tv [untitled] April 6, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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zero and i'm wondering are we still including projects that had begun before the 24 that you are talking about? >> the list of 24 i'll confess this list was developed before i got here. >> yeah before you got here. >> my understanding it was mutually agreed upon by this committee and the city's vision zero task force so yes, those projects were not invented in the spring of 2014 many of them were projects that had been under consideration may be stalled in design and others were things that we did develop and accelerate. what i think they all have in common is they are being delivered a lot faster than they would have had we not had that commitment. >> and coordination with the mta and better communication
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and coordination is one strategy what are the other strategies in terms of delivering projects faster? >> i talked about the coordination with dpw and last time we came here we talked about -- there's a monthly principals meeting between mta and public works staff we're literally going line by line that list of 24 projects and troubleshooting where they are and identifying whether it's it's it's it's it's a contractual issue or permit issue and all the things that can trip up a project and it's not just for the 24 projects but we're learning some blessings on how to avoid those mistakes in the future and that's a window in how the staff is working through the challenges in a proactive way rather than simply accepting a a delay is something that's
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unavoidable. >> supervisor yee has a follow-up question to that. >> i think i might have asked this question prior to you coming, so there are other projects that are related to our vision zero and specifically through district 7's participating budging process and last year we were able to get funding for nine projects -- all small projects -- and requested that these projects be added to the 24 to be discussed and to be monitored and to bring us up to date on where things are. these
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projects were vetted somewhat to say they are possible to do and there's funding associated to it, it's over a year now and i still don't know what's going on and we're going to have even more additional projects like this through my second year of participatory budging and right now mta is supposed to be taking the lead on those and i would like the committee to look at at the possibility of maybe having ta do it which ever organization has the capacity to get things moving. i don't believe some of these things we're asking the department to do takes a year before they could even discuss it. so i'm kind of disappointed at two levels -- the implementation and the fact
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that it's not even included in this discussion when i asked specifically for those projects to be included in the discussion i'm not blaming you because you weren't there at the time and that's my request and i hope that you know in the future we could include these things. >> okay i'd be happy to chase down that list and provide you with a follow up on the status of those projects. i know -- i think i know some of them and i think many of them are moving forward so you know, i haven't put together an accounting of every project that we're doing in the city here but we can certainly follow up with you on that. >> again don't take it as a blaming thing it's just something i want to mention so you can take it into consideration for your next presentation. >> sure. >> supervisor kim can i just
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ask one more question? i don't i don't want to put you on the spot anymore than we have mr. maguire but my count from 6-year old sophia liu and new year's eve and new year's day to alfred yee, 87 years old that count gets up to 43 pedestrian deaths not counting vehicle and bicycle deaths. i'm just really anxious that this process to speed up projects and to really focus on key high injury corridors and moved along as quickly as we can and this morning as we were painting stripes on the crosswalks which i think is a really good thing, i'm really interested in how we're going to adequately budget projects
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and move key strategies forward. you and i talked about safe routes foreseen i for, seniors as a potential model and i'd really appreciate it if you have other ideas of how we speed up challenging the culture of speeding and dangerous driving and how we work not just on the enforcement which is so critical but the engineering and the education to break the culture that's causing these unfortunate deaths of this 87-year old man and others, the 3 this year that have already plagued the city i just wanted to get that off my chest. >> i'm glad you shared that. clearly we we haven't reached the point where they are unacceptable to us because they continue to happen but we want to think a little bit more how well we are communicating this
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framework not only are traffic deaths not acceptable in san francisco but leaders at the state level being willing to support us in that goal and make changes to the state law. >> moving on with the presentation so we talked about the funding sources as i said there are many other areas many more projects going on right now and many more projects to come that will be helping us reach vision zero and i want to give you a snapshot of 3 of those important funding sources prop a, b and k and prop a is the half a billion dollars 10-year general obligation bond that the voters passed -- >> actually before you move on this will lead into our next item. should i just have the next item called? it's on the
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vision zero budget update so before you go on -- can we add this item? can we please call item 3 and 4 together? >> item 4-vision zero budget update an information item. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay so prop a, the general obligation bonds, we know at this point the general categories into which those moneys are going to be flowing and a very large amount of large amount of that money is going to go into street safety improvements 68 $68 million good to pedestrian safety improvements that is the walk first and next generation of walk first projects and improvement to our traffic
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signal system and 52 $52 million towards the delivery of complete streets on key corridors throughout the city and of course nearly 200 $200 million for the bus network in there and the majority of that money is going to fund the transit operation and they are actually complete streets projects disguised not disguised as transit projects. prop b, the fiscal year 2015 general fund set aside we've come up with 6 and a half million dollars supplemental appropriation. >> mr. maguire i'm sorry you are so tall i wonder if if you can pull the mic up closer we're having a hard time hearing you.
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>> >> better? >> that's a little bit better thank you. >> so we put together a package that will be coming through a supplement capital budget appropriation and asking the board to approve that appropriation and the table on the slide shows the breakdown including more traffic signals the red light camera program and some quick delivery some quick delivery projects in the walk first and bicycle program areas. >> do you mind going into each of those line items into more detail and also what type of upgrades we need for red light cameras and if you could go a little bit into the school-related improvements too that would be great.
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>> currently we have a red light camera system that has provided some demonstrated safety benefits for the city but it's very outdated technology and we're going through a long plan to move toward the digital system and where we can frankly do this enforcement in a in a way that the quality of the photos we use and the accuracy of the information we get and frankly the turn around time that we give the customers or folks who are being cited by these red light cameras is much better and it needed to happen for a long time and follow the paving is a coordinated effort by public works and mta where by our safety engineers are
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constantly working and whenever a street is scheduled for any kind of construction we're looking to see if there's opportunities for us to build pedestrian and safety scope into the scope of this repaving project and again, repaving is a great opportunity to cut open the street once and rebuild it as the kind of street we want to have in san francisco a complete street with better safety features and again that that million and a half will help us see some of the short-term opportunities and the school related improvements -- i'd like to come back to you with a full answer i know these are high visibility crosswalks and i'd like to come back to you with a detail of everything that's in that line item.
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. >> thank you. supervisor yee. >> do you have a different budget for education or something? >> yes john knox white my colleague is going to come up. >> and the other important funding source i want to address is prop k the sales tax and a couple of opportunities for the ta to approve some prop k funding requests coming up and on march 24th we're going to ask you for a million dollars for a funding source for up to 45 locations on the pedestrian high injury network that were identified through the walk first phase one project and we're also going to ask you for a chunk of money to complete our bicycle strategy plan which will help us identify the safety needs of some of our
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high priority bicycle networks where we haven't been able to complete the design yet with the bike program funds we have and these are some real soon upcoming prop k funding requests. >> the 176 thousand doesn't seem like a very large dollar amount. >> right. >> i'm curious what that's actually going to cover. >> that's for planning and design and we'll be coming back once we complete that planning and design work with a request for more implementation money we're going to be doing over 11 miles of bike lane and paths and this is setting the stage for the next couple of years. >> and this is enough to cover just the preplanning work for the next couple of years? >> right. this closes the gap in our funding.
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>> okay. supervisor mar. >> i'd really be interested beyond the planning kind of what funding there is for the broader bicycle strategy is for the city i know we have ambitious goals to increase the bicycle transit mode and i want to ask about the existing prop k projects related to vision zero are the mta and the dpw on pace to spend what they plan to spend on the existing projects funded by prop k? >> yes absolutely we're on track to deliver those. >> okay. >> thank you. >> that's our budget update and we still have our policy and education updates i don't know if you want us to do those now? >> the next slide i have is the
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large vehicle program is that the next? okay so then i'm going to close this. >> i do have one more thing on item 3 the policy initiative. >> that is the next item so i'm going to close this item because that was a lot of information and i want to give the public an opportunity to comment on items 3 and 4 before we go to item number 5 the policy initiatives thank you mr. maguire. any comments or questions from committee members? seeing none we'll open up for comments from the public please just come up to the front and we have 2 minutes. >> thank you very much my name is roger basley i worked for many years with eric mar and supervisor yee and many others i wrote legislative packages
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and sent to the board of supervisors for the policy section i have a piece i'll submit and my primary role as a transportation design and safety specialist and having spent time on regional state and calped committees and other things to tweak and get improvements in the programs being done and funded through prop k and other funding mechanisms and the design and engineering and light regulation and now what's missing here if we go we go to the main issue or the point of contact point of collision, the problem with visibility of pedestrians and motorists if we simply would legislate very simply and require from dawn to dusk to increase the visibility of bicyclists using commute er
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lanes and make sure they have working front reflect ors required under the code but it's amazing with reflect or vests and reflect or clothes what we can do i'll just demonstrate an example one of the best on the market i've ever seen it has a rear facing signal light and it has a flashing light with a very high visibility reflective green. when i did the school safety we had the countdown signals -- i worked with triple a and those made a visibility for people using the facility and these are handed out at events and if
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a senior goes out for a walk at night just a simple thing like this will give any motorist and people a chance to see this and no money spent by the city we're talking about people having existing helmets and there's plenty of ways to hand those types of things out at events and you can go to japan town and pickup one of these for a dollar or $0.99 and it doesn't mess up my suit i'm on my bike and i go to my office and i'm ready for a meeting so as we build buildings tall er we're creating shadows and dark spots and we can't see things. when the city changed to gray muni buses i said hey you can't see the buses and the bicycles against the gray pavement i said
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and that's how the red reflective stripes got on the buses a citizen speaking proactively so i learned to legislate and talk to to you guys so what i'm saying -- >> thank you. we have to ask you to wrap up. >> i am wrapping up. tweak this part and get this kind of a thing done with aaa and the bicycle coalition and the cooperation -- you would get a kick down of 20 to 30 percent of fatalities thank you very much. >> thank you. we let you go way over the the 2 minutes. >> i appreciate it very much. >> it is a very bright light and i think we could all benefit from having one of those. thank you. >> it's it's it's a good
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color. >> thank you. >> good good afternoon commissioners. i'm the executive director of walk san francisco i want to thank the city for their presentation and all of you for being here and your attention to this really important issue and i want to send our our condolences to the family of mr. yee and yee it's just heartbreaking and i also want to thank you all for your work in making sure that our city does not continue to see these traffic fatalities your leadership in terms of
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proposing policies and looking at speed supervisor mar as one of the top killers of people and traffic and supervisor kim making sure that tenderloin lighting takes place and supervisor yee your work to help to make sure that tour bus drivers are not diss tracted is all really important and i think the work that the mta has been doing is critical and we're excited to see this come to light through the walk first projects that will be funded and discussed today and i also want to remind you that we have a 13-mile goal that the city set at minimum for this coming year and with that goal, we would achieve one ninth we would fix or touch one ninth of all of the streets along the
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high injury corridors over the next nine years and if we're only touching those streets once we're as advocates interested in understanding what that improvement looks like how will we make sure that these go above and beyond and really make our streets 100 100 percent safe and if that's not possible, then we, as advocates, are also calling on the city to increase that goal so we can have time time to return to those streets to do future improvements which i think is more realistic. . >> can i ask you to finish the point that you have before you? >> the approach that was just discussed seems to be rethinking the focus on the five is a big change from where we were and where the police department was last year and i think that requires a lot more conversation before making an over all switch in the plan of
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attack and i also would love to see some data that director maguire talked about regarding the geographical layout of where these citations are happening and allowing the public to understand where the citations are happening making sure that that data is being shared and i know the command is doing a great job in trying to make sure that that happens smoothly thank you. >> thank you and i want to thank you for meeting with our tenderloin police station captain talking about different matrixes in the tenderloin. >> thank you. >> good afternoon everyone. my name is shirley and i'm a youth leader from chinatown and san francisco has had a total number of 19 fatal collisions
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in the past year alone and i think that's important for the city to work on improving city streets is is is is is to decrease the total number of collisions from happening. we hope that vision zero will achieve its goal by the end of this year for its 24 projects and i want to thank safety sf sf sf for promoting this and i think that is actually an effective way to do this education outreach since to promote the message that safety is a priority to our citizens while education is being implemented into our communities it's also important for for engineering and
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enforcement to be also working along and this will also make vision zero achieve its goal more successful thank you. >> thank you and thank you for being here today. good afternoon i'm david yee and i am a resident of visitation valley. last week we surveyed a hundred pedestrians in chinatown during the the street fair and we asked them which intersections did you feel were the most dangerous when you were crossing the street and there was one over lying cause and that was speeding and this makes sense speeding is one of the big five citations so my idea for this is
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the implement ion of speeding zones and ideally they will have a lower speed limit but that that might be difficult and if the speed limit can't be lowered i'm confident never the less that these drivers will drive more carefully with more awareness knowing that there are seniors near by. >> thank you we would love to see some of the outcomes of your work interviewing seniors on the street and i was actually part of the first academy. >> hello my name is lisa and i'm also part of the campaign academy and i live in chinatown and walk to school, bus to school and walk to the youth
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center to volunteer but this year and previous year i learned there were a lot of collisions going on. i had no clue there were a lot of collisions and many things going on and just yesterday there was a a 78-year old that got hit and killed and last year on stockton street the tunnel someone was killed and right after someone was hit and luckily it was not fatal for that person and sometimes the question of wondering does something have to happen until we finally realize that we have to do something. right after the two collisions that happened in the stockton street tunnel finally they begin to do something and sometimes could have the immediate action be able to to prevent those
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deaths and accidents and sometimes we can't just sit around and think of excuses saying we have the budget and we don't really know much about it sometimes we have to take the action. we can't just wait for a miracle. sometimes the action can be the ones that prevent those injuries and i'd like to look forward to what vision zero has to provide in the next few years and hopefully there will there will be zero deaths in 2024. >> thank you i know there's a number of students here and you mentioned taking the bus to school. our office at the request of one of our school board members will be making a hearing request regarding the coordinated efforts on bus lines to schools and what we're doing to increase both our ce to make sure our students are getting back and forth between school
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and their neighborhoods safely. >> hi my name is david and i just want to say i am extremely thankful for the scramble system that was implemented on stockton street after the tragedy events that happened. so just one thing that's been on my mind -- i just feel like so during the survey we conducted in the chinatown street fair we asked a number of people where they think was the most dangerous streets what most -- what streets they think are the most dangerous and what streets they think are the the safest and even with the scramble system a lot of people feel stockton street is still dangerous
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