tv [untitled] April 9, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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. >> the board of directors for our meeting on april 7, 2015, please read the roll. >> commissioner singh director heinecke is anticipated commissioner rosales please be advised the director will not be here we have quorum so item 3 commissioner, back to you and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items cell phones cause microphone interference so the board respectfully asked they be turned off and for people standing because of the fire
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codes people need to find a chair here in the room or go to the overflow room in room 408 so if we could fill in the empty seats approval for the minutes of the march 17. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the i's have it. >> item 5 directors please be advised no closed session at the end of today is agenda item 6 unfinished. >> excuse me. ladies and gentlemen, please okay. go ahead. >> item 6 introduction of new business by board members. >> approved. >> thank you just hearing from the disability community a few others around the communities have advised
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concerns about the private counterpart shuttles on charge i do not and thank you's some movement based name those contribute to people getting around town, however there are concerns about the lack of accessibility for people in wheelchairs and guide dogs perhaps get a report on what necessary deal with mta at all whether they use our stops to comply with concern laws would be really good for us to know. >> director reiskin can you come back with a report. >> thank you, director. >> thank you. >> any other new business. >> i wanted to bring up the unfortunate cable car accident one of our operators was hit by a car that was illegal passing a cable car i know that safety in
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vision zero extended not only to the citizens again itself employees cable car that area is treacherous and people going places in their private automobiles is there anything to protect our cable door operators better we frequently have crashes between cars and cable cars maybe time to make the streets cable car only. >> i was going to do give you an updated during my report. >> thank you. >> i appreciate the comment. >> any other new business members. >> i wanted to see. >> next item. >> okay. and just again members of the public who are standing because of the for codes you need to find a seat or overflow room in 408 go to the
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overflow room or find a chair now. >> item 7 director's report. >> ed reiskin. >> good afternoon members of the public and board and staff since you've mentioned i'll start with the issue of the collision that happened excuse me. yesterday morning i say collision we're trying to eliminate the word accident because they're all preventable we had a cable car who was struck about tonguing in the morning on powell street this is around washington street a cable car was stopped he was getting out to throw a switch which is what they need to do and struck as the vice chair said by a
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private car a tourist car and as i understand a gentleman with too young kids mr. montoya way was pretty seriously injured request broken legs and ribs and he's in intensive care but will be for the rest of the week there first of all, our thoughts are with him and his family and we couldn't have done it without you to support him but we're all a part of and can, victim to the safety of our streets what we're just as a sunlight to the the vice chair comments we're conducting briefing and
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looking at the vigilant around traffic i'm sure you're aware of the cable cars both our employees and patrons have to interact with the traffic with the safety and positive additionally we've tafgd our traffic engineering folks to evaluate the signage and operation of the lights anything in their physical conditions particularly in that powell street whether it's a place every commuter of a vehicle is getting off the vehicle to go into the street to make the switch move so we're obviously taking this very seriously as we do all serious collisions in the city and just wanted to ask you to join me in wishing mr. montoya and the family as he recoveries he's been with the cable car
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with 18 years and speedy recovery and we will look to the vice chairs comment to other potential areas of concern throughout the cable car system as well so next want to start with special recognize of employees i want to ask our director kate to come forward and as she's coming up a short trip i want to acknowledge on one of her presses williams and her team with the san franciscopar trait they will be recognized for kworn the transportation cal act at having a exemplar program in california
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it is quite an honor it's the program is being recognized for the board network ever service including the service par taxi service and the grocery shuttle and the debit card and the escort program which is a program for customers would go disabilities we're in the process of developing association is the largest transit association in the state with more than 3 hundred members so it's a pretty big deal their recognizing our paratransit folks so thank you to her staff and her team with that i'll turn it over to kate to recognize other staff. >> hi good afternoon kate happy to be here ♪
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way to honor outstanding staff and there's a really fantastic team at the taxi and assessable services we have one award winner from the taxi side and the assessable services side i'm going to turn around to see if they've made it we'll start with jonathan jonathan changing is a paratransit planner and has stepped up after i get the new position at sfmta he's an outstanding employee he's quiet and calm and conscious and knows everything before you ask he has the report presented for the meeting in advance and no one has to ask it's incredible he's been instrumental in asking for two grants to expand mta's capacity to win citizens and
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folks with disabilities for all transit in transportation he's been the could he van gogh shuttle a social shuttle that citizens and people's with disabilities a stay connected to what's happening in the community he's worked with taxi services to achieve the ramp taxi services and for the incentives for the drivers and taken on additional responsibility as i mentioned i moved into the new role and built collaborative relationships with the disability community a fantastic member of the taxis and assessable services team and part of why the mta is getting recognized for our cal program i want to invite jonathan up and hand him his award thank you
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(clapping) >> okay >> on behalf of the board mr. chang thank you for your outstanding work we reality appreciate it. >> thank you. >> shall we skip forward. >> let me know she is running late. >> let me ask cammy our enforcement director. >> good afternoon. >> good morning no good afternoon. >> on behalf of the enforcement team i'd like to express may thanks and present a special recognition to senior parking control officer larry lewis he's missing pious e his favorite tv program just matthew's but will
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be here are you sure it's not watching the mta board hearing it's on at the same time. >> (laughter). >> larry enhance his career as a pocono august 1st of 1983 and promoted to the senior pco in january of 1990 and retired there will after many years of axiliary service he managed a program since 1990 and played a large roll in the success of that program larry's inspirey style has motivated assigned personnel many of which are here today and promoted good work relationships with his team larry serves agency a liaison with the sfpd
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in addressing issues like abandoned vehicles and light vehicles and oversized vehicles and other neighborhood safety concerns largely around the bay area area larry is always minced the highest level of professionalism and established relationships with the public so thank you, larry if you'll come on up here (clapping). >> congratulations. >> thank you very much wow. >> say a few words. >> yeah. again, i did put judge matthew's on record just to let you know it's an hour if you want to see judge matthew's it's 1 o'clock
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on channel that 34 and thanks to my staff would you guys stand up (clapping) it makes o takes employees like the people i'm working for for a long time to make me good as good as i look i can't take any credit but i take the credit it wouldn't be fair to those i love my directors and love mta i appreciate you guys looking me up and letting me be the first pco that received an award i might sleep with this one tonight thank you very much i appreciate it >> beautiful (clapping) and on behalf of the board to all your colleagues thank you
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for your outstanding and really difficult work i appreciate you everyday director reiskin. >> okay. >> okay to circle back a front window clerk at the taxi window since the day she started she's gone above and beyond the customers here positive energy has brightened up the officer and had a positive impact on everyone that she served n even in challenging situations that come up from time to time shows handled that request calm and minced her presence and has a positive solution and outcome you not only did they handle additional tasks and challenges assigned to her one the first was the planned the taxi driver
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appreciation night we had music and food at a venue another selma arts and she handled the whole thing another important project she's completed the a card seniority list that involves 9 thousand files older police and taxi commission files to establish that a card seniority list this project has taken a long time and, yes jason men i believe her mother is here as well (clapping.) >> so very honored and grateful for this award i know that if i didn't have such a great team i
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wouldn't be up here accepting this award i want to thank the taxis that provide such great influence and great help and, yes i'm super honored and grateful thank you (clapping). >> on behalf of the board and the entire agency we appreciate our outstanding work and wish you all the best. >> finally i want to ask our chief financial officer and chief operation officer to recognize one of the mta employees. >> it is an honor to give this award to her i'm very emotional about this he's a principle engineer in our technology
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division and lead and modesty point it allows the employees of mta to collaborate and share information in one open space rather than having duplicate documents cross the action he's an supportive leader and he didn't have to be here 24/7 but he has interior efforts with the tracking sites and his agency performing site the public outreach engagement site he's the back end that makes it happen so thank you for everything you've done for the mta and passion and great work before i turn the mike over to the gentleman please stand up his folks with him
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(clapping). >> they're very proud of their daddy as they've said. >> good afternoon director reiskin and to echo the sentiment we're fortunate to have this team into in terms of his planning for the future of our agency and in response to the challenges that come up in fact another thing he's responsible for the tracking system with his help we've been able to identify efficiencies so thank you, again (clapping.) >> thank you (laughter) >> on behalf of board thank you for your illness service great you brought your family here today thank you. >> thank you (clapping.)
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>> moving on a few more items one i wanted to give you an update as you recall the area residential cue when it came to the board there was some strong community support including from the major organization there were institutional organizations that that were concerned we've held a number of meetings with those folks with representatives from those organizations we'll continue to meet with them their egg endorsing some modifications to what we brought you in march including hour time limits we've established is as a two hour zone limit there a maybe 4 hour time limits will addresses some of the concerns we think many of the concerns raised we've presented that idea to some folks with mixed reactions we'll continue to with work that group
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as weight likely be coming back with some recommended adjustments that will be done in time before the preliminary goes into plays later this year an update on that and also wanted to let you know that a week if could i we will be hosting a designation of federal and state officials to see how we're implementing vision zero and looking at san francisco as a model that they can bring to the rest of the country they're looking nationwide how their assessing the safety with corridors and what programs there used to advance in vision zero but generally what the city's can be doing they see us and part of writing a playbook
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in san francisco the designation is led by the administrator of the national highway traffic safety administration metro district attorney and bryan kelly that's the transportation under jim glover it comes from a directive anthony fox to his staff to find and identify those best practices after seeing the tens of thousands of people that are killed in our nation's roadways that is a priority from the top of u.s. department of transportation and the state they're coming to san francisco so see what we're doing now what we're doing in san francisco secretaries called for a pedestrian safety assessment of
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from nationwide to understand where the problems lie and because of the progress we're making they figured rather than an initial assessment to see what we're dissolution to shire they can share and we can share what we're doing in san francisco with states across the country for example some of what we found maybe some are familiar with more than 70 percent of all our serious fatality collision are located on 12 percent of the city streets we're looking at pedestrians 60 percent and 50 percent of our streets that kind of data analysis that helps us focus resources here is the kind of thing they're looking to out and replicate across the city country we've engaged with a
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remarkable amateur of collaboration and since vision zero making streets safer is not only about engineering but engaging with the stakeholders to get the kind of model that federal and state models are interested in we're going to take the designation on market street and 6th street one of the hot spots that's been more dangerous areas in the city but one we've taken steps towards and should be a good discussion we're proud they're coming our way i guess at this point, i'll close by asking john haley to come forward and on a high note we'll be bringing you tell me probably next meeting to execute an option to purchase more buses and other things in the world of
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muni that are more existing i'll ask john to come forward with a brief update to see what you're going to be seeing this month. >> thank you ed and classroom and board members on easter sunday we delivered 98 percent of our schedule service our prop e goal we didn't hit the mark on sunday that's significant that's the first time in 267 straight days we failed to exceed our prop k goal we're in a position to put out our prop e goal at recorded levels our you been service is up 7 percent if 6 months and setting the highest reliability standards for equipment in the history of the agency
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our bunching and gapping of our service is being reduced i say that because only to point out that over the last several years you as a board ed reiskin and the board of supervisors and mayor has put in motion a number of prauflgz for us that you allowed us to build the solid foundation to be one of the few agencies you can find that right now sits in a position to deliver 3 service increases in the next 6 months and sustain those service increases why is that why do i say we're able to sustain this because what makes the kind of things possible we've tubed is we put the building blocks in place number one we have the operators now to deliver the service number it through our help your leadership we've got the
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equipment to deliver not only our schedule service but our additional service that our riders are crying out for and delivering nor reliable and number 3 the planning we've continuously looked at the plan and followed the plan through years of environmental approval as we've strengthened the building blocks and finally, the infrastructure improvements i'm not holdings a piece of broken wire or distorted metal it is not we don't have infrastructure problems but with our help and continued support we've been able to improve the system whether it was train control whether it is traffic signal priorities and transit is a better beneficiary but it is couldn't have happened without the foundation in place this is
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a very, very important first step being able to add service and effectively and take on directly this is good news for our riders with the service increase in april we're dealing head on with the principle concerns and the april service increase is focusing on crowding the roots we're showing you you're looking at why the increases in frequency so city's commissioner riley is growing the busses restraining order crowded earlier 8:30 in the morning is no longer an option we need to extend that service we're seeing midday crowding only a number of routes it is a combination of alexander to the base by particularly from the crowding where it's the most severe whether people going to
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work and the rush hours is being extend and weekend discretionary trips are up we're carrying over 42 hundred 25 thousand trips a year and continuing to grow we need to prepare and this is a good first step to head in that direction the significance of what we're doing in a couple of weeks on april 25th focusing on the rooirpd one hundred thousand trips and dealing with the most consumer complaints so there's a serious of important changes and looking if you see the routes they're the work costs of system the 38 the 14 the 5 line all the expresses so you'll see this is a group of routes we're
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selected for the full service improvements to be able to relieve the offer crowding we're excited about that and it is important to not just deliver the service but make improvements that are more reliable one of the things we're talking about the adjustments to the schedule tracking the time the new vehicles that are coming in right now here in san francisco we have the first of what will be the 60 new trolley coaches with are being tested expected to have it in service in may if they're one of the next two board meetings it ask for the authority to purchase 98 buses an additional 60 and 40 foot buses the first 60 buses
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