tv [untitled] April 9, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT
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apparatus there are toxicology that can be breathed in by the members over the course of the work and they have x tractors but their up i up to thirty years and need an upgrade from a technology prospective the fire department operates out of 44 station wagons 7 of those stations will c have their xaufrtsz replaced so part of the grant to upgrade the remaining stations so in total through the combination of this grant we'll be able to upgrade the chaufrts that is very good news it requires a mature of $165,000 the department was award $2,000 a portion to cover the match was held off on spending while the
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application was being reviewed and once we were awarded the department will use that to fund the match and no further funding is requested by the department other than i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thanks. >> seeing no questions we'll go to public comment anybody wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> all right. through the chair i'm happy to hear the fire department is engaging in this project so i'd like to make a motion to move forward this resolution with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> okay. we have a motion we'll take that without objection. thanks. >> madam clerk call item 6 through 19 together please. item 6 resolution declaring the intent of the city for the procedures of future bond to the c l organization c for the mortgage revenue bonds and 7 the
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resolution for the city to engross in the expenditure for the application to permit the issuance of the residential revenue bond for 25 street and item 8 declaring the city for expenditures for the indifference for that the cd l ac for the residential revenue bond and item 9 the city to have an expenditure for future bond and permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bond from 12941 eleanor street and the intent of the city to have the procedures of bond and the application for the c l ac for the ownerships of residential mortgage revenue bond for 188 opine street and item 11 resolution declaring the
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city to reimburse the expenditures for the procedures and submit an application to the c l organization c so permit the residential mortgage bond for one hundred applicant fee and item 12 the resolution declaring the intents of the city to have an expenditure for the proceeds and the application through the c l ac for the residential mortgage revenue bond for 255 website avenue and item 13 the resolution declaring the intents of the city to reimburse the expenditures and to submittal an application there the revenue bonds pacific avenue and item 14 the city to reimburse the procedures and summit an application from the c l ac for the mortgage revenue bonds and
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item 15 declaring the intents of the city to reimbursed the expenditures for the bonds and submittal an application to the issuance of revenue bonds for oakdale street and item 16 resolution declaring the intent of the city to reimburse the expenditure from the future bonds and applications to the city c l ac to permit the issuance of the residential bonds mortgage revenue bond for the blue shield and item 17 the city to reimburse the bond and summit an application to the c l ac for the mortgage bond for first avenue item 18 the resolution declaring the city to have the indentures and summit an application to insure the mortgage bonds for 666 ellis
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street and 19 for the reimbursement and churches for the submission of an application for the city to permit the residential mortgage bond for the last street. >> okay thank you linda. >> all right. we have the mayor's office of housing to speak. >> i'm kate hartley from the development i want to thank you for your consideration of those recesses this morning and for your ongoing support of the city's effort to rehabilitate and preserve the entire portfolio of the san francisco housing authority with this action will be one step closer to insuring our most vulnerable residents have safe housing we
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very much appreciate our support i want to introduce our senior project manager and taking the lead on the portfolio and presiding provide the details of the resolution before you. >> again and again good morning, supervisors mayor's office of housing and community development today you're considering 14 separate resolution you've heard that authorizes the mayor's office of housing and community development to apply for bonds financing on behalf of 14 public housing projects that are slated to convert to the rental system demonstration project 14 projects represent the first phase out of two-phase and comprise one thousand plus public housing another 14 projects are on track in mid-2016 and will be back early next year to present resolutions on those projects
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that second phase of projects comprise of 2 thousand public housing units today is a milestone in the city's effort to revitalizes approximately 45 hundred units of public housing they've suffered the reduced federal funding while their capital needs have increased program allows now owners for access of funding tax credits and the bond financing we're considering today as well as city debt to insure those sites have a minimum of 20 are year use of life conversion to rad provides us with the opportunity to preserve and improve public housing as said the projects are the low income residents those are the folks that have the greatest risk of displacement they're related to in the of our
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lovingly supervisorial district in diverse neighborhoods like the castro district and the gotten triangle and bruno heights neighborhood we would be challenged with the affordable housing projects right now i'd like to walk you through a brief presentation after that i'll be pleased to take questions we have a representative of the developer team that are leading the conversion four rad for those projects and they're available to answer specific questions on the individual projects this is the 6 power point as you can see the rental assistance program you can see the demonstration program is the new hud program that was revolted out in 2012 that allows the housing authority in the
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city to leverage outside resources and bring those to the rehabilitation and preservation of the units we hope to generate $500 million in entity for the tax credit and 2 hundred and 50 in private debt this is to address what we've estimated $508 million of deferred capital needs at the sites part of the rad program is conversion to private ownership that will present the opportunity for increased property management across the sites as well as service provision at each location so i mentioned previously we have 28 projects total in our rad portfolio those compromised of 35 hundred units and another
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thousand unit on a separated track hope sf projects you're not seeing a resolution those are being developed in the next financing mechanism and they're not moving forward as part of this larger portfolio it was a year ago the housing authority selected the 8 teams for the projects those are san francisco developers teams all of which include one nonprofit partner that were selected those are the same folks you all know well, who are top performs and developers in the affordable housing so here are the see e key principles of rad there are some fears in the community about the loss of affordability but rad
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provides permanent affordability through a 99 lease through the housing authority with each the new owners this is our typical public housing model we utilizes with the projects as lenders the mayor's office of housing also continues it's role as active manager and monitor of the projects key elements of rad program lock residents as they transition from public housing to private ownership in rad there are no all residents have the right to keep in with the san francisco owners this year will the temporary locations no be will be temporarily displaces all buildings enjoy the services we will be making massive repairs
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to each site as i mentioned 20 years of useful life is required so those buildings will continue to function into the long term here you'll see the list of developers and their partners who were selected by the housing authority last march to lead the conversion you'll see the list of projects we're considering today, this is the phase one project only the same developers are leading the developments of two projects so in terms of our schedule i want to give you a quick run down over the rest of the year before you today in preparation to summit applications to the state for the bond fund we're going to be selecting lenders and investors for the entire you were or project in
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late june getting housing commitments in june and submitting the applications in june and july and in september we'll be back requesting our approval for the bond approval for the projects in october the projects will go to the financing rehabilitation work will begin that concludes my presentation. i'll be pleased to take questions if there are specific questions if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them or the developers here to answer those. >> thank you very much colleagues, any questions at this time supervisor mar. >> thank you for the presentation i know there is one project on near u lid 2, 3, 4 district one a senior housing comploeks complex i see how old
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the building is you're saying massive repairs allow 20 years of life for those buildings so it not only the low income seniors that are there but you're saying it's transitioning people if public housing to more permanent housing can you talk about that transition how does this those bonds renewed buildings help to transition people? >> well, let me be clear thank you for the question residence are transitioning from one funding source which is the public housing platform section 9 to section 8 program that is a subsidy based program so the goal of transition to have as this impact as possible on the residents their rent will not increase not have to be retraining i trained for their
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housing because of the public housing section 8 program they'll have to complete the paperwork to change their rental contract and enter into new leases with the owners but san francisco is non-displacement and preservation of the units so all the residents will have the right to return no new screening or eligibility contacts. >> another question how does the land use model fit into this you brought that up through the rad demonstration program how does that model fit if. >> i was mentioning of the land use the land trust model insures long term affordability by investing the land into the
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public agency with the ownership of the land controlled that way there's more - there's more control of the affordability terms and requirements. >> and my last question is related to the huge need for seniors and disabled people and the elderly boom or senior boom we're seeing everyday as the baby boomers become seniors a couple of the projects are senior complex but is there a plan within the mafdz to make sure we have enough age friendly buildings and senior housing especially, as the population of low income and people in poverty is growth too. >> that's an excellent question i can speak is to the rad project out of the 14 projects 11 are for seniors and
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affordable only 3 are for family sites so those units will be proefrd for that population over time and the same is true. the second set of projects 3 maybe 4 depends upon how you define those those are the lions share that will be senior projects in terms of the vice presidents overall strategy for the senior housing kate will address that >> kate hartley we're cognizant of the new senior housing we have 3 that are one is just finishing construction that is on carl in the bayview and the parks two a new senior construction starting and as well as affordable senior housing coming online on laguna
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street and the package of the 2015 housing bond in september will help uses slate that. >> my office has been advocating the $250 million housing bond for in front of 2014 hopefully, a clear priority of insuring we have enough of the new units and rehab unit for seniors especially given we can the population boom and the huge need you know that came from a budget analyst report we discussed a few years ago but we know the tremendous there especially for low income seniors and people with disabled those projects are great but hopefully, the housing bond reflects that for low income and
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moderate income. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. >> just i'm really glad that san francisco has the rad program it is a great model just a question maybe if you can explain since we have 14 revenue bonds for the public knowledge is there something we're taking advantage in terms of the lack we have the 14 here today. >> well, this is a standard way to finance affordable housing developments for us we make applications to c lack and get the finance which also enables us to have access to low income housing tax credits those two sources are essentially non-competitive we know the terms we know that we can secure them and supplement that funding
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with city funds and so it creates certainty and it allows us to build the housing and rehabilitate the housing affordability because of the below market rate terms joe i won't say there's anything new in the market that allows us to have access to the fund what is new is the rad program and hud recognizing that for decades the lack of resources that congress made available for public housing created a crisis throughout the nation the only way to address this crisis was short of having a complete one in congress now funding provide at the federal level with the by
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being able to transfer those properties out of the public u public housing hold and into the hands of nonprofit developers and private developers while still maintaining affordability that allows us to secure those bonds and credits tax credits that housing authority didn't have access to that is really the great action that hud took it allows us to now finally do the rehab that all those buildings need. >> okay. >> okay thanks very much and thank you for being here and presenting this is a great thing for the city going forward at this time we'll open up for public comment for items 6 through 19 anyone wish to comment on any of the seeing
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none, public comment is closed. >> we don't have a budget analyst report so colleagues. >> through the chair a motion to forward out 6 through 19 with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> okay. we have a motion by supervisor tang and take that without objection. madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> no, mr. chair. >> thank you, everyone we are adjourned.
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>> all right. good afternoon, everyone. at the moment april 8, 2015, budget & finance committee we have a quorum of 3 members i want to turnover after our clerk makes announcements then i'm going to turn it over to supervisor mar. >> electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the item one examine whether the entrants of arts program that meet our city's goals of access to resources inform cultural and arts organizations that serve community of color. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you supervisor tang i'm asking my colleagues to
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continue this item next next week the various departments and arts organization need the time to prepare so that's grants for the arts and other arts reps and community-based arts groups i think the focus on arts and equality i want to thank the budget & finance office but this allows a successful hearing next week i ask we continue this until april 18th. >> thank you we'll take that without objection. >> would you like to have public comment. >> oh yes any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. and again, we have a motion and if we can take with a positive recommendation this item is continued until the next budget month to month michelle's
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