tv [untitled] April 7, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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opportunity and i am not doing this for an election any time, and i am doing this because i love this city, like all of you, and i feel like i have something to offer, and i would gladly step aside if somebody more qualified was able to offer something more effective but for now, i am happy to step up in and do the job if you will have me. so, thank you all so much for your own service. >> thank you, i want to thank you for your service on the board of directors and mta and it has been really great to see what the mta has been able to move forward in terms of infrastructure and in terms of new fleet that we are working towards building, and in terms of the attention to the pedestrian safety, and where we are now seeing, the mta and in a place that has not been in 25, 26 years, and to live in san francisco and they were called back in the 90 and what to talk about 100 days that is not the kind of approach to really how we make a long term changes and the investments in
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the transit systems and thes really a full time around the clock effort. and looking at various parts of the system in terms of the infrastructure and the streets and our buses and the light rail vehicles and the whole works and that is something that i see really being fully attended to by the mta and it is in the past way and the past week, how, the mta has been taking some strange hits because of the new i would say, premium private system that is in place, and there is all of this discussion, like why would you want to be on muni and like it is incredible, and because hundreds of thousands of people ride muni every day and some of us ride it in businesses, and we don't mind you know, it is not a system that needs another level of elite, care, and it is something that we need to on tend to and i appreciate your voice in that effort, and i for
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one will be supporting you, of course and much of the colleagues have much to add. >> thank you very much and i think that director ramos, you hit upon a lot of issues that are really, really that i was going to ask you about any way and i think that based on your past experience already, you have dealt with many of those issues and i think that these will always address the issue with some of the outside, non-mta type of outfits that have been coming up in san francisco and i think that on the one hand we can learn from them that if they are croping up it is because there is probably a need that is not being met by our own transit agency and so what can we do better and whether it has to do with taxis or anything else or just regular mta service and i encourage us to move forward and figure out how to regulate and get a handle on them and identify what are the weaknesses and how to do a better job to serve the customers as well. and keep coming up with the great ideas such as the boarding that has helped a lot and i think that the creative
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solutions that don't cost a lot of money but helps to feed the transit that is important. and for me, i am going to be paying a lot of attention to the muni forward initiative and i know that mta has helped, a series of community meetings already and they are going to continue doing that, but i have not seen for some reason, a level of participation at least on the west side for some of these meetings and so maybe we need to think creatively that how it is that we do the out reach, for example, if i am aware there is a proposal to put in 8 traffic signals, in a residential neighborhood and yet, no one with these meetings and i know that there is going to be a lot of talk about this, and what are some ways that we can do better out reach to make sure that everyone is aware of these proposals in every single district of san francisco, and moving forward so that we can move muni forward. and so, i will, look forward to working with you off line on that as well. >> thank you for being here and thank you for your service. >> thank you, supervisor. >> cohen.
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>> just quickly, i am happy to support you. thank you. >> and the reason why i am happy to support you really goes back to several years ago after you were appointed, we ran into each other on bart in the east bay. >> and we had an opportunity to have a really good conversation as we were coming back to the city. >> thank you. >> on public transportation, and it was really refreshing to see your commissioner, and your mta commissioners on the public transportation and i can appreciate, i think, your father, you have children? >> well i am raising my niece. >> okay, and you had a child and discussions about challenges of families particularly those that represent in the southeastern part of the city, and the station and the valley neighborhood and the southern parts of bay view, really, and the cities desire to the transit first and how that is almost like a catch 22. >> yeah. >> the city desires to be
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transit first, but yet, transit accessibility but more importantly reliability. >> it is not where it needs to be. >> and so, i, again, want to impress upon you the importance of the eliminate of the switch back and just a profound level of frustration when it comes to not understanding the purpose of the switch backs and just really feeling, like the city is sliding them because of where they live. and it is very much a social justice issue. and certainly, that is the lens that i look at it through as well as my constituents and so i would love to count you on as a partner to help to eliminate the switch backs and i know that we have hired the operators and fixing the vtags on the light rail and moving, into the 21st century, and to
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where, our transit definitely is matching our desire to be transit first, so that is a very long way of seeing, congratulations you are one step closer to being reconfirmed and i am happy to support you today. >> i am looking forward to supporting you. >> so, last year my office did a lot of work with the mat and the community stake holders as well about how we can have an equity framework for how the mta makes the decisions around the deployment and the infrastructure and it was a process that the mta actually did a lot of work at the table with us and including, you know, the general manager or the director ed and elicia, and john was part of that as well and other staff members and so i would like to see that work continue and i think that it addresses the issues, the social justice issues that supervisor cohen has brought up and especially when we look at
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the more out lying neighborhoods of san francisco and often, the transit and the density of the options are not quite the same as other places and effects our ability to access, and we would make sure that we continue that partnership with you to work on those issues and i know that is your bread and butter as to what you care about as the director. >> yes,vy been working with the staff and sharing the lessons that i have been able to learn with partnering with organizations that are trusted and have deep roots and are connected to the dmaunts we are trying to serve and make sure that there is better representation and every decision and conversation that we have going forward. i will certainly continue to be vigilant about those issues. >> okay, so we will open up this item for public comment and any member of the public who would like to comment come forward. and seeing no member come forward we will close public comment. >> oh, we will reopen public comment. >> please come forward. >> thank you.
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>> that one is fine. >> okay, madilen and director and founder of folks for polk and i want to speak on behave of ramos reappointment, two years ago i was a new ad advocate and everything that i did was a public mistake and ramos was actually incredibly inviting, and listened really listened besides of all of the wonderful qualification and his track record i would like to say that he has an abundance of something that is very under valued which is heart, and so he would take me aside to find out what it was that i wanted to say or more of what i wanted to say, and i think that the knock on effect of other people engaging and being civilically involved is incredibly important when they are being listened to, otherwise we get the people who will just back off and we are a city who prides ourselves on economy, and engagement and all of that
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and the people par participating, and so i just want to say that he has been an extraordinary person to know, and in coming and cutting my teeth as an advocate and i do speak for a lot of people who feel the same way as well, very open, to hearing suggestions and no matter how silly or how off of the wall, and yes, i just want to say that is very good for the future of san francisco, going forward, thank you. >> thank you. >> and any other members of the public who would like to comment? >> seeing none, move forward we will close the public comment. >> and if we could have a motion to move it forward. >> so moved. >> and we will take that colleagues without objection. and congratulations mr. ramos. >> next item, please? >> item 6 is a hearing considered to appoint one member, term ending january 15, to the san francisco health authority and there is one seat and one applicant. >> very good, we have miss
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emily webb who is approaching the podium welcome. >> good morning, supervisors thank you so much for having me here today in consideration of the seat on the san francisco health authority, i am excited to be here today with the opportunity to join the health authority board and i actually worked for san francisco, health plans, and between, 2007, and 2011, and on the implementation of healthy san francisco, and the expansion of managed care to senior and the people with disabilities and so i have is a really deep appreciation and understanding of the work of the health plan and i am very excited at the prospect of being able to join the board and help to steer the organization from a different lens and i left the health plan to go to graduate school to get a health degree in health policy and management and then i joined, cpmc after graduation and my work there has really been focused on our patients
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that are enrolled in san francisco health plan, and we have several programs through north east medical services, brown and hill, and about 30 percent of the health plans, are membership comes to a facility, whether it be saint lukes or one of our other three campuses. and i have been heavily involved in working with those partners on care coordination and access for members, and so i think that experience will be an asset to the health plan board and the issues that i am particularly interested in working on at the health plan are provider access and i think that with the medical expansion and the growing membership with the health plan and we want to make sure that the people not only have insurance but they have access to doctor whens they need them in a timely man and her that is shg that i am looking forward to digging into with health plan, and i also you know, think that the board's rule making sure that
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we, the health plan is meeting regulatory requirements, and financially viable, so that it is around for the 130,000 residents of san francisco, that it serves. and that is another thing that i, you know, take very seriously and i look forward to working on. and so i am happy to answer any questions and thank you very much for considering my appointment to the board. >> just if you could further expound and you are interested in what you see as the challenges and the opportunities for the health authority, moving forward. >> and yeah, i think that the challenges, and they would also be opportunities are, you know, the membership that has come into the health plan, since the affordable care act, is really very different than the membership that has been part of the health plan from its inception and so we are moving really from the women and children can who are mandated to be in that care and seniors and people with disabilities and older aduments and really
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anyone, who needs the medical income eligiblebilities and establishing that to care for the changing population is something that we to give the opportunity for the health plan to add value to what could be a fragmented system and really to work on the care coordination and making sure that we are investing in the timely access but also, the programs that suppliment what providers have fallen to members. so that is i think, one of the, you know, the biggest challenges and along with that comes, you know, financial implications of serving ivery different population with the different needs, and so, as a board, working to make sure that we have the help to be viable long term is to kind of challenge associated with that. >> great. do you know where san francisco is it compared to the other
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places, in terms of their over all coordination? is this the health authority that we have here very unique to california, or is there similar bodies and efforts and maybe you might compare with them. >> yeah, throughout california, counties with enough members, have a two-plan, healthcare model and so there is always a local, like the san francisco health authority and a commercial partner. and i would say that the san francisco health authority is unique, and consistently and it is recognized for its quality and out come and received the gold award for i think the last five or six years, certainly since i have been there and so it has been recognized for a really excellent quality and partnering with the providers and care coordination is a part of that but i think that we always need the opportunity to look at new programs with the new populations coming into managed care. >> great, thank you. >> and the colleagues any comments or questions?
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>> seeing none, thank you for your, supervisor tang? >> just a quick comment and i just wanted to thank you, because i know that you helped out our office when we were partnering with them for the international woman's day celebration and really helping to get the clients paired up with some of the services and it looks like we were probably at, and around the same time. >> yeah, nice to see a fellow ider. >> thank you. >> great. thank you for your presentation. >> thank you very much. >> okay, and this item is now opened up for public comment, and any member of the public that would like to comment, come forward. >> thanks so much for letting me speak, i am from the san francisco health plan and we are really pleased that you are considering her for appointment to our board, and emily, comes in as she told you with a vast knowledge of our programs, and we take care of 130,000 low income, seniors disabled and
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family low income families, throughout the city, and it is really important to have somebody who really understands those programs and what the challenges are and she targeted them right away, we have incredible growth and it is a wonderful opportunity and we have to be able to manage the growth and so that the people can get to the doctor and get access in a timely way and so we are pleased and we would urge your support. >> thank you. >> any other member of the public that with like to comment? >> all right. >> i am katie all bright the executive director of the san francisco child abuse convention center and i promise to be short, i support web b nomination and i worked with her in the children's center of san francisco, and the bay view, child's center and the center for youth wellness on third street and she was instrumental in its creation and its current success, it is smart and solutions oriented and knows healthcare and deeply
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understands our community and the needs for the population and she will work hard for san francisco and i urge her nomination is support. >> thank you. >> okay. any other member of the public that would like to comment? >> seeing none, we will close the public comment. i am just very impressed very concise, but very impactful presentation and demonstrates a great deal of knowledge and the authority of the work and moving forward in terms of our healthcare planning in san francisco and so i am fully supportive and thank you for your interest in this service, and so, colleagues could we have ail motion to move this forward. >> so moved. >> we will take that without objection. >> next item please? >> item number 7, hearing to consider appointing three members terms and ending december 17, 2015, to the sweat free procurement advisory group, three seats and three ap
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applicants and >> i believe that they are here, we will take them in the order that they are in. we will start with jason oringer. >> good morning, my name is jason and i have been a member of the special advisory group for a couple of terms and part of the sweat free committee, that helped to work for the law, along with the mayor's office and supervisor at that time, amiano and it was about ten years ago that san francisco passed this almost ten years ago, any way, and that san francisco passed this ground breaking, legislation, and you know, what was different about this ordinance is that a lot of the sweat free laws that proceeded it were limited in scope and didn't have have youer much direct account nlt they were statements of principles on avoiding sweat free conditions
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and limited to the garment industry and the thing about this is that it starts with the garment industry and it also has the opportunity to be expanded to other commodities that the city purchases. and look at, the working conditions, and based on the standards and the city standards, and across the globe and so really, it is, and you should be thought of as a compliment to this sort of construction and regulations that the city has and services and regulation and guidance that the city has in looking at the full scope of purchasing and so, you know, as in any piece of legislation that you know, takes on something, that big and new, there has been a lot of wrinkles and a lot bumps in the process of trying to get regulation and get a scope and get the law to work. and a lot of the early years of this piece of legislation worked you know, trying to partner with the purchasing department with the oca and develop regulations and actually, get a grip around the industry which did not or has
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not garment industry which is the first group which was very resistant to being regulated right? and made, many effort to avoid and regulation and that knew that san francisco is just one public enty among many that purchases items from them and so the city took a leadership position in working to try to be a convener and to reach out to through the mayor's office and through the board of supervisor to other cities and state to sort of come together to try to look at a higher standards in the garment industry and so i think that you know, we, and i, i am excited about coming back in this position and i think that we have gotten through a full round of the garment and associated contracts with the city that are now covered by the ordinance and we have actually, you know, worked with the non-profit, compliance partner and the workers rights, and to, that has developed,
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several report and they were to implement the report and try that out and so we actually have a working system that we would like to come back to and i look forward to another year of work on actually trying to move the legislation now that we have actually got a lot of the wrinkles out to move forward and think about again, the scope and the promise of this legislation, as it was originally conceived, and i would like and i would hope that the other members of the advisory group will be coming back to you all, also. and to gather, to get your support and in doing that because i think that there is a lot of promise and it is only a little bit of it has been realized so far with this ordinance. >> questions? >> when you talk about the garment industry, what does that include? is that providers for uniform for the cities and also the people with other >> yeah, so it is, originally it started out, the ordinance is uniform and other garments so, several city departments
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and i think that there are uniforms for the police department, the fire department and fire turn out gear is actually covered by this, and for the jails, right, the inmate and the parking department, and a lot of those are the bigger contracts that are covered and then the ordinance was expanded to cover actually woven other text tiles that can get the work into the health department which is another animal altogether. >> it is manufacturers, and it is also services? >> yeah. >> it is manufacturers. so, it covers for services it covers technically the part of the stuff that they purchased, right? and so that, the service contracts for the laundry and other things are covered by the service, regulation, but also covered by this ordinance, if they meet the threshold for the part of their contract that is actually purchased. >> great. okay. >> and then, you mentioned that so far, the sweat free, procurement legislation is
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really impacted the garment industry and where do you see it and the other industries that it will impact and has started to impact. >> and so right now, the ordinance and there has to be and sort of an affirmative decision, through the oca, right? to decide on any expansion and i would assume that would come through and deliver a process with you all as well and right now it only applies to garments and other woven things and i think that there are promise in other industries, i would say that technology is one industry that has been discussed and people have talked about food as another industry and thinking about the food supply chain in the food, but there are several and i think that it would be, and we have had the discussions that the advisory committee about what are the biggest areas of purchase in the ones that might be, experiencing the most abuse, and both domestic and international. >> oh, and we want to asks as well in terms of, and in terms of the garment industry and in
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terms of how our cities legislation, and on the sweat free, procurement, how have, how is the behavior changed within the industry because of this because of this ordinance. and i think that there has been some, so, there were a lot of levels of difficulty, and because, there is a lot of levels of subcontracting within this industry, and so, the city has vendors that they deal with which are basically just, and they with a lot of the uniforms for example, to just to be taking the negative segment, they have to and they have shops, right? where you have a uniform company that has a contract and they don't produce any uniform and they contract with another that outsources the stages of the production to the other companies and so a lot of the early part of the ordinance was trying to get the workable and real information at the locations and then, to be able to investigate the working conditions, and in that supply
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chain, and so that is accomplished and there is actually a survey system, that now can do that, and now, there is a whole other level of being able to investigate, and in what the verasity of the information that they are receiving is, and even getting the information took a couple of years of work because a lot of it international. >> and there are manufacturers overseas. >> exactly. do we have any manufactures here in san francisco and in the bay area, there are, and the garment industry, in san francisco has been shrinking and we have had an initiative early on, which the chinese progressive association really worked with and worked with the city agencies and the mayor's office of economic development to try to see how much of this work could be out and there is an initiative now and what the determination was of the early studies and i think that it is echoed to more recent and that there may be more support necessary, than not just some kind of a buy local or an
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institutional or technical support that will be necessary to help the local garments but there are manufacturers and it is a shrinking number and that could do the work and they are not doing to now and they are doing the subcontracted work for other things and i think that there is also, an effort to reach out to sfmade and the kind of profile and the kind of products that they produce and compared to the kind of products that they are looking for is kind of different and i think that it is a promising area for discussions. >> okay, great, thank you. >> and you have demonstrated it. >> thank you. >> we have another, and we have two more applicants and i am sure if they are here, yuval miller is the next? >> thank you, supervisors avalos, tang and cohen, i appreciate the opportunity to be here today and it would be an honor to serve on the advisory group and although other cities have sweat free ordinances only san francisco
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and one other city has created a citizen body to over see ordinance implementation and broaden the out reach to the public about the great steps being issued. and as a member of the advisory group i would encourage the effective performance in two primary ways and first i would leverage my experience in human rights, poverty reduction and international labor law and i think that you have my materials and in case you have questions later to explore the creative intentives to work with the ordinance and second i would seek to encourage and improve the out reach, through the connections with the diverse stake holders and one of them would be my predecessor was a student at sf state who more could be down to reach out to the schools and part of that is because this really has to be seen against a backdrop of
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other measures that are not at the city level, but in the private sector and those are mostly college level licensing agreements with adias and nike and the like and so for example, the university of oregon that has a licensing agreement with nike and the students, staged a sit-in, and insured that the university would work into the licensing agreements, working standards for the production chain abroad and the reason that it worked so well at the college level is because those licensing agreements make a lot of money for nike and adias and etc. and at the city level here, we are paying for the uniforms and so there is a dual, incentive and really that is where, the creative, there has to be a process to comply and also on the public level to reach out to the public to get the public
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support for these measures so that the same kind of so that they can actually be effective. and otherwise, you have a situation where the public wants to pay less money, but the public also wants better working conditions, and most of the time the public does not even know that this ordinance exists. and when i found out that it existed i was surprised and impressed and that is why i started coming to the meetings and i think that there were, out of the 12 months of the year, there were five meetings actually held last year, and although, that was not one of the two ways that i would like to help out this committee. and i would say, that i schedule those meetings and i made time for them and i have a busy schedule and i would be part of the quorum that allows the meetings to go forward and meet, having five out of 12 months of meetings is not sufficient in my view, i think that san francisco is a flag ship and requests to lift the
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people out of poverty and improve the human rights and, that i would be honored to help to start that voyage and serve the city. >> great. >> any questions? >> comments or questions? >> no. >> okay. we are good. thank you. >> the next applicant is julienne fisher. >> good morning, supervisors, thank you it has been my pleasure and challenge to be a member of the public on this committee and i asked for your support going forward. previous two speakers have more than covered some of the potential that sweat free procurement advisory group can do for the city. as a member of the public sitting on this board, one of the things that is just very simple that we have been able to accomplish and would like to expand is to know that our city budget has been used to
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