our staff and volunteer oversight committee so thank you very much superintendent. >> yes. i think everything said it already i want to add my thanks to the david golden even and everyone for the work on the bond this is the bonded we have in our community so the voters of san francisco voted to invest in our schools that is an incredible achievement 10 years a decade of no finding is incredibly important we can look across the country and see schools that don't have the track record i want to insure the voters of san francisco your
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child will go to seismically save schools and schools that wish aesthetically pleasing and schools that are being wider and uplifted so they can engage in the 21st century curriculum in line with our vision 2025 and the line of the night how many schools have their chief facilities officers talk about scheduling the work in an equality line this is important that is san francisco so thank you very much mr. golden. >> there reason not public speakers so on to the english citizens advisory committee report. >> mr. superintendent. >> thank you commissioner president murase i'd like to invite up our district english learn advisory committee and our a lot son and our director of
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secretary her daughter was sick tonight so she was unable to be here i'm glad it is 10 o'clock and should have been asleep by now i'm going to do her part so tonight's presentation will be in english and i'd like to introduce jack hung jack our vice president director from multi lingual and saline who is representative from the multiple lingual tonight we are going to do share with you the report we are going to start i want to read off the names of the people that contributed over the last two years
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(calling names) those were all elected board members they are parents from english learn citizens advisory committee which the city hall oversight committee it is a volunteer monthly group that get together now we'll present our report report you have in front of you has the second part we won't go over you can look at it it basically covers the activities we've done for the last two years we are going to start with our introductions and the cycle of inquire the second page 4 and
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so i'm going to move over so we have our cycle of inquirey and thank you so basically, the delack is a group of sires people from all schools that have 21 or more english language leerngz basically the cycle begins with the site based english monthly meetings of also elected parent committee to discuss partiality based school based on agenda and some of the information they've received from the delack seeblts of on a x level the e lack representative attend the english learn committees they gather information and collect
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data and offer get more information about english learn services that the district has to offer as well as talk with other personalities that are involved in the english learn citizens advisory committee and e lack going back to the site and discussed the information and prepares the romance for the english learn funds and submits that recommendation to the school site council meeting will incorporate and think about and discuss the recommendations they have for theiry're better time of the school site they all get together to see how their balanced scorecards and the recommendations has provided increase the support for the
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students and that would involve students achievement and so, now i'm going to turn it over to jack and he will go over the some data that our committee has looked at. >> thank you lucy i'm jack the actual an official employee i have a first grade daughter i understand all the ellis to thank you to the board for the opportunity to present the conformations so i'm going to give you a lot of numbers and the plan to hope that you're interested in the numbers and leave the construction plan to provide cross the el but tonight evening maybe hope it is not really boring okay. so the
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first line is i want to look at the population of english age learners in the areas of ethnicity in the last 5 years you see we breakdown them into 14 ethnicity and they've declined to stay for ethnicity groups but at the pie chart the two bring out group of english learners are the i'm sorry the latino group and the chinese group both combine about 89 percent of inspire english population and the entire pie represents about 28 percent of our student population but if you counted for those people that want to be in clarified as english proficient that's over 50 percent of the
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student population they're talking about but we are going to focus on this group okay so imelda the chinese and the latino group so the next slide will try to show you the breakdown of the two main chinese and latino group all-state populations to the loose 5 years from year 2010 to 2014 so let's look at the chinese group first, the entire body present entire student population for the chinese yaefrn and if you look at the top actually it is kind of like doctors so that means actually, the numbers are english chinese students are dr requesters over the years if you look at the utilizing groups they're
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actually increasing in that clarification so increasing on the utilizing students every year and let's beaked into each bar you see the gold bar of the english proficient students and the blue bar did english learners so right away you see the difference between the chinese and the latino group we talking about in the chinese group maybe only thirty percent of english learners but latino roughly 60 o 50 percent one interesting piece of information that is a district as an average all grades combined adding up but the kindergartener grades at the beginning 50 percent of the latino and chinese were english learners so 70 percent i i mean so that's representing the
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progressing through the years and now the average is like about you know 50 percent or actually 28 percent official wise okay so next slide please so next slide we trying to present the account by zip code let's focus on the pie chart incur the colors on the post areas so the percentage the english learned at the zip code the red represents high density and imply or close to blue as a low density of english learners as you can see the southeast side has a high contemplation of english leisure's and the chinatown so look a
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