tv [untitled] April 7, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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targeting an i think it's great, this is a project of some great magnitude and been really great to work with moh and oci eshs and their marketing that they do. so we ended up doing hybrid program that does more of the ddda and together combined the work they do really well in being able to target the information and the lead time which is what the dd a really stressed. we did a hundred for the lottery outlined and the second mailer to answer this moh inclusionary housing manual which stresses this and we were able to do that. this is more general outreach. we have a great partnership with the sun reporter where we are were
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doing biweekly editorials and we did targeted outreach to cup holders and we also ran ads in the publication outlined and in the market rates homes and those are publications aimed at minority and they have to be translated to the dominant language to the publication. and then we did some outreach with community based organization which worked quite closely with laush an and that focused on the district as a whole and worked at hunters view and the boys and girls club and the library. we did our first mailer in december 2014. we are anticipating having our lottery
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sometime in the summer. i think the ami having been released today and we'll start our pricing timeline and open houses and informational and more concrete information to the community and we'll be more than happy to share with you because it's really great what fcc does and preparing people to be able to take advantage of these opportunities. i spoke very fast. if you have questions later, please do. do not hesitate to stop me. >> she's much quicker at everything than i am. that's the beauty of young people. we thought we would talk a little bit about the statistics that you are interested in which is why we feel people are buying homes at
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the shipyard. did we lose our slide? as you probably all know the average price per square foot for new construction homes range between 1100 and $1200 a foot. at the shipyard we were giving people the opportunity to buy into the market. our first two buildings sold out averaged about $150 a square foot. which makes it affordable. when we looked at people buying out there was price. the only reason they came out was the pricing. what was exciting after that is when people were able to come out and see the vision and see what's part of the 750 acres and parkland and everything else we are putting out there they were able to understand what the location had to offer. as we went from beginning to
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end, we saw the focus. yes, prices is still the primary focus but the second is the location and what the community has to offer. just overall on block 50 we explained a little bit there were 25 town homes. the two bedrooms started in the mid-6s and 7s to low 9s. one bedroom $25 town homes. the two bedrooms started in the mid-6s and 7s to low 9s. one bedroom started in mid-400 and two bedrooms $50 we explained a little bit there were $25 town homes. the two bedrooms started in the mid-6s and 7s to low 9s. one bedroom started in mid-400 and two bedrooms in the mid-500. the numbers were in the high 7s. we hope to go to market with them in april. i can't give you an exact date yet but that's going to coincide with our first move ins. so it's going to be a very busy time at the beginning of april. we'll
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have our first move in at block 50 olympia and our parks from start to finish and we'll be releasing 53 and 54. so we touched a little bit on about who our buyers were and the reasons for them coming out to the shipyard. what we are hearing is that they are very excited about coming to a new age. they are not pioneers because it's an existing neighborhood but visionaries because they see where it's going. i'm going into a little bit of detail of who they are which will give you an idea that they are a very educated group and they know what's happening in san francisco and they are very excited to be part of it as they have
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watched the evolution of everything moving down through mission bay and dog patch and now to the shipyard. so the information that we gather is what you are seeing on this page. and as you can see 52 percent are married. we at this point very few homes have children which is actually what we anticipated because right now the parks aren't established yet but we think that will changeover time. 62 percent work in san francisco. most of the people live in san francisco. so they are coming from the area. the average age 34-48. most of this is what we had anticipated and then as we said primary reason is price and location. surprisingly high annual household income and as expected our biggest group is health care and tech
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and finance. they were first time buyers. that's exciting as well. now i'm going to turn it over to aisha. >> thank you, cheryl, good afternoon commissioners and director bohee, aish mayor's office of housing and community development. i'm the program manager and i would like to highlight the marketing efforts between ocrr and offices. between the three of us we have comprised this program and i would like to go over that with you. the program specifically outlines the requirement for our cop holders
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in conjunction with our office and the office that occurs at our office. with did a mailing in april and july and also an advanced notification period to submit the marketing plan. in addition to the vda there were our own marketing requirements to get further outreach in the community. as you know sfhbc is one of our partners. they actually provide a three community meetings specifically targeted under the community benefit plan to bayview hunters point residents one being in september as mentioned september 13th by july 2014 that was prior to the announcement to the general public in august of 2014. we provide one on one application assistance including credit building, financial planning and lending
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referrals. they are our non-profit that offers services in the city. we have another partner here who offer services in various languages and other communities outside of district 10. the affirmative and marketing obligations include advertising not just in print but paper form. the advertising was publiced with the different ethnic groups that we serve here in san francisco. and they included print ads, online ads and our e-mail blast which is up to about 15,000 subscribers. we actually sent out three e-mail blast over the 60-day marketing period just to get the outreach and keep the interest going. we did many before the open houses and workshops. also in addition the marketing
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requirement required specific outreach to our occupancy which i will go over more in terms of what the four occupancy were. as mentioned the bayview hunters point the cac being other groups such as the bayview library. the marketing period kicked off august of 2014, august 15th, to be exact and that ran through october 15th. traditionally over the marketing requirements it's a 4-day marketing period but lanar did the requirements and we were able to keep the interest going and give people a little extra time. it's worth noting in addition to the open houses to the welcome center downtown had a presence open monday through friday and the shipyard was open saturday and sunday. outside of the open houses people were able to walk in the office
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during weekdays or take a tour of property. our lottery preference. certificate of preference was the highest preference with most priority with certificates from the hunters point areas and western edition the ticket holders behind them. our second process was our rent burden or assisted housing those who are spending more than 50 percent on rent. a lot of them are doing that in the city unfortunately and those are public housing residents and people in public housing and section 8 housing. we have our tennants displaced through the withdrawal from the rental market. they will have traditionally a 20 percent satisfy. so in this case there was 1 unit out of the nine set
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aside for lsf. for current san francisco residents meanings you are living here and not working here and the fourth the general public. if there is someone who lives accrue is the bay and works in san francisco they would go in that pool. so what did our target pool look like. here is a chart and it's in your packet. there are 9 units offered in ami. one studio, two one bedroom and went from 245 to $244 to 400. we saw total of 85 applicants. they are broken down by lottery preference. 2 percent came from our cop, a resident
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burden and ellis act and we had one in the lowest lottery preference. moving on lottery applicants by zip code. you will see we have two households in the lottery. 941071, then we clumped in the regular folks, other sf resident is 33 and non-sf residents. two i should mention was a cop holder who resides in south san francisco. so, what does the pool of applicants look like. what are the demographics. 16 percent were african american, 62 percent were asian, 4 percent filipino, 7 percent hispanic, 2 percent
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middle east earn and 9 percent 9. i know i'm running through this quick but i'm sure you will have questions at the end. i'm happy to report that all 9 units are currently in contract. we had actually one rent burden household, one ellis act preference holder and one sf resident who were in that pool of the nine households and contract. we saw an average household size about two. average age was 37, average median income was close to $49,000 or close to 63 percent ami. they have 45,000 in assets already and we saw in hospitality, security officers and home service workers. so we are definitely able to reach the working folks in san francisco through this lottery. we did review 15 applications to identify the
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nine qualified candidates. unfortunately four of those were over income but they were over 80 but under the 120 and our programs go to 120 and we were able to offer them other opportunities and give them the referrals to go back to council -- counselling and to other programs available to them. that's what we do traditionally if they are particularly over income for a targeted union we ask them to go back to counseling to explore what their options are. what does the bmr application process look like, if you are buying a home, and adding a layer through the affordability program can make things somewhat complicated but at the end of the day, it's an educational process. that's what would require that all of our assets go to the home buyer
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workshop which is a very important process that is one of the five agencies that i mentioned earlier on. they sit down with the group shop and one on one. it's important for them to understand the rules that come with buying one of these units. it's a great deal but we want people to know upfront and not when they are going to close on this unit what the resale restrictions are and the occupancy requirement. it's fundamental to start at the workshop and work with one of our approved lenders. not everyone wants to work with first time home buyers and we establish this list because they are lending partners who we know actually have products that will work with our program. once they have that certificate in hand and they have their preapproval, they know their buying power and know what they qualify for with city funds and they can start applying for bmr opportunities.
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most people will hear from the e blast or print ads and they will getten their application by the deadline and they are entered into the lottery which is actually held in partnership with the mayor's house of community development and the sales agent and the public is welcome to attend. prior to the lottery we actually sort the lottery list by preferences. we sort through that before we administer the lottery. they are noticed on the website and by our agent. it takes us 15 days to thoroughly review our application, we are going through bank statements, pay stubs, we need to make sure that what you are reporting your income to be is what it is and make sure that you are declaring all of your asset and make sure this is a really safe by for you. assuming everything checks out,
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the buyer has 10 days to get into contract, once they are in contract they have a 60-day closing period, 45 days to obtain a mortgage. they are working hand in hand with their bmr approved lender to make sure again that they are getting a safe and sound loan, reasonable interest rates, all of those things. once the leoparder submits their final package we drop our loan documents forres escrow and send it to the title company and send the appointment to sign. the documents are sent back to the office and we review and they are successful home owners. i should not in this application process we are changing one thing. as i mentioned by a home is very very paperer intensive. there is a lot of personal information, tax returns, bank statements, we are in the process of launching or system called delia and we are closes to rolling it out on
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the project coming out soon. we'll share those details with you later. dahlia is an application system and people can upload their documents digitally and use the profile and as new housing opportunities come up, they just need to update with pay stubs and bank statements. it will be a learning curve but i think it will be great by the end of the day. that should be ready for 53 and 54. i do have one slide that was not included but i will quickly if i can put it on the -- overhead.
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i spoke to the lottery but i thought it would be worth noticing that the agent during the marketing period, they send it to us every week. who are dedicated to the bmr units send us weekly list. if there is anything on the list that weren't right we would go back and work on it at that time instead of waiting for the 60 days. at the end of the 60 days, we hold the lottery and at that point the process is triggered until we get all 9 units in contract. that is by household size. we work through the list for that order. even though we are going through a digital system, the human lottery will still happen to say the least because people don't really like a computer controlling everything. so our next slide and i'm going to to jump back to the powerpoint
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ladies. our last slide i wanted to focus a little bit on our cop holders. there is can you remember 750 cop holders actively. i'm happy to report that 73 new certificates were issued in 2014. we successfully housed 23 cop holders last year. one of those was a home ownership and 22 were in rentals. three of those households returned from out of the areas. so contra -- contra costa alameda counties. i took an average on the ami's study and they were about 44 percent. to me what that means we can work on maybe seeing if some of our cop holders are eligible to buy
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because they can use their certificate twice. the reality is that some people may not want to buy. i think there is going to be more outreach around something we can do to see if there is an option for them on the long-term, get them into counseling and if it's something they can work on, we can definitely put that on the list. sometimes you need that encouraging with people if it's happening with families and associating circles. there would will be a marketing report to you all and at that time we'll be happy to give you greater detail on our cop port foam i -- portfolio and the landscape on that. >> okay. do we have any speaker cards? >> yes, mr. oscar james and ace
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washington. oscar james for the record bayview hunters point and the one who came with the certificate of preference during the joint housing process in 1968. the problem i have with the finding of certificate holders, they are not going door to door in our community. i have met several people who have certificates who have been relocated two or three different times. some live on shore view, some live in jackie robinson and other areas in the hunters point project area and because they are moving two or three different times they are a certificate of preference. the information does not come to the address they are located at now. so what i would like for lanar and
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for whoever else to try to locate certificate holders is to go door to door, shore view and different places on hunters point to notify those certificate holders or at those addresses that certificate holders do have preference and if they have been relocated from different addresses that they are still entitled to get that information and use their certificate. the certificate came out of 1968 and i was on that particular committee under ms. julia coma, the chairperson who was responsible for the ticket holders. it also went to the western addition and down on fourth street and howard street where we droment agency came in and came in with the muskone center. those
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people also have certificates. i never saw that brought up that are entitled to certificates. i would like for those people to be notified also. they need to go address to address. people in those areas. shore view, anywhere on that hill and let them know. some of those people even went back to housing authorities. they are living in housing authority projects and living in portrero hill. some of you need to get a hold of them also. so you know, the ban needs to go forward. everybody doesn't read the newspaper. i sometimes get the weekly or the bay guardian. people don't use the newspapers. when we had joint housing and people
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on staff, they went door to door giving out information to what joint housing was doing, with new housing an construction. you need to do the same type of thing reaching out to the community and giving it to people who are living there now. thank you very much. >> what a wonderful presentation from the city and county of san francisco. see the thing about it is, and i sit here and evaluate all this, i'm a historian. i will be going back to 10-15 years. what i see here now is a new era, i see new employees coming to new department that are created just here in the last 10 years. but as oscar said and this is one of the things i'm trying to get her to speak on,
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is the cop's. as oscar mentioned he goes back a little bit further than me but i go back under the mary rogers regime, the way pack. as a matter of fact i reinvented it after it closed down and that's a mystery too. basically i'm in the process of working and getting ready to talk to lanar, mr. koffie, i remember him when we 1st joined lanar. the thing about it is the certificate of preference, the outreach. they need a new partner inside that. the partners i see at oec and city build. they are all the the same, you come up with these department heads, the city and county of san francisco is room
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200. despite you putting these people to work. as oscar said, i was back in the days where we had to sue redevelopment to try to get the list. 10-15 years ago and you have the ex-redevelopment members that are not department heads and part of our mere existing. you have redevelopment agencies department heads that you call redevelopment no more. but they are department heads and they hire different people. they have no clue what's been happening in san francisco. so i have got a little problem with that. but that's not my issue right now. my issue is to invent and create. say, you are getting ready to retire. i have a new thing called case. it could be anybody, but case
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means community, assistance, service enter prize. yes i came up with a good one. which will replace old ace. it might be henry on a case. it might be bird on a case. i don't know. it is going to be a case that comes after acen my retirement. i can't give it all to you this time. >> thank you. any other comment cards? thank you. questions? yes, do we have enough time for all the questions? yes we do. commissioner mondejar? >> i have a few questions. and
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i know we are over our allotted time. >> oh my goodness. >> we are good. >> okay. the demographics, is there a way for us to find out what the demographics are and of the marking outreach, the publications that you outreach to. and the question about how large when you say you outreach how large is the e blast list. when you say you have 55 people attended who are they and where do they come from. just a little bit more detail. four corners my organization is over 10,000 in our list. i don't think i'm on your list or at least the organization that is win our list in your list because i don't think we have received in invitation or e blast or announcement. those ar
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