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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2015 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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>> good afternoon and welcome to the thursday march 12th special meeting of the san francisco transportation authority board. i believe we will be joined shortly by other members of the committee as well. i want to recognize s fchlt gchltfgtv and also want to recognize our clerk steve st amo s. mr. clerk can you please call item number 1.
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>> supervisor farrell absent. >> supervisor kim present. >> supervisor mar present. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you. please call the next item. >> this is an action item. >> thank you are there any comments or questions on this item? seeing none, can we please call public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion from supervisor yee and a second from supervisor mar we'll do that with a role call. >> supervisor farrell absent. >> supervisor kim aye. >> supervisor mar aye. >> supervisor yee aye. >> the item passes. >> thank you can you please call the next item. >> item number 3 vision zero
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progress report. >> thank you i want to welcome again the co-chairs megan wier from the department of health and papandreou and since the task force released its 2-year strategy last month and i encourage members of the public to check out the website and the strategy was launched with mayor lee showcasing our large vehicle curriculum and strategy work group and with many of our partners who have committed to doing further education for our large vehicle drivers in the city and mr. maguire will also be giving an update on the pilot project as we have at each committee meeting as well as the board of supervisors
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project that's funding through the fiscal year budget and i also do want to recognize we have a new face here today with vision zero the commander and i want to recognize you and congratulate you on your new position and thank commander ally for taking a tremendous step forward to take a strong implementation plan for being a part of our vision zero strategy and really look forward to working with the commander to continue that work forward and so i will call up miss wier and mr. papandreou first or mr. maguire? >> before megan and tim come up
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to kick off our update we have a lot of exciting things to tell you today about the progress we're making on vision zero and it's a bit of a bitter sweet day and we've actually had 3 traffic fatalities in the city in the last week and i'll share with you certainly it's our day job to be working as hard as we can to produce the initiatives and materials and outcomes that we're talking about today in the in the staff presentation and also recognizing that every one of these fatalities is a tragedy regardless of who is legally to blame and we're not only try to reach vision zero but the whole city is trying to reach vision zero and that's not to disparage the work that we're
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going to show you today and i think it's all really exciting and i think it will be enthusiastic and upbeat as we present it and i do want to acknowledge that those tragedies happened and we share our condolences with the families and i want megan to come up and give an overview of the work we've done. >> good afternoon supervisors papandreou director of the policy for the sfmta and megan and myself are the co-chairs and a lot of progress to report on today. we're going to give you the highlights and then have some detail from the actual project manager and in general to support what you had
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just said chair kim and it's actually a very important document not just for the city team and the city family but also for everybody that's involved because this is actually the basic work plan that we're going to hold ourselves accountable to over the next 2 years and and we talked about the and it's going to be an interactive tool where you can see the policies supporting vision zero will be identified and it's also going to have a link to the actual status update and it's going to help everybody who is involved to track the progress they made. we also want to recognize that the fire department also passed a vision zero resolution and i believe it's been passed out to all of our city teams
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that we're hoping to get and we have almost everybody in the city team working with us has passed a resolution to support and do what they can they can to work toward the goal of vision zero and we have highlights and i'll start off with a few of them at a very high level and we'll have a deeper dive with tom maguire on the engineering side and then on the education side. so we're halfway through the list which is a great milestone to be at and finalizing the 2014 engineering report and we're finishing the 2015 work plan to identify how much work is going to be entailed in 2015 as well and our goal is to have that ready by by the next
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quarterly update and most of the work that we've been doing already has been either identify -- we have to put it together into a package so we can actually do things like count how many listen i linear miles we'll be achieving and on the education side we have over 11 hundred people have taken the safe street sf pledge and it's obviously a good start and john can talk a little bit more about what that would look like as well and one of the things he's going to focus on today is the large vehicle update a lot of good progress there and i'll turn it over to megan and to come forward on the enforcement side. >> commander mannix -- thank you so much. the commander provided an additional handout regarding enforcement
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statistics included in your packet and we wanted to give her time to speak to the data. >> welcome commander. >> hi. you all have that one page sheet in front of you i prepared a nice long presentation with about fifty slides and decided to condense it down and we'll talk about the numbers and as you can see we're up in our focusing on the five primary collision factors so we've identified that we will focus on and up 38 percent citywide and red light cameras you can see they are having quite an effect and citations are down and people are actually adhering to camera enforced stopping and comparing 114 to 115 we're up 10 percent in total citations and we're up 21 percent in in that same period that 1 month to 1 month comparison and collision we are
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down 8 percent that's that's the big news and going down even bigger news fatal collisions are down over all 15 percent there though you have heard about today's fatal collision i'm sure. yes or no? >> i think some of us have but maybe. >> i'd love for you to explain what happened and in the different high injury corridors and other areas of the city that would be helpful and i know one was in my district and we talked about it in in a press conference with the mayor this morning. >> the collision this morning happened at 15th and lincoln kind of an out of the ordinary kind of collision the motorcyclist must have been
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distracted and rear-ended the car in front of him and he didn't make it. that said, citywide, again, we're we're focusing on those top five factors and in the next month i'm really going to drill down into the data and the police districts in san francisco policing issues are unique and recently although police district captains were given the most up to date high injury intersections to focus their monthly enforcement operations on and they do have that ready data and also in educating our own people, the police department, in january with the cooperation of sf walk and bike sf we created a video distributed for training describing what vision zero and what everybody's role is and recently modified slightly
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to be attached to their website and if they are not available today they will be available shortly for the public educating people on vision zero and again the primary focus of our enforcement and additionally in february followed up with an e-mail to ensure every police officer in san francisco is reached to define what vision zero is and what our role and education really is and we've reached our officers. i think as a collective group we could do a little better with our educational component to the 3 e's engineering enforcement and education and the high injury corridors again i'll defer to mta to speak about the engineering changes that they have come up with on that. >> thank you and before you go supervisor yee. >> yes, hi commander. i just have a question. would you in
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the past receive these numbers in terms of citations given out to vehicles but we also show numbers for citations given out to pedestrians and bicyclists but you have those numbers? >> well 93 percent of all citations in 2014 were issued to drivers of cars and the rest predominantly were split between bikes and pedestrians and again the vast majority of enforcement is focusing on cars because they do the most damage. >> i know and i don't want you to change that but it's just helpful for me to track it down to look at how many citations were given out to pedestrians 1 year ago versus this year because i think part of enforcement pieces, yes, we want to concentrate on vehicles but want to make sure that other people understand that they have a role in all this.
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. >> right so you would like the data on pedestrian -- >> citations given to the other people. >> okay. i can e-mail that to you. i . i don't have that in front of me. >> no, no, no. if you could do that, that would be great. >> of course. >> thank you and we're really excited about you coming on board and continuing the the great work that commander allie did and for providing the paper on enforcement statistics and to make this a reality and i think i mentioned before i've heard from friends that more tickets have been going out and there have been compliments because people are happy about bad behavior being enforced again and hopefully shift the culture here in the city. >> thank you. >> supervisor mar i didn't see
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your name. >> commander, i want to thank you for the data i know from our december meeting and previous meetings we were asking for more data and this is helpful but i want to give another shout out to the richmond district station i think it's the only station meeting the goals for the number of citations i'm trying to remember the specific but i know that captain silver man who i talked to today about the tragedy incident the killing of an an 87-year old man mr. alfred yee right outside of a senior center and i'm going to ask about the other police stations and are there goals so that they can also meet the citation's goals like the richmond station has been doing? >> absolutely. right. it's the goal of the san francisco police department to focus on those five categories and like i mentioned before, all of those five are identified
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through the statewide system don't necessarily apply to every different police district in the city so i'm working right now to identify the best most appropriate collision factors to focus on and in a couple of districts it may be pedestrian focussed and that's what the data is showing now and probably at the next quarterly meeting i'll have the exact data of each specific district and station and again, we're all focusing on those five -- are we obtaining the goal today? not necessarily so there's a mere i there's an miriad of reasons we may not reach the goal and you know that and whether it's our presence being the crime prevention factor things like that. >> i want to acknowledge
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captain silver man's efforts after the killing on wednesday of the killing of mr. yee in a crosswalk outside of a senior center and so there there will be more stings in that area after the tragedy injuries of a a 3 and 4-year old old on folsom street the police station was right on it with efforts to really work with our office and pedestrian safety community groups to make sure that we're showing the city's efforts for people to drive much more safely in those areas and i think the citations are another part of it besides the visibility and it's unfortunate that the culture of speeding continues unless we take more efforts with engineering and continue enforcement on a regular basis in my opinion but thank you so much for the data. >> sure.
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>> and i just want to add to that because i know we've had lots of conversations and i do want to recognize the richmond station and i think they have done a tremendous job and it clearly shows in the data we've gotten and just an example of that is the tenderloin station we have one stop sign in the entire presinct so the data is not going to look the same city even if the sfpd officers are dedicated to ensurg a reduction and with walk sf and the bike coalition to better use this data and met rix that are really catered
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to individual neighborhoods. >> thank you so much commander. i'll continue with evaluation and data progress and through a work order we have order and also have a better picture of the longer term health impacts and costs and evaluating the safe street sf enforcement campaign focusing on improving driver yielding to pedestrians in san francisco in san francisco on select corridors actually including geary and data analysis over all to the vision zero initiatives and with respect to policies the priorities have been brofd
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improved and kate breen and tom maguire will be providing more details in today's agenda. with that i'm going to turn it over to tom to continue the presentation. >> i just want to recognize that supervisor farrell is here and has joined the committee meeting. >> thank thank you tim and megan and i'm going to talk about the progress we've been making on all of the challenges around vision zero and the engineering which is being delivered through multiple avenues if we're going to reach vision zero we're going to have to broaden the base and get safety treatments into every capital and operational project that we, as a city do. there are a few different batches of projects that i want to report to you today and the first is
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the the 24 and 24 project that we made the commitment to completing by the beginning of 2016 so i'm happy to report that we have 12 of the 24 complete right now and a couple of the highlights completelied in the last quarter since we last met in december and they are improvements to 19th avenue and single timing changes between sloat and j u.n. ipero, serra and those are painted treatments that that will deliver immediate benefits while we wait for more concrete treatments to come in and i'm happy to say we've completed
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the lighting in the tenderloin and this is the the quickest and simplest thing that we can do simply giving pedestrians and drivers a better opportunity to see one another and to keep each other safe safe on the streets and i'm happy to say we've completed the tenderloin lighting as well and this spring -- the second street pedestrian treatments between market and howard street and pedestrian bulbs at 16th street and mission as well as some improved traffic safety traffic controls at mission and silver and additional additional signal timing changes at 4th and king and our
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our delivery of continental crosswalks another quick and inexpensive and very effective way to protect pedestrians from turning vehicles and in fact geary boulevard that has been a focus of that effort. we did 28 continental crosswalks and over a hundred since january 1st of this year the last of which was painted by the mayor this morning at the corner of geary boulevard and thank you supervisor mar for joining us out there today. so that effort is moving quickly likewise we actually lowered the speed limit on fulton street between arguillo and the great highway and that's just gone into effect where that tragedy crash involving the motorcyclist took place today
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and we're looking to construct at least 11 miles of new bike treatments whether they be upgrades to bike lanes or new bike lanes or improvements like cycle tracks and the separation, a physical separation of cyclists and traffic has been going on for the last few weeks and many of those cycling corridors are also high crash corridors and also effort to improve reliability and travel time on the busiest muni routes and whenever we
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build out these corridors we improve sight lines and rearrange the parking on these streets and we were able to create bulb on some of the trickier scene of intersections and will be constructing other pedestrian safety features on streets like mission and stockton and columbus throughout this year as well. so by saying that i hope i give you the sense that we are both integrating the safety spirit of vision zero into all of our engineering work and also trying to accelerate the project delivery of both the really complicated capital projects and the simple paint and regulation projects as fast as we can. also just want to give you an update on some on some of the internal project control improvements we
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talked about last time in december. we have been working with our project delivery partners at public works we build a project dashboard that will help us to coordinate project planning and design among the different agencies we now have the vista system a map based system for tracking all capital projects in the city and shows all the high crash corridors and now to ensure that the project has as many safety features as can be designed into the scope and finally we are embarking at the end of this is this month on a joint training exercise ask i'm happy to report over 80
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engineers and project managers will be going through a project managing training course and first of all that will get the agencies thinking about project delivery in tandem and maybe building good peer relationships but more importantly talking the same language and using the same tools and improving the way we use prop k and the other shared funding sources. >> so i'll talk a little bit about the money behind all of these projects. the first table i want to share with you is the funding sources for that first batch of 24 and 24 projects and as you know we very aggressively put that list together over a year ago and we got funding from a variety of sources and you will see revenue bond money in there and
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development impact fees and our own operating funds and mayor's budget and the bucket of money being used to deliver those 24 projects has lots of sources in it and it's a good example of how, when we set the bar very high for ourselves we we can come up with creative funding solutions. >> supervisor mar has a question about the slide. >> yeah mr. maguire i know you are mentioning the projects and there's many others in the city but i remember in june, we heard presentations on the small project delivery and there were a bunch of projects that had begun which led to community groups advocating for vision zero and i'm wondering
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are we still including projects that had begun before the 24 that you are talking about? >> the list of 24 i'll confess this list was developed before i got here. >> yeah before you got here. >> my understanding it was mutually agreed upon by this committee and the city's vision zero task force so yes, those projects were not invented in the spring of 2014 many of them were projects that had been under consideration may be stalled in design and others were things that we did develop and accelerate. what i think they all have in common is they are being delivered a lot faster than they would have had we not had that commitment. >> and coordination with the mta and better communication