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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2015 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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affordable market and rehab of new construction, etc. this is very useful full to help us with all our policy discussion and build on the housing element i know that supervisors you've adapted the housing element for and against in the first reading or second reading this is a main document for the city this provides a regular process report on how we're achieving our goals and lastly has wide support i know that today people have a lot on their plates and supervisor it is earlier than accepted we saw a showing for the planning commission to show how useful this will be in the various neighborhood in the western edition or south of market
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different neighborhood struggling it is clear whether you're looking for middle-income or whatever it is important so thank you very much. >> thank you very much are there any other members please step forward. >> hi, i'm erica i've lived in the admission for 40 years as a renter and retired nurse and i'm old i've seen a lot of things change in the city and in the mission we fought against genocide indication but i've not seen anything has devastating as new i support the housing balance and send it forward to the full board i'll support a moratorium on evictions numbers are staggering i'm sure
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you're aware 70 percent of the mission is affordable that was in the chronicle last month the latino population has dropped by over 8 thousand people and the african-american has dropped household are making less than $75,000 a year dropped by 3 thousand and households making more than one hundred thousand increased over 6 thousand so i'm afraid that the diversity that san francisco has always preside i did on it reaped disappointing we know that driving awhile black and brown and disabled one telling thing that is very bad was the fire on 22nd street were lost their homes as we know and couldn't which had housing in
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the mission this city found housing after a month on tdr in mrashd so people are away from their community and away from their health care and schools and their jobs the fact it the house next door the perimeter next door the lead is an upscale perimeter right next door - >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm with the community participating i urge you to approve the housing balance ordinance that was unanimously adapted 23 we want to see a balanced how's lard we need to see the tool in the pipeline past, present, and future i urge you to past that as urged by the commission thank you. >> is there another speaker. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hi, i'm a tenant at the antics by community housing partnering and work for them as a organizer what i would like to see supervisor kim and supervisor cohen i'd like to see like more affordable housing maybe that will keep our streets clean we have people on the street it makes our neighborhoods bad address make that safer for our children and we also need affordable housing families all our families are moving out of the neighborhood we need to keep our families here and keep our streets safer thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi afternoon panel i'm mike i'm a veteran and with ace i'm here to speak on my behavior as a human being being in the mission of the greater bay area and how affordable housing has
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not exist ami i've been in an sro while in alameda california and dpoitd to evan and struggled to find hours ami i've been here since 1989 since the loma prieta earthquake and as we struggle electro those hard times i live in an sro in the mission i noticed there's a lack of understanding of the laws that are passed or held to show that a person like myself of color like a veteran that served the country over 9 years i understand there is luxury and affordability is not for those who don't have an education there should be something to change people's minds and has the right to help people lib
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myself that have sacrificed and i've been displaced due to this economic backlash of this recession or the president downsizing people in the military i hope you guys find it in your has the right to the panel of what's going on thank you thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> p. >> hello, i'm neil i'm from supervisor cohen's district district 10 and a member of alliance of community apartments we need a balance for the housing situation right now ray charles is blind and dead and saw that inform is a hard place for low income people to live we need to do something now. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm an
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organizer with ace in san francisco we have worked for a number of years with folks facing foreclosure in the bay area and have a mission chapter that is primarily tenants and can tell you will be floosh there are 3 thousand people with including with the p l s loans that can't be modified because of the kind loan there are a danger of losing what was affordable housing in the bay area at the same time in the mission we know that there is a crisis right now for tenant we know that only 7 percent of the housing that's been built has been affordable and you know you've heard from mike here we have other people that are here
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you know facing the potential eviction that have no where to go because of the lack of affordable housing in san francisco so we've seen the crisis taking many forms from flooshz to housing that is only coming in for the rich we need to know how bad the problem is the city of san francisco to be accountable that's why this bill is so important and needs strong action that retains in market rate and supports affordable development. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello good afternoon my name is fanning a leader with san francisco we're a organization from teachers to seniors with the senior disability action with youth in the mission all of those groups
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and we've been working on many things funds for workable bill of rights but this year we've come together to decide the housing is our number one permits some of the people are moving to oakland and antioch i know one worker that commutes from mann tuck and less and less folks can live in san francisco and when this happens they can't participate in their union as well as and the community groups and in fact, can't participate in the political facet as much the fact that to deteriorate the quality of our life and participation in our public conversations and so that's one reason we're here to urge you to pass 24 ordinance it is the
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beginning the first step we hope you can make that happen thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm amy the founder of vera did care we urge you to accept this ordinance has passed through the planning commission as is and in my neighborhood of divisadero i know that supervisor breed is centered in making that into a transit corridor or changing the zoning i'm not sure about the impacts as yet i'll still looking at that with my neighbors we're interested in making sure we have the data and put some conversation in the housing assessments for the affordable housing to be soon development if we're going to be making
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fillmore and embarcadero and increasing the density we need to make sure we're supporting all neighbors and not pushing opposing people out in the process we can come up with some initiative ways to work with the developers to bump up the numbers from feigning to thirty percent to 50 percent i'm looking forward to talking request people in the room and thank you for your work on that supervisor kim. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm bill a second generation san francisco native and i hate it end with me i have two kids the only way they can afford to live in the city to not buy a house but inherit it i was a truck drivers 40 years ago you could buy a house in san
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francisco with a truck driver wage today you can't you know they're talking bad about people making a decent living they don't want you to i was not a veteran vet by my younger brother was we should take care of our veterans that served the country you know that are working hard for us please make it an affordable city i don't know what you, do it sound impossible i hate to see that ended with me both my 2k3wr5er79s immigrants my dad bought our house in 144 for $250 what is that house worth today it maintenance to sell the house
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and go somewhere else. >> thanks. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm chris from the equality center supervisor kim i urge you to support in legislation i think that so bill housing program we provide access to housing citywide for low income and middle-income residents our growing population is actually it is very diverse in terms of the different types of persons not only the people are qualify at the ami it is different restrictions e.r. restrictions and the types of resources in terms of finding assisted living as well as having caregivers
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notify in with them we need more data it is fair to assess for different reasons and for access to hours for us we would like to be part of the hope when people come to our doors to provide ways to show them what's happening over time and what happens in the future so they have at least some assurances they're part of - they couldn't lose hopeful e hope essentially it is important to have data something you and your offices can bring to the table when people come to your doors where's the planning housing for me breaking down that is very complex for someone that needs housing right now today and it is for us people who are service providers to break down and make
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it clear this is coming up in this neighborhood and this neighborhood but we know this is coming up in the pipeline we need your support in that thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon my name is paul and i'd like to address the board as a long term resident of the mission i've lived here for 35 years and served over 20 years on the board of directors of a local nonprofit called mission council they served in the rehabilitation of drug and alcohol abuse i can testify to what i've myself witnessed in the mission most recently, i have seen a good number of my neighbors long term renter their properties
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have gone into the market and been purposed by for lack of a better term speculators with the intent to initiate the ellis act after buying the property those renters some of them have been my neighbors as long as i've been there they predate my residency i've seen them bought out and lied to with a lessor stent some are hanging onto maintain their apartments i'd like to help i want to support any and all legislation and efforts on your part to stabilize the housing market in the myths and the city as a whole and whatever we can do to increase that market and
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do so at affordable rates thank you very much. >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm teresa i'm from the bill housing program of the veterans center we urge you to support those housing balance as is our service and what we have noticed that people come to our door the first one we ask is how do i get to affordable housing how can i apply for affordable housing? and as people come into our door they come from different backwards people are seniors low income families and low income individuals who are on fixed income middle-income families that are starting to leave here
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in san francisco and also settling in the neighborhood so this housing balance is very important because it gives noble statistics but the stories of what housing are being built and what kind of housing needs to be built when we asked about when people - when people try to apply for affordable housing some people don't get accepted because they're only one hundred dollars from the maximum or 50 away from the minimum what kind of housing we see that kind of trend so we urge you to have those statistics available so it will guide us to what kind of housing needs to be built we need to build affordable housing for all extremely low income and low income and middle-income thank you, very much. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> name is anthony work in south of market with senior and disability action i'm also with the manila town heritage foundation there's a grave need for having housing balance and also to have that balance monitored i don't think that it is a mystery to anyone there is a lot of market rate housing what messages is really - is being stated to the community when you know predominantly moderate of market rate housing is going up what does it tell the worker people and on the message is you don't along here and i'm not of that mindset there is room for
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everyone in san francisco i'm concerned again with seniors and people with disabilities district 3 has the largest of 28 percent medium income in 2010 was that $7,000 a year i don't know how much social security has risen in the last 5 years but in that area it looks like the housing balance is out of balance out of the 6 hundred plus 66 we are affordable that really has to change i'm in favor of the housing balance and having the - this data available 80 so people at least know where we're at and you know we've been fighting for a long time to have more of a balance there is no balance we're trying to get it
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in the opposite direction and on track thank you. >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> i'm 35 years myself housing a big thing here and we need affordable housing some kind of rent control because it is way out of hand as far as the was this and the housing they're totally out of balance and we just need to be past thank you. >> thank you our next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm ryan fair a community organizer with tmc we're asking you approve the balance
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ordinance that has been depraved consummating by the planning commission we know that displacement is a concern because of the lack of housing to meet the housing demand and supply if everyone with the walker prolong the streets to notice the changing city a lack of culture and diversity and loss of establishment and our lgbt community we're losing all of that within san francisco; right? and the impacts that have happened for the lack of long term visionary in the policy development and we haven't thought burglary the true implication i'm encouraging to have a workforce we don't have housing for and moving the loss of rent control unit we need to have unbiased data that
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is produced on an official level through the city to make informed policy decisions that impact our housing community especially on affordable levels without this we're speculating on the implications thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is eric i'm are the san francisco latino culture district we're in support of the housing monitoring report balance i think we need to look at each individual neighborhood separately it is the city is not the same all across the neighborhoods particularly in the mission we're ground zero for the displacement we got a report showing that 8 thousand latinos
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displaced from 2013 and 80 percent of the small businesses latinos businesses from the south mission we are in a crisis for the latino community in the south i think we should add to the number of jobs that are lost find out what those are and the number of businesses displaced we can get the numbers for residents we need the big picture to decide what is working and not for us right now what is happening in the mission is not working we're in support of this report thank you. >> thank you. the. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors i'm here representing a member - as a member of ace and bay area
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long term standing and native born and raised getting back to the last two years because of the affordable housing that was established i'm in support of this i'd like to see it expanded and see some affordable housing built there is a great lack of affordable housing there are people that are civil service employees that can't afford to live in san francisco this is very, very sad you have city employees are unable to contribute to the economy here in the city they work and live there is a huge usage crisis this humble development it is candle stick heights i have people approaching me in grocery stores asking me is it that difficult to get into our complex people are desperate for affordable housing they have now
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decided that they're going to find it by any means available specifically people are seeking to move into my development i want to see more affordable housing particularly in the mission and the bay area community that have been the most impacted i have a college degree and surviving on apartment seasonal employment i don't know if you guys can do anything about the employment but certainly the lack of affordable housing crisis so i'm putting this do into your agenda and hopefully, you'll do something in regards to the concerns because the concern is great thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm carolyn i work in the south of market with the
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veterans equality center but come here a resident of district one i've seen my neighborhood change e mentally in the last 4 four or five years a lot of family's are leaving the richmond i've had close friends rent has increased by over 40 percent so i also work with educators that teach in district 11 and can't afford to live in the district they teach this says a lot about the housing balance that san francisco teachers can't afford to live in the city they teach in i urge you all to approve the housing balance ordinance as is. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm james tracey for the
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community partnering our organization is one hundred percent in favor of the housing balance ordinance i'm sure you're aware of we know there's a lot of supply and demand and regulations around the supply and demand no matter what kinds of the question of supply and demand is answered by more and more housing 345ur9d we know what will happen the income and equality and the destruction of our neighborhoods will increase but if we increase the supply and demand making sure the communities are preservation for the issue is front and center it makes that better thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm anthony i'm a member of the
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harlan hotel i've seen the changes with the area and the coming down from coit tower is getting smaller and smaller the the affordability is more and more less and the.orgers are coming in and the google'sers are coming in we have a problem with a layman person trying to make it and doing regular i tenor for the bay and the rent i if i didn't have affordable rent i couldn't live there i am in favor of this proposition a lot of people are is lived there a long time are getting squeezed out a few of the most successful relatives can live here so you. >> thank you very much.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm daniel i'm also part of a member of the group i take it i've lived in all my life and faced eviction we won that we over turned but but it is a very big building we had a lot of you know made moscone proud and fighting back in the everyone has that privilege you know some have lived in small buildings i used to go to church but i don't go anywhere where do people have to go i think like in shortening or antioch there are a lot of things to say a lot of theories i faced my eviction and now i've been i feel like i've been put in a box i kno