tv [untitled] April 8, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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to retard or stop if possible the exhibition of african-americans all of us know that we have different ethnic groups in the city with the african-americans are the only group that is being pushed out of the city and not retaining and not growing with the developing i heard some disturbance statistics this week that we anywhere if two to four and a half percent i came here in 1946 almost 14 percent african-americans left the south as a soldier internal revenue in the last part of the military in europe when i came back from germany i was dismissed into arkansas i felt like i was walking into a
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burning objective because racism was so strong with the black only go to the back of house all those types of things i'm disturbed because i believe that 18 officers 0 so for maybe discovered maybe the numbers are larger or smaller i don't know 14, 14 have i couldn't believe i don't understand racism mime i i'm a sharecropper i know rapture on occasion it was a black brother walking down the street in a little town and the sheriff slapped him the woman don't hold her hand on the street i couldn't believe this
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type of attitude the chief was here in san francisco and cities in your hands to do a variety of ideas and restoration you can myth that improper form and justice i think you can do it. >> thank you thank you pastor walker. >> speaker welcome. >> i'm mr. king founding african-american board and the archbishop of the jurisdiction of the west i did not come here to speak i think words are falling only deaf ears i think this is already been expressed clearly enough for us to know that racism exists and is practiced explosive force
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demonstrates with the two police officers walking into the territory of sheriff's office suggest the intimately attitude of san francisco police department and i think it is something we need to be aware of now it was stated that the chief no one has come to the black community to express their concerns about the pain and the hurt in the community african-american intriegs board had a relationship with the police department that if there was an incident in the community they'll met with the chief within an hour of the incident and speak southerner how would be best to deal with it chief you're aware of this program and i think that that program needs to be
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re-established to have a where i imagine between the community and the community the peace plan was adapted by the hispanic and the filipino community as well i think we need to take a look at that and get something real besides us coming down and testifying and begging and pleading that the police in the united states of america began with slave chasing and protecting the wealth of the ruling class so let's be sincere and i have it by taking a look at at the document let's not talk about community police officers polish apples and psa them out in the community we've got to get real and stop disrespecting the officers of justice that represent 20 true blue policing to the serving of
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this community thank you archbishop king (clapping.) thank you. next speaker. welcome. >> i'm eli crawford the president of the new community license plate foundation and i'm also the president and the ceo of the incarcerated and the formally incarcerated i'm here to represent the black population and the black from the incarcerated side today, the population is sitting at 60 percent african-american in a city that is on between two and 4 percent. >> wow. >> you know we have a system that teaching and giving young men high school diplomas who
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can't even read fourth grade education i go into the jail everyday i do may feel speaking and life skills and detox prison men tablets things they don't do enough of i'm a professional i've spent over 40 years of my life in prison and giving back in order to keep what i've got i'm not getting the support and my community is not getting the support in order to strive are forward our young people are stuck in the fashion their stuck in today with remind me of 1965 in los angeles that reminds me of 1968
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right here in san francisco we're getting ready to have something that can't be controlled because the gun by blacks don't do anything when you take a hundred out you've got one thousand coming in within the next hour. >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> i want to thank you and thank the folks here for having me. >> thank you, mr. crawford>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> welcome. >> i'm trying to put this picture up i'm ward logging i think so a native of the san francisco and standing here on behalf of young men that are getting killed today, i want to tell you a little bit about the story all the young men that are shot are guilty of supervisor
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kim a crime i was sentenced sefrpt so for driving awhile being black as a youth i was pulled over and beaten several times and you wonder why we have crime and people are becoming police officers you wonder why we have more black american young people instead of turning around in a community at the time i was beaten i was an honorable student came up under the commissioner gary and former chief fred those were the people that brought me up i had a mentor movement to work in the jail i've been doing community activist work i'm in district 10 and requested even before
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mississippi killing that my captain condominium to workshops how to conduct the citizens right and teach the young people i got no erroneous i want to tell you not all the young people that are committed crimes are guilt in my day they used to beat us up now they kill us the discretion in the police department is real i was playing in the park okay. we need to stop this and stop this now. >> thank you, mr. logging i think so (clapping). >> next speaker >> welcome. >> ladies and gentlemen, the audience and commissioners good evening. >> good evening.
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>> for the record i'm standing before this commission many times talking about various subjects i have one item on my plate since i only have two minutes is that about 5 months ago i stood before this commission and asked so for the commission report and the person that was shot by a policeman i've yet to see the report since then another shooting of a college student with no weapon since then the sfpd and i'm sure you're looking at this briefing we've had across the country in ferguson missouri and north carolina the shooting off an individual whether black and white without a weapon my concern in the city and county of san francisco what does the police do to train
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policemen to put 8 slugs into that something that doesn't have a weapon i believe they used 40 cellars and the race two city college student had 18 slugs and ferguson had 8 and in north carolina another 8 bullets what kind of training does the police have to do something like that to someone that doesn't have a weapon what possesses them that's my question to you what is the training that the police academy that causes someone to do that what what is it last but not least is this is i've yet to see those two reports on the shooting at city college or the city college students i thank you the clerk one last issue 7
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copies the city college newspapers of them parading a police around and going goes into the story of the shootings thank you. >> welcome. >> hi commissioner president loftus and i'm been here many times what everyone is saying lack of transparency plus lack of affordability equals rampant police corruption you've had warnings from me and thousand of people are victimized for decades why do we not have the badge cantonese or the citizen badge cameras we need the cameras on the cops we don't trust the cops i'm going to get you e quote you from mr. scott
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by the way, they fired in coping immediately, the affordability and the transparency in charles south carolina it better than that in california that's sinful exemplary. >> the following mr. scott said it will not come to light they swept it under the rug when i saw it i feel to my knees it looked like he was trying to kill a deer i don't know if it was racial or something wrong with his head i won't read on the bottom line how much longer do we have to have the cantonese the cameras are on the cops today in south carolina what's taking so long chief suhr thank you (clapping.) >> and one point that's come up
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the rules of the self-examination the chief didn't have the authority to firefighter a police officer little rules are on the website welcome. >> welcome president and commissioners i'm doug the president and ceo a local solar company here inform san francisco, however, i'm here on behalf of m-3 mentor movement a nonprofit organization that is providing planning i training for solar and network academy is to the previously incarcerated to reduce recidivism now i know that everyone on the commission is highly regarded in may bill but there's a disconnect clamism and sexism is wrong the m-3 to get rid of the
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bad apples and offer training for the remaining police department so the force can be aware of the internal bias and the difference population that san francisco has. >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> welcome. >> good afternoon, president and chief suhr e london and pastor brown i don't come here to speak this is my second time to come to the police commission hearing i'll say that i'm a native san franciscan a retired san francisco police officer i believe that all lives matter i have two nephews opd i believe that all lives matter
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and the gentleman that came up and was talking about the body cantonese i think that that should be something it san francisco police department should be thinking about before any incident like in south carolina body cams will protect the citizens of san francisco that does not trust the blood alcohol and also the police officer to corroborate his story so if body cameras can be purchased and the training and policy put forth i think that it will safer a lot of questions also i know that when you talk about the different types of things that go on in a department it has to
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go through the police commission the chief can't do it i respect chief suhr and i know that he is not a number of things in terms of the community but the police community relations department was cancelled back in the early 80s there was no money and i think that should be reimplemented thank you. >> thank you, sir (clapping) and. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm. >> affordable health care a.k.a. i want to bring attention to the gentleman he was a police officer that was stopped over in the bayview after showing the police he had a badge he was in
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effect a police officer bureaucrat listed and trumped up kaiser charges he beat his case now they're trying to fire him how deep rooted is this you know what i'm saying here's a police officer okay anyway, he they trying to take his badge and we would like to look at this deeper if we can. >> thank you, mr. district attorney's office. >> next speaker. >> is there any public comment? further. >> please come on up. >> anyone here for public comment line up. >> no, no, sir. >> we're trying to get everybody up to wants to speak. >> greetings madam chair and chief suhr david elliott losing
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with the city and county of san francisco mental health board and advocate for the sro collaborative i'm here to talk about the crisis interference training i sits on the oversight committee and trainer as well in the march 167 training the board training i taught a couple of modules but i attended the 40 hour training as a community member to see how it is going i want to commend the lieutenant for doing an outstanding job if the commissioners are interested i'll be happy to report back on the observation of training what is working well, it is a very effective training let me say that we have a great collaboration of some police officer trainers that are helping the officers to understand how to zeal with smoking gun someone suffering a
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mental health country and talking about down rather than threatening them this is a work in progress we have a ways to go but with lieutenant magdalene's leadership we made good progress and again, if the commissioners are interested i'll be happy to report more fully with the crisis intervention training i also thank you for your support to help getting this going and restated thank you and thank you chief suhr for your support for this program. >> thank you, mr. elliott. >> we'll have another time for the c l people to come before the commission good evening welcome. >> thank you to all of you. >> my name is a carol i'm a longed resident of san francisco a mother, grandmother and great
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grandmother an aunt of african-american males in the city and i mean no disrespect to anyone certainly not to you chief suhr and the police department but you have had a discussion on a number of occasions with other african-american women and i want to tell you today that there is such a distrust of the police department that there are many things for which i will call the police but if there was an alteration and in my home between african-american males i would reluctant and won't call the police because i'm not sure that one of them moistened up
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dead that dialog needs to happen i think you need to know that this distrust exists as a woman in san francisco black woman wouldn't call the police for an alteration with african-american males in my home >> thank you, ms. tatum (clapping.) >> next speaker. >> good evening welcome. >> hi my name is ms. clay the vice president of the political with the harvey milk club and very active in a board member of the san francisco black leadership forum i want to thank everyone for being here and also all the work that is going on to resolve the issues i call on the
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community to acknowledge that everyone everything that has been done is not working we need to look at this as a safety crisis our black and brown officers are not safe they don't know whether their officers sitting in the next car are sending the texts it is still going on and still unresolved in the process we need to do more i'm asking us to standwith us and come together as suggested last week with the board of supervisors and come together as a community with yolanda leading us we would like to come back before you again with some more solutions that address the climate right now thank you. >> thank you, ms. clay
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(clapping.) >> next speaker. >> is is there any additional public comment hearing no one that being said in response to a number of concerns about the text messaging cases those kinds will be addressed in closed session we can't talk about them we have a process that begins officially tonight call item 3. >> the reports and announcements chiefs report and review of recent activities. >> chief good evening. >> good evening public for those who especially the last speaker spoke to whether or not there are members in the police department that is working with the police officers so i'll read from the report that i put out on april third 8 of the members engaged go in text message with the homophobic it is incapable
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with the duties of a police officer those are december that i believe thinking this leaves them below the standard of a police officer they've been suspected the 8 members are suspended not working their cases is sent to the recommendation with pfeiffer two other officers participate in single testing of events that inflammatory texts that didn't rise to the level of the bad information this have been their cases are forward to the commission that has discipline up to interpretation the remaining 4 officers were in texas messaging that were determined to be violations of the department policy that
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didn't involve hate speech one texted the irresponsibility and one failed to notify and was responding in a manner unbecoming an officer and did also did not conform a supervisor those officers will be disciplined up to suspension for 10 days i want to thank director hicks i soot with and walked over those 14 members and their activities that was the ocii that one, the volumes of information that were distributed to the occ they looked at another and director hicks and staffer called this to my attention we spared no resources where those officers will bey assigned by this commission for termination and 2 officers up to and including
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interpretation i apologize to the community much of the sentiment expressed tonight a said and we'll work with the community to rebuild accident trust that's been severely tested there is only 2 thousand police officers on a lighter note i and other members of the staff participated in the bias training as i think we've heard together everybody has bias we need to work against it a playing out and the remaining captains about undertake the same training by itself human rights and i want to thank the staff and this will happen in the month of may i'll forego i know we have an important matter
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to discuss. >> any questions for the chief. >> commissioner dejesus. >> chief i appreciate that i want to say we have an early warning intervention system and one of the things they've talked about the sergeants are the front line and kind of know the officers inside and anti they work with them closely and work in the stations and it just you'll this information means that someone had to know what was going on or know those texts were being sent with a kind of thought or beliefs going on that's disconcerting to me we need to look at this in terms of leadership and speaking up and reporting those kinds of incidents that so they come to our attention (clapping.) and so that's it i wanted to say
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that. >> if i could. >> i think that it is the early intervention system but a good time a to look at this we put that early in may my first year on the commission good idea commissioner dejesus we'll look for flags that's something we did put in place. >> thank you anything further chief. >> chief anything further. >> obama. >> inspector next item. >> ocii director's report. >> director hicks. >> good evening commissioner president loftus and chief suhr and police commission and members of the public last week i attended the all day training conducted by kimberly it was
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co-hosted by the mayor's office the department of human resources and the human rights commission and last weeks training was a pilot to determine what type of planning training for additional city departments and chief suhr is indicated that there will be training in may for the police department for members of the police department also last week, i attended at the invitation of supervisor eric mar the board of supervisors public safety committee hearing on addressing bias in the criminal justice system there were reports from chief suhr and our district attorney and from the human rights commission
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