tv [untitled] April 10, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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because i don't want to be regulated it is because i can't go to the conditional use process again, i hope about that makes it to the board of supervisors we find a way to recognize massage therapy for the health care it is and not unfairly burdened with that the industry is not unfairly burdened with a high entry thank you. >> thank you. >> hi i own susie a left hand practitioner by the city of san francisco i have 6 people working for me all of which are both licensed practitioners and
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certified massage practitioners we're in 5 hundred square feet in a street level location we're legally zoned to do nails and if we want to do hair we could not offer massage so when it went through with the conditional use permit and what's going to happen next we'll not get through the process we're tiny a weird let's go building we're not been able to get though the process it's not going to happen that is what 50 percent of my people are making to survive in san francisco one of the things that are important to me is that understood that the current ordinance to deal with criminal
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operations that is not what we are we're tiny if we go through the fee process it's not going to be the cost of 12 hundred a year for the health department and money to inspect inspect from the health department all the others departments there's going to be the cost of permitting every inspection costs let's image my space has something wrong we're going to interest have to pay for new permits and contractor and shut down we have two rooms and going to wait however long i know that the building inspectors are backlogged so the permitting process will close us to the point my therapist won't stay in san francisco that's makes me sad i've been open for 10 years i love the city i know my
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neighbors that's a big deal to me thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. the next 3 speakers are (calling names). >> hello, i'm damon thank you you've heard from both sides there's a lot of us who are massage community provide a health care needs to our communities that is low-cost and people can come without having a referral it is low cost health care for everybody it's a big part of it is important myself as a sole proprietary if i were to go to start my own business
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all the different licensing and fees and costs added it that with them in the city it is hard to open and maintain a small business and just from what we've heard from that i just wanted to mention something from ab 47 that was mentioned in the section it states as the intent of the legislation that local governments impose necessary fees in keeping with the requirements of existing law and highlighting this being mind fell to protect the massage therapist and providers during the transitioned period and low therefore, for the local economy
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we're wanting to raise our standards and not be loingd with the illegal businesses we look forward to collaboration to staying in the community supporting our communities without having to be over-burdened with the costs we associate so we continue to meet our community and eradicate prostitution and broorths in human trafficking in san francisco and funded health planning and police code enforcements not to enter into those professionals we want to avoid is extra fees because if the spirit of c mc they were created to help the offer regulation so you now we've built our businesses now we're having to go back and over regulated again having to diesel
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with the consequences so i think we're collaborating with the city supervisors and look forward to finding a more way to emerge and raise our standards and just continue to support san francisco and the city we love thank you. >> hello i'm jennifer light 0 stone from the bodywork we started our business in 2003 at fulsome south of market and we started with a few thooefts now have 19 a few staff we've glutton all of this from the beginning then when the c mc came on the scene all our
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employees become thooefts we sustained the information when we had a new therapist come on staff we let our establishment permit go we're happy to pay the fee it does seem a little bit silly to go back and pay again for the application fee we'll do that but it would be novice it have an exception for the fee and we supportlogically the foes for the practitioners in the city to make it easier for people to practice you asked me to be specific i'll try i do the things we should make the education fees $500 across the board i don't know how the rest of the establishment feels we have a letter to supervisor tang
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so loocht establishment don't know this is happening but there will be people coming in with words but 2 hundred and 50 hours is not enough we echo our other colleagues to be separated from the identity and human trafficking you know we support that's being taken away and want to be separated into a different category so that's all i have to say thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner thank you. i'm gary the owner and director of the school of massage and bodywork we've been in continual operation since
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1969 we've trained thousand of lives professionals in our history just take a moment to give us a schools prospective regarding the legislation how it effects our graduation our graduates would have themselves in some kind of sole proprietorship of the one hundred or so massage thooefts we graduated last year 50 will be seeking self-employment opportunities working for themselves or attempting to open or start a massage chaplain in my huge opinion the way it is currently written that will limit our graduates and other graduates from getting gainful employment the requirement of the conditional use permit is our greatest concern implementing
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all persons wanting to open a massage establishment must get the permits and it's expensive it is terrible comprehensive and second this is of greatest concern the fee process takes a long time to approve sometimes up to 9 or 10 months and longer so we have a classic catch-22 a massage owner massachusetts ms. secure their room by signing a lease and paying rent on a space awhile not reilly income at all is definitely hard more any small business and illicit businesses maybe be able to withstand that but small businesses will not in in my opinion it must be written out
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of legislation it is streeven bvrp and no one else has to go through this. >> another thing without the built for a massage professional to pursue that nor self-employment because of requirements an enormous burden will be place on graduates to take out private and public loans to pay for their education it will help in the crisis and currently at 20 percent increases in educating education and i urge you to help eliminate the thooefts due to the education requirement being so
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hard and the time commitment will be increased thank you for your time i greatly appreciate our allowing us to participate in this discussion. >> any public comment on this item? anyone that hadn't spoken? okay. seeing none end of public comment well, i want to thank you all for coming it is strooef important for you to make yourselves heard i understand this month recently conversation has gone out from commissioner chan's office and will alert others we appreciate the fantastic feedback we're here obviously to support small businesses but to support good
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government so our oifbz are to do what's best for small business but to advise what's best for the city you've raised good points i appreciate all our efforts this is not the end but the beginning any other comments from the commissions >> commissioners, if you have clarifying questions you'd like from the department you're able to ask that as well. >> commissioner dooley. >> i wanted to talk about a little bit about questioning how this is going to help to we'd out the bad actors which is where the target is it seems to me why they - won't they think it operate illegally of they have their initial inspections i'm wondering how much
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enforcement so going to be out there in general more than today, this is just going to be complaint driven or an increase in the city inspections? >> so part of legislation is increasing our enforcement mechanisms around massage establishment so one of the problems we've had is that when we close establishment their agriculture to reopen in the same location or put the businesses name so we have stricter enforcement we hope once closed down they'll not reopen secondly, the exempt cases have not had routine inspections so those places have
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begun primarily we've not got insight so suspect illegal so the cost for the burden is not for the department of public health one thing mentioned the unfair costs of education and legislation materials that's not part of the education the outreach workers is part of our promotion branch is a branch of public health to make sure we protect the health of workers in san francisco we have two inspectors and a program manager i want to let you know eliminating those businesses to legal businesses can flush that cost is not a burden to people getting permits or licenses.
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>> i have one more question for the planning department how do you get a cu for maybe i'm not united nations this correctly if you're renting say a room or small space in a larger building does the cu process fall on the owner of the building or for example, where i go to get a massage a room that's rented by more than one person in a larger or type of space how said that work for the cu. >> planning department staff so they'll have to be an operator with the content of the owner of building to get a cu to allow the massage use to occur wherever it is to be occurring in for example so your massage
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therapist with consent owner wants to legalize this says an aspire x come to the planning department to have it at this location and we'll determine the permitting process whether it requires neighborhood notification or whether it requires condominium conversion so they'll come down and overtime people ask the planning information center that is counter those questions. >> what other health care progressions require a cu. >> i don't have the planning code memorized off the top of my head like hospitals require a conditional use authorization. >> but generally speaking do occupational therapist or office - >> there are story controls in
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the neighborhood commercial districts if one proposes on a ground floor it will be possible i'm more happy to get - >> to your knowledge by that particular class it is more on a neighborhood basis. >> every neighborhood is a little bit different and want to articulate their controls and what their retail corridors it's hard to generalize across the city. >> what about a building like 450 sutter i want to open up a massage on the 13 floor do i still have to go get a cu or epiglottis building owner. >> those are the controls from what i understand. >> i think clearly what we're hearing is a call for some
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rationalization for that because we have a class of practitioners here who have been 0 actually burglarized as their medical low bend health i don't know the proper lingo but health professionals that's a clear distinction first of all, are from the tattoo parlor that's not a discussion it is clear from adult entertainment so it feels like from the community that you're dealing with that that doesn't feel like a sort of just way of dealing with it so i would just courage you to be open to further dialog and it sounds like there's a call for the dialog just today and those people are more up on
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the situation than others that maybe operating without knowing whaenz. >> i'm open and i want to reiterate the cu requirement applies to a number of uses as i've mentioned earlier could be k through 12 or a restaurant or a night club all depends on the concentration issues from a land use prospective. >> yeah. by - >> i could envision a priergs proliferation of two many dentist offices there's a call for some kind of control it effects that perhaps people envision morality from their ground floors i think this is what the controls from the planning department prospective
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trying to vilify massage establishments and it's only a matter of their clarification if it warranties an approval plenty of businesses no subject to this clarification we can all agree on bars and restaurants that are high impact as one of the speakers noted it is relatively a low impact with low traffic with a legitimate massage therapist so all bears some further scrutiny and i hope there is consideration for the dialog because we all know how onerous the process is in san francisco restaurants trying to open but choose to avoid the city that and other reasons i think that
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is one of the paralleling most expensive exponents in opening in san francisco if you're subjective to the cu process we've heard the conditional use authorizations and how it is a butch to potential businesses we're certainly sympathyic to the call for further review of that. >> okay. >> commissioner dooley. >> i'm concerned about one thing i need clarification is the c m t c is going to be eliminated as a way you know as indicated as a licensed group it seems like this is a respectable group what happens if they're no longer going to have an impact
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if people are given permits. >> absolutely not the city of san francisco to practice massage you get a permit if from the department of public health or a c mc permit we're not trying to we'd out c mc they have a great volunteer statewide standard for thooefts we want to make sure we have land use and control over businesses one way c mc has at regulatory certification and the city has regulatory authority over land use and other locations over time we hope to achieve and communications with them to better operate with them in the city. >> thank you commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> i want to thank the mass acknowledge therapy industry for
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coming out and voicing our opinions what i'm feeling and seeing through processes and proprieties we're trying to crack down on the criminal i have seen any organized organizations and there's county like san mateo county that be notorious from cracking down on criminal not taking that approach to and draukd i think we need all the parties together thank you. >> commissioner l. riley. >> someone mentioned they have to pay for the c mc and the permit pay san francisco the department of public health. >> i want to let you know if you have a c mc practice we don't make them get a permit for
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a massage it is illegal we don't allow them to have a dual license because of fraud the city can't put ailed requirements on thooefts they don't have to pay if you're a thooefts you don't have to may additional fees to afford the petitioners the only thing changed is the - >> only if you own a business. >> uh-huh. >> what is changing you need to if e and you have a c mc exemption we're turning back the clock to 2009 you have a have a permit it is only for businesses that primarily have the impact where it's heltd not a single massage therapist. >> so only the permit - >> and license from the public
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health. >> i don't hear a reasonable objection the primarily issue is the cu process being what it is so. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner adams. >> i just not to echo what my fellow commissioners have been saying commissioner ortiz-cartagena and thank you all for coming and speaking because you know you guys had something to say and you know, i feel like in san francisco the one person that struck a chord was the one that spoke about san mateo it seems like here we are another layer of bureaucracy and fees it is
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toucher and tougher for small businesses i think about the massage positives you get from that i don't see accosts or other professionals having to go through this i really appreciate with supervisor tang has done on item 4 they need to sit down and talk about that they have at least 5 hundred hours ever training and the conditional use part you know, i can't support that you know, i know what it is like to get a conditional use in this town u town those are small businesses there's no way to survive i mean i know other small businesses that went out of business that had to wait for a conditional use to open up a 5 hundred square feet business to operate illegal massage studio
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in my opinion is ridiculous because other like professionals don't have to go through it you want to talk about an unfair playing field so i can't support this item thank you. >> okay commissioners since you are an advisors recommending body you can done straight up and down but right now you know let's if for any reason this moves through and the conditional use stays on the table i am you to think about a and b the massage is not currently an industry that could go through the cb 3 p as an expedited and we have talked about with
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the cb 1920 p process it didn't necessarily mean that it still has to be approved by planning. >> what's that process what are the, huh? how does that process expedite maybe you can address that an expected cu. >> diego sanchez i understand that is a much quicker process than the conditional use i want to say 3 months it is approximately more short timeframe on a consent calendar part of the agenda that is approving projects that are not extraordinary or out of line that doesn't merit discussion or review. >> so subject to less public comment. >> if an individual he believes that something should be that i
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would off the cds anybody can. >> and the planning director the commission president can pull it off the i've you know off the consent calendar and the business has to do the neighborhood notification healed time. >> what kind of businesses are preservation getting through an an expedited basis. >> i'm apologizing for not bringing it maybe you can help me dooerlg things like rauntz i mean it could be like veterinary place that go through conditional use. >> the restaurant are not selling hard alcohol. >> things that are generally meant to have
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