tv [untitled] April 6, 2015 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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he's in a place far beyond the stars what i officer johnson can leave the illustrate lightwell at the stairway one day we got to leave this world of we want to stay our job wouldn't permit us thank you very much. >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> . >> thank you supervisor president breed and other victims i'm christopher i've been comboufrd i roadways to comment on the intermittently comment on drivers one noted one person was killed by traffic so for in the city of san francisco and noted that about 3 persons a day have obey hit but not killed by traffic as far this year that
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means 3 persons are mantling simply banished instead of being killed you have to ask the injured if this is a good deal trauma is forever board members when are you going to lift our eyes and realize that 21st century has 21st century opportunity to eliminate themanual and the scraping the barbara and the killing that technology give us the capacity if you choose to use it to watch every vehicle on the streets to witness all traffic actions and finally to hold outline violators at all levels of violation who is winning this
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conflict stopping your vision zero your vision of zero death from becoming real it looks like the score is to vision zero in the playoffs and in the big game it is death one vision zero thank you breed. >> you thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi and doug i've been a driver guide since 1992 in san francisco and i'm here fighting for my job i agree the traffic safety is paramount and i think that people in my profession actually are some of the safety drivers out there i feel also when we talk about human impact we need to talk about the human impact on the variety of people in the tourism industry what it means to be a tougher guide in san francisco.
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>> sir, i'm sorry you're speaking about an item on the agenda and unfortunately you can't comment that on that. >> it is interesting the gentleman before that he spoke to the same issue why. >> this is public comment not public comment comment and answer you need to focus on a subject matter not on the agenda. >> can i make one more sentence what you need to do is consider the policies and procedures opinions and experiences of san francisco guides many would be willing to testify before you make a decision i implore you to do that we'll be back. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening members of the board and the general public comment i'm born and raised in san francisco i'm here to say that the taking
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over of san francisco by silicon valley is ridiculous there is global buses everywhere there is anywhere from 10 to 16 to 20 thousand tmcs it is a race to the bottom for those people to make a living the cab industry paid san francisco $30 million every year the tmcs give nothing to san francisco it is amazing to me that i and the city farthest the city fathers are allowing this to happen i'll say that the amount of people when the tmcs the first part when they're number one when their this is the most dangerous part of driving their uninsured many
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cases like you don't pay the insurance you can call any insurance company they don't insure the tmcs and it is incredible the mayor knew that was no insurance the mayor said they allowed this we're going to be people killed and injured in san francisco on the overflow of the drivers trying to make aing i believe the blood is on the hands of the mayor and the city father you have to control the amount of tmcs and cabs in the city this is insage i is an what's golden in san francisco. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is is marseille i've lived in san francisco for 31 years and i've been drying a taxi with yellow
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can be for years i'm here to remind san francisco that the cabs are a major asset it's not okay for the mayor to support and facilitate and petition at the same time, they charge a quarter of a million dollars for medallion supervisor president breed shortly after lucy was killed you want on an interview and called the taxi industry bloke and made sure that - i don't like competition they're not fair competition they're eating my lunch and your lunch and taking the muni rides they have pricing how can you for the record as a taxicab to drive someone across the city for $7
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uber is doing that that's not fair we carry a million dollar liability they over low rides the streets of san francisco are not safe if you're not driving you do so that supervisor president breed i wrote you a letter to governor jerry brown and willie brown for the jurisdiction over and over and over the tmcs i want to hand it to you in case you having don't have a. >> thank you the clerk will retrieve the letter. >> good afternoon. i'm robert i am too a cab driver unfortunately this city has decided it didn't want taxis on the road you have to release the
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day there are not taxis and this is coming very soon don't think you are going to have a few years to think about it i predict in the next 18 months the entire taxi industry will collapse there is no price control an uber at present with their billions of their subsidizing drivers who take rides unfortunately, this is completely legal by all the puc registration that is our mayor enforced he didn't want restriction of tmcs for the city
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this is a tragic mistake the day there are no taxicabs do you think that the tmcs are even going to consider taxis rates they're going to be sky-high and taxis will never come back. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'll skip over this okay. there's a lot of chinese resident in district 11 they canned handle english but my supervisor wants to handle the meetings in spanish i have a problem you know the u.s. took the land and the national black anthem if you see how white people christians and i'll be
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happy to give the e-mail signed supervisor avalos i'm german a irish and russian if there's a miss that understanding i'm a catholic and proud of it i have a problem with gay people it should be a federal law get married and when i think of a sex change operation and the same treatment the rest of us have if you want an abortion go for it i'm a bro born catholic and proud of it thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> board of supervisors supervisor wiener on march 72015 you wrote an off letter supporting the commuter
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instrumentality program and said means that program has proven a way to keep cars off our streets as madam president exemplary i want to state that many people thought public have mentioned supervisors names and keep our comments to the board. >> i'll run our time now. >> it said reduce the offer gashouse and getting to work you're talking about the bus drivers and president to do something so for them provide good wages and benefits so what i want to ask you is what's the impact environmentally of 4 to 6 thousand uber vehicles per day uber lift vehicles those types
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of vehicles per day on the streets their 19 hundred cabs as people pointed out have as many of those vehicles as you want a what did i the advantage cabs are required by the city of san francisco to have either hybrid vehicles or to have gas natural gas vehicles those on the vehicles have no restrictions as people pointed out i know but we can't do anything it's regulated by the state you're right where you were in 2013 when uber and lift went on the streets we heard not a peep from you e.r. the mayor he know the mayor is out of other people's pockets and what happened then and that was declared a miscellaneous
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method who jumps in the public works headed by mr. peavy we know is - >> thank you, sir thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> madam president, supervisors, department people i'm thomas robert simpson thank you for the warm welcome to the special visits from the western edition i'm here to say i think it is really important that a number of you are here who live within 5 or 6 blocks maybe 8 blocks of this chamber my hope and my wish is that they will get an inspiration or something one-on-one within them
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that says oh, this is an african-american that used to live in my neighborhood the president of the chamber oh, it's the african-american woman from the other part of town that's from this chamber also or there's a gay white man part of the chamber they'll say off a oh a possibility i my one day be a part of this chamber so i welcome you're welcome for us i hope i didn't put you on the spot too much. one person you did mention was angela part of bringing the youth here thank you for bringing us here and hopefully one day one the youth behind me will take our position thank you very much >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> approximately i'm dana
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i work here and talked about the high rates of breast cancer in marin county it was believed to have the highest rates of breast cancer in the world oh thank you this book come out maybe four or five years ago that says it was beautifully landscaped - breast cancer in the world oar i've talked about how synthetices gunmen in the form of hormone played a major rule in half the cases of breast cancer in marin i go to marin and talk about one their high racists breast cancer
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and thees gunmen roles that it plays and other cancers are some of the research showing that thees begin was strongly suspected to be cardiogenic for decades here is from the i don't have the study but it is from journal of national cancer institute in 1940 (inaudible) a carcinogen (inaudible). >> sir please speak into the microphone. >> sorry it was established in historic experiments here's one in review of the evidence by
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sole gus berg estrogen. >> sir, your time is up thank you. >> madam clerk can you call our 3:00 p.m. oh. >> mr. gilbert. >> supervisors thank you tom gilbert i didn't 7 years ago there was ending our women - my first public speaking planning commission eastern neighborhood noise continuance 24 hour noise that was being built new model and new construction remodeled for 55 decimals 45 decimals continuance noise in our apartment and attending packed meeting at the planning commission properties livelihood and rezoning and
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christen was the want her last day here as a supervisor she was - it was mentioned the perfect storm of what i consider the mayors foolish bra ha, ha over the ross some of the femininity restraining and it was folded here i think correctly political sport he was not a member of the league democratic association with the ca bottle christen lost at the last session a statement they were surprised christine was able to step into the spot of being a
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supervisor she was a president of the dynamic situation in the eastern neighborhood and preceded and i want to give a shout out to her as the end of women's shout out out month thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed madam clerk can we please go to the 3:00 p.m. special order. >> items 18 through 21 compiles the items for the person's interested in the planning department ordinances the planning exception for the prompted project for environmental review items 9 through 24 are restoring the departments determination and the appropriation of finding. >> it's my understanding that
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the appellants have asked for a continuance for one week to our meeting of april 7th and i know that since we have provided this item we'll need to take public comment i'll opening it up for public comment if there are any members of the public that want to comment at this point seeing none, public comment is closed and i'll entertain a motion for continuance of this item so moved by supervisor kim and 1eshg9d by commissioner avalos we'll take that without objection. this item is continued to the april 7th meeting next week madam clerk can you please call the next item. >> item 24 through 27 are considered for immediate adaptation and roll call vote may impact those if the public objects they can be removed
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separately. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much actually i'd like i'm to colleagues those are recommended to the priority conservatism areas like supervisor eric mar's items 25 and 26 to sever them the reason supervisor mar's is asking we request that requested we send those items back to committee i'd like to make the motion we refer the items 24 and 25 excuse me. >> okay. so we'll do that shortly. >> okay supervisor cohen so you want to remove items 25 and 26 we'll take those up after we adopt the rest of the items so on the remaining items items 24 and 27 can we have a roll call vote madam clerk and on 24 and 27 supervisor wiener councilmember alvarez
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sxhefrd. >> supervisor campos arrest supervisor christensen supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor tang there are 9 i's. >> okay items 24 and 27 passed unanimously madam clerk can you please call item 25. >> item 25 a resolution to support of the determination of the water trail as a conservatism trail by the government and item 26 as well madam president. >> yes. >> item 26 the resolution to authorize the 4 conservatism areas national the bayview hill and the green mclaren park. >> supervisor cohen. >> want to entertainer or make a motion excuse me. to move
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those to the land use and transportation committee. >> okay supervisor cohen has moved to have 25 eye 26 to the land use committee is there a second supervisor christensen without objection those are moved to the land use commission. >> madam clerk will you please call the next item. >> madam president in memoriams will be next, however, in memoriams centered. >> this brings us to the end of the agenda madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> that concludes our business for today madam president. >> thank you very much we are
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they see our work process, our discussions, the decisions we make. it is good for us. we kind of behavior little bit when we have people in the audience. msk (music) >> we are rehearsing for our most expensive tour; plus two concerts here. we are proud that the growth of the orchestra, and how it is expanded and it is being accepted. my ambition when i came on as music director here -- it was evident we needed absolutely excellent work. also evident to me that i thought everyone should know that. this was my purpose. and after we opened which was a spectacular opening concert
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about five weeks after that the economy completely crashed. my plan -- and i'm absolutely dogmatic about my plans --were delayed slightly. i would say that in this very difficult timefor the arts and everyone especially the arts, it's phenomenal how new century has grown where many unfortunate organizations have stopped. during this period we got ourselves on national radio presence; we started touring releasing cds, a dvd. we continue to tour. reputation grows and grows and grows and it has never stopped going forward. msk(music)
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>> the bay area knows the orchestra. you maybe take things for granted a little bit. that is simply not the case will go on the road. the audiences go crazy. they don't see vitality like this on stage. we are capable of conveying joy when we play. msk(music) >> any performance that we do, that a program that will be something on the program that you haven't heard before. string orchestra repertoire is pretty small. i used to be boxed into small repertoire. i kept constantly looking for new repertoire and commissioning new arrangements. if you look at the first of the program you have very early, young vibrant mendelson;
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fabulous opener and then you have this fabulous concerto written for us in the orchestra. is our gift. msk(music) >> and then you have strauss, extraordinary piece. the most challenging of all. string orchestra work. 23 solo instrument no violin section, now viola section; everybody is responsible for their part in this piece. the challenge is something that i felt not only that we could do , absolutely could do but i wanted to show off.
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i can't tell you how aware i am of the audience. not only what i hear but their vibes, so strong. i have been doing this for a long time. i kind of make them feel what i want them to feel. there is nobody in that audience or anywhere that is not going to know that particular song by the fourth note. and that is our encore on tour. by the way. i am proud to play it we are from san francisco. we are going to play that piece no matter where we are.
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