tv [untitled] April 8, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all madam president i'd like to take roll and please do inspector. >> commissioner president loftus commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner mazzucco commissioner president fong commissioner melara madam president you have a quorum and with us is the chief of police kwhoufr and joyce hicks. >> good evening to everyone and those watching welcome to the april 8, 2015, police commission meeting inspector the first line item.
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>> the consent calendar received and file action. >> request of the chief of police to accept a donation of 25 hundreds from boston properties for the special partitioned bureau request the chief of police to accept a 10 year old quarter hours for booze utilization by the mounting unit. >> colleagues you'll see two items for consideration on the consent calendar which the inspector has laid out i'll note not bans of caution one of the donation is signatory is john laughing ton the former sfpd my husband's second cousin for purposes of disclosure any questions for the chief no do i have a motion. >> so moved. >> second.
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>> all in favor, say i. opposed? motion passes inspector the next line item. >> line item general public comment the public is welcome to address the commission on the items not on tonight jurisdiction but within the subject jurisdiction the speakers shall address the commission as a whole not individuals on the police commission rules ever order neither the police or the ocii personnel or commissions are requested to provide answers but my respond the personnel to remain from entering into debates or discussions with speakers during public comment we have a larger amount of people speaking we'll limit to two minutes. >> welcome i see reverend
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brown. >> madam chair, i wish the commissioners would indulge that black community and give us more than two minutes considering how long we've been waiting for justice not only in this city but more importantly to tell us this nation and we saw one of the most egregious impressions when a young lad walter scott was gunned down in south carolina i hear you brother. >> we feel reflects a second systemic attitude and practice on the part of too many who claim to be law enforcement agents to keep the peace
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i beg you tonight i implore you don't limit us to two minutes give us the 3 minutes that afforded at the board of supervisors we have some serious things to share with this commission tonight and president of the san francisco naacp the pastor of the by that point church for thirty years i hope he'll we'll notice reduce the e impressions as some erroneously elected to say a city guess not much mind about race being a factor race matters if you listen to this audience you'll get a good eye and area full of how dirty san
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francisco is when it comes to justice for black folks (clapping). >> thank you reverend brown. >> thank you reverend brown. >> next speaker >> that's my appeal not my statement. >> you have 12 second. >> i'm president of the san francisco naacp it is an insult to tell the president of the naacp he is governed by two minutes i'm appealing to the board for together where you stand and in terms of respecting and hearing from the community that has been so devastating wronged in the city. >> time is up
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(clapping.) >> next speaker >> i'll say this i hope you all fire every one of those southern police officers and give them no benefits they don't have the right they don't deserve to be on this police force and i'll say also that the city. >> i'm sorry your time is up, sir. >> if this city can say nobody can go to indiana because of the homophobic policies we show the same thing immensity about the racism prltd against black folks get rid of those officers. >> thank you, thank you. >> policing and sensitivity training and finally make sure we have a difference force and brother marshall i don't need
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you to tell me my time is up she's the chair of this committee. >> thank you. next speaker, please ms. jackson. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is sergeant williams i'm the president of the officer for justice i'm going to ask the commission to give me me her 3 minutes. >> she can't and very well i stand before you representing of the officers for justice we seek nothing less than justice many of the members are not here because of retaliation if they testify pubically we take the same risk regardless of the color of our skin is it fair that minority should be treated this way there's not been a
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schedule of this magnitude with the san francisco police department after the loss of which involved the creative in - which was sheltered in 79 it comes down to two things it's african-american officers and it's about our heritage and about our gender preferences despite the long history and contribution of african-american officers to the san francisco police department text messages by some of the members with disparking garage words referring to us as silver back comburldz and monkeys regardless of the contributions to the police department it is all about race and gender i feel personally lbe traded by my loyalty and service not respected it is difficult to process this members of the sfpd
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has consistently lead the nation to building that the law enforcement agency is progressive and that the members appreciate differences and value diversities based on the text messages it is an abandoned concern i pgs the officers involved in the scandal. >> i'm sorry. >> i'm going to leave you with the remaining comments that you o fj wants to leave you with i of time you to help us eradicate this bigotry within the department (clapping.) thank you. >> next speaker welcome. >> good evening. i'm felicia i represented the 1021 as the chairman of wealth and dispartsd
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within the black community i want to address around the horrific text messages imposed in san francisco even though it's a black woman we've known about the racism and discretion now since we have black and white i guess it is time to deal with the old you know issue that no one really n in san francisco wants to deal with not only do we see you not want to deal with with it one of the things that bothers me in the community is after everything hates been said or done i'd like to know why didn't anyone come to the community. are we not worth having a community quorum to talk about it and have a dialog we're not worthy and so we do have a right to the city i want to say today
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right now that black lives matter even though we've been fighting for years and years over 50 years in san francisco alone for justice and equality it appears we have some liberties but definitely do not have equality and that's what we're standing together for we want justice and a equality for the black community i'm still think that you guys have the right and that you should be determined to come to the black community and every time we have to say something and stand up for our rights we have to come to you, you never come to the black community never where we are to even apologize for the horrific things going on in san francisco i'm shamed i'm shamed of the police department and shamed of this commission not coming to the black community to apologize personally
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>> thank you, ms. jones (clapping.) >> next speaker. >> hello, everyone i'd like to use the overhead i'm paulette brown i'm here again southerner any brown that was murdered august 15, 2006 to a semiautomatic cabin put their gun into my son to this day i have no justice no enclosure and the case is a cold case i bring this with me because it says in the chronicle that the police forming mayor gymnasium said i know who killed her son the police know who keep in mind her son this was in the paper
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that which is a slap in the face if you know this why can't my sons kinds be solved why am i still grieving as a mom i bring those pictures of homicides those are cold cases excluding my son i bring my pictures of me standing over my son because i'm still hurting his birthday just passed transmittal ity april 6th. >> this is what i have left of my son laying on a german full of bullets that's all the memories i have left those are the names of the suspects that shot my son thomas and others
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one of them is deceased right now how long is a mother am i going to grieve how do we solve those cases how many mothers are going to continue to grieve it's been 9 years 9 years i need some justice. >> thank you, ms. brown (clapping) and is there anyone in the audience or anyone at home the phone call that 4154444 please call that number it will be unanimous and help us although the person will be held accountability. >> i've been here a minute george gascon and chief greg suhr the police department even
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bill brad told me i said there's why are we still seeing this guy on the force greg said he's going to fire him honestly it is a little bit repugnant i talked to a cop on 6 the street idle charter it means something when i come up here and use the n word it means a lot my best friend is black he calls me a honkey honestly commissioners terminate those officers on recommendation of chief greg suhr and do it now. >> thank you clyde. >> next speaker. >> (clapping.) madam president commissioners,
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chief suhr and distinguished audience i'm sid restrict jackson the president of the san francisco black leadership forum and come to you with a request for hope we live in a racist society not shocking to three and four there are racist incidents within our society that is awe pulling and shocking we don't have effective policies to deal with this to sit up and deny there is no racism in our society is essentially taking the problem we need psych overlook intervention so we can eradicate those types of idea and behavior that has a terrible impact on the black community when someone does something associating they
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think what they're doing is justified that's the problem unless you understand that to not be racist is a conscious decision something to be mindful all the time you're going to react to that unconscious stimulus i'm asking for i think i have good faith in the leadership on this board we can look at very, very pragmatic and effective policies best practices throughout the country how we eradicate radios it behavior on our police force (clapping). >> next speaker >> good evening. >> madam president and board members i'm a community activist vice chair to san francisco integrate council and baptist
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church i'm here to say today, this has got to stop we need you to be like an investigator with a two-way mirror one mirror to see what happens in the department and in the community and neither one is talking to each other the time has come to stop those officers there should be no decision she should go we want them not to go with benefits we want them do go without a job and those recommended basis to make sure they're not hired by the oakland's or the fairfield's police department they shouldn't work as police officers this is a city of loving people and sfns we're out here to do a job and every individual whether the traffic cop or the police cop or
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the chief of police all to be accountability any deception we want it to stop now we know there are good officers out there and good people but every individual that sitting on the where had is accountable if you leave tonight without having those police officers than something is wrong with the board (clapping.) thank you, mr. hodge. >> next speaker. >> hello my name is aj the president of the incorporated san francisco and the president of the seal of the i'm here with my mom who saw fit to come in a wheelchair and here to support of the third baptist church osmosis brown and
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standing up for what is right the question how many white people have you seen impended down in this matter and how many white kids have stopped and they get shot what you come is to the same conclusion something is one thing wrong you have the power to set the example the light tap on the wrist watch is not going to work i'm asking the black community and you to do your job number one and set the example i'm asking the black community to build a minority center in ferguson and other places they shoolt down a black person and i want to say say it loud i'm black and proud say it allowed i'm black and i'm proud say it a loud i'm black and i'm proud
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thank you. >> thank you (clapping). >> next speaker >> welcome. >> how are you i'm william i'm a third san franciscan my family fought in every war including charging a gentleman back to mexico i'm not here to cast stones but one thing i'm going to explain i see my time monitor is running out in a quick partially in alaska or the at risk if a hunter wants to catch a wolf it will take a knife and stick it in ice right there and the wolf can smell blood over two miles away that wolf will come to the achieve and
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continuing lick the achieve but ultimately it's killing itself in this partially you and i radio both the wolf and the hunter because we're both putting the knife there and licking the knife now the african-americans that are emigrated to san francisco and the west coast if you don't believe that african-americans have granted something in this country everyday you walk up i own a laundry and dry cleaners everyday you wake up and put our cloths into the washing machine you royals your an african-american you put that was an african-american every time you stop at the stoplight that is a african-american every
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time this system and not specifically you is not doing their job realize that this is the fertility you're taking from your culture thank you (clapping.) >> next speaker welcome. >> good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is it charley powell i'm the social director of the fold berry group i do research for the organization i'm not here to technically to address you people by my people my black family i want you to love our black people like the brother he mad because he don't have some i'm the original man, i taught you everything you know and
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taught. >> chemistry and everything you know okay. you didn't know how to make a hoop now you want to treat me and depict me, i'm the greatest thing that walked this earth this man b will protect you from the sunny say to you one time no sir we are the original inherenters he was born of us okay. and we cast him out he hate you he know it is he going to kill you this is a suicide room all over the world i mean, i'm not trying to tell me this man is going to kill you
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genocide on black people and asia or russian if you're black you're going to die. >> thank you, mr. powell (clapping). >> next speaker welcome. >> good evening commissioner president loftus and commissioners audience you know all those years of coming to this commission and trying to somehow appeal to a higher thinking and higher cause it is unfortunate out of the 8 reports that are proposed to san francisco police department literally none has been implemented and we said all along this is like a pimp he will that never goes away we have to somehow be clear that i think a lot of times there are so many conflict of interest in san francisco a
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political city this is why we've been saying the department of justice needs to step in (clapping) it didn't please us to compare us to oakland or ferguson the other departments a lot of things that happens with homicide wouldn't you been e it make sense to have an impartial investigation and then whatever come down from the department of justice now we can deal with that then but now so many relationships have been accommodated in the city we can't get to first base even on the simplest things that's innovate right. i received a letter from the department of justice a record request at the san francisco black and brown alliance for the
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points that have been submitted to the department of justice on behalf of people of san francisco we're having an appeal we don't agree with the department of justice this is confident with you we want you to write a letter help us help you what our city thank you (clapping.) thank you. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> madam chair, commissioners i'm a senior pastor of the hope at 950 gilman in the hunters point neighborhood and a developer i serve with the tabernacle thought about 7 of the larger progressive churches in san francisco african-american churches and one of our objectives to try to
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retard or stop if possible the exhibition of african-americans all of us know that we have different ethnic groups in the city with the african-americans are the only group that is being pushed out of the city and not retaining and not growing with the developing i heard some disturbance statistics this week that we anywhere if two to four and a half percent i came here in 1946 almost 14 percent african-americans left the south as a soldier internal revenue in the last part of the military in europe when i came back from germany i was dismissed into arkansas i felt
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