tv [untitled] April 7, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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our district and neighborhood we call upon them probably everyday we have ecology we have mark that is going to share a few words (clapping) in support of our community event. >> i think we have a new department here (laughter) good morning, everyone on behalf of the ecology employees i'm honored to receive this recognize i'm sure you're aware of the ecology was not the original founder we're so proud of that sponsorship but proud to have a work side by side with the volunteers and of the departments to keep this city clean we or so blessed with beautiful buildings and open spaces but frankly litter and gash and graffiti it is becoming
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something that is an goobl to be able to enjoy the beauty so thank you so much for your work and all who visit here and live here enjoy the beautiful surrounding thank you. >> all right. are we ready to go to work. >> yeah. >> are we lead to go to work so, please work safely if you see something you don't shouldn't be touching don't touch it if you have doubt ask someone with a vest on the team and today, we have over 20 teams out there working ask a supervisor the supervisor is there to help take care of you and make sure you have a safe experience and as we also do for 15 years strong after the clean up we come back and break bread
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is the thursday march 19, 2015 meeting of the public safety and neighborhood services committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. my name is eric mar. to my left is david campos and supervisor christensen. our clerk is mr. derek evans and i wanted to thank sfgtv staff for televising us today. mr. evans is any announcements? >> thank you mr. chair. please silent all cell phones and electronic device. speaker cards and items somebody submitted to the clerk and on the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you. we have four items on the agenda today. i know we have visitors from afar and crucial hearings before us. please call item 1. >> item 1 is a liquor license
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transfer hearing to consider the transfer of a type 20 off-sale bear and wine license from 4555 california street to 1475 polk street and serve the public convenience or necessity. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i am from the san francisco police department liaison unit. before is a application for a type 20 license and if approved will allow the applicant to cell beer and wine license and we have worked closely with this applicant and have come up with responsible conditions and we're going to be recommending this application for approval. there have been minimal calls for service to this location and none of them related to any issues around alcohol. i would also add that this story hoab operating for several years in this neighborhood, and most of you are familiar with the location. it's a distinctive
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building at polk and california. it's a glass building. this tenant is on the ground floor want i would point out this location as in san francisco is near an area of high crime and undue concentration. there has been no documented protest from the community nor s we are recommending this application to you today with approval with the following conditions. condition number one sales of alcoholic beverages be permitted between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. condition number two no more than 5% of the public retail space will be used for the display of alcoholic beverages. this condition will keep it as a neighborhood market but allow the applicant to broaden his market share. condition number 3 no malt beverages should be sold greater with the stated
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volume except microbreweries and craft beers and specialty products sold as stout, ips and esb and intended to eliminate high alcohol and low cost products that are frequently abused but not to prevent the sale of specialty and craft beer products. number 4, beer and wine cool ares and containers over a certain size are prohibited. none shall be sold in four packs for sale. no beer or wine coolers shall be sold in the prepackaged quantities of four. condition number 6. no wine shall be sold with alcohol content greater than 15% except dinner wines and maintained in a cork bottle and not sold in
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smaller than 750mls except in prepackaged multi-unit quantities. we are recommending the application for approval. i will point out the applicant is here and supports the conditions. thank you. >> thank you lieutenant. i would like to ask if mr. king chan from weg weg like or his representative. >> good afternoon. this is a produce market. when you walk in the door the first thing you see is fruits and vegetables. he specializes in organic fruits and vegetables want as you go to the center of the store there are the grocery items. at the rear if approved he will have two small coolers with wines and beers and as far as the hours of operations he informs me it's 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and doesn't intend to be open later than that and hopes you will
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support the license for a type 20 license. >> thank you to both of you. supervisor christensen it's in your district. >> i want to say we visited the location, my staff and i and the adjacent merchants and it is described a lovely place to buy vegetables and i this is a case truly for the public convenience and we're supportive of the application. >> thank you. now let's open it up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can we have a motion? >> (inaudible). >> thank you. can we do this out objection? thank you. [gavel] mr. evans please call the next item. >> item number two is a resolution supporting gerawan farm workers their right to be represented by the united farm workers and urging gerawan farming to implement the terms of the contract. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you very much mr. chairman and let me say that on a very personal note i am very proud to be introduced this
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resolution today. one of the highlights of my life was when in the early 90's as a young stanford student i got to meet cesar chavez and that was sort of a life changing experience, and what we have here today is a resolution that follows and supports the legacy of cesar chavez because we're dealing with something that began and was in fact the last major organizing effort under cesar chavez's leadership at the united farm workers. i want to thank supervisor john avalos who has cosponsored this resolution and note that tim paulson the executive director of the library council he was trying
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to be here in his schedule but it became impossible but i know he wants me to let folks know that him and the labor council see this is as very important priority but the long and short of what we're talking about today we have a resolution that would put san francisco on the record as the first city to come out in full support of the gerawan farm workers who have been fighting for the rights for a number of decades now. in 1990 farm workers at gerawan farming voting for representation by the united farm workers and was a state conducted secret ballot election. the labor relations board at this point certified the united farm workers as the farm workers union
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representative for those workers and for almost a quarter of a century this company -- gerawan, has been fighting the effort of these workers to simply exercise their rights. they have pulling all the stops to prevent implementation of the union contract. in fact things gotten so bad that the united farm workers invoked california's mandatory mediation law in a state appointed mediator was actually imposed, and that mediator issued a three year contract which included retroactive wage increases, holiday compensation that was supposed to take immediate effect to protect those workers. this happened again in 2013. it is now 2015 and to date gerawan has failed to pay the workers
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the increased wages, and we know that they're going to continue to ignore the law and ignore the fact that we are dealing with human beings here who have a right to a fair wage. the agricultural industry unfortunately has consistently taken an obstructionist stance towards workers efforts to organize and gerawan farms is currently using some of the worse anti-union, anti-worker tactic in the being boos. the company by the way has also employed right wing groups like glorrer norquist's groups to launch a media campaign on behalf of gerawan farms and
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funded by the koch brothers seek to his this company as an example against workers organizing. they want to use this effort as a template to fight labor and future battles. it is amazing that this is happening in the year 2015. that it is happening here in california, and we know that if they can do that in california then there is no hope for workers anywhere else in this country. i therefore ask my colleagues for your support for this resolution which calls upon gerawan farms to accept and implement the terms of the ufw contract to ask gerawan farms to stop creating a hostile working environment for these workers, and to ask this company to respect the rights of these workers to fair compensation and equitable treatment. i want to
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thank the representatives, the united farm workers, and most importantly i want to thank the workers who are here today who have traveled far to be here, and i think -- i am very proud of the fact they have chosen san francisco to be the first place where this resolution is introduced, and i want to make sure that we send a very strong message that san francisco will stand with these workers and will not allow this company to do what it's doing. [speaking spanish]
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again i am very proud of this resolution. i want to thank tim paulson, mike casey of the san francisco labor council for the support they're providing these workers and the hope here is once this resolution passes in san francisco that other jurisdictions will follow suit, and we have seen that happens in the past, so before i turn it over to public comment i want to give my league an opportunity
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if you want to say a few words. >> i just wanted to echo supervisor campos. welcome and thank you for sharing your struggled with us in san francisco. my understanding is gerawan is the largest peach grower in the u.s., and to not follow a neutral mediator's recommendations really is both some. also to mention the right wing anti-worker organizations that seem to be behind the growers, so i am really happy that you're here and more people learn about your struggle and how dignity for farm workers and others is critical for our community, not only san francisco and fresno but everywhere. >> supervisor. >> thank you very much. i would like the opportunity to open it up to public comment and
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i know some of the workers want to address the committee. [speaking spanish] >> and i wanted to thank first vice president from the united farm workers for being here but especially the workers. >> thank you members of the committee. especially to you supervisor campos for introducing this resolution and being our champion here along with john avalos and others. i am the first vice president with the united farm workers and started in 1975. we just completed a hearing at the arlb, the longest in history where 120 workers testified to some of the things i'm going to be mentioning here. as you mentioned supervisor mar ground farming has 5,000 workers and does peaches and plums and apricots and one of the table growers under the peopla label. we won an election 24 years
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ago. at that time gerawan illegally fired crews of workers and closed down six of its labor camps in violation of the law completely destroying the workers support there. after numerous attempts over the years to try to negotiate a contract we passed a law that gray davis signed and jerry brown strengthened that said if they don't negotiate a mediator will write the agreement. in this case gerawan picked the mediator. we felt the person was fair. we accepted that choice. 80% of the workers are undocumented. the contract was written with no medical plan. we accepted it. it was a start. gerawan refused to implement the agreement. if i have to say six words that summarize this whole 20 year struggle it would be o boy r bay the law and implement the contract. for example, when we trying to negotiate wage
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initiations and seniority and just cause they would not do that. this contract was finalized in 2013 but they still refused to implement the agreement. it's coming before the appeals court in april, but we can't wait for endless appeals, so we're asking your support. one of the big features that affect us is if the workers would have had a contract the 30% of the workers who work for farm labor contractors who are still getting $9 an hour would be getting $11 an hour for doing the same work so they're losing $2 an hour, over a thousand workers, in human terms so i wanted to thank you. we're going to washington, d.c. after this and new york after this, so we truly appreciate your support and consideration. san francisco has always lead the way and we very much look forward to working with you on this. thank you so much.
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i injured my knee and the company in eight days did not listen to me and did not treat me with medical. [speaking spanish] >> they kept me working picking grapes and in the trays and still not listening to me. [speaking spanish] >> i have nothing help in the six months since my injury and my family depends on me so that means they're want receiving
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any economic help. [speaking spanish] >> my wife and myself were suffering in this situation and also our children. [speaking spanish] >> because of this stressful situation my wife had a stroke -- brain stroke. [speaking spanish] >> and that's why we're here so the company understands our situation but most important and
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implement the contract. [speaking spanish] >> and that's why i would like to invite you to march 31 to celebrate cesar chavez march here in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. [speaking spanish] next speaker. [speaking spanish] >> [speaking spanish] >> my name is ramone. i came from [inaudible] california and i am a farm worker for gerawan farm as well. [speaking spanish]
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>> i have been worked in gerawan farming for four years picking peaches, neck reins. [speaking spanish] >> >> i join my coworker and represent my other workers to ask for support so the company implements our contract and the law. [speaking spanish] >> i don't want to for me to be in this situation of my coworker. [speaking spanish] >> and i also would like to invite everyone to the event of cesar chavez on march 31. thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak on this item? i don't think there is anymore public comment. >> thank you. so we will
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close public comment. [gavel] supervisor. >> thank you. again i want to thank united farm workers, the leadership, the incredible leadership of this union, but more importantly the workers for being here. [speaking spanish] thank you for translating. [speaking spanish] i think it's important that san francisco send a very clear message and so colleagues i would respectfully ask for your support. [speaking spanish] thank you. >> thank you. so we have a motion in support of the gerawan farm workers from supervisor campos. can we do this without objection? thank you. [gavel] . thank you for coming out. >> thank you. >> mr. evans let's see i am trying to remember so we have a hearing coming up and we don't need to call three and four
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together but we will do them separately. call item 3. >> this is a hearing to review procedures for department of public health protocol for fire and building code and requesting the department of building inspection building and fire and department of public health to report. >> was called by the supervisor. >> thank you mr. chairman and thank you colleagues for the support on the prior item. i have called this hearing to discuss some of what has been happening in the district that i represent, specifically in the mission. i want to thank the san francisco fire department. i know that our fire chief is on her way to this hearing. i also want to thank our department of building inspection and we have tom huey here, the director. both the chief and the director
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have been working with my department, with my staff to make sure that we hold this hearing that we're doing everything we can to deal with the tragic fires that have taken place. over the last few weeks i have received a number -- many questions that have been raised about the fires that have happened in the mission, and i just want to remind folks that there was a fire that took place on january 28, and then just last wednesday there was a fire that took place at in the mission on 24th and treat. there was also a huge fire that took place at 23rd and migdz in september of last year and that by the way is simply fires that have taken place in the mission. we have also seen a number of
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fires that taken place in the castro and the tenderloin and alamo square and there are many theories out there as to why these fires have been happening and there have been some even conspiracy theories as to why this maybe happening right now and why it maybe happening in the mission. the two fires that have recently taken place in my district at mission and 22nd on the 28th of january and at tweet and 44th on wednesday each of the fires unfortunately lead to the loss of life. we had a 38 year old man an immigrant from elsal door who was active in the church and community who passed
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away on january 28 unfortunately and in the recent fire from last week you had mohammed chivy who was 38 years old a devoted husband and father of three who passed away over the weekend, and tragically we just learned that the mr. chivy's 13 year old daughter also passed away last night, and so we know that it's been horrible thing for these families. it's been devastating for them and it's been devastating for the community. i know with the latest fire that the family and the kids were very active with the mission
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