tv [untitled] April 6, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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i was a supervisor in the [inaudible] an office called up to the [inaudible] unit and he was giving a report of a stolen auto and he should have said v staned for victor and k standing to xng and when we got to the n he said the n word. what you are talking about now has been going on for 40 years. i made a report then and nothing was done. the officers feel they can get away with saying things like this is there is no frowning-there is nothing-they were not punished then or fires. the racism
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continues so inyou want to do something about it you need to listen to [inaudible]iolaunda williams >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening i'm [inaudible] i just want to address something that i heard mentioned throughout not just this conversations but conversations throughout regarding law enforcement and the community and we heard a lot about law enforcement not being all bad, that there are just a few bad appms. i would say there are more bad apples than we ithink and those that are not necessarily bad apples know which are and are not reporting that. i think that is problematic so when we talk about deal wg law enforcement who have actually been caught and engaged in homeo phobic and
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other behaveers i think we have to think about the culture we need to and that isn't addressed by single out a few folks. the second point is that i believe it was mr. dauchy earlier that mentioned a requirement for officer tooz report this behavior. i think it is equally important that the consequences of that behavior and not reporting the behavior should be looked at serious. the culture of lack of accountability in law enforcement will continue. finally, there is a lot of conversation about [inaudible] and training which is great. we vamodel in oakland that integrated community actually leading the prestigeeral justice and police taining around bias directly with law enforcement which we found very effect chb in making sure community voiceerize at voices
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are at the sent >> if you can share that oakland model that is helpful. anyone else like to speak? colleague dooz you have closing remarks >> i have a lot of remarks, but want to start by thanking everyone who came out today. first, let me say i don't do my job in fear. whether it is the poa that is strong arming anyone or me or members of the xhinety or killers on our street, i don't do my job in fear. people are welcome to have their opinions about any subject matter and i will do my job based on what i am responsible-what the people are district 5 put me here to do is that is do my very best to deal
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with issues when they come up and also be proactive about deal wg issues. that is how i do my job and not in fear so i wanted to make that perfectly clear. second of all, it is also clear to me that we do a problem in our police department. this isn't a new problem. i grew up in plaza east and oc in the projects and i grew up wincing violence against family members. my normal is running frathum the police, you didn't talk to police about anything. fast forward to being a supervisor and being at plaza east and having the police aufsers there
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and the knhunty members are saying to the police we want you here and want a relationship with you. we want to trust you. we want to make sure that our community is safe. and that is what we need to be doing. we need to focus on making sure we have the kind of police officers like yo landa williams and miriam jackson, like the folks that care about making a difference in protecting our communities in our police department. when we have a situation like the text messages or officer involved shootings we have to deal with that swiftly. i know there is process, but it is important to explain to the public what that process is. the chief doesn't have the power to fire someone, the commission has that. how do we
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who understand the challenge of communities and how to respect while policing in the communities. the other thing is yes, we need cultural training. we need to make sure we are training people to understand we are all different. we expect you to reexpect those differences. not oppose those differences. if you have a problem with those differences, we are not indiana so you can kick rock jz go somewhere else. the point is we need to make sure that training isn't a training that can come and go dependent on budget cuts. it needs to be a required training just like the academy has driving classes and all the other things, this has to be a natural part of the curriculum and need to move for ward in that direction.
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finally, one of the other recommendations i have been thinging about after meeting with daniel landry and maty scott and a couple other people that brought up the community police relations. i remember christopher mohammed, mareium jackson, reverend brown and others who came up with a very very long plan of over 200 something recommendations from brushing your teeth with your right hand-i'm just kidding reverend brown. all these recommendations it was like a dissertation. i want to make sure shat we look at what those recommendations were and what are the ones we implemented, are they working and what can we continue to move forward to implement in the department. i think that we need to basically
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bring new life to the community police relations board. let me be clear, a community police relations board doesn't need to be created by the mayor. does not need to be created by the board of supervisors. the community police relations board needs to be created by the community and for the community of member thofz police department and the community who come together and meet regularly and who deal with challenges before they come with the department. that is what we need to do and so i'm committed to continuing to work with you all to try and implement some of these recommendations and yes, i have gotten [inaudible] recommends. there are all these recommendings being done. we
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all have a role to play and this is the first step in moving in that direction. it isn't a perfect solution, but if we are committed with rolling occupy our sleeves i'm committed to doing my part to support the folks who are prepared to not only work today, but work tomorrow, work the next day, work the next day because you can never let up with a problem like this. this isn't a ovnight problem. this didn't happen in 1, 2, 3, years. this is embedded sadly inl the history of law enforcement and slavery in this country, so it is up to us to be consistent and on top of the issue if we want change and i'm prepared to work with you with that >> thank you president breed. let me say i'll follow up with supervisor cohen and breed and
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avalos and campus. i think the hearing and the testimony has been valuable, eye opening. i'm in agreement with many from the community speakers that the racism and sexism home phobia and bias is systemic in the police department and other departments as others said. it is embedded in the culture and practices. there are patterns we have known for generation jz many years. suggestions have been brought before. my hope is the 5 of us work with colleague squz the mayor to think about how we dist rupt these patterns. it is critical that we insure we have data. whistle blower programs and reporting conduct and racism comment is critical whether the cleef can do that as a directive or whether it happens at the board level, those are questions we'll look at.
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screenings of officers for red flags of biases and other patterns. trainings when the academy or field training program, how we sustain key antebias and bias free type programs is critical. i like that a number of people said when you do anteoppression and bias trainings you need to involve the affective communities. those are good session versus straight up academing training. i want to thank the officers and justice and leadership for being here. reverend brown and others-[inaudible] revealed tremendous antemexican and latino and don't think that is brought out in the press as
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much as [inaudible] i thipg we are going look closely at the ovlap of the sessions. to daniels suggestion of having the department of justice or outside institutions look closely at san francisco, i think that is long over 37 do like other cities. i want to say this is the first of hopefully a number of hearings that we'll have. my hope is we come back in 2 month sometime in june to follow up, but i think emphasizeing the suggestions that came out of the hearings with the thought that the organizations put into are what i hope we can do with the 5 of us >> one of the things i wanted to talk about it is, one of the ways we make our priorities know is through budget. what we fund and what we downtown fund. as weget to the budget season i want remind us of this hearing. there is a series of
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recommends made to us, some with budget cost and some without any. we need it make sure that these over site departments such as the district attorney office and office of citizen complate have the resources they need in order to conduct fair investigations within the sheriffs department, the police department and the fire department if ever necessary. so i just want to be mindful of that as woe go into the budget season >> i'll work with you and president breed on bringing those sessions and others as the budget process moves for would. april and midmay are the time to talk about these key program. let me thank everyone for stay ing long. it
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is 635:00. can i recommend we continue with the call of the chair? can we do that without objection. is there any other business >> no other items. >> thank you everyone. meeting adjourned. you all here to do what they do everyday they should be resting but a huge thanks to all of you without further ado we a map that needs no introduction
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the father of the chief mayor ed lee. (clapping.) >> thank you. good morning everyone. >> morning. >> well, i'm glad to help mohammed and all the wonderful department heads and volunteers and labor organizations as well as community organizations to really start the year to not only clean up but we do more than clean up; right? we biff our neighborhoods. (clapping.) >> i want to say thank you to all the young kids that are out with us today, we're going to be working with us we want to make sure our city it cleaned up for them yeah. (clapping) i also wanted to make sure that psyche i didn't right here is part of the effort we've got students performs with us he's
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wear the right colors because his colors also mean world series teamwork. >> (clapping.) so i want to say thank you we're n a world-class city a world series champion city and hopefully very soon our nba champion city and the superb 50 next year the arraign we're a world-class city everybody cares cares about our city supervisor kim's is is great champion not only for the beautification of every alleyway as mohammed said one hundred and 50 thousand volunteer hours since 2000 we have some thirty thousand plant that have been 34r5e7bd
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throughout even though city as a result of clean city 3 million square feet of graft abatement and i know that because i got one million of them and i got it on the same signal box i know a million square feet that's a square block i want to say thank you to the community groups you're helping not only to help clean the city and getting volunteers young people as well as people that point careers and good jobs to work with you dpw and all the associate agency rec and park and all those departments are part of our youth hiring organization we use the most basically teams of respectfully the city to recruit our youths and you'll see many of them grew up into career jobs
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in all our department i want to shout out to the police department who is here all the time (clapping) and i want everybody to know as you pan out we're all working together a strong collaboration among the agencies but the most more collaboration is with our community and the people that live here no matter where your from (clapping) we keep that in everything so i want to say thank you to everybody keep collaborating and working together and make that city a world-class city thank you very much (clapping.) how about another big hand for our mayor
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(clapping.) okay you know about the giant sweep you heard a little bit about the golden sweep the golden warriors coming here the next person i'm going to introduce and asked her to make a commitment 3 of all the clean up event had are required that the supervisor of that district show up and provide leadership and tells you the projects they want to get done and together all of us the city departments and volunteers we have the commitment to detective get it done please well, the president of the board of supervisors london breed (clapping.) good morning, everybody. i'll be brief i want you to spend more time working than listening to us when i was growing up in the city my
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exploratorium would clean up the in front of the place we the next day would be trash and she'd clean it up i said momma why do you keep cleaning up she would maybe they if at the see me they won't do it we're celebrating 15 years of consistent clean up our streets (clapping) this town was not this big 15 years ago (clapping) so when you're out there cleaning up and taking care of which our amazing city just remember people are watching and people may want to join us next year i'm committed allocates the president of the board of supervisors to make sure we continue to come out and support in event we continue to make sure that dpw as the resources it needs to not only keep our city clean up but to keep it beautiful so thank you all so
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much for coming i look forward to seeing you out there taking care of our amazing city and have fun out there (clapping). >> all right. i promise you all this is short one more person you need to hear from the person in favor of the city and the public works works with very closely to address the concerns in the district we are in district 6 and the supervisor of district 6 supervisor jane kim please welcome her she's going to say a few words (clapping) this is the 15 year anniversary from district to district we're going to acknowledge a few of the folks that are with us in san francisco so if you're not one of the four today your on the list and next week we'll be in chptd and from chinatown in
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the sunset and all over san francisco if you're not iron of the recipients of the award today, we'll 2r50i to keep this short supervisor jane kim. >> thank you mohammed. >> i also is the department head the department of public works is the real mayor of san francisco (laughter) which means our mayor was mayor before and how amazing is this is we have a mayor that didn't just come to clean up as a photo op but spend his time cleaning up the alleys and streets of san francisco mayor ed lee (clapping) we did give a shout out to the san francisco police department i have to recognize cantonese captain cherniss who is here (clapping) you all know him he heads the tenderloin police station and their police officers also
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personally clean the streets in san francisco so thank you for doing that (clapping) 0 over 20 years ago actually in 1994 a group of young people in chinatown that noticed their alleyways were not clean so they started doing research and knows there's a difference between streets and alleys and what's the responsibility of the city yet no one was taking care of the alleys they personally went out and cleaned the alleyways and published them in local newspapers to shame the adults the property owners and the restaurant owners and the merchant and city in taking care of the alleyways in the same way we are 10 years ago this program hired me this is the second annual community set up in san francisco while the work has
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expanded dpw has worked with them and you'll the neighborhood clean our streets and alleyway program south of market for example i want to thank you all for your work many of us get to go homes and schools and after-school programs there are actually people paid to clean whether it's a hall of school but that if mean we trash our schools and hallways or homes even though people are paid to clean up it is your home and this is our city our home it's our responsibility to keep this beautiful so in the new year actually many residents of the city particularly those from asian and asian-american cultural have a tradition we do
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a clean sweep and beautification of our homes to kind of the start we're doing f this this year why 2015 so thank you for coming out today to beautify your home i get - you can clap our if are 0 yourselves i get to present as 234rd 4 awards to relocation four people that did this in our neighborhood in chinatown i got to know south of market the youth organization doing the work working with our alleyways and streets this is the united players so players (clapping.) the south of market of market they're using young people to clean the parks and alleyways through the south of market every that week not just once a
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year (clapping). >> we would like to ask the - oh we'll do it after second you will notice that we have some newportable public toilets in the tenderloin so i want to bring our private partners up that made that happen that's the clean city coalition please come up here (clapping) you'll see their men and women cleaning the streets on every day but they also get to monitor our public restrooms come on up here you'll see them everyday and monitoring our rooms that are assessable to everyone (clapping) would you think that steam cleaning requests by over 1/3rd
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saving 6 thousand plus gallons of water every month thank you (clapping.) >> next the next group we want to bring up someone that actually worked with our young people noting that live in streets that provides employment they're here volunteering on a regular basis the larkin street program (clapping) all right. >> thank you okay. thank you and they're moving to they're new home on golden state we're excited about that and finally a partner in all our district and
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neighborhood we call upon them probably everyday we have ecology we have mark that is going to share a few words (clapping) in support of our community event. >> i think we have a new department here (laughter) good morning, everyone on behalf of the ecology employees i'm honored to receive this recognize i'm sure you're aware of the ecology was not the original founder we're so proud of that sponsorship but proud to have a work side by side with the volunteers and of the departments to keep this city clean we or so blessed with beautiful buildings and open spaces but frankly litter and gash and
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